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posted by janrinok on Thursday March 20 2014, @04:27PM   Printer-friendly
from the cue-vim-emacs-war-in-5-4-3-2-1 dept.

Hell_Rok writes:

"Neovim is an effort to aggressively re-factor the Vim source code and improve on:

  • It will provide first class support for embedding.
  • It lets you extend the editor in any programming language.
  • It supports more powerful GUIs.
  • Vim plugins will work with it.

Hosted on Bounty Source it has reached $25,500 of it's goal of $10,000, although there are still 3 days to reach further stretch goals! You can view the projects current progress and even pitch in over at GitHub. As someone who has started using Vim full-time over the last 6 months I feel that this is a very good project for the longevity of Vim."

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  • (Score: 2) by egcagrac0 on Thursday March 20 2014, @05:09PM

    by egcagrac0 (2705) on Thursday March 20 2014, @05:09PM (#18957)

    It would seem that Elvis has left the building. []

    Which is kinda sad; I always liked Elvis over vim.

    Starting Score:    1  point
    Karma-Bonus Modifier   +1  

    Total Score:   2  
  • (Score: 2) by melikamp on Thursday March 20 2014, @05:19PM

    by melikamp (1886) on Thursday March 20 2014, @05:19PM (#18964) Journal

    Ed, man. Man ed.

    I wish there was ed+readline kind of editor. That would be simply killer.

    • (Score: 3, Funny) by egcagrac0 on Thursday March 20 2014, @05:37PM

      by egcagrac0 (2705) on Thursday March 20 2014, @05:37PM (#18970)

      Have you tried not making errors, and just using "cat >file"? ;)