posted by
on Sunday February 16 2014, @10:13PM
from the ¡sᴉɥʇ-sǝlpuɐɥ-ʍou-ǝʇᴉs-ǝɥʇ dept.
So, after dealing with a bit of monkeying with the database, I'm pleased to announce that Soylent should (in theory) have support for UTF-8 starting immediately. Now obviously this isn't well tested, so this is your chance to break the site in two, consider the comments below to be "open season" so to speak. I know the comment preview has some issues with UTF-8 (and it only works at all in Plain Text or HTML modes)
For purposes of breakage, anything that breaks the site layout/Reply To/Parent/Moderate buttons, or breaks any comments beyond itself is considered bad. We need to stop those. If you can break it (which shouldn't be hard), you earn a cookie, and I'll get you in the CREDITS file as something awesome.
For comments that are just plain unreadable, moderation will take care of them, and that isn't considered a bug. So go forth and BREAK my minions! ()}:o)↺
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Yeah it may mean some unreadable posts, but as pointed out in the story text moderation should take care of that. There was even talk of a new mod category, something like "-1 Unintelligible":P
There's some room for abuse there; 'unintelligible' ranges from "I don't speak that language" to Time Cube to "poster doesn't make cogent argument". Since that last one borders closely on "I don't agree with this" I hope meta-moderation will keep that in check.
-- Travel the galaxy! Meet fascinating life forms... And kill them []
(Score: 1) by clone141166 on Monday February 17 2014, @01:31AM
Yeah it may mean some unreadable posts, but as pointed out in the story text moderation should take care of that. There was even talk of a new mod category, something like "-1 Unintelligible" :P
(Score: 1) by turtledawn on Monday February 17 2014, @06:16AM
I rather like that idea for a mod.
(Score: 1) by Spook brat on Wednesday February 19 2014, @03:57PM
Travel the galaxy! Meet fascinating life forms... And kill them []