In an article from 9 News Australia, photographer Dylan O'Donnel gives us a stunning view of the ISS against the backdrop of the moon.
With the space station rocketing around the Earth at approximately 27,600 km/h, astrophotograher Dylan O'Donnell had less than a second to capture the incredible moment using his telescope and digital camera.
In this image, the space station was roughly 400km above Mr O'Donnell's home town of Byron Bay in New South Wales, but even at this distance, the distinct shape and features of the orbital outpost are clearly visible, including its solar panels and various pressurised modules.
The original hi-resolution photo can be found here.
(Score: 0) by Anonymous Coward on Sunday July 05 2015, @08:02PM
Is that you, Sean?
Oh sorry, that's "canary".., had a speck on my specs.