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Havana Syndrome Cover-Up

Rejected submission by Anonymous Coward at 2024-09-03 19:19:03 from the Extraordinary Measures dept.

From a former spy:

“Havana Syndrome” is the Greatest Scandal in the History of American Intelligence
The U.S. Intelligence Community is systematically suppressing discussion of how Russia and Cuba have attacked hundreds of Americans with a secret weapon.

Our Intelligence Community is well aware of what the mystery weapon is and how it works. American spies have possessed fragmentary information about this clandestine Russian spy program for decades. Now, based on extensive intelligence collection and analysis, the IC has identified a half-dozen variants of this unique weapon, which was initially developed by the KGB during the late Cold War. The variants represent improvements in terms of capability, portability, and range. The top-shelf model is customarily deployed in a van and has an effective range of several hundred meters. The smallest weapon is man-portable in a backpack and is employed against close targets at a hundred meters or less. All variants produce similar symptoms and long-term medical harm. []

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