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If you were trapped in 1995 with a personal computer, what would you want it to be?

  • Acorn RISC PC 700
  • Amiga 4000T
  • Atari Falcon030
  • 486 PC compatible
  • Macintosh Quadra 950
  • NeXTstation Color Turbo
  • Something way more expensive or obscure
  • I'm clinging to an 8-bit computer you insensitive clod!

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posted by hubie on Tuesday May 21, @08:47PM   Printer-friendly
from the 'crypto-is-more-secure'-they-said dept.

North Korea laundered $147.5 mln in stolen crypto in March:

North Korea laundered $147.5 million through virtual currency platform Tornado Cash in March after stealing it last year from a cryptocurrency exchange, according to confidential work by United Nations sanctions monitors seen by Reuters on Tuesday.

The monitors told a U.N. Security Council sanctions committee in a document submitted on Friday that they had been investigating 97 suspected North Korean cyberattacks on cryptocurrency companies between 2017 and 2024, valued at some $3.6 billion.

That included an attack late last year where $147.5 million was stolen from HTX cryptocurrency exchange before being laundered in March this year, the monitors told the committee, citing information from crypto analytics firm PeckShield and blockchain research firm Elliptic.

In 2024 alone, the monitors said they had been looking at "11 cryptocurrency thefts ... valued at $54.7 million," adding that many of those "may have been conducted by DPRK IT workers inadvertently hired by small crypto-related companies."

The monitors said that according to U.N. member states and private companies, North Korean IT workers operating abroad generate "substantial income for the country."

The U.N. sanctions monitors were disbanded at the end of April after Russia vetoed the annual renewal of their mandate. Some of the monitors submitted unfinished work, which was shared with the council's North Korea sanctions committee on Friday.

Traditionally, reports by the sanctions monitors are first agreed by all eight members. The unfinished work submitted to the committee did not go through that process.

The monitors said they had been investigating a Feb. 6 New York Times report that Russia released $9 million out of $30 million in frozen North Korean assets and allowed Pyongyang to open an account at a Russian bank in South Ossetia so it could better obtain access to international banking networks.

Original Submission

posted by hubie on Tuesday May 21, @04:02PM   Printer-friendly

Arthur T Knackerbracket has processed the following story:

Mayflies live for only a day. Galapagos tortoises can reach up to age 170. The Greenland shark holds the world record at over 400 years of life.

Venki Ramakrishnan, Nobel laureate and author of the newly released book "Why We Die: The New Science of Aging and the Quest for Immortality," opened his packed Harvard Science Book Talk last week by noting the vast variabilities of lifespans across the natural world.

Death is certain, so far as we know. But there's no physical or chemical law that says it must happen at a fixed time, which raises other, more philosophical issues.

The "why" behind these enormous swings, and the quest to harness longevity for humans, have driven fevered attempts (and billions of dollars in research spending) to slow or stop aging. Ramakrishnan's book is a dispassionate journey through current scientific understanding of aging and death, which basically comes down to an accumulation of chemical damage to molecules and cells.

"The question is whether we can tackle aging processes, while still keeping us who we are as humans," said Ramakrishnan during his conversation with Antonio Regalado, a writer for the MIT Technology Review. "And whether we can do that in a safe and effective way."

Even if immortality—or just living for a very, very long time—were theoretically possible through science, should we pursue it? Ramakrishnan likened the question to other moral ponderings.

"There's no physical or chemical law that says we can't colonize other galaxies, or outer space, or even Mars," he said. "I would put it in that same category. And it would require huge breakthroughs, which we haven't made yet."

In fact, we're a lot closer to big breakthroughs when it comes to chasing immortality. Ramakrishnan noted the field is moving so fast that a book like his can capture but a snippet. He then took the audience on a brief tour of some of the major directions of aging research. And much of it, he said, started in unexpected places.

[...] While researching the book, he took pains to avoid interviewing scientists with commercial ventures tied to aging.

The potential for conflicts of interest abound.

The world has seen an explosion in aging research in recent decades, with billions of dollars spent by government agencies and private companies. And the consumer market for products is forecast to hit $93 billion by 2027.

As a result, false or exaggerated claims by companies promising longer life are currently on the rise, Ramakrishnan noted. He shared one example: Supplements designed to lengthen a person's telomeres, or genetic segments that shrink with age, are available on Amazon.

"Of course, these are not FDA approved. There are no clinical trials, and it's not clear what their basis is," he said.

But still there appears to be some demand.

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posted by hubie on Tuesday May 21, @11:15AM   Printer-friendly

Arthur T Knackerbracket has processed the following story:

The US Department of Justice yesterday said it has determined that Boeing violated a 2021 agreement spurred by two fatal crashes and is now facing a potential criminal prosecution.

Boeing violated the agreement "by failing to design, implement, and enforce a compliance and ethics program to prevent and detect violations of the US fraud laws throughout its operations," the DOJ said in a filing in US District Court for the Northern District of Texas. Because of this, "Boeing is subject to prosecution by the United States for any federal criminal violation of which the United States has knowledge," the DOJ said.

The US government is still determining whether to initiate a prosecution and said it will make a decision by July 7. Under terms of the 2021 agreement, Boeing has 30 days to respond to the government's notice.

[...] "We believe that we have honored the terms of that agreement and look forward to the opportunity to respond to the Department on this issue," Boeing said. "As we do so, we will engage with the Department with the utmost transparency, as we have throughout the entire term of the agreement, including in response to their questions following the Alaska Airlines 1282 accident."

Yesterday's DOJ court filing said that Boeing could be prosecuted for the charge listed in the one-count criminal information that was filed at the same time as the deferred prosecution agreement in 2021. That document alleged that Boeing defrauded the Federal Aviation Administration in connection with the agency's evaluation of the Boeing 737 Max. The DOJ filing yesterday said Boeing could also be prosecuted for other offenses.

In January 2021, the DOJ announced that Boeing signed the deferred prosecution agreement "to resolve a criminal charge related to a conspiracy to defraud the Federal Aviation Administration's Aircraft Evaluation Group (FAA AEG) in connection with the FAA AEG's evaluation of Boeing's 737 Max airplane."

This occurred after 346 passengers died in two Boeing 737 Max crashes in 2018 and 2019 in Indonesia and Ethiopia. Boeing agreed to pay $2.5 billion, including $1.77 billion in compensation for airline customers and $500 million for the heirs, relatives, and legal beneficiaries of the crash victims.

[...] The nonprofit Foundation for Aviation Safety, which is led by former Boeing employee Ed Pierson, recently accused Boeing of violating the deferred prosecution agreement. Pierson alleged in a December 2023 court filing that "Boeing has deliberately provided false, incomplete, and misleading information to the FAA, the flying public, airline customers, regulators, and investors."

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posted by hubie on Tuesday May 21, @06:27AM   Printer-friendly

The regulator is warning OEMs to respect data privacy or it will get mad:

The Federal Trade Commission's Office of Technology has issued a warning to automakers that sell connected cars. Companies that offer such products "do not have the free license to monetize people's information beyond purposes needed to provide their requested product or service," it wrote in a blog post on Tuesday. Just because executives and investors want recurring revenue streams, that does not "outweigh the need for meaningful privacy safeguards," the FTC wrote.

Based on your feedback, connected cars might be one of the least-popular modern inventions among the Ars readership. And who can blame them? Last January, a security researcher revealed that a vehicle identification number was sufficient to access remote services for multiple different makes, and yet more had APIs that were easily hackable.

Later, in 2023, the Mozilla Foundation published an extensive report examining the various automakers' policies regarding the use of data from connected cars; the report concluded that "cars are the worst product category we have ever reviewed for privacy."

Those were rather abstract cases, but earlier this year, we saw a very concrete misuse of connected car data. Writing for The New York Times, Kash Hill learned that owners of connected vehicles made by General Motors had been unwittingly enrolled in OnStar's Smart Driver program and that their driving data had been shared with their insurance company, resulting in soaring insurance premiums.

[...] The FTC says that automakers and other businesses must protect users' data against illegal collection, use, and disclosure. It points to recent enforcement actions against companies in other sectors that have illegally collected or used geolocation data, surreptitiously disclosed sensitive user data, and illegally used sensitive data for automated decisions.

The FTC says the easiest way to comply is to not collect the data in the first place.

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posted by hubie on Tuesday May 21, @01:45AM   Printer-friendly
from the Scotty-we-need-more-power dept.

Arthur T Knackerbracket has processed the following story:

This week the European Space Agency posted a slightly ominous note regarding its BepiColombo spacecraft, which consists of two orbiters bound for Mercury.

The online news release cited a "glitch" with the spacecraft that is impairing its ability to generate thrust. The problem was first noted on April 26, when the spacecraft's primary propulsion system was scheduled to undertake an orbital maneuver. Not enough electrical power was delivered to the solar-electric propulsion system at the time.

According to the space agency, a team involving its own engineers and those of its industrial partners began working on the issue. By May 7 they had made some progress, restoring the spacecraft's thrust to about 90 percent of its original level. But this is not full thrust, and the root cause of the problem is still poorly understood.

[...] The spacecraft consists of three components. The "transfer module" is where the current problems are occurring. It was built by the European Space Agency and is intended to power the other two components of the spacecraft until October 2025. It is essential for positioning the spacecraft for entry into orbit around Mercury. The other two elements of the mission are a European orbiter, MPO, and a Japanese orbiter, Mio. After their planned arrival in orbit around Mercury in December 2025, the two orbiters will separate and make at least one year's worth of observations, including the characterization of the small planet's magnetic field.

The news release is ambiguous about the fate of BepiColombo if full power cannot be restored to its propulsion system.

[...] What is clear, she said, is that the current thrust level can support the next critical milestone, BepiColombo's fourth Mercury swing-by, which is due to occur on September 5 of this year. This is the first of three swing-bys scheduled to happen in rapid succession from September to January that will slow the spacecraft down relative to Mercury.

"This swing-by sequence provides a braking delta-V of 2.4 km/s and provides a change of velocity vector direction with respect to the Sun as required for the trajectory end game in 2025," Montagnon said.

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posted by janrinok on Sunday May 19, @10:36PM   Printer-friendly

Column: Exxon Mobil is suing its shareholders to silence them about global warming:

You wouldn't think that Exxon Mobil has to worry much about being harried by a couple of shareholder groups owning a few thousand dollars worth of shares between them — not with its $529-billion market value and its stature as the world's biggest oil company.

But then you might not have factored in the company's stature as the world's biggest corporate bully.

In February, Exxon Mobil sued the U.S. investment firm Arjuna Capital and Netherlands-based green shareholder firm Follow This to keep a shareholder resolution they sponsored from appearing on the agenda of its May 29 annual meeting. The resolution urged Exxon Mobil to work harder to reduce the greenhouse gas emissions of its products.

The company's legal threat worked: Days after the lawsuit was filed, the shareholder groups, weighing their relative strength against an oil behemoth, withdrew the proposal and pledged not to refile it in the future.

Yet even though the proposal no longer exists, the company is still pursuing the lawsuit, running up its own and its adversaries' legal bills. Its goal isn't hard to fathom.

"What purpose does this have other than sending a chill down the spines of other investors to keep them from speaking up and filing resolutions?" asks Illinois State Treasurer Michael W. Frerichs, who oversees public investment portfolios, including the state's retirement and college savings funds, worth more than $35 billion.

In response to the lawsuit, Frerichs has urged Exxon Mobil shareholders to vote against the reelection to the board of Chairman and Chief Executive Darren W. Woods and lead independent director Joseph L. Hooley at the annual meeting.

He's not alone. The $496-billion California Public Employees' Retirement System, or CalPERS, the nation's largest public pension fund, is considering a vote against Woods, according to the fund's chief operating investment officer, Michael Cohen.

"Exxon has gone well beyond any other company that we're aware of in terms of suing shareholders for trying to bring forward a proposal," Cohen told the Financial Times. "There doesn't seem to be anything other than an agenda of sending a message of shutting down shareholders' ability to speak their mind."

California Treasurer Fiona Ma, a CalPERS board member, backs a vote against Woods. "As the largest public pension fund in the country, we have a responsibility to lead on issues that threaten to undermine shareowners," she says.

The proxy advisory firm Glass Lewis & Co., which helps institutional investors decide how to vote on shareholder proposals and board elections, has counseled a vote against Hooley, citing Exxon Mobil's "unusual and aggressive tactics" in fighting activist investors.

Exxon Mobil's action against Arjuna and Follow This opens a new chapter in the long battle between corporate managements and shareholder gadflies.

Fossil fuel companies have been especially touchy about shareholder resolutions calling on them to take firmer action on global warming and to be more transparent about the effects their products have on climate.

In part that may be the result of some significant victories by activist shareholders. In 2021, nearly 61% of Chevron shareholders voted for the company to "substantially" reduce its greenhouse gas emissions — a shockingly large majority for a shareholder vote on any issue. That same year, the activist hedge fund Engine No. 1 led a campaign that unseated three Exxon Mobil board members and replaced them with directors more sensitive to climate risk.

Exxon Mobil also subjected the San Diego County community of Imperial Beach to a campaign of legal harassment over the city's participation in a lawsuit aimed at forcing the company and others in the oil industry to pay compensation for the cost of global warming, which stems from the burning of the companies' products.

Even in that context, Exxon Mobil's campaign against Arjuna and Follow This represents a high-water mark in corporate cynicism.

The lawsuit asserts that the investment funds' proposed resolution violated standards set forth by the Securities and Exchange Commission governing the propriety of such resolutions — it was related to "the company's ordinary business operations" and closely resembled resolutions on similar topics that had failed to exceed threshold votes at the company's 2022 and 2023 annual meetings. Both standards allow a company to block a resolution from the meeting agenda, or proxy.

[...] The company maintained that the shareholder groups aimed to "force ExxonMobil to change the nature of its ordinary business or to go out of business entirely."

That's flatly untrue. The resolution observed that the company's "cost of capital may substantially increase if it fails to control transition risks by significantly reducing absolute emissions."

That judgment is shared by many institutional investors and government regulators, and points to a path for preserving Exxon Mobil's business prospects, not destroying them.

In any case, what Exxon Mobil failed to note is that shareholder resolutions are always advisory — they can't require management to do anything.

In its lawsuit, the company whined about the sheer burden of handling an increase in shareholder resolutions, especially those on fraught topics such as the environment and social issues. Using what it described as an SEC estimate that it costs corporations $150,000 to deal with every submitted resolution, its annual meeting statement calculated that it has spent $21 million to manage 140 submitted resolutions.

A couple of points about that. First, the SEC didn't estimate that every resolution costs $150,000 to manage. The SEC actually cites a range of $20,000 to $150,000 each.

Second, a quick look at the company's financial statements gives the lie to its claim that shareholder resolutions are some sort of cataclysmic burden. Its statistics applied to the entire 10-year period from 2014 through 2023, not just a single year.

Over that decade, Exxon Mobil reported total profits of $204.3 billion. In other words, processing those 140 proposals — using the SEC's highest estimate to arrive at $21 million — cost Exxon Mobil one one-hundredth of a percent of its profits, at most, to deal with shareholder proposals.

Original Submission

posted by janrinok on Sunday May 19, @05:51PM   Printer-friendly

Possible evidence of glueballs found during Beijing Spectrometer III experiments:

A large international team of physicists working on the BES III collaboration has announced possible physical evidence of glueballs. In their study, published in the journal Physical Review Letters, the group analyzed decaying particles in a particle collider and uncovered what they believe to be evidence of glueballs.

Glueballs are theoretical interactions that can occur between gluons, which are carriers of the strong nuclear force. Up until this latest research, it was not known if such theories were correct.

Gluons are subatomic particles that are believed to hold quarks together. Quarks are also subatomic particles; they form the nuclei of protons. Mesons are also made from quarks, or more specifically, one quark and one antiquark. Because gluons carry the strong nuclear force, they are able to interact with quarks and other gluons. Due to this latter characteristic, researchers have suggested that gluons could form a kind of particle without involving quarks. The result would be a glueball.

For this new study, the research team was looking for evidence of glueballs. To do so, they forced mesons to collide at high speeds at the Beijing Electron-Positron Collider, located at the Institute of High Energy Physics in Beijing, China. They then studied the resulting debris field.

More specifically, they looked for and measured rare combinations of proton/antiprotons in the debris field—prior work using the same collider had found evidence of these.

The researchers were able to analyze 10 billion samples generated over the past decade, and they found evidence of particles with an average mass of 2,395 MeV/c2, which matches what theory has suggested for glueballs.

For now, they have named the particle X(2370) based on the mass of the original particles observed.

The research team acknowledges that their findings are not absolute proof of the existence of glueballs—other interactions, they note, could have led to similar findings. Thus, more work is required before a consensus can be reached.

More information: M. Ablikim et al, Determination of Spin-Parity Quantum Numbers of X(2370) as 0−+ from J/ψ→γKS0KS0η′, Physical Review Letters (2024). DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevLett.132.181901

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posted by janrinok on Sunday May 19, @12:36PM   Printer-friendly

'California Stop' Is Costing Californians Millions In Tickets:

The "California Stop," also known as the "California Roll," is the act of not coming to a full and complete stop at a stop sign. Whatever it's called where you live, it's illegal and can get you a $200+ ticket and can land you in hot water with your driving record when it's issued by an agency with authority. One California agency however, with no type of traffic authority has been issuing thousands of rolling stop tickets by secretly recording drivers.

KTLA reports that California's Mountains Recreation and Conservation Authority issues around 17,000 rolling stop tickets each year, bringing in over $1.1 million in revenue annually. What exactly is the Mountains Recreation and Conservation Authority? According to the agencies site, it's described as "a local public agency dedicated to the acquisition, preservation and protection of open space, wildlife habitat, and urban, mountain and river parkland that is easily accessible to the public."

[...] The problem with these tickets — aside from being issued by a state park agency with no real authority to issue them — is that they're technically not citations. It seems their sole purpose is to bring in revenue for the MRCA as one Prius driver who was ticketed discovered. "They're engaged in a deceptive practice of pretending to enforce the motor vehicle code when they don't have the authority to do that, and they're tricking people into paying these tickets," they told KTLA.

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posted by janrinok on Sunday May 19, @07:50AM   Printer-friendly

Arthur T Knackerbracket has processed the following story:

Evidence is mounting that tech companies' policies demanding staff return to the office are only serving to drive out the talent that became accustomed to remote work.

According to a Gartner-led survey of 3,500 employees in the tech industry undertaken in November 2023, 19 percent of non-executives said they'd quit over a return-to-office mandate, and an even larger proportion in management positions expressed similar sentiments.

"While 58 percent of executives with a mandate to return to the office said their organization provided a convincing reason for the decision, many senior leaders are unwilling to come back into the office," said Caroline Ogawa, director of Gartner's HR practice.

In another Gartner poll run in September of 170 HR heads, some 63 percent voiced higher expectations of staff coming back to the traditional workplace; 34 percent said a mandated return was already in place, and 13 percent warned that “consequences” of not complying had “intensified”.

Ogawa added: “An April 2024 Gartner survey of 64 HR leaders revealed 64 percent say senior leaders are concerned onsite requirements will increase attrition,” she added.

Canalys predicted more than 18 months ago that tech businesses need to re-consider the metrics they use to evaluate how productive an employee is: because being tethered to a desk is not giving an accurate picture. Proximity bias, the analysis said, would have implications for staff retention.

Amazon said last year that engineers worked better when together in person and Meta’s policy concurred, adding that working side by side in the physical sense was essential to help new starters or graduate imbibe corporate culture.

Pandemic post child Zoom also ironically said it wanted the workforce to return to the office, and put in place a swanky new office in London where “remote work” meets “we need you back in the office”.

Just this week, research from the University of Michigan and the University of Chicago found a number of senior staffers exiting their employers including Microsoft, Apple and SpaceX due to RTO mandates. Microsoft contested the study.

How many of our community have kept 'working from home' and what pressures have you been under to return to the office?

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posted by janrinok on Sunday May 19, @03:05AM   Printer-friendly

A recent article on SN discussed Comcast bundling streaming services with its cable offering, and the reason for this is the precedent set during the dispute between Charter and Disney last year.

Minutes before the Florida-Utah college football game on August 31, Disney pulled their channels from Charter Spectrum's lineup over a carriage fee dispute. Disney's timing was intentional in blacking out their channels right before the start of football season, expecting fans would be angry that networks like ESPN were unavailable, and would pressure Charter into agreeing to higher fees. Although carriage fee disputes are quite common, this one seemed different, especially when Charter CEO Christopher Winfrey promptly scheduled a conference call with investors and permanently discontinue carrying Disney-owned networks.

Winfrey said that the current business model of pay TV is "broken", insisting that any resolution to the blackout address what Charter saw as more fundamental issues. ESPN receives the highest subscriber fees of any channel by a wide margin, and hoping to address the rising costs of cable, Charter indicated it would begin offering a cheaper option for TV without sports channels. Charter also objected that streaming platforms are not yet profitable, saying that higher subscriber fees were subsidizing the cost of developing streaming services, but those streaming services contained premium programming that wasn't available with a cable subscription. In other words, Charter said it was unfair for cable subscribers to pay the costs for Hulu and Disney+ without getting access to the programming on those services.

Subscriber fees for networks like ESPN are particularly high because of multi-billion dollar contracts they've entered into with sports leagues with the expectation that revenue from subscriber fees would continue to increase. Although it doesn't directly involve Disney, the bankruptcy of Diamond Sports Group and its impact on sports like baseball show the failures of this business model. In 2015, the St. Louis Cardinals signed a 22-year contract worth over a billion dollars for Fox Sports Midwest to broadcast most of their games. When many Fox properties were purchased by Disney, their regional sports networks were auctioned off to Sinclair to satisfy antitrust regulators. Contracts like the $1 billion agreement with the Cardinals were negotiated on the basis that these networks would bring in enough subscriber fee and advertising revenue to remain profitable.

As cord-cutting accelerated, revenue for regional sports networks rapidly dried up, increasing costs for their remaining subscribers and driving the networks into bankruptcy. Contracts like the $1 billion agreement with the Cardinals may be terminated early, and Diamond Sports Group is in an even more precarious situation in their efforts emerge from bankruptcy now that Comcast has dropped their channels. The situation isn't as dire for networks like ESPN, but declining revenue has already led to several rounds of major layoffs. Charter was also concerned by Disney's plans to offer ESPN direct-to-consumers instead of as part of a larger cable subscription, insisting that content providers and distributors need to collaborate for the business model to be viable.

Charter and Disney ended their dispute on September 11, agreeing that streaming services like Disney+, Hulu, and ESPN+ would be made available to some Spectrum subscribers and that ESPN's direct-to-consumer channels could also be purchased as an add-on. Disney couldn't afford to permanently lose the estimated $4 billion in revenue from Charter's TV subscribers, especially since they are already on the hook for lengthy and very expensive contracts to carry live sports. However, some Disney-owned channels like Freeform were permanently removed from Charter's lineup, which was notable because content providers often insist that distributors like Charter agree to carry all of their channels. Although this didn't resolve many of the underlying issues like the lack of profitability of streaming platforms, the decline of cable TV, or the massive contracts for the rights to carry sports, it set a precedent of bundling streaming services with cable TV packages.

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posted by hubie on Saturday May 18, @10:21PM   Printer-friendly

Arthur T Knackerbracket has processed the following story:

I don't remember when I first started using a floppy disk in the mid-70s. It was either installing firmware on IBM S/370 mainframes or on a dedicated library workstation to create Library of Congress catalog records. Oh, the exciting life I've led! In either case, it would have been a single-sided, 8-inch floppy disk, which held an amazing 79.7 KiloBytes (KB) of data.

[...] As personal computers gained popularity in the 1970s, the floppy disk moved from my world of mainframes and workstations to PCs. There, it found its place as an affordable and accessible storage solution. 

Then, in 1976, a guy named Steve Wozniak wanted to add a floppy drive to his next computer. His buddy, Steve Jobs, got a 5.25-inch floppy disk from Shugart's new company, Shugart Associates, in 1976, and after a lot of hacking, Woz got the first floppy drive to run on what would become the Apple II

[...] It wasn't just major companies, either. Floppy disks enabled anyone to create and sell programs, which sparked the freeware and shareware movements. They also enabled people to share data easily for the first time. Long before we were using modems and Bulletin Board Systems (BBS) to share programs, pictures, and data, we would share them by "sneakerware." That is, literally walking the information from one computer to another by hand carrying disks. 

[...] By the early 2000s, floppy disks had become increasingly rare, used primarily with legacy hardware and industrial equipment. Sony manufactured the last new floppy disk in 2011

Despite its obsolescence, the floppy disk's legacy endures. Its iconic design has become a symbol of data storage, and the floppy disk icon still appears on many computer desktops as the file-saving symbol.

But as obsolete as its technology may seem, the floppy disk is still used today. For example, industrial embroidery machines from the 1990s were built to read patterns and designs from floppy disks. Some older industrial machines and equipment, like computer numerical control (CNC) machines, still use floppy disks to load software updates and programs. 

Some older Boeing 747 models still use floppy disks to load critical navigation database updates and software into their avionics systems. Indeed, Tom Persky, the president of, which sells and recycles floppy disks, said in 2022 that the airline industry remains one of his biggest customers.

Closer to the ground, in San Francisco, the Muni Metro light railway, which launched in 1980, won't start up each morning unless its Automatic Train Control System staff is booted up with a floppy. Why? It has no hard drive and it's too unstable to be left on, so every morning, in goes the disk, and off goes the trains. It will be replaced, though… eventually. Currently, the updated replacement project is scheduled to be completed in 2033/4. 

Floppy drives also live on in medical devices such as CT scanners and ultrasound machines. Famously, or infamously, until 2019, the US nuclear missile sites force still used 8-inch floppy disks as part of the system for coordinating operational components. On a far more amusing note, those Chuck E. Cheese's animatronic figures you saw at your eighth birthday party? Yep, they're driven by floppy disks.

[...] Eventually, they'll all have to replace their old kit. But, it won't surprise me a bit when, by the time I shuffle off this mortal coil, someone, somewhere, will still be running a floppy drive in a production system. 

When was the last time you saw a floppy "in the wild"?

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posted by hubie on Saturday May 18, @05:33PM   Printer-friendly

The 8085 microprocessor has two undocumented status flags: V and K. These flags can be reverse-engineered by looking at the silicon of the chip, and their function turns out to be different from previous explanations. In addition, the implementation of these flags shows that they were deliberately implemented, which raises the question of why there [sic] were not documented or supported by Intel. Finally, examining how these flag circuits were implemented in silicon provides an interesting look at how microprocessors are physically implemented.

Like most microprocessors, the 8085 has a flag register that holds status information on the results of an operation. The flag register is 8 bits: bit 0 holds the carry flag, bit 2 holds the parity, bit 3 is always 0, bit 4 holds the half-carry, bit 6 holds the zero status, and bit 7 holds the sign. But what about the missing bits: 1 and 5?

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posted by hubie on Saturday May 18, @12:48PM   Printer-friendly
from the I'm-shocked,-SHOCKED-to-find-that-gambling-is-going-on-in-here! dept.

Payments helped AT&T obtain key legislative wins in Illinois, prosecutors say:

The US government has provided more detail on how a former AT&T executive allegedly bribed a powerful state lawmaker's ally in order to obtain legislation favorable to AT&T's business.

Former AT&T Illinois President Paul La Schiazza is set to go on trial in September 2024 after being indicted on charges of conspiracy to unlawfully influence then-Illinois House Speaker Michael Madigan. AT&T itself agreed to pay a $23 million fine in October 2022 in connection with the alleged illegal influence campaign and said it was "committed to ensuring that this never happens again."

US government prosecutors offered a preview of their case against La Schiazza in a filing on Friday in US District Court for the Northern District of Illinois. A contract lobbyist hired by AT&T "is expected to testify that AT&T successfully passed two major pieces of legislation after the company started making payments to Individual FR-1."

The Madigan ally referred to in the court document as "Individual FR-1" is former state Rep. Edward Acevedo, a Chicago Tribune article notes. Acevedo, who was Madigan's assistant majority leader in the Illinois House before retiring in 2017, was sentenced to six months in prison for tax evasion in 2022. Madigan left his House speaker post in 2021.

In one internal email sent to an AT&T employee, La Schiazza allegedly described the company's quid pro quo with Madigan as "the friends and family plan."

The government said the bribery scheme resulted in passage of legislation eliminating AT&T's Carrier of Last Resort (COLR) obligation to provide landline phone service, and separate legislation related to small cell deployments. Madigan, a Democrat, was House speaker when both bills were passed. The lobbyist who is expected to testify allegedly acted as an intermediary by transmitting payments to Madigan's ally.

On one occasion, AT&T employees allegedly discussed in emails whether they could be certain of receiving "credit" from lawmakers for the payments to Individual FR-1:

Notably, Individual ATT-3 emphasized that even though Individual FR-1 would technically receive payment from Intermediary 4, "we would make sure that ATT gets credit for fulfilling this request," referring to credit from Madigan. Defendant responded that he had no objection to the plan "as long as you are sure we will get credit and the box checked."

On the same day, Individual ATT-3 subsequently emailed Individuals ATT-1 and ATT-2 and asked, "are we 100% certain that we will get credit for being responsive?" Individual ATT-3 further sought to confirm that AT&T "would get credit from the powers that be," another veiled reference to Madigan. Individual ATT-2 responded, "I would hope that as long as we explain the approach to McClain and [Individual FR-1] gets the money then the ultimate objective is reached." Individual ATT-3 wrote in response, "I don't think Paul [defendant] wants this based on 'hope.' We need to confirm prior to executing this strategy."

The emails tellingly contained "no discussion of whether this arrangement would be acceptable" to the person receiving the payments, the government said. "These emails demonstrate that it was McClain, acting as Madigan's agent, who dictated the payment arrangement with Individual FR-1, that the payments had no connection to any legitimate business need of AT&T, but were instead intended to secure Madigan's legislative support," the filing said.

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posted by hubie on Saturday May 18, @08:04AM   Printer-friendly

Team KeePassXC (

Debian Users - Be aware the maintainer of the KeePassXC package for Debian has unilaterally decided to remove ALL features from it. You will need to switch to `keepassxc-full` to maintain capabilities once this lands outside of testing/sid.

The default install package is being changed to one where all extra functionality has been removed by default, such as networking capability and browser integration. There is a lot of arguing whether this was the proper way to handle it, or whether the default compiler options should have remained the same in the default package and a keepassxc-minimal optional package have been offered instead.

For those who rely on package managers, which approach would you have preferred?

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posted by janrinok on Saturday May 18, @05:18AM   Printer-friendly

Arthur T Knackerbracket has processed the following story:

One of the biggest, most iconic gaming series is almost back. Grand Theft Auto 6 is apparently on track for a fall launch next year — a little more specific than the previous release window of “2025.”

There’s no new trailer, and GTA publisher, Take-Two, is not quite ready to offer a specific release date. CEO Strauss Zelnick told Variety: “I think we’re going to leave it there for now.”

The sixth mainline installment will be set in Leonida (Rockstar’s Florida equivalent) and focused mostly on Vice City (Miami). Compared to GTA Vice City, however, it’ll be contemporary. So, I’m banking on OnlyFans pastiches, vapes, self-driving cars and everything else 2020s. Plus explosions and crime.

Original Submission

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