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Idiosyncratic use of punctuation - which of these annoys you the most?

  • Declarations and assignments that end with }; (C, C++, Javascript, etc.)
  • (Parenthesis (pile-ups (at (the (end (of (Lisp (code))))))))
  • Syntactically-significant whitespace (Python, Ruby, Haskell...)
  • Perl sigils: @array, $array[index], %hash, $hash{key}
  • Unnecessary sigils, like $variable in PHP
  • macro!() in Rust
  • Do you have any idea how much I spent on this Space Cadet keyboard, you insensitive clod?!
  • Something even worse...

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posted by janrinok on Monday August 19, @07:27PM   Printer-friendly

Arthur T Knackerbracket has processed the following story:

In a major step for the international Deep Underground Neutrino Experiment (DUNE), scientists have detected the first neutrinos using a DUNE prototype particle detector at the U.S. Department of Energy's Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory (Fermilab).

The revolutionary new technology at the heart of DUNE's new prototype detector is LArPix, an innovative end-to-end pixelated sensor and electronics system capable of imaging neutrino events in true-3D that was conceived, designed, and built by a team of Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory (Berkeley Lab) physicists and engineers and installed at Fermilab earlier this year.

DUNE, currently under construction, will be the most comprehensive neutrino experiment in the world. It will enable scientists to explore new areas of neutrino research and possibly address some of the biggest physics mysteries in the universe, including searching for the origin of matter and learning more about supernovae and black hole formation.

Since DUNE will feature new designs and technology, scientists are testing prototype equipment and components in preparation for the final detector installation. In February, the DUNE team finished the installation of their latest prototype detector in the path of an existing neutrino beamline at Fermilab. On July 10, the team announced that they successfully recorded their first accelerator-produced neutrinos in the prototype detector, a step toward validating the design.

"This is a truly momentous milestone demonstrating the potential of this technology," said Louise Suter, a Fermilab scientist who coordinated the module installation. "It is fantastic to see this validation of the hard work put into designing, building, and installing the detector."

Berkeley Lab leads the engineering integration of the new neutrino detection system, part of DUNE's near detector complex that will be built on the Fermilab site. Its prototype—known as the 2×2 prototype because it has four modules arranged in a square—records particle tracks with liquid-argon time projection chambers.

"DUNE needed a liquid-argon TPC (LArTPC) detector that could tolerate a high-intensity environment, but this was thought to be impossible," said Dan Dwyer, the head of the Berkeley Lab's Neutrino Physics Group and the project's technical lead for the ND-LAr Consortium, which contributed key elements to the new system's design and fabrication. "With the invention of LArPix, our team at LBNL has made this dream a reality. The 2×2 Demonstrator now installed at DUNE combines our true-3D readout with high-coverage light detectors, producing a truly innovative particle detector."

Brooke Russell, formerly a Chamberlain Postdoctoral Fellow at Berkeley Lab and now the Neil and Jane Pappalardo Special Fellow in Physics at MIT, played a crucial role in the development of the 2×2 prototype, which she describes as "a first-of-its-kind detector, with more than 337,000 individual charge-sensitive pixels at roughly 4-millimeter granularity." Berkeley Lab led the design, construction, and testing of the end-to-end pixelated charge readout system during the COVID-19 pandemic.

"Operation of the 2×2 prototype in a neutrino beam will usher in a new era of high-fidelity, inherently 3D LArTPC images for neutrino interaction measurements," Russell said.

The final version of the DUNE near detector will feature 35 liquid argon modules, each larger than those in the prototype. The modules will help navigate the enormous flux of neutrinos expected at the near site.

The 2×2 prototype implements novel technologies that enable a new regime of detailed, cutting-edge neutrino imaging to handle the unique conditions in DUNE. It has a millimeter-sized pixel readout system, developed by a team at Berkeley Lab, that allows for high-precision 3D imaging on a large scale. This, coupled with its modular design, sets the prototype apart from previous neutrino detectors like ICARUS and MicroBooNE.

Now, the 2×2 prototype provides the first accelerator-neutrino data to be analyzed and published by the DUNE collaboration.

DUNE is split between two locations hundreds of miles apart: A beam of neutrinos originating at Fermilab, close to Chicago, will pass through a particle detector located on the Fermilab site, then travel 800 miles through the ground to several huge detectors at the Sanford Underground Research Facility (SURF) in South Dakota.

The DUNE detector at Fermilab will analyze the neutrino beam close to its origin, where the beam is extremely intense. Collaborators expect this near detector to record about 50 interactions per pulse, which will come every second, amounting to hundreds of millions of neutrino detections over DUNE's many expected years of operation. Scientists will also use DUNE to study neutrinos' antimatter counterpart, antineutrinos.

This unprecedented flux of accelerator-made neutrinos and antineutrinos will enable DUNE's ambitious science goals. Physicists will study the particles with DUNE's near and far detectors to learn more about how they change type as they travel, a phenomenon known as neutrino oscillation. By looking for differences between neutrino oscillations and antineutrino oscillations, physicists will seek evidence for a broken symmetry known as CP violation to determine whether neutrinos might be responsible for the prevalence of matter in our universe.

The DUNE collaboration is made up of more than 1,400 scientists and engineers from over 200 research institutions. Nearly 40 of these institutions work on the near detector. Specifically, the hardware development of the 2×2 prototype was led by the University of Bern in Switzerland, DOE's Fermilab, Berkeley Lab, and SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory, with significant contributions from many universities.

Original Submission

posted by janrinok on Monday August 19, @02:42PM   Printer-friendly

There's many legends in computer history. But a legend is nothing but a story. Someone tells it, someone else remembers it, and everybody passes it on. And the Apple IIGS has a legend all its own. Here, in Userlandia, we're going to bust some megahertz myths.

I love the Apple IIGS. It's the fabulous home computer you'd have to be crazy to hate. One look at its spec sheet will tell you why. The Ensoniq synthesizer chip brings 32 voices of polyphonic power to the desktop. Apple's Video Graphics Controller paints beautiful on-screen pictures from a palette of thousands of colors. Seven slots and seven ports provide plenty of potential for powerful peripherals. These ingredients make a great recipe for a succulent home computer. But you can't forget the most central ingredient: the central processing unit. It's a GTE 65SC816 clocked at 2.8 MHz—about 2.72 times faster than an Apple IIe. When the IIGS launched in September 1986 its contemporaries were systems like the Atari 1040ST, the Commodore Amiga 1000, and of course Apple's own Macintosh Plus. These machines all sported a Motorola 68000 clocked between 7 and 8 MHz. If I know anything about which number is bigger than the other number, I'd say that Motorola's CPU is faster.

"Now hold on there," you say! "Megahertz is just the clock speed of the chip—it says nothing about how many instructions are actually executed during those cycles, let alone the time spent reading and writing to RAM!" And you know what, that's true! The Apple II and Commodore 64 with their 6502 and 6510 CPUs clocked at 1 MHz could trade blows with Z80 powered computers running at three times the clock speed. And the IIGS had the 6502's 16-bit descendant: the 65C816. Steve Wozniak thought Western Design Center had something special with that chip.

And so the story begins...

Original Submission

posted by janrinok on Monday August 19, @10:01AM   Printer-friendly
from the pray-I-don't-alter-it-any-further dept.

Blocking the company's AI overviews also blocks its web crawler:

As the US government weighs its options following a landmark "monopolist" ruling against Google last week, online publications increasingly face a bleak future. (And this time, it's not just because of severely diminished ad revenue.) Bloomberg reports that their choice now boils down to allowing Google to use their published content to produce inline AI-generated search "answers" or losing visibility in the company's search engine.

The crux of the problem lies in the Googlebot, the crawler that scours and indexes the live web to produce the results you see when you enter search terms. If publishers block Google from using their content for the AI-produced answers you now see littered at the top of many search results, they also lose the privilege of including their web pages in the standard web results.

The catch-22 has led publications, rival search engines and AI startups to pin their hopes on the Justice Department. On Tuesday, The New York Times reported that the DOJ is considering asking a federal judge to break up parts of the company (spinning off sections like Chrome or Android). Other options it's reportedly weighing include forcing Google to share search data with competitors or relinquishing its default search-engine deals, like the $18 billion one it inked with Apple.

Google uses a separate crawler for its Gemini (formerly Bard) chatbot. But its main crawler covers both AI Overviews and standard searches, leaving web publishers with little (if any) leverage. If you let Google scrape your content for AI Overview answers, readers may consider that the end of the matter without bothering to visit your site (meaning zero revenue from those potential readers). But if you block the Googlebot, you lose search visibility, which likely means significantly less short-term income and a colossal loss of long-term competitive standing.

iFixit CEO Kyle Wiens told Bloomberg, "I can block ClaudeBot [Anthropic's crawler for its Claude chatbot] from indexing us without harming our business. But if I block Googlebot, we lose traffic and customers."

[...] The ball is now in the Justice Department's court to figure out where Google — and, to an extent, the entire web — goes from here. Bloomberg's full story is worth a read.

Original Submission

posted by hubie on Monday August 19, @05:13AM   Printer-friendly

Experts studying material from event 66m years ago find signs to show how Chicxulub impact crater was formed:

When a massive space rock slammed into Earth 66m years ago, it wiped out huge swathes of life and ended the reign of the dinosaurs. Now scientists say they have new insights into what it was made from.

Experts studying material laid down at the time of the event say they have found tell-tale signs to support the idea the Chicxulub impact crater was produced by a carbon-rich, "C-type", asteroid that originally formed beyond the orbit of Jupiter.

Mario Fischer-Gödde, co-author of the research from the University of Cologne, said the team are now keen to look at deposits associated with an impact some suggest was behind a large extinction about 215m years ago.

"Maybe this way we could find out if C-type asteroid impacts would have a higher probability for causing mass extinction events on Earth," he said.

Writing in the journal Science, the researchers report how they studied different types, or isotopes, of ruthenium within a layer of material that settled over the globe after the impact 66m years ago.

"This layer contains traces of the remnants of the asteroid" said Fischer-Gödde.

The team chose to look at ruthenium because the metal is very rare in the Earth's crust.

"The ruthenium that we find in this layer, therefore, is almost 100% derived from the asteroid," said Fischer-Gödde, adding that offers scientists a way to determine the makeup, and hence type, of the impactor itself.

The team found samples of the layer from Denmark, Italy and Spain all showed the same ruthenium isotope composition.

Crucially, said Fischer-Gödde, the result is different to the composition generally found on Earth, ruling out a theory that the presence of ruthenium and other metals such as osmium and platinum, are down to past eruptions of the Deccan Traps volcanoes.

The team also cast doubt on the possibility that the impactor was a comet, saying the ruthenium isotope composition of the samples is different to that of meteorites thought to be fragments of comets that have lost their ice.

[...] Fischer-Gödde said C-type asteroids can today be found in the asteroid belt that sits between Mars and Jupiter because, not long after the formation of the solar system, Jupiter migrated, scattering asteroids in the process.

As a result, he suggests the ill-fated space rock probably came from there.

"Maybe there was a collision of two asteroid bodies in the belt, and then this chunk kind of went on an Earth-crossing orbit. That could be one scenario," he said, although he noted there are other possibilities, including that it came from the Oort cloud that is thought to surround the solar system.

Journal Reference:
    Mario Fischer-Gödde, Jonas Tusch, Steven Goderis et al., Ruthenium isotopes show the Chicxulub impactor was a carbonaceous-type asteroid, Science (DOI: 10.1126/science.adk4868)

Original Submission

posted by janrinok on Monday August 19, @12:27AM   Printer-friendly

In 1983, the home video game console market crashed bringing many companies to fold. After the dust settled, Nintendo emerged as a phoenix from the flames with their iconic Famicom, known outside of Japan as the Nintendo Entertainment System (NES). The NES went on to sell in excess of 60 million units and brought about the third generation of console gaming. The success in 2016 of the NES Classic goes to show how popular the console and its games still are. While it may not have been obvious at the time, understanding the scope of IP rights may have helped to make this possible.

For the aspiring home console manufacturer in the early 1980s, there were really only two options when considering what microprocessor to use. The first option was the Zilog Z80, most notably used by the ColecoVision and the Sega Master System. The second option was the MOS Technology 6502, which was being used by the Atari 2600 (in the stripped-down form of the 6507), the Commodore 64, and numerous arcade games. When Masayuki Uemura, then head of Nintendo's R+D2 team, was presented with these options whilst developing the Famicom, he opted for the 6502. Although an official justification for this choice has never been given, a cursory glance at the patents for the two chips reveals that the decision may have been driven, at least in part, by patent protection.

When the NES finally hit US shores in October of 1985, very little was known about the technical specification of the console. All that was known was that the NES was powered by a hitherto unknown processor called the Ricoh 2A03. The most notable thing about the 2A03 was that its instruction set was almost identical to the 6502. Put another way, if you could program for the 6502, you could program for the 2A03. But the 2A03 wasn't a 6502, if it was then Nintendo would have had to get some kind of agreement from MOS Technology in order to use it. No such agreement was in place.

Original Submission

posted by janrinok on Sunday August 18, @07:42PM   Printer-friendly
from the is-it-better-in-Beijing dept.

A trade magazine reports,

Mercedes-Benz has been approved to conduct Level 4 automated driving testing on designated roads and highways in Beijing, focusing on the research and development of multi-sensor perception and system performance for advanced autonomous driving systems. This initiative is part of the company's broader technology research efforts in the region, with the goal of exploring the integration of perception and control mechanisms in autonomous vehicles.
The company's L4 test vehicles are designed to handle most driving tasks independently, without the need for driver intervention. Equipped with an array of sensors and redundant systems for enhanced safety, the company says these vehicles are capable of executing maneuvers in busy urban environments, such as parking, making U-turns, navigating traffic circles and performing unprotected left turns.

On expressways, the vehicles can autonomously change lanes when the vehicle ahead slows down and can pass through toll stations. In extreme situations, the vehicles are programmed to follow a minimal risk strategy, safely stopping in a secure location, according to Mercedes.

For a refresher on the SAE self-driving level scheme, see the chart at

Kudos to Mercedes for jumping from Level 2 directly to L4. L3 requires that the driver stay alert and be prepared to take control at any time...something that humans are notoriously bad at doing.

One of my first reactions when I read the SAE scheme (years ago) was: while L3 is a logical development step (in terms of incremental technology improvements), in the real world it should never be allowed on public roads.

Original Submission

posted by hubie on Sunday August 18, @02:54PM   Printer-friendly
from the dystopia-is-now! dept.

Over the past few days, a software package called Deep-Live-Cam has been going viral on social media because it can take the face of a person extracted from a single photo and apply it to a live webcam video source while following pose, lighting, and expressions performed by the person on the webcam. While the results aren't perfect, the software shows how quickly the tech is developing—and how the capability to deceive others remotely is getting dramatically easier over time.
The avalanche of attention briefly made the open source project leap to No. 1 on GitHub's trending repositories list (it's currently at No. 4 as of this writing), where it is available for download for free.

"Weird how all the major innovations coming out of tech lately are under the Fraud skill tree," wrote illustrator Corey Brickley in an X thread reacting to an example video of Deep-Live-Cam in action. In another post, he wrote, "Nice remember to establish code words with your parents everyone," referring to the potential for similar tools to be used for remote deception—and the concept of using a safe word, shared among friends and family, to establish your true identity.

Original Submission

posted by hubie on Sunday August 18, @10:10AM   Printer-friendly
from the waiting-to-see-what-the-catch-is dept.

Arthur T Knackerbracket has processed the following story:

In the realm of messaging apps and services, it's pretty easy to get lost in a sea of the same. Just about every service claims to be the most secure, the most user-friendly, and the most private. But are they… really?

The team behind a new messaging app/service reached out to me to introduce their product called Session. According to the Session site, "Session is an end-to-end encrypted messenger that minimizes sensitive metadata, designed and built for people who want absolute privacy and freedom from any form of surveillance."

Of course, I was skeptical, but when I installed the app and set it up, I realized I was dealing with something different. With Session, there's no phone number, account name, or footprint to be had. Session uses an onion routing network to ensure you leave no trace, so it's simply impossible for anyone to create a profile based on metadata or account information. All accounts are completely anonymous, and zero data is collected, which means there's absolutely nothing to leak.

[...] When you install the app, you create an account; the only thing associated with that account is the Account ID. Copy that ID and share it with anyone you'd like to chat with and get to the communication, knowing everything is secured with end-to-end encryption, and none of your personal information is shared or saved.

[...] During account creation, you do have to enter a display name, but you're not required to use your real name. You can also choose between fast and slow notification modes. The fast mode uses Google's notification servers, and the slow mode means Session will occasionally check for new messages in the background. Session recommends using the fast mode, but if I had to guess, I would assume the slow mode to be the most private.

[...] Session is still in its infancy, and few people know about this app/service. For anyone trying to escape the usual concerns that their information will be leaked, you can trust that this is less likely to happen with Session than with many other options. Even if your information was leaked, the only thing hackers could get would be your Account ID, as there's no other information tied to your account. And with all communication secured with E2E, even your chats would be hard to view.

Original Submission

posted by hubie on Sunday August 18, @05:26AM   Printer-friendly
from the livin'-on-the-edge dept.

Arthur T Knackerbracket has processed the following story:

Canonical recently announced a significant policy change regarding Linux adoption in the Ubuntu operating system. The Canonical Kernel Team (CKT), responsible for handling kernel-related issues for any Ubuntu release, will soon begin integrating the latest version of the Linux kernel, even if there is no final stable build out in the wild yet.

As the British company explains, Ubuntu follows a strict, time-based release schedule. Release dates are set six months in advance, and only in "extreme" circumstances can a delay occur. The most recent long-term support version of Ubuntu, 24.04 "Noble Numbat," was released in April 2024.

Meanwhile, developers working on the Linux kernel follow a "loosely time-based release process," with a new major kernel release occurring every two to three months. The actual release date for each new version is described as "fluid," meaning that project leader Linus Torvalds may adjust the upstream development process if a significant bug is discovered.

A stable release cadence is crucial for maintaining a reliable operating system, explains Canonical's Brett Grandbois. Ubuntu isn't just your weird uncle's experimental Linux OS used by hobbyists; it is officially available in multiple editions, including desktop environments, servers, cloud data centers, and IoT devices.

[...] "To provide users with the absolute latest in features and hardware support, Ubuntu will now ship the latest available version of the upstream Linux kernel at the specified Ubuntu release freeze date," Canonical stated, even if that kernel is still in Release Candidate (RC) status and some bugs remain to be resolved before the final release.

This new "aggressive kernel version commitment policy" carries risks, as RC releases are not considered final by Torvalds and his team for a reason. However, Canonical will need to manage these risks by providing official support for the specific Linux release included in the new Ubuntu version. Updating the kernel after the release is done isn't feasible either, as the Linux edition shipped with Ubuntu is a largely optimized kernel with specific features, patches and hardware support provided by Canonical and its OEM partners.

Original Submission

posted by hubie on Sunday August 18, @12:50AM   Printer-friendly
from the road-to-human-extinction-is-paved-with-good-intentions dept.

Bacteria and fungi are evolving to eat plastic but their impact will likely be limited to specific applications, researchers say:

Scientists in Germany have identified a type of fungi that is capable of breaking down synthetic plastics, offering a potential new weapon in the global fight against plastic pollution.

A team at the Leibniz Institute of Freshwater Ecology and Inland Fisheries in Berlin found that certain microfungi can survive exclusively on plastics, degrading them into simpler forms.

While this is a promising breakthrough, especially when it comes to tackling oceanic plastic pollution, experts cautioned that it is not a silver bullet.

Researchers observed that microfungi in Lake Stechlin in northeastern Germany can thrive on synthetic polymers without any other carbon source.

"The most surprising finding of our work is that our fungi could exclusively grow on some of the synthetic polymers and even form biomass," Hans-Peter Grossart, the lead researcher, told Reuters.

[...] Researchers said the fungi's ability to break down plastic may have evolved in response to the overwhelming presence of the synthetic material in their environment.

These fungi are particularly effective at breaking down polyurethane, a common material used in construction foam, among other products.

[...] While the discovery of plastic-eating fungi is a step forward, it is unlikely to solve the plastic pollution problem on its own.

Experts said the most effective way to tackle plastic pollution is to reduce the amount of material entering the environment.

[...] "Care must be taken with potential solutions of this sort, which could give the impression that we should worry less about plastic pollution because any plastic leaking into the environment will quickly, and ideally safely, degrade. Yet, for the vast majority of plastics, this is not the case," he said.

[...] The global production of plastic has skyrocketed from 1.7 million tonnes in 1950 to 400 million tonnes in 2022, according to Statista. And despite increased efforts, only nine per cent of plastic waste is recycled worldwide, reports the UN.

See also:
    •What Could Possibly Go Wrong? - TV Tropes
    •Etymology of "What could (possibly) go wrong?"

Original Submission

posted by hubie on Saturday August 17, @08:09PM   Printer-friendly
from the just-pedal-harder dept.

Please don't, actually. But do update your Shimano Di2 shifters' software to prevent a new radio-based form of cycling sabotagers:

Professional cycling has, in its recent history, been prone to a shocking variety of cheating methods and dirty tricks. Performance-enhancing drugs. Tacks strewn on race courses. Even stealthy motors hidden inside of wheel hubs.

Now, for those who fail to download a software patch for their gear shifters—yes, bike components now get software updates—there may be hacker saboteurs to contend with, too.

At the Usenix Workshop on Offensive Technologies earlier this week, researchers from UC San Diego and Northeastern University revealed a technique that would allow anyone with a few hundred dollars of hardware to hack Shimano wireless gear-shifting systems of the kind used by many of the top cycling teams in the world, including in recent events like the Olympics and the Tour de France. Their relatively simple radio attack would allow cheaters or vandals to spoof signals from as far as 30 feet away that trigger a target bike to unexpectedly shift gears or to jam its shifters and lock the bike into the wrong gear.

The trick would, the researchers say, easily be enough to hamper a rival on a climb or, if timed to certain intense moments of a race, even cause dangerous instability. "The capability is full control of the gears. Imagine you're going uphill on a Tour de France stage: If someone shifts your bike from an easy gear to a hard one, you're going to lose time," says Earlence Fernandes, an assistant professor at UCSD's Computer Science and Engineering department. "Or if someone is sprinting in the big chain ring and you move it to the small one, you can totally crash a person's bike like that."

[...] To exploit those wireless components and sabotage a specific target bike, the researchers' technique does require that a hacker first intercept the target's gear-shift signals at some point before they carry out their attack. The hacker can then replay those signals—even months later—to cause the bike to shift at the hacker's command.

To carry out that eavesdrop-and-replay attack, the researchers used a $1500 USRP software-defined radio, an antenna, and a laptop. They say though that a $350 HackRF would work just as well, and point out that their hardware setup could be miniaturized to the degree that it could be hidden along the sidelines of a race, in a cycling team car, or even in the back pouch of a rider's jersey, such as by implementing it in a Raspberry Pi mini-computer.

Jamming wireless shifters with that toolkit would be considerably easier than even replay attacks, the researchers say. While a jamming attack could prevent a specific rider from shifting gears if a hacker were able to first pick up one of their wireless shifting signals, a saboteur could also simply broadcast a jamming signal at the frequency used by all Shimano shifters, potentially disrupting a large group of racers. The researchers even say that it would be possible to read the shifting signals from an entire peloton of cyclists and then jam everyone except a chosen rider. "You can basically jam everyone except you," says Northeastern professor Aanjhan Ranganathan, another author of the paper.

[...] Exactly how the patch will be deployed to customers isn't quite clear either. The company writes that "riders can perform a firmware update on the rear derailleur" using Shimano's E-TUBE Cyclist smartphone app. But it fails to mention whether the fix will apply to the front derailleur. "More information about this process and steps riders can take to update their Di2 systems will be available shortly," it concludes.

[...] In the ruthless world of competitive cycling, which has been rocked to its foundations in recent decades by doping scandals, they argue that rivals hacking each others' shifters is not at all a far-fetched scenario. "This is, in our opinion, a different kind of doping," says Fernandes. "It leaves no trace, and it allows you to cheat in the sport."

More broadly, they argue that their radio-based bike hacking research is a cautionary tale about the temptation to add wireless electronic features to every technology, from garage doors to cars to bicycles, and the unintended consequences of that long-term trend—namely, that they've all become vulnerable to forms of replay and jamming attacks of the kind that Shimano is now scrambling to fix.

"This is a repeating pattern," says Northeastern's Ranganathan, who has also developed solutions for replay attacks on cars' keyless entry systems. "When manufacturers start putting in wireless features in their products, it has an impact on real-world control systems. And that can cause real physical harm."

Original Submission

posted by janrinok on Saturday August 17, @03:21PM   Printer-friendly

Arthur T Knackerbracket has processed the following story:

Google announced Monday that it's shutting down all AdSense accounts in Russia due to "ongoing developments in Russia."

This effectively ends Russian content creators' ability to monetize their posts, including YouTube videos. The change impacts accounts monetizing content through AdSense, AdMob, and Ad Manager, the support page said.

While Google has declined requests to provide details on what prompted the change, it's the latest escalation of Google's ongoing battle with Russian officials working to control the narrative on Russia's war with Ukraine.

In February 2022, Google paused monetization of all state-funded media in Russia, then temporarily paused all ads in the country the very next month. That March, Google paused the creation of new Russia-based AdSense accounts and blocked ads globally that originated from Russia. In March 2022, Google also paused monetization of any content exploiting, condoning, or dismissing Russia's war with Ukraine. Seemingly as retaliation, Russia seized Google's bank account, causing Google Russia to shut down in May 2022.

Since then, Google has "blocked more than 1,000 YouTube channels, including state-sponsored news, and over 5.5 million videos," Reuters reported.

For Russian creators who have still found ways to monetize their content amid the chaos, Google's decision to abruptly shut down AdSense accounts comes as "a serious blow to their income," Bleeping Computer reported. Russia is second only to the US in terms of YouTube web traffic, Similarweb data shows, making it likely that Russia-based YouTubers earned "significant" revenues that will now be suddenly lost, Bleeping Computer reported.

Russia-based creators—including YouTubers, as well as bloggers and website owners—will receive their final payout this month, according to a message from Google to users reviewed by Reuters.

"Assuming you have no active payment holds and meet the minimum payment thresholds," payments will be disbursed between August 21 and 26, Google's message said.

Google's spokesperson offered little clarification to Reuters and Bleeping Computer, saying only that "we will no longer be able to make payments to Russia-based AdSense accounts that have been able to continue monetizing traffic outside of Russia. As a result, we will be deactivating these accounts effective August 2024."

It seems likely, though, that Russia passing a law in March—banning advertising on websites, blogs, social networks, or any other online sources published by a "foreign agent," as Reuters reported in February—perhaps influenced Google's update. The law also prohibited foreign agents from placing ads on sites, and under the law, foreign agents could include anti-Kremlin politicians, activists, and media. With new authority, Russia may have further retaliated against Google, potentially forcing Google to give up the last bit of monetization available to Russia-based creators increasingly censored online.

State assembly member and Putin ally Vyacheslav Volodin said that the law was needed to stop financing "scoundrels" allegedly "killing our soldiers, officers, and civilians," Reuters reported.

[...] As Google has tried to resist pressure from Russian lawmakers to censor content that officials deem illegal, such as content supporting Ukraine or condemning Russia, YouTube had become one of the last bastions of online free speech, Reuters reported. It's unclear how ending monetization in the region will impact access to anti-Kremlin reporting on YouTube or more broadly online in Russia. Last February, a popular journalist with 1.64 million subscribers on YouTube, Katerina Gordeeva, wrote on Telegram that "she was suspending her work due to the law," Reuters reported.

"We will no longer be able to work as before," Gordeeva said. "Of course, we will look for a way out."

Original Submission

posted by janrinok on Saturday August 17, @10:34AM   Printer-friendly

The Conversation

In 2002, after a Pentagon news briefing, the then US secretary of defence Donald Rumsfeld was widely ridiculed for his thoughts about knowledge. Discussing the issue of whether Iraq was supplying weapons of mass destruction to terrorists, he said:

As we know, there are known knowns; there are things we know we know. We also know there are known unknowns; that is to say, we know there are some things we do not know. But there are also unknown unknowns – the ones we don't know we don't know.

Rumsfeld was describing a world characterised by uncertainty, insecurity and ambiguity. And he actually made a valid point about how leaders face situations where complete knowledge is not, and cannot be, available.

This awareness of a lack of knowledge is something we call a state of "unknowingness". And our research suggests , perhaps surprisingly, that it can be a good thing for leaders and the organisations they run.

[...] We also found that if "unknowingness" is recognised and accepted, it can lead to better decision making across an organisation – and improved leadership overall.

[...] But any organisation which has to deal with "unknowns" (whether they are known or unknown) would benefit from recognising and accepting these particular challenges.

There may be little they can do about the things they don't even know they don't know about yet. But when they are aware of the absence of knowledge, and accept an inability to know everything or always make the "right" decision, our research suggests that this can actually be a positive step.

[Also Covered By]: PHYS.ORG

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posted by janrinok on Saturday August 17, @05:48AM   Printer-friendly
from the at-last,-something-useful dept.

Arthur T Knackerbracket has processed the following story:

University of Texas researchers have used AI to develop a safer, effective version of an antibiotic that shows promise in animal trials. This new method could accelerate the creation of treatments for antibiotic-resistant bacterial infections. Credit: The University of Texas at Austin

In a hopeful development for the demand for safer and more effective antibiotics, researchers at The University of Texas at Austin have utilized artificial intelligence to create a new drug that is already demonstrating promise in animal trials.

Publishing their results in Nature Biomedical Engineering, the scientists describe using a large language model—an AI tool like the one that powers ChatGPT—to engineer a version of a bacteria-killing drug that was previously toxic in humans, so that it would be safe to use.

The prognosis for patients with dangerous bacterial infections has worsened in recent years as antibiotic-resistant bacterial strains spread and the development of new treatment options has stalled. However, UT researchers say AI tools are game-changing.

[...] Large language models, or LLMs, were originally designed to generate and explore sequences of text, but scientists are finding creative ways to apply these models to other domains. For example, just as sentences are made up of sequences of words, proteins are made up of sequences of amino acids. LLMs cluster together words that share common attributes (such as cat, dog, and hamster) in what’s known as an “embedding space” with thousands of dimensions. Similarly, proteins with similar functions, like the ability to fight off dangerous bacteria without hurting the people who host said bacteria, may cluster together in their own version of an AI embedding space.

“The space containing all molecules is enormous,” said Davies, co-senior author of the new paper. “Machine learning allows us to find the areas of chemical space that have the properties we’re interested in, and it can do it so much more quickly and thoroughly than standard one-at-a-time lab approaches.”

For this project, the researchers employed AI to identify ways to reengineer an existing antibiotic called Protegrin-1 that is great at killing bacteria, but toxic to people. Protegrin-1, which is naturally produced by pigs to combat infections, is part of a subtype of antibiotics called antimicrobial peptides (AMPs). AMPs generally kill bacteria directly by disrupting cell membranes, but many target both bacterial and human cell membranes.

First, the researchers used a high-throughput method they had previously developed to create more than 7,000 variations of Protegrin-1 and quickly identify areas of the AMP that could be modified without losing its antibiotic activity.

Next, they trained a protein LLM on these results so that the model could evaluate millions of possible variations for three features: selectively targeting bacterial membranes, potently killing bacteria and not harming human red blood cells to find those that fell in the sweet spot of all three. The model then helped guide the team to a safer, more effective version of Protegrin-1, which they dubbed bacterially selective Protegrin-1.2 (bsPG-1.2).

Mice infected with multidrug-resistant bacteria and treated with bsPG-1.2 were much less likely to have detectable bacteria in their organs six hours after infection, compared to untreated mice. If further testing offers similarly positive results, the researchers hope eventually to take a version of the AI-informed antibiotic drug into human trials.

“Machine learning’s impact is twofold,” Davies said. “It’s going to point out new molecules that could have the potential to help people, and it’s going to show us how we can take those existing antibiotic molecules and make them better and focus our work to more quickly get those to clinical practice.”

Reference: “Deep mutational scanning and machine learning for the analysis of antimicrobial-peptide features driving membrane selectivity” by Justin R. Randall, Luiz C. Vieira, Claus O. Wilke and Bryan W. Davies, 31 July 2024, Nature Biomedical Engineering.
  DOI: 10.1038/s41551-024-01243-1

Original Submission

posted by janrinok on Saturday August 17, @01:02AM   Printer-friendly
from the live-short-and-don't-prosper dept.

The Bell Riots are a unique event in Star Trek in that when Deep Space Nine showed them on screen, they were in the future, but that time period is now contemporary. Star Trek has shown time travel to events that were in the past or contemporary when the shows or movies aired, and they discussed future events like the Eugenics Wars of the 1990s but only showed their effects in the future with the original series episode Space Seed and the movie The Wrath of Khan.

The Bell Riots are shown in a two part episode called Past Tense (Part I, Script; Part II, Script) in which a transporter accident sends Commander Sisko, Lieutenant Dax, and Doctor Bashir back in time to August 30, 2024. They arrive in San Francisco, but over two centuries too early. Sisko and Bashir are found by security guards, and because of their lack of identification, they are sent to Sanctuary District A. However, Dax is found by a wealthy business owner named Chris Brynner, who provides her shelter.

There are sanctuary districts in nearly every city, places where people were promised food and shelter while employment was scarce, but quickly became overcrowded and with poor living conditions. The general public is mostly unaware of the conditions within the sanctuary districts, whose residents are prevented from leaving and have largely been forgotten. The residents are referred to by slang terms of gimmies (unemployed people), dims (mentally ill people), and ghosts (people who struggled to integrate and joined gangs). During the Bell Riots, some ghosts and other residents overpowered the guards, took hostages, and seized control of the sanctuary's processing center for incoming residents. Despite rumors that the hostages had been killed, Gabriel Bell prevented this from happening. Bell was able to broadcast from the district and inform the public of the living conditions within the district, which brought the living conditions to the general public's attention and spurred on reforms.

However, when Sisko is attacked on August 31 by a gang of ghosts, Gabriel Bell is killed by a ghost named B.C. while trying to help Sisko fend off off the attackers. This alters the timeline, and Sisko assumes the role of Bell to try to restore the proper course of history. There is no longer a Federation in the 24th century, no evidence of advanced technology on Earth, and there is a Romulan outpost at Alpha Centuary. Chief O'Brien and Major Kira use the transporters to travel back in time to a few points in history to try to find the missing crew members and restore the timeline. The episode's script includes this dialogue:

O'BRIEN: Well, we know one thing. They arrived before the year twenty forty eight.
ODO: How can you be sure?
O'BRIEN: Because we were just there. And that wasn't the mid-twenty first century I read about in school. It's been changed. I mean, Earth history has been through its rough patches, but never that rough.

In the Star Trek universe, 2048 occurs within World War III, which includes the use of strategic nuclear weapons by the United States, China, and Russia. This leads to a nuclear winter and the collapse of society. Past Tense was written to examine the issue of homelessness, specifically that homeless people are moved out of view of the general public and are forgotten about. There is a contrast of the extreme wealth of people like Chris Brynner and the destitution in the sanctuary districts. The story also serves as a warning that failing to address societal inequality may lead to more severe problems in the future, in this case making WWIII and the societal collapse far worse. One of the writers, Ira Steven Behr, commented that B.C. is not viewed as a murderer despite killing the real Gabriel Bell because society forced him into the situation, and he was just trying to survive the conditions in the sanctuary district. In 2021, writer Robert Hewitt Wolfe said about the episode:

"As a writer, all you can do is be a voice in the wilderness, sometimes. You can yell, 'Fire!' but you can't put it out. It's disappointing that we're still grappling with this problem. I certainly would have hoped it would be better by now, and people would be like, 'Ha! Remember that Deep Space Nine episode that said homelessness would still be a problem in the 2020s? They were so gloomy!' But one of the themes of the show is that paradise doesn't come for free. Even if it does get handed to you, you have to continually work to protect it and renew it and advance it."

Deep Space Nine is my favorite of all of the Star Trek series, and these are two of my favorite episodes. Although some people criticized the story for being too preachy and politicized, when it was wrapped up by Sisko, Bashir, and Dax restoring the timeline, I considered it a very memorable and compelling story. World War III, which begins in 2026, is mentioned in multiple series as a disastrous event for humanity, and although I'm not aware of this being shown on screen, this story does fill in some of the prelude up to the war. Have any readers seen this two-part episode? If so, what are your thoughts on this story and the themes it examines?

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