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posted by martyb on Tuesday September 12 2017, @07:59AM   Printer-friendly
from the your-days-are-numbered...-Drei,-Zwei,-Eins dept.

Anu Garg at A Word A Day posted this story of an upcoming mayoral election in the small town of Völklingen, Germany (near the French border, south of Belgium), wherein one of the candidates gave a spectacularly bad answer to a question in a recent debate.

Representative Uwe Faust of the political party Die Partei jokingly asked, “According to the building code, paragraph 126, each owner is obliged to label his property with the number given by the municipality. I find it alarming that in Völklingen many house numbers are displayed in Arabic numerals. How would you like to take action against this creeping foreigner infiltration?”

To which Otfried Best, running with the far-right NPD party, fell for the joke, replying, "You just wait until I am mayor. I will change that. Then there will be normal numbers."

Mr. Best apparently does not know what Arabic numerals are.

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  • (Score: -1, Insightful) by VLM on Tuesday September 12 2017, @11:41AM (6 children)

    by VLM (445) on Tuesday September 12 2017, @11:41AM (#566684)

    Over the top indoctrination and ridiculous hyperbole about all right wing candidates are Literally Hitler for decades is their support base, not their opposition, at least in the USA, so if you're on the good guys side, um sure, uh, go right ahead with that plan of yours.

    As a right wing guy myself, although on the opposite side of the planet, nothing helps us more than non-photogenic riots chanting stuff about all white people need to be eliminated via open borders, and anyone not a Marxist is a Nazi, and stuff like that. Especially call them stupid. Nothing converts weakly attached members into strong believers quite like giving them an enemy marching around calling them morons who need to be punched. The American hippies didn't get much right, but they did get sex drugs and rock n roll right. Nothing radicalizes people rightward like telling them their race and children need to be exterminated and they need to be punched and have their lives destroyed. Nothing de-radicalizes people rightward like telling them to get high, listen to good music, and fuck a lot. The american hippies might not have felt like they were accomplishing much, but at least they weren't pushing the start button to Holocaust 2.0 like today's leftists. The american 60s hippies and the average 2010s antifa have a bit of an IQ gap of course due to human biological differences which supposedly don't exist, LOL, which explains why the 70s were "OK" and the 20s will probably have camps and ovens.

    I mean, if "feel good to leftist" policies for decades have led to a slow exponential rise in the far right, if you don't like that rise you should double down on what hasn't worked, correct? I mean, that strategy of doubling down helped Hillary win the white house, didn't it, LOL?

    It may be an excessively binary world view but I often think the real world is something of pendulum of power and only a fraction of the population groks that model. Especially in economics, but also in politics and fashion, etc. Nothing will re-ignite the ovens quite like pushing that pendulum leftward for decades as aggressively as possible never give up never give an inch. Sometimes makes me wonder about false flag ops. I wonder how many of the most vocal antifa are our guys. You can't talk centrists into lighting ovens and building camps and "showers" directly, not from a centrist position, never. But its easy, if the pendulum gets pushed far enough left first, then swings right, heck you barely need to push right at all, the normies themselves will light the ovens joyfully once the pendulum builds up some speed...

    As a very far right winger I'm much more a results guy than a journey guy. There are somewhat less cerebral buddies who want to LARP out the whole bad boy thing or just have anger issues and want to be camp guards to let it all hang out, but I'd be extremely happy with a nice perfectly non-violent transition to a right-er wing government, culture and way of life, no camps, no holocaust 2.0, none of that icky stuff. But the world seems bound and determined to position things such that those ovens gonna get lit again. Well, that's what they want, that's what they'll get. Part of the "world seems bound and determined" has to do with cathedral theory of progressivism, progressivism as a universalist "death cult" style religion, all that. What do you do with crazy religious crusaders looking for martyrdom and world conquest? Centuries ago the arabs pushed them into the ocean, you really can't blame them. For a couple decades of GWoT we've been drone striking marriage parties in the middle east mostly making it worse not better. I guess we'll do the euro-style camps, showers, and ovens. Its hard to find successful historical examples that don't boil down to put them to the sword, sure would be nice if there were better strategies for excising a progressive cancer from a civilization.

    Starting Score:    1  point
    Moderation   -2  
       Flamebait=3, Insightful=4, Overrated=3, Total=10
    Extra 'Insightful' Modifier   0  

    Total Score:   -1  
  • (Score: 5, Informative) by Anonymous Coward on Tuesday September 12 2017, @01:07PM (4 children)

    by Anonymous Coward on Tuesday September 12 2017, @01:07PM (#566706)

    are there actual quotes from people with actual names that have suggested that liberals have engaged in "chanting stuff about all white people need to be eliminated via open borders, and anyone not a Marxist is a Nazi"?

    that seems really like echo chamber propaganda from some biased publication.

    the antifa also don't have much to do with the hippies--but I remember back in the BBS days, people doing what the antifa did were simply labeled anarchists. they didn't care what political leaning you had because they didn't really have one, or at least, just needed a reason to try out those text files and decided that anarchy was as good of a cause as ever.

    it can be hard to not read too much into someone else's point of view when your own is a biased filter, but take into context there are trouble makers on both sides. giving them names and trying to prop them up enough to support your cause -- as to why the other side is bad -- that doesnt give you shoulders of giants to stand on, that just makes it harder to see at your own ground level when the trouble makers on your side are getting under foot. Too much of that and your platform comes crashing down due to their antics or stupidity. Any side is subject to its own extremes, since the focus is often on the other side's extremes.

    it's what gave the republicans the tea party, and trump. they lost the edges of their platform and it's set them on fire. i don't think the R party as we know it can survive like this, at least not with the votes they depend on. They'll carry on, but they'll be fractioned--just like how the democrats can't find a solid base right now.

    • (Score: 1, Informative) by Anonymous Coward on Tuesday September 12 2017, @04:10PM (3 children)

      by Anonymous Coward on Tuesday September 12 2017, @04:10PM (#566799)

      I can't believe someone took the time to write an insightful reply to VLM. He may claim to not like murder, concentration camps, etc. but his "well, guess we'll have to fire up the ovens oh well" bit is very telling. What a piece of crap, if he doesn't get his way he'll be OK with using violence.

      You're a piece of shit human being VLM.

      • (Score: 2) by VLM on Tuesday September 12 2017, @07:21PM (1 child)

        by VLM (445) on Tuesday September 12 2017, @07:21PM (#566927)

        if he doesn't get his way

        "getting my way" must have a peculiar and unusual definition to you.

        You're a piece of shit human being VLM.

        That's the exact point of my article. "I'm not so into this white genocide idea" "You're a piece of shit human being" "OK thanks for XYZ more votes for R party next time around"

        The modern left is just weird. I can understand "Uncle Tom's Cabin" as propaganda from the 1850s. Or I can understand soviet era death threat and torture oppression. But modern lefties seem to have nothing left philosophically other than calling people who don't blindly believe and obey in a religious manner pieces of shit, then act surprised when they're savaged at election time, so they riot.

        As wide scale strategy its bizarre. On a very individual scale it would be like a campaign tactic of walking door to door and telling anyone who doesn't already have a Hillary sign a piece of shit, and then acting surprised when it turns out to be counterproductive where the population doesn't support her. Abstracting from politics, could you imagine a TV commercial where the line is "Unless you love McDonalds with all your heart, you're a piece of shit".

        As a guy on the right, I love watching the left melt down with this totally bizarre propaganda strategy.

        • (Score: 0) by Anonymous Coward on Tuesday September 12 2017, @10:57PM

          by Anonymous Coward on Tuesday September 12 2017, @10:57PM (#566998)

          "Unless you love McDonalds with all your heart, you're a piece of shit".

          Like this? "If you don't smoke Tarrlytons...fuck you!" []

      • (Score: 2) by FatPhil on Wednesday September 13 2017, @07:33AM

        by FatPhil (863) <> on Wednesday September 13 2017, @07:33AM (#567117) Homepage
        I can't believe anyone read the whole of VLM's post - it barely parsed at best and was word salad in places.
        Great minds discuss ideas; average minds discuss events; small minds discuss people; the smallest discuss themselves
  • (Score: 5, Interesting) by meustrus on Tuesday September 12 2017, @06:27PM

    by meustrus (4961) on Tuesday September 12 2017, @06:27PM (#566892)

    I'm more of a leftist and I (mostly) agree with you. I wish the people that agreed with me on ideology would stop writing recruitment for the opposition. I'll just ignore the genocidal regression in your last paragraph...beyond pointing out that I could flip all the actors and it would sound exactly like Antifa talking about you rather than the other way around.

    But I have to disagree on one thing:

    I mean, if "feel good to leftist" policies for decades have led to a slow exponential rise in the far right, if you don't like that rise you should double down on what hasn't worked, correct?

    I can say with confidence that the policies of the last few decades are not leftist by any stretch. Many of the most liberal things since the New Deal happened under Republican control, like the EPA, the ADA, and the Earned Income Tax Credit (which was originally supposed to be more of a reverse income tax aka basic income).

    Sure, there has been a lot of social progress in that time. But beyond the Civil Rights Act (which reapportioned party loyalties, transforming party politics), that progress has been driven by public opinion and the courts. Corporations are now driving a lot of this progress, because supporting your customer's identity politics leads to ideological support which leads to increased profits. Meanwhile, Washington has been busy working on other priorities, namely dismantling effective regulatory frameworks and safety nets.

    The Democratic party has moved hard right on a lot of these issues, abandoning real pro-union policies, simple hard-line regulations like Glass-Steagall, and permanent family-oriented welfare in favor of free trade, byzantine regulatory schemes, and a patchwork of more expensive, more bureaucratic, and less effective welfare programs.

    Since you describe yourself as "a very far right winger", I'd like to think you'd appreciate these changes. But I know that the new version of the Democratic party is actually worse for your actual priorities. And I will make a nod towards the movement of the Republican party as well; they tried to look like the old Southern Democrats to steal the bigot's vote, but they just never really did what they said they were going to do.

    What I'm saying here is that the country certainly hasn't moved to the left, because "the left" doesn't mean identity politics. "Progressive" is not a "the left" thing, it's its own separate cause that happens to be taken up by Democrats.

    But I'm equally unconvinced that the country has moved to the right, because "the right" doesn't mean reverse Robin Hood. Republicans (and Democrats) have been instrumental in this urban-elite takeover of America. It's gotten so bad that our president is one of the urban elite despite vocal opposition to his kind (not that the alternative was any different in this regard).

    So yeah, all those things you hate about the direction of the country? I, your political opposite, am concerned about the same damn things. Your opponent is not the left. Your opponent is the corporate, urban elites pulling the strings.

    If there isn't at least one reference or primary source, it's not +1 Informative. Maybe the underused +1 Interesting?