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Do You Celebrate/Acknowledge Pi Day?

Displaying poll results.
  48% 126 votes
  25% 67 votes
No, because tau is the true circle constant, so get back to me in June
  12% 32 votes
Yes, but I didn't start until I heard people grousing about tau
  3% 9 votes
I don't know what you people are talking about
  9% 24 votes
258 total votes.
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  • Don't complain about lack of options. You've got to pick a few when you do multiple choice. Those are the breaks.
  • Feel free to suggest poll ideas if you're feeling creative. I'd strongly suggest reading the past polls first.
  • This whole thing is wildly inaccurate. Rounding errors, ballot stuffers, dynamic IPs, firewalls. If you're using these numbers to do anything important, you're insane.
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The Fine Print: The following comments are owned by whoever posted them. We are not responsible for them in any way.
  • (Score: 0) by Anonymous Coward on Tuesday March 14 2023, @12:32AM

    by Anonymous Coward on Tuesday March 14 2023, @12:32AM (#1296019)

    First vote! ACs who celebrate pie day!

  • (Score: 4, Funny) by Thexalon on Tuesday March 14 2023, @03:09AM (2 children)

    by Thexalon (636) on Tuesday March 14 2023, @03:09AM (#1296034)

    Find a celebrity [], businessman [] or politician [] who takes themselves too seriously and give them a pie to the face.

    (Note to law enforcement: I'm not encouraging any actual harm to anyone, just a good reminder that the movers-and-shakers are really just clowns.)

    "Think of how stupid the average person is. Then realize half of 'em are stupider than that." - George Carlin
    • (Score: 3, Funny) by istartedi on Wednesday March 15 2023, @07:03PM (1 child)

      by istartedi (123) on Wednesday March 15 2023, @07:03PM (#1296304) Journal

      If we're talking pie, which can be read pi*e, that's approximately 8.5397342226735670654635508695466. Let's make that August 5.

      Appended to the end of comments you post. Max: 120 chars.
      • (Score: 2) by kazzie on Wednesday April 05 2023, @03:14PM

        by kazzie (5309) Subscriber Badge on Wednesday April 05 2023, @03:14PM (#1299925)

        There's more fruits in season in August too, so it makes for better pie. :)

  • (Score: 2) by turgid on Tuesday March 14 2023, @07:59PM

    by turgid (4318) Subscriber Badge on Tuesday March 14 2023, @07:59PM (#1296143) Journal
  • (Score: 5, Insightful) by Anonymous Coward on Wednesday March 15 2023, @05:01PM (6 children)

    by Anonymous Coward on Wednesday March 15 2023, @05:01PM (#1296271)

    Sorry but the joke doesn't work in 14/3.

    • (Score: -1, Troll) by Anonymous Coward on Wednesday March 15 2023, @06:14PM

      by Anonymous Coward on Wednesday March 15 2023, @06:14PM (#1296290)

      And, it is stale by 15/3. What is it with these polls on an event some two days in the future? Seems moot.

    • (Score: 3, Insightful) by toddestan on Sunday March 19 2023, @08:50PM (1 child)

      by toddestan (4982) on Sunday March 19 2023, @08:50PM (#1297074)

      That's okay. You can just celebrate approximately Pi day on 22/7.

      • (Score: 3, Informative) by bart9h on Friday March 24 2023, @07:45PM

        by bart9h (767) on Friday March 24 2023, @07:45PM (#1298038)

        22/7 is a (very slightly) better approximation than 3.14

    • (Score: 0) by Anonymous Coward on Sunday March 26 2023, @04:16PM

      by Anonymous Coward on Sunday March 26 2023, @04:16PM (#1298241)

      That is the reason for me too.

      As for the date format, i can understand it for farmers to whom the day might not mean as much as the month and weather atleast before all the pressure of productivity and such, but for everyone else it just doesn't make sense.

      For files and such i use the ISO format. I guess it works, but it's still couple steps from everyday life, most people don't know what an ISO date format is.

    • (Score: 2) by PiMuNu on Tuesday March 28 2023, @10:59AM

      by PiMuNu (3823) on Tuesday March 28 2023, @10:59AM (#1298476)

      Me too - I will celebrate on the 3rd of Duodecember

      (only just noticed the poll, two weeks too late)

    • (Score: 0) by Anonymous Coward on Saturday April 01 2023, @03:09PM

      by Anonymous Coward on Saturday April 01 2023, @03:09PM (#1299335)

      Pies go on sale at Kroger on Pi Day.

  • (Score: 0) by Anonymous Coward on Wednesday March 15 2023, @05:29PM

    by Anonymous Coward on Wednesday March 15 2023, @05:29PM (#1296278)
    Interestingly enough, Albert Einstein was born on March 14, 1879.
  • (Score: 3, Insightful) by pTamok on Wednesday March 15 2023, @11:04PM (4 children)

    by pTamok (3042) on Wednesday March 15 2023, @11:04PM (#1296362)

    the 22nd July. 22/7 is a better approximation to pi than 3.14

    And, while looking at rational approximants to pi, 355/113 is very good - it's decimal expansion starts 3.141592...

    • (Score: 2) by DECbot on Thursday March 16 2023, @03:54PM (3 children)

      by DECbot (832) on Thursday March 16 2023, @03:54PM (#1296490) Journal

      What calendar are you using? 355/113 places this year's Pi Day on October 21st, 2052 with the Gregorian calendar using the American MM/DD format and April 30th, 2033 with the ISO DD/MM format.

      Calendar cal = GregorianCalendar.getInstance();
      cal.set(2023,354,113); //subtract 1 from the month because Java calendars index January = 0.
      cal.set(2023,112,335); //subtract 1 from the month because Java calendars index January = 0.

      Mon Oct 21 10:41:34 CDT 2052
      Wed Apr 20 10:51:33 CDT 2033

      cats~$ sudo chown -R us /home/base
      • (Score: 2, Interesting) by Anonymous Coward on Monday March 20 2023, @01:08PM (2 children)

        by Anonymous Coward on Monday March 20 2023, @01:08PM (#1297157)

        clearly your number. also makes pi==-4
        (where day355 is 21/12 and day113 is 23/4, then dif these fractions ;)

        srsly you got me to read this interesting article. []

        • (Score: 1) by pTamok on Friday March 24 2023, @10:08AM

          by pTamok (3042) on Friday March 24 2023, @10:08AM (#1297934)

          Modded you up +1 Interesting: it really was an interesting article to me. Thank you.

        • (Score: 1) by Bean Dip on Wednesday April 05 2023, @05:31PM

          by Bean Dip (5604) on Wednesday April 05 2023, @05:31PM (#1299940)

          Wow great link. Thanks!

  • (Score: -1, Troll) by Anonymous Coward on Thursday March 16 2023, @11:35PM (17 children)

    by Anonymous Coward on Thursday March 16 2023, @11:35PM (#1296582)

    Looks like SoylentNews is continuing to censor views that it does not like. I am billbellum, and the email for my account has been changed, and my password no longer works. Must have said something critical of janrinok and the autarchic cabal that runs the site these days. Well, it is no longer worth it to try to have an honest discussion here. The discussions are by a smaller and smaller number of participants, and not the best ones at that. And the topics selected for the front page continue to fail, despite clear lack of comments.

    And, anti-semitic comments are still being tolerated, if not encouraged. And we have to ask if we celebrate Pi day?

    • (Score: 2) by janrinok on Friday March 17 2023, @06:22AM (16 children)

      by janrinok (52) Subscriber Badge on Friday March 17 2023, @06:22AM (#1296646) Journal

      You have created another account - you can only have one account. But you already know this.....

      Complaining in other threads is off-topic and unacceptable, and you have chosen to comment in the Poll simply because it gets your complaint on 'the front page'. If you have an objection then send me an email. In this account's short'ish life it has have received 7 temporary bans for unacceptable behaviour. Your karma is sitting at -18.

      We know who is behind the account. You explained your username when you first created the parent account (William Bellum), complete with the Latin derivation of your adopted surname. This account was created when your previous sock puppet account was compromised by yourself and therefore banned.

      I am not interested in knowing who people are or where they live. My interest starts and stops at our servers.
      • (Score: -1, Troll) by Anonymous Coward on Friday March 17 2023, @10:14PM (13 children)

        by Anonymous Coward on Friday March 17 2023, @10:14PM (#1296760)

        To whom do you address these remarks, janrinok? Seven bans? -18 means two Spam mods, at least, to counter positive moderation. Looks like Battling Bil is fighting the loosing battle for the soul of SoylentNews! Ides of March, eh? Funny how all these things work out. I wounder who janrinok thinks he is talking to.

        • (Score: 2) by janrinok on Saturday March 18 2023, @05:16AM (12 children)

          by janrinok (52) Subscriber Badge on Saturday March 18 2023, @05:16AM (#1296813) Journal

          It doesn't matter who you are - if you are abusing the site the account will receive temporary bans. If your account receives spam moderations then it will lose karma. If you have more than one account then some of them will be closed. I have closed a sock puppet account, not a person. You still have an account.

          "...Ides of March, ...soul of SoylentNews"

          Did you copy this response from the one you made at this time last year?

          I am not interested in knowing who people are or where they live. My interest starts and stops at our servers.
          • (Score: -1, Troll) by Anonymous Coward on Saturday March 18 2023, @07:52PM (2 children)

            by Anonymous Coward on Saturday March 18 2023, @07:52PM (#1296935)

            Funny how abusing janrinok is equivalent to abusing the site. Is the assimilation total and complete?

            • (Score: 0) by Anonymous Coward on Sunday March 19 2023, @02:56AM

              by Anonymous Coward on Sunday March 19 2023, @02:56AM (#1296993)

              Resistance is fusty.

            • (Score: -1, Troll) by Anonymous Coward on Tuesday March 21 2023, @08:06AM

              by Anonymous Coward on Tuesday March 21 2023, @08:06AM (#1297369)

              Janrinok is SoylentNews, at this point? Chromas keeps his usual low profile as a far right 3% Washington State resident from Idaho. MartyB has discovered the better part of valor. Mighty Buzzard proved to be less than able to receive downmods for racism. And khallow and Runaway are still here, at janrinok's invitation and protection. Spam mod for this is anticipated. Such as it ever was.

          • (Score: 0) by Anonymous Coward on Tuesday March 28 2023, @07:22AM (8 children)

            by Anonymous Coward on Tuesday March 28 2023, @07:22AM (#1298450)

            As a normal soylentil, I am curious as to what the new account billbellum has allegedly moved to. Can you give us a username, janrinok, or is this more of your dissembulation? Perhaps is it is not the same user at all, but only one that your paranoid delusion leads you to believe is one and the same aristarchus, (who should not be named). I, for one, do not welcome our SoylentNews Overlords, since they seem to be dumb.

            • (Score: 2) by janrinok on Tuesday March 28 2023, @08:14AM (7 children)

              by janrinok (52) Subscriber Badge on Tuesday March 28 2023, @08:14AM (#1298456) Journal

              billbellum explained the derivation of his name and who he was when he created his account on the 25 September 2022. He explained that the 'bellum' part of his name was a specific case of the Latin word for war, and that he was at 'war' with Soylentnews.

              His next account was bellbillum - not to difficult to identify that one either, it it? This is part of a usual routine where an individual tries to create several sock puppets, build up their karma, and then use them to upvote extreme or abusive AC posts (which they have usually made themselves using a different account) in order for them to require more negative moderation to suppress them.

              I haven't said it is Aristarchus - just one of the couple of ACs who are trying to abuse the site. You seem to know more about this than we are claiming. How do you know what moderation abuse an account is doing? How do you know how many real accounts are created, how many are fake, and how many are sockpuppets?

              I am not going to give a running commentary on the names and accounts that are being created. You can get that information yourself by querying the site. Any other account information is private and we do not just give it to anyone who asks. Get yourself a warrant or an injunction from a court and try again.

              I, for one, do not welcome our SoylentNews Overlords, since they seem to be dumb.

              We are successfully keeping the sock puppets under control and there is minimal abuse on the front page stories. Anybody who wishes to remain anonymous can always post in the journals. What is your problem 'normal AC'? You are welcome to say, or leave, as you choose.

              I am not interested in knowing who people are or where they live. My interest starts and stops at our servers.
              • (Score: 0, Spam) by Fuck You Niggers 72 on Wednesday April 05 2023, @12:34PM (6 children)

                by Fuck You Niggers 72 (27536) on Wednesday April 05 2023, @12:34PM (#1299897)

                We are successfully keeping the sock puppets under control and there is minimal abuse on the front page stories.

                Under control means only Runaway is allowed to have sock puppets, but he gets as many sock puppets as he wants. He brags that he has over 1000 suck puppets. When will you ban them?

                We know the answer. You won't. You'll just punish aristarchus more for Runaway's crimes.

                • (Score: 2) by janrinok on Wednesday April 05 2023, @02:03PM (5 children)

                  by janrinok (52) Subscriber Badge on Wednesday April 05 2023, @02:03PM (#1299910) Journal

                  Which accounts are Runaway's sock puppets?

                  You are still creating fake accounts like this one. You are still harassing and crap talking those who do not agree with you. You are still acting like a little child crying over something you lost over a year ago.

                  Why would anyone give another chance to anyone who acts like you do? Grow up.

                  I am not interested in knowing who people are or where they live. My interest starts and stops at our servers.
                  • (Score: 0) by Anonymous Coward on Wednesday April 05 2023, @07:48PM (4 children)

                    by Anonymous Coward on Wednesday April 05 2023, @07:48PM (#1299964)

                    Why is Runaway allowed to have thousands of sockpuppet accounts? Doesn't seem like that would allow for honest moderation, and free discussion.

                    • (Score: 0) by Anonymous Coward on Wednesday April 05 2023, @08:41PM (3 children)

                      by Anonymous Coward on Wednesday April 05 2023, @08:41PM (#1299976)

                      As much as I dislike the hypocrisy of site management, creating slur user names and basically spamming insults makes you a giant turd. Clean up the community with some clear rules on expected site etiquette and bans on shit users.

                      • (Score: 0) by Anonymous Coward on Thursday April 06 2023, @08:29AM (2 children)

                        by Anonymous Coward on Thursday April 06 2023, @08:29AM (#1300047)

                        I don't think etiquette, or a CoC, would stop Runaway from posting racist things. Just the way he is, a racist white trash Southerner.

                        • (Score: 0) by Anonymous Coward on Friday April 07 2023, @07:30PM (1 child)

                          by Anonymous Coward on Friday April 07 2023, @07:30PM (#1300396)


                          So that is not your sock puppet? Sure seems like aristarchus complaining, which makes them assholes too.

                          • (Score: 0) by Anonymous Coward on Friday April 07 2023, @07:43PM

                            by Anonymous Coward on Friday April 07 2023, @07:43PM (#1300399)

                            Nope, not mine. You seem to have that inverse multiple personality disorder, where you are not able to distinguish different people, and conflate them into one.

      • (Score: 0) by Anonymous Coward on Tuesday April 11 2023, @09:30AM (1 child)

        by Anonymous Coward on Tuesday April 11 2023, @09:30AM (#1300930)

        Yes! I have created a plethora of new accounts! And you, you poor and pathetic janrinok, will never be able to sort out the real from the puppets! So you will have to ban them all, as you have been doing. Only noticed, oh, four? new users posting. UIDs over 25,000? And I suspect they are all Runaway puppets. So what is your solution, my dear authoritarian janrinok? Do we ban them all? Do we challenge all potential new accounts, and ask them to prove that they are not aristarchus? Because, you know, some of them are. Maybe the vast majority of them are. Or, perhaps ALL OF THEM ARE ARISTarCHus!!! The Horror, the horror.

        And, no, seriously, I recommend that you read, or re-read, Joseph Conrad's Heart of Darkness, just to make sure you are not replaying it here. Of course, someone make the same recommendation about Moby Dick, but not being American, yours is Spotted?

        • (Score: 2) by janrinok on Tuesday April 11 2023, @11:21AM

          by janrinok (52) Subscriber Badge on Tuesday April 11 2023, @11:21AM (#1300941) Journal

          Your sock-puppets have been disabled. The other new accounts have all been successful (10 in the last 24 hours). So we are hardly banning "them all, as you have been doing."

          Only noticed, oh, four? new users posting. UIDs over 25,000?

          Taking into consideration that there is a bot creating around 100 fake accounts a day I am entirely happy with the count of new users - which you seem to have under-calculated. Perhaps you are not including those who moderate or make submissions, or who have accounts but chose to post as AC on the front pages anyway. Of course, that wouldn't support your claims quite so well, would it?

          I am not interested in knowing who people are or where they live. My interest starts and stops at our servers.
  • (Score: 3, Funny) by Ingar on Saturday March 18 2023, @08:57AM

    by Ingar (801) on Saturday March 18 2023, @08:57AM (#1296837) Homepage Journal

    What are you talking about?
    The value of pi is 3.243F6A8885A308D313198A2E037073...

    Understanding is a three-edged sword: your side, their side, and the truth.
  • (Score: 3, Interesting) by gznork26 on Monday March 20 2023, @05:03PM

    by gznork26 (1159) on Monday March 20 2023, @05:03PM (#1297200) Homepage Journal

    And here I thought that the closest approximation to Pi day was on March 14, (20)15 at 9:26:53.589, when we were out at a Shari's having pie.

    Khipu were Turing complete.
  • (Score: 1, Informative) by Anonymous Coward on Tuesday March 21 2023, @02:49PM

    by Anonymous Coward on Tuesday March 21 2023, @02:49PM (#1297403)

    only two more votes outside of No. makes the No vote 3.14 out of 10 people saying no to celebratig PI day tehe!

  • (Score: -1, Offtopic) by Anonymous Coward on Tuesday March 21 2023, @10:51PM (92 children)

    by Anonymous Coward on Tuesday March 21 2023, @10:51PM (#1297485)

    Once again the whiniest liar that likes pretending to be pro-freedom is censoring their journal []

    Figures it would take an insurrection foiled by a black officer to get a white supremacist to start criticizing the police. Just comply runaway /wompwomp

    • (Score: -1, Spam) by Anonymous Coward on Wednesday March 22 2023, @02:41AM (91 children)

      by Anonymous Coward on Wednesday March 22 2023, @02:41AM (#1297516)

      You mean Runnyway learned from janrinok the trick of only allowing registered, verified, geo-located users to comment in his pathetic excuse for a journal? But it profits him little to exclude Pure ACs, since they have the most insightful things to say about guns, and Runsaway his own self is kind of ignorant on the topic.

      • (Score: -1, Spam) by Anonymous Coward on Wednesday March 22 2023, @05:25AM (35 children)

        by Anonymous Coward on Wednesday March 22 2023, @05:25AM (#1297536)

        As a LEO, who cannot have a registered account here for obvious reasons, I would like the opportunity to rebutt all the anti-cop propaganda that posers like Runaway post here. But, I guess this is the way it goes when a dwindling website seeks to protect itself, by allowing anti-semitic cop-haters to have free rain.

        • (Score: -1, Spam) by Anonymous Coward on Wednesday March 22 2023, @08:24AM (34 children)

          by Anonymous Coward on Wednesday March 22 2023, @08:24AM (#1297547)

          SoylentNews, spam modding law enforcement officers? Perhaps janrinok, being a Brit, was not aware of what LEO means? Or he shares Runaway's distain and derogation of the police.

          • (Score: 2) by janrinok on Wednesday March 22 2023, @10:09AM (33 children)

            by janrinok (52) Subscriber Badge on Wednesday March 22 2023, @10:09AM (#1297551) Journal

            Not my moderation - there is a whole community here who are free to moderate..

            I am not interested in knowing who people are or where they live. My interest starts and stops at our servers.
            • (Score: -1, Spam) by Anonymous Coward on Thursday March 23 2023, @10:05PM (32 children)

              by Anonymous Coward on Thursday March 23 2023, @10:05PM (#1297844)

              There are three spam mods visible, now. They do not seem to be working?

              • (Score: -1, Spam) by Anonymous Coward on Saturday March 25 2023, @08:40AM (31 children)

                by Anonymous Coward on Saturday March 25 2023, @08:40AM (#1298101)

                And, I am quite sure that admin enabled editors can grant themselves an untold number of moderations, to inflict upon any AC that shows the slightest tendency to go aristarchus. Mod me down, janrinok! You know you want to! And if not, have one of your alt-right minions do it for you. Oh, the manatees eating cabbage have nothing on the dezians of SoylentNews!

                • (Score: 2) by janrinok on Sunday March 26 2023, @10:59AM (30 children)

                  by janrinok (52) Subscriber Badge on Sunday March 26 2023, @10:59AM (#1298207) Journal

                  Nobody on the staff moderates on the basis of their politics - that would be moderation abuse. Most moderations of your comments are made by the community and are based on the your comment's contents.

                  Have you ever stopped to think that perhaps some people are trying to tell you something? That question is entire rhetorical - of course you haven't.

                  I am not interested in knowing who people are or where they live. My interest starts and stops at our servers.
                  • (Score: -1, Troll) by Anonymous Coward on Sunday March 26 2023, @07:23PM

                    by Anonymous Coward on Sunday March 26 2023, @07:23PM (#1298252)

                    This made me laugh out loud! Thanks for the entertainment, janrinok!

                  • (Score: 0) by Anonymous Coward on Monday March 27 2023, @02:07PM (28 children)

                    by Anonymous Coward on Monday March 27 2023, @02:07PM (#1298332)

                    Khallow made a journal entry about your tactics.

                    • (Score: 3, Informative) by janrinok on Monday March 27 2023, @06:38PM (27 children)

                      by janrinok (52) Subscriber Badge on Monday March 27 2023, @06:38PM (#1298366) Journal

                      I have read khallow's journal. We are not working on behalf of any government. We, unlike yourself, allow any political views to be expressed. I can see no connection between that journal entry and this site. As I have clearly stated - what you perceive only exists in your mind.

                      This is a privately run site which exists for the benefit of its community. We can accept whomever we wish as members of this community, or we can refuse them admittance. Those that act like adults, behave responsibly and are prepared to discuss topics are welcome. Banning is not something that we do lightly - in fact only one person in 9 years has been banned. You have not been censored - you are expressing your views now. Aristarchus has not been censored because his journals are still there and can be read by anyone. Aristarchus was banned because of his behaviour - not because of his politics, not because of a point of view that he expressed, not because we do not like him, nor to censor him, or for any other of those perceived reasons that you keep shouting about, because none of those are true or even relevant.

                      So your point is?

                      If you do not like this site why don't you move to a different one? I think that you would be happier, and we certainly would be. But if you choose to stay do not expect our standards to be dropped just so that you can have things your own way. If that is what you expect, go and start your own site - with drugs and hookers if you like.

                      I am not interested in knowing who people are or where they live. My interest starts and stops at our servers.
                      • (Score: -1, Spam) by Anonymous Coward on Monday March 27 2023, @09:10PM (25 children)

                        by Anonymous Coward on Monday March 27 2023, @09:10PM (#1298387)

                        Moar ravings from the Mad Grand Censor? Fan mail from a Flounder?

                        I have read khallow's journal. We are not working on behalf of any government. We, unlike yourself, allow any political views to be expressed. I can see no connection between that journal entry and this site. As I have clearly stated - what you perceive only exists in your mind.

                        None are so blind, etc., etc. Any objective observer can see there is a clear right-wing bias at SN. Even Ncommander saw it, in the horse paste. So janrinok being unlike an AC only exists in his mind, which is troubling.

                        Aristarchus has not been censored because his journals are still there and can be read by anyone. Aristarchus was banned because of his behaviour - not because of his politics, not because of a point of view that he expressed, not because we do not like him, nor to censor him, or for any other of those perceived reasons that you keep shouting about, because none of those are true or even relevant.

                        True, but all the posts that aristarchus would have made have been censored, only because of his politics, and the fact that janrinok (and several other hidden crypto-alt-right SoylentNews staffers) hate him so badly it makes their teeth ache. So these actually percieved reasons are in fact true, and relevant, and SN is no longer what it purported to be at its launch.

                        If you do not like this site why don't you move to a different one? I think that you would be happier, and we certainly would be.

                        Yes, I imagine that janrinok and Runsaway would be happy in their bubble, if only rational critics like aristarchus would leave them alone. I have an idea, why don't you move to a different site? We know Runaway cannot, since he has been banned from everywhere else on the internets, even from the Fox News discussion fora.

                        So the authoritarians have abrogated to themselves the right to determine what are "bad posts", and what is moderation abuse, and whose website this is. I, for one, do not see the difference from being taken over by Dice. We will have to Buck Feta all over again, but this time we are not leaving.

                        Janrinok furiously studies up on how to ban AC posting in journals and polls
                        • (Score: 2) by janrinok on Tuesday March 28 2023, @08:17AM (15 children)

                          by janrinok (52) Subscriber Badge on Tuesday March 28 2023, @08:17AM (#1298457) Journal

                          Funny then that you should try to create an account with the nick of FloundingFather. You are about as anonymous as Trump.

                          I am not interested in knowing who people are or where they live. My interest starts and stops at our servers.
                          • (Score: -1, Spam) by Anonymous Coward on Thursday March 30 2023, @08:35AM

                            by Anonymous Coward on Thursday March 30 2023, @08:35AM (#1298830)

                            Ah! Janrinok has a Beautiful Mind! Seeing connections everywhere? Invisible friend that is a talking flying squirrel? Yes, of course it was me that registered a floundering username, because Boris and Natasha (and Runaway) told me to as part of their devious plan to destroy the capitalist West, and Canada.

                          • (Score: -1, Troll) by Anonymous Coward on Monday April 03 2023, @05:28AM

                            by Anonymous Coward on Monday April 03 2023, @05:28AM (#1299500)

                            Who did this! "Flounding Father"? This is an insult to the United States of 'Merica! I know a guy, who knows a guy, who is on the House UnAmerican Activities Select House Committee on the Weaponization of the Federal Government against Conservative Idiots, and I think we can get them to start an investigation. About time these radical leftist commie scum-sucking lime lizards and flippant onigeffeulers were brought to justice! On Flander's Field, jan, you know of where I speak, since it is so close to you.

                          • (Score: 0, Spam) by Fuck You Niggers 71 on Wednesday April 05 2023, @07:48AM (5 children)

                            by Fuck You Niggers 71 (27534) on Wednesday April 05 2023, @07:48AM (#1299850) Journal

                            Why did you delete FatPhil's comment about your abuse? What are you scared of? Explain yourself, you chickenshit.

                            • (Score: 2) by janrinok on Wednesday April 05 2023, @08:50AM (4 children)

                              by janrinok (52) Subscriber Badge on Wednesday April 05 2023, @08:50AM (#1299861) Journal
                              What comment?
                              I am not interested in knowing who people are or where they live. My interest starts and stops at our servers.
                              • (Score: -1, Troll) by Anonymous Coward on Wednesday April 05 2023, @07:52PM (3 children)

                                by Anonymous Coward on Wednesday April 05 2023, @07:52PM (#1299965)

                                Exactly! Jan the Censor strikes, again!

                                • (Score: 0) by Anonymous Coward on Thursday April 06 2023, @08:01AM (2 children)

                                  by Anonymous Coward on Thursday April 06 2023, @08:01AM (#1300040)

                                  Besides, what happened to FatPhil? Quit posting in IRC, or commenting. Just gone? Is he dead?

                                  • (Score: 2) by janrinok on Thursday April 06 2023, @09:44AM (1 child)

                                    by janrinok (52) Subscriber Badge on Thursday April 06 2023, @09:44AM (#1300067) Journal
                                    He is active on IRC - you are just looking in the wrong place apparently.
                                    I am not interested in knowing who people are or where they live. My interest starts and stops at our servers.
                                    • (Score: 0, Troll) by Legend of Aristarchus on Tuesday April 11 2023, @01:45AM

                                      by Legend of Aristarchus (27796) on Tuesday April 11 2023, @01:45AM (#1300854) Journal

                                      Why did you coerce him into denying his posts about the September 10 email? What did you threaten him with? How much is Runaway bribing Soylent News to keep attacking aristarchus?

                          • (Score: 0) by Anonymous Coward on Thursday April 06 2023, @09:13AM (5 children)

                            by Anonymous Coward on Thursday April 06 2023, @09:13AM (#1300056)

                            Funny that you should mod that post Spam. Actually, not so funny. More sad than funny.

                            • (Score: 2) by janrinok on Thursday April 06 2023, @01:45PM (4 children)

                              by janrinok (52) Subscriber Badge on Thursday April 06 2023, @01:45PM (#1300086) Journal
                              It is from a sock puppet account - it is SPAM. Why you should find a childish username funny though is an entirely different question though.
                              I am not interested in knowing who people are or where they live. My interest starts and stops at our servers.
                              • (Score: 0) by Anonymous Coward on Monday April 10 2023, @02:14AM (3 children)

                                by Anonymous Coward on Monday April 10 2023, @02:14AM (#1300699)

                                Sorry, but ACs are by definition anonymous, so they can't be sockpuppets. Or is that what bothers janrinok so much, ACs posting as the unofficial and alleged sock-puppets of actors unknown! So now we are all sockpuppets, and Runaway a thousand times over. Don't Spam mod me, bro!!

                                • (Score: 2) by janrinok on Monday April 10 2023, @06:59AM (2 children)

                                  by janrinok (52) Subscriber Badge on Monday April 10 2023, @06:59AM (#1300729) Journal

                                  The accounts that ACs try to create ARE sock puppet accounts if it results in having 2 account identities, particularly when they still have an existing working account. (Now somebody is just realising why we have kept one of his very early accounts active - although it appears that he has forgotten all about it.)

                                  ACs remain as ACs. Logged in account holders can also post as AC but it doesn't delete their existing account.

                                  I am not interested in knowing who people are or where they live. My interest starts and stops at our servers.
                                  • (Score: -1, Troll) by Anonymous Coward on Monday April 10 2023, @06:15PM (1 child)

                                    by Anonymous Coward on Monday April 10 2023, @06:15PM (#1300782)

                                    "Logged in account holders can also post as AC but it doesn't delete their existing account."

                                    And logged in "AC" posts are forever tied to their username, contrary to the very wording of "anonymous coward" which maybe was the point all along? Wonder how many other excuses we'll get from you about how the site RLY RLY FOR RLZY DOESNT CARE WHO U R? You've stopped making so many accusations and now claim that never happened. Conservatives, morally bankrupt in every fashion.

                                    • (Score: -1, Spam) by Anonymous Coward on Tuesday April 11 2023, @03:18AM

                                      by Anonymous Coward on Tuesday April 11 2023, @03:18AM (#1300867)

                                      I wrote a journal criticizing janrinok for pandering to Runaway. 20 minutes later, my journal has been removed and my account banned. The journal is []. Janrinok says Soylent News cannot edit or delete journals. Here is proof he lied.

                                      Janrinok is now blocking all new accounts. I got an email when I tried to create a new account to post about my journal:

                                      Somebody using the email address '*********' has attempted to create an account with the username 'Censored By Janrinok'. Unfortunately it has triggered our security software and the account has been temporarily disabled. (Reference: ******/*****) If you were NOT trying to create an account then please accept my apologies and you can ignore this email. If you ARE trying to create an account then please contact me at and I will try to assist you. Please quote ******/***** in the title/subject of your email. jan rinok

                                      Soylent News is dead. Not even NCommander can save us from janrinok and Runaway.


                        • (Score: 2) by janrinok on Tuesday March 28 2023, @08:36AM (8 children)

                          by janrinok (52) Subscriber Badge on Tuesday March 28 2023, @08:36AM (#1298459) Journal

                          Even Ncommander saw it,

                          Which he criticised - hardly a right-wing reaction. You are not paying attention.

                          he posts that aristarchus would have made have been censored

                          No they haven't, you never submitted them. It would appear that you censored yourself. We are not obliged to give anyone a platform if we choose not to do so.

                          rational critics like aristarchus

                          Abusing people is not rational criticism. Why don't you get out of your basement and ask your mom to give you a hug? It is obvious that you are not feeling the love here any more.

                          why don't you move to a different site?

                          I do have another site - 2 in fact. No, you can find them yourself...

                          I am not interested in knowing who people are or where they live. My interest starts and stops at our servers.
                          • (Score: -1, Troll) by Anonymous Coward on Sunday April 02 2023, @11:35PM

                            by Anonymous Coward on Sunday April 02 2023, @11:35PM (#1299475)

                            To think there are at least two other websites where the users have to submit to the will of janrinok! Oh, the profanity!

                          • (Score: 0) by Anonymous Coward on Tuesday April 04 2023, @09:28PM (5 children)

                            by Anonymous Coward on Tuesday April 04 2023, @09:28PM (#1299780)

                            The site's primary founder left because it became too much of a right wing shit hole. One would imagine that might make you take the community management problem seriously yet you keep defending stochastic terrorism as free speech. Stop complaining about personal insults if you're going to platform terrorists.

                            • (Score: -1, Redundant) by Anonymous Coward on Wednesday April 05 2023, @03:13AM

                              by Anonymous Coward on Wednesday April 05 2023, @03:13AM (#1299827)

                              The site's primary founder flounder left because it became too much of a right wing shit hole.


                            • (Score: 2) by janrinok on Thursday April 06 2023, @01:50PM (3 children)

                              by janrinok (52) Subscriber Badge on Thursday April 06 2023, @01:50PM (#1300088) Journal

                              right wing shit hole

                              No he didn't - he left because it became too much of a shit hole - the type of politics was irrelevant. It was swamped by ACs and sock puppets posting spam, off-topic comments, personal abuse and worse.

                              Don't make things up to suit your personal views. Most people call that lying.

                              I am not interested in knowing who people are or where they live. My interest starts and stops at our servers.
                              • (Score: -1, Troll) by Anonymous Coward on Friday April 07 2023, @07:22PM (1 child)

                                by Anonymous Coward on Friday April 07 2023, @07:22PM (#1300391)

                                Who do you think drives that shitty behavior? Most of the liberal users kept it civil while rightwingers spewed baseless lies, personal attacks, and straught propaganda with a solid mix of racist bigotry. Then Trump happened and it got worse, and the bullshit piled up so high that insulting the moron fascists was the only option left.

                                This is all on Soylent News for allowing the shitty behavior, but you go ahead and blame everyone else. Typical rhetoric from you, maybe you should have clamped down on sock puppets and ACs before the community left as was suggested for years? Nope, still clinging to free speech to protect stochastic terrorists while crying about AC comments and ad homs. Peak conservative snowflake!

                                • (Score: 0) by Anonymous Coward on Friday April 07 2023, @10:31PM

                                  by Anonymous Coward on Friday April 07 2023, @10:31PM (#1300420)

                                  If only I had mod ability! The parent is Super Insightful!! ++5 Inciteful!

                              • (Score: 0) by Anonymous Coward on Saturday April 08 2023, @07:30PM

                                by Anonymous Coward on Saturday April 08 2023, @07:30PM (#1300531)

                                Did we visit different Soylent Newses? Wait, I see, as long as it is registered users doing the spam, off topic, and personal abuse you're totally fine with it. Or you are suffering diminished memory, these days the site is more polite and trash free than ever. I find your selective memory, disturbing.

                      • (Score: 1, Funny) by Anonymous Coward on Friday March 31 2023, @06:56PM

                        by Anonymous Coward on Friday March 31 2023, @06:56PM (#1299234)

                        I have read khallow's journal.

                        I think this is the aim the GP had in mind, to prompt you to engage in pain and suffering. You have my sympathies.

      • (Score: 3, Informative) by janrinok on Wednesday March 22 2023, @06:01PM (54 children)

        by janrinok (52) Subscriber Badge on Wednesday March 22 2023, @06:01PM (#1297614) Journal

        geolocated? You can use any email you wish - as you know very well - and you also use VPNs and/or TOR.

        How many times do I have to tell you that we don't care who or where you are? But if you want to comment in some places on this site you have to have an account. So simple that even you should understand it.

        I am not interested in knowing who people are or where they live. My interest starts and stops at our servers.
        • (Score: -1, Troll) by Anonymous Coward on Friday April 07 2023, @07:27PM (53 children)

          by Anonymous Coward on Friday April 07 2023, @07:27PM (#1300394)

          Oh we know you care, you've been working hard to ID people and some AC posts vague data about devices accessing the site. You are clearly fingerprinting users and then leaking some info publicly on here. Paired with hiding the privacy issues, like users clicking "post as AC" without clear wording that doing so doesn't make them true ACs. This site is built on lies of privacy and freedom, but you can fix that by being transparent with the rules and technical site details. Why you refuse to even update the about/help pages is a question every user here should wonder about.

          • (Score: 2) by janrinok on Saturday April 08 2023, @01:20AM (10 children)

            by janrinok (52) Subscriber Badge on Saturday April 08 2023, @01:20AM (#1300441) Journal

            Why you refuse to even update the about/help pages is a question every user here should wonder about.

            We currently have nobody who is able to access the appropriate computer to install the wiki. Simple, isn't it?

            I am not interested in knowing who people are or where they live. My interest starts and stops at our servers.
            • (Score: 0) by Anonymous Coward on Saturday April 08 2023, @12:27PM

              by Anonymous Coward on Saturday April 08 2023, @12:27PM (#1300491)

              Nobody? Wow, the mind boggles! Can't you just have Runaway do it? Or khallow? Or, well, I guess that is about it, huh?

            • (Score: 0) by Anonymous Coward on Saturday April 08 2023, @10:58PM (8 children)

              by Anonymous Coward on Saturday April 08 2023, @10:58PM (#1300568)


              SN wins worst managed website of 2023!

              • (Score: 2) by janrinok on Sunday April 09 2023, @06:57AM (7 children)

                by janrinok (52) Subscriber Badge on Sunday April 09 2023, @06:57AM (#1300607) Journal

                So you will be leaving then....?

                I am not interested in knowing who people are or where they live. My interest starts and stops at our servers.
                • (Score: -1, Troll) by Anonymous Coward on Wednesday April 12 2023, @07:50AM (6 children)

                  by Anonymous Coward on Wednesday April 12 2023, @07:50AM (#1301064)

                  Watching janrinok implode as he tries to tame the internets is far too entertaining to miss. Spam mod some more ACs, jan! Ban some more new users! Explain again how you are preventing abuse by blocking commenting on the front page, and by making sure the front page is the most boring swill imaginable. Microsoft shilling? Check. Copyright supporting? Check. Retro Intel chip fan posts? Check. Only the Censorship battle is at all interesting, and it is not on the front page.

                  • (Score: 2) by janrinok on Wednesday April 12 2023, @11:15AM (5 children)

                    by janrinok (52) Subscriber Badge on Wednesday April 12 2023, @11:15AM (#1301071) Journal
                    The site was created to discuss predominantly STEM topics but we also clearly stated that no subject would be off limits. The STEM topics are on the front page. However, it is not possible to provide editors to cover every conceivable topic so other subjects have to be elsewhere because we are legally responsible for the stories that we publish. That is not the case for the journals.

                    by making sure the front page is the most boring swill imaginable

                    That is because they are topics that do not interest you. In the past some people have simply trodden rough shod over the STEM discussions and decided to talk about whatever off-topic thing took their fancy. That does not now happen.

                    The topics that interest you and many others are now being discussed in the journals. Every community member has a place where they can raise any topic they wish and have it discussed by those who are interested in participating in the discussion. Each community member is free to control their discussions as they wish. This is exactly why the site was created this way and it is now functioning exactly as it was always intended to do.

                    You keep demanding access to the front page yet you have just stated that you have no interest in the topics that are being discussed there. What is your problem? You have your own discussion space and you are free to use it. Why aren't people publishing the submissions that used to be rejected from the front page. Oh, that's right - THEY ARE! It is precisely how it is meant to happen. Not a single AC is currently contributing to the running costs of this site. You are getting it all for free but still you are not happy.

                    I do not resent the journals - I am very pleased to see that where they used to be used by a small number of people there are now more journals being created and more people joining in the discussions.

                    Your criticism is actually the best praise you can give us - the system works!

                    I am not interested in knowing who people are or where they live. My interest starts and stops at our servers.
                    • (Score: 0) by Anonymous Coward on Wednesday April 12 2023, @08:39PM (4 children)

                      by Anonymous Coward on Wednesday April 12 2023, @08:39PM (#1301177)

                      Can we please get rid of AC posting in the polls? One or more of these massive threads appears in every poll, with the same inane comments being posted ad nauseum. You're never going to agree to the demands from aristarchus, Azumi Hazuki 2.0, and anyone else who might be supporting them. They're never going to be satisfied with your answers because their concerns about privacy and transparency are disingenuous charades to excuse their trolling. There is no upside to doing this exercise every time a new poll is created. Why not disable AC posting in the polls and be done with this idiocy?

                      • (Score: 0) by Anonymous Coward on Wednesday April 12 2023, @10:34PM (3 children)

                        by Anonymous Coward on Wednesday April 12 2023, @10:34PM (#1301197)


                        Turns out conservatives absolutely do not care about free speech beyond their own agenda to spew misinformation and hate.

                        What a surprise /sarcasm

                        • (Score: 0) by Anonymous Coward on Wednesday April 12 2023, @11:25PM (2 children)

                          by Anonymous Coward on Wednesday April 12 2023, @11:25PM (#1301208)

                          It's remarkable how you claim to be able to identify my political views from my desire to eliminate shitposting. The truth is that you're trolling, and this is an attempt to get me to discuss politics instead of your trolling.

                          I don't believe for a moment that you actually care about removing toxic comments and users from this site. It's only a pretext for you to justify your disruptive behavior. If Runaway was banned, you would find some other excuse to shitpost.

                          This isn't the first time that trolls used arguments about free speech and censorship to try to justify trolling. Slashdot trolls did that, with the "First Slashdot Troll Post Investigation" and subsequent posts about editor moderation. Aristarchus' choice to call his trolling a "jihad" is notable because Slashdot trolls actually had a website,, where they claimed there was a "Sacred Jihad Against Slashdot" and organized their trolling efforts. They had a manifesto about alleged editor abuses and a way for trolls to recommend comments to be modded up or down. There were accounts on Slashdot [] to promote their "jihad" against Slashdot. All of it was really just an excuse to shitpost. You're just repeating the same trolls from 20 years ago.

                          What's next? Will you be registering to organize your "jihad" against this site?

                          • (Score: 0) by Anonymous Coward on Thursday April 13 2023, @01:03AM (1 child)

                            by Anonymous Coward on Thursday April 13 2023, @01:03AM (#1301225)

                            Nope, pretty obvious where your political allegaince lies. Convervative, used to be a liberal, until liberals lost their minds, and George Soros. Did I miss anything? And now you, like DeSanta Clause, are calling for censorship, bookburning, and the prosecution of "thought crimes". Flat out Nazi shit. Nice to know janrinok has at least one supporter in his auto-de-fe of the SoylentNews!

                            • (Score: 1, Insightful) by Anonymous Coward on Thursday April 13 2023, @05:04AM

                              by Anonymous Coward on Thursday April 13 2023, @05:04AM (#1301242)

                              There are lots of people here who are not conservative. Last I checked, users like DeathMonkey and Azuma Hazuki haven't been banned. Azuma Hazuki is very, shall we say, passionate in how she shares her political views. There certainly are people here who don't like the tone of how she expresses her opinions, but she hasn't been banned. No, only aristarchus has actually been banned. It stands to reason it is for something other than sharing his political views. That reason, of course, is doxxing.

                              You know, I was involved with doxxing twice. Once, I was arguing on a public forum with someone I knew from IRC. During one argument, I thought he publicly posted details about me that he shouldn't have, though it wasn't doxxing. I was not pleased, and I retaliated by posting his address and phone number. I'm sure he saw it, but he never said anything to me about that. No matter what he posted about me, it was wrong for me to retaliate by doxxing him.

                              The other time was also an IRC dispute, where I got into a fight with someone who I considered a friend. I'm pretty sure I got banned from a channel and he said some things to me that made me pretty angry. I asked a second "friend" from another channel to help me out and coerce the guy into unbanning me and taking back what he said. I knew better, that this "friend" was involved with phone phreaking and thought that sort of thing made him cool. Although I didn't ask this "friend" to do any doxxing, I should have expected he would do something of the sort. Nothing got posted publicly, but he obtained the address and phone number of the guy who banned me and told it to him. The guy who banned me, who had been a friend of mine, was very upset about what happened. He had been going to that IRC network for many years, but he left that day and never went back. Although I apologized, there was nothing that I could say or do that would change what happened or the impact it had on this person. Suffice it to say, he no longer considered me a friend, and he wanted nothing to do with me going forward.

                              I was a teenager, and these took place over 20 years ago. There's a good chance that I'm the only person who remembers these incidents. I'm not proud of this, and I haven't forgotten how upset the second person was. Even though I didn't obtain or share any of his private information, and I didn't instruct anyone to do that, I am still culpable for what happened. It was wrong. Both of these things were wrong, and I greatly regret what I did. I have never done anything like that since, nor will I ever do so again. I haven't forgotten the harm I caused, and I'll never do anything like that again. Those incidents took place over 20 years ago. I was very immature then, and they don't reflect who I am now.

                              I don't expect any of this will matter to you, aristarchus. You'll probably ridicule me for your honesty and try to use what I said to rationalize your own behavior. You don't seem to have a functioning conscience, nor do you appear to care about the harm your actions cause to others. You had a chance to accept a three month ban and to improve your behavior. You could have apologized for your doxxing and promised not to ever do that again. You could have stopped spamming articles with off-topic complaints. If you had apologized, admitted your wrongdoing, and changed your behavior, you would have been welcome to continue participating. You could have admitted that your behavior was awful, but you had the opportunity to change and make sure that the incident didn't reflect who you were going forward. You've spent the last year refusing to do any of that, and you've escalated your harassment and spamming. Just within the past month, you posted Runaway's name in a comment. You haven't changed, and you're not even willing to try.

                              You earned your ban. You were given many opportunities to repent, and you've rejected every one of them. Your ban is not because of politics. It's because of doxxing and your absolute refusal to reform yourself.

          • (Score: 2) by janrinok on Saturday April 08 2023, @03:13PM (41 children)

            by janrinok (52) Subscriber Badge on Saturday April 08 2023, @03:13PM (#1300507) Journal

            You are clearly fingerprinting users and then leaking some info publicly on here.

            We are not fingerprinting anybody, we don't care who you are or where you are. We only care about how you behave on this site - act like a child and you will get treated like a child.

            I am not interested in knowing who people are or where they live. My interest starts and stops at our servers.
            • (Score: -1, Troll) by Anonymous Coward on Saturday April 08 2023, @07:32PM (32 children)

              by Anonymous Coward on Saturday April 08 2023, @07:32PM (#1300532)

              Liar. Going to update the site with details of how users are tracked and what amount of anonymity they actually have? No? Thought so.

              • (Score: 2) by janrinok on Sunday April 09 2023, @06:55AM (31 children)

                by janrinok (52) Subscriber Badge on Sunday April 09 2023, @06:55AM (#1300606) Journal

                Easy - I can do that now.


                Is that clear enough for you. We only record the information that people give us when they modify their personal pages, their comments, moderations, journals and submission. Everything else comes from what they say.

                I am not interested in knowing who people are or where they live. My interest starts and stops at our servers.
                • (Score: 0) by Anonymous Coward on Sunday April 09 2023, @05:33PM (11 children)

                  by Anonymous Coward on Sunday April 09 2023, @05:33PM (#1300661)

                  this comment made me wonder why the canary like privacy notice on bottom of mainpage disappeared later in 2022?

                  cannot be bothered checking more than teo dates but it was there 22feb and gone by 20dec2022.

                  probably a good thing considering how caustic the sites main benefit (comments) has become.

                  • (Score: 2) by janrinok on Monday April 10 2023, @06:42AM (10 children)

                    by janrinok (52) Subscriber Badge on Monday April 10 2023, @06:42AM (#1300726) Journal

                    It disappeared because the system crashed several times in Oct/Nov and early Dec 2022. For some reason that statement had not been integrated into the master copy of the site. You would have to ask a maintainer why that had not been done.

                    When the site was recovered the statement was missing. It will be returned but, although the site may appear to be working from the user's point of view, we are running at an estimated 60% of what we had before the site was updated and secured. It is not the most important task on NCommander's list, and I still do not know when he will be able to return to continue his update work.

                    There has been no change in policy. We do not track anybody on this site. We have records of every account ever created because they have unique user id numbers. They only contain information provided by the creators of those accounts.

                    One person is complaining that he is having difficulty creating new sock puppet accounts to add to his over 600 previous sock puppet accounts. I have told him that his security is abysmal. His attempts are often easily identified as his accounts frequently have unique characteristics. He ought to look at his own actions and software before accusing us of 'tracking' users. Nevertheless, he still has working accounts on this site which he can use providing he follows the behaviour expected of people in a public place. In essence: "Don't be a dick!"

                    There are hundreds of new accounts being created every week. Unfortunately most of them are fake accounts or Spam. Regardless of their content, they are having no problem creating those accounts. We are also getting new members albeit at a much lower rate. They too seem not to have any problems.

                    I am not interested in knowing who people are or where they live. My interest starts and stops at our servers.
                    • (Score: 0) by Anonymous Coward on Monday April 10 2023, @04:46PM (9 children)

                      by Anonymous Coward on Monday April 10 2023, @04:46PM (#1300765)

                      So many lies.

                      Not aristarchus here, but frequently accused of it by you janrinok. Why do you always leave out the IP tracking like it doesn't matter? The excuses are lame and only show SN as laxy with respect to privacy.

                      FYI: IP addresses are hashed, with the same hash since site launch, so rebuilding actual IPs is trivial. Suppisedly true AC comments not posted from a logged in account are stored forever. So every logged in user is tracked and IP history stored forever. Maybe that was the main reason so many users left, that info becoming public really showed how little care SN truly has for user privacy.

                      Yes you need IP history to enforce some rules, but you could rotate the hash at the very least. Also, I've seen commentary guessing at the manufacturer of user devices and AC identity which reveals that staff are leaking privileged information and your public protests against admin abuse are totally hollow. Maybe it is not you precusely, but that just points to an even worse problem of bad management.

                      The lack of technical staff to support the site is a real problem, but you're "community building" is beyond hopeless.

                      • (Score: 2) by janrinok on Monday April 10 2023, @05:44PM (5 children)

                        by janrinok (52) Subscriber Badge on Monday April 10 2023, @05:44PM (#1300771) Journal

                        Not aristarchus here, but frequently accused of it by you janrinok

                        No, you are AC, we can all see that. I haven't accused you of being aristarchus in this thread and you can claim whatever you wish. You cannot prove it nor can I disprove it.

                        Why do you always leave out the IP tracking like it doesn't matter

                        I don't mention it because we are not doing it. You are stupid if you think that we can crack both IPv4 and IPv6 hashes without an exceptional amount of storage - far more than we have access to. And if we did use it then I suspect that all it would give us in most cases is the IP of a VPN or TOR node. How would we 'track' you through them? We have hashes. We stopped using them several years ago for anything other linking comments and moderations to stories and accounts. I have said this before. If you don't believe me or you think that the staff are tracking you then your alternative option is quite obvious. However, demanding that we stop doing something that we are not doing is another sign that you do not know what you are talking about.

                        but you could rotate the hash at the very least

                        Look at the code, changes to the hashing is built in - it is part of slashd. Nevertheless, we have to ensure that we can link every story, comment and moderation going back to 2014 - otherwise we cannot refer to previous stories or quote material posted 9 years ago. So we have to keep the old hashing method in addition to each new one. As far as anyone here is concerned the hashes are merely random numbers allocated to a connection.

                        but you're [sic] "community building" is beyond hopeless.

                        Fine, we have already discussed the alternative options open to you. I hope you find a site that doesn't use IP addresses to maintain connections.

                        Not only does blocking sock puppets not rely on IP addresses or hashes - we don't even use them. We don't need them. Idiots compromise themselves by what they say and how they behave.

                        I am not interested in knowing who people are or where they live. My interest starts and stops at our servers.
                        • (Score: 0) by Anonymous Coward on Monday April 10 2023, @05:52PM

                          by Anonymous Coward on Monday April 10 2023, @05:52PM (#1300774)

                          Ruh roh, janrinok has entered the super-slyiang stage! Someone warn Vegeta Ble!

                        • (Score: 0) by Anonymous Coward on Monday April 10 2023, @08:11PM (3 children)

                          by Anonymous Coward on Monday April 10 2023, @08:11PM (#1300799)

                          We stopped using them several years ago for anything other linking comments and moderations to stories and accounts.

                          Um, stopped? So SoylentNews was using them for "other" things, prior? So a rouge admin could easily do it again? We are to trust you? No, thanks.

                          • (Score: 2) by janrinok on Tuesday April 11 2023, @06:12AM (2 children)

                            by janrinok (52) Subscriber Badge on Tuesday April 11 2023, @06:12AM (#1300887) Journal

                            They were used to link lots of bits of data for which we no longer use them because they provide nothing of any value but require access to the Perl code more than is necessary.

                            We stopped using them several years ago for anything other linking comments and moderations to stories and accounts.

                            I am not interested in knowing who people are or where they live. My interest starts and stops at our servers.
                            • (Score: 0) by Anonymous Coward on Tuesday April 11 2023, @06:19AM (1 child)

                              by Anonymous Coward on Tuesday April 11 2023, @06:19AM (#1300890)


                              Proof of your lies [].

                              You use them to track people like aristarchus.

                              • (Score: -1, Troll) by Anonymous Coward on Tuesday April 11 2023, @09:36AM

                                by Anonymous Coward on Tuesday April 11 2023, @09:36AM (#1300931)

                                FatPhil is an IT professional, used to work for Nokia, in Finnsland! He would never help janrinok dox a AC, because that would be wrong. As he has asserted many times to janrinok, who refused to listen.

                      • (Score: 2) by janrinok on Monday April 10 2023, @07:00PM (2 children)

                        by janrinok (52) Subscriber Badge on Monday April 10 2023, @07:00PM (#1300790) Journal

                        So many lies.

                        Not a single one.

                        Not aristarchus here, but frequently accused of it by you janrinok.

                        I haven't accused you of being aristarchus in this thread. What you claim may have occurred elsewhere you can neither prove was you nor can I disprove it. So that avenue is irrelevant.

                        Why do you always leave out the IP tracking like it doesn't matter?

                        I leave it out because we are not doing it. The IPs are converted to hashes. I never see an IP address. If you think that decrypting both IPv4 and IPv6 hashes is trivial go ahead and demonstrate how trivial it is. It would require far more storage than we have ever had available to us on this site. And what would the decrypted hash give us? Probably the IP address of a VPN or TOR node. How would we track anyone through that? Most hashes change frequently. If the hashing mechanism has not changed as you allege but your hashes do change, then you must be changing your IP address. So you have just demonstrated that even if we were to decrypt IP addresses it would be pointless. Well done, sir, you have just proven that your claim is impractical.

                        But demanding that we stop doing something that we are not doing just demonstrates that you do not know what you are talking about. We do not track IP addresses or hashes. We use hashes for linking stories, comments, and moderations together. Effectively the hash is little more than a random number generated for a connection. IPv6 has changed lots of things. After the sock-puppet 'war' in 2021 everybody realised the vulnerability of fixed IP addresses and they changed to using ephemeral connections via VPNs and TOR.

                        If you still believe that we are tracking you then I suggest that the only option left for you is quite obvious. I hope that you find a site more to your liking and one that does not use IP addresses to maintain connections.

                        IP addresses are hashed, with the same hash since site launch

                        How has IPv6 affected that? There are far more IP addresses now than there were a few years ago. And probably far more collisions. I haven't been allocated an IPv4 address by my ISP for over 3 years now. I no longer use hashes for anything - they are, as I have said, effectively random numbers.

                        I've seen commentary guessing at the manufacturer of user devices and AC identity ...

                        Where? I would appreciate a link because I haven't seen it on this site. Maybe I missed it. Or are you referring to a discussion somewhere else?

                        ... which reveals that staff are leaking privileged information

                        Where? Link please.

                        but you're [sic] "community building" is beyond hopeless

                        Definitely not aristarchus! I have already mentioned the obvious option open to you.

                        Blocking sock-puppets does not use hashes at any stage of the processing. Idiots compromise themselves by their actions, comments and behaviour, and sometimes their spilling mistooks. ;¬)

                        I am not interested in knowing who people are or where they live. My interest starts and stops at our servers.
                        • (Score: 2) by janrinok on Monday April 10 2023, @07:02PM

                          by janrinok (52) Subscriber Badge on Monday April 10 2023, @07:02PM (#1300792) Journal

                          Sorry - the first post didn't appear so I rewrote it from scratch and posted that - to discover that the original had eventually found its way through the pipes....

                          I am not interested in knowing who people are or where they live. My interest starts and stops at our servers.
                        • (Score: -1, Troll) by Anonymous Coward on Monday April 10 2023, @07:22PM

                          by Anonymous Coward on Monday April 10 2023, @07:22PM (#1300793)

                          Lie if you want, your more recent responses now rely on adhoms and blatant lies. As for spelling mistooks why should anyone bother proof reading callouts of site abuse? Keep spinning your forever tracking of IPs and user targeted modbans as no big deals, guess it is up to users to determine if they want to trust you. All you give are evasions and condescension, the nirmal behavior of a fascist that can not defend their own actions. SN was alt-right from the start and you're salty people keep pointing it out. Hopefully gen z gives old farts like you the boot instead of having to fight ww3 against nazis 2.0

                          Wut do you think mr boomboom?

                • (Score: 0) by Anonymous Coward on Monday April 10 2023, @02:18AM (18 children)

                  by Anonymous Coward on Monday April 10 2023, @02:18AM (#1300701)

                  We only record the information that people give us when they modify their personal pages, their comments, moderations, journals and submission. Everything else comes from what they say.

                  Funny, that is what aristarchus said when he was accused of doxxing. Does the starf at SN engage in doxxing? Selling the list of emails of users?

                  • (Score: 2) by janrinok on Monday April 10 2023, @06:50AM (17 children)

                    by janrinok (52) Subscriber Badge on Monday April 10 2023, @06:50AM (#1300728) Journal

                    aristarchus made threats, both actual and implied, of violence and harassment to both the person subjected to his doxing and members of his family, and encouraged others to do the same.

                    The information that we hold is protected. It is neither sold nor given away. It is not used for any other purpose. Suggesting otherwise is just another smear tactic.

                    I am not interested in knowing who people are or where they live. My interest starts and stops at our servers.
                    • (Score: 0) by Anonymous Coward on Monday April 10 2023, @07:20AM (14 children)

                      by Anonymous Coward on Monday April 10 2023, @07:20AM (#1300730)

                      That wasn't aristarchus, it was someone else, and Runaway's over-active paranoid fearful conservative imagination. Ask me how I know.

                      • (Score: 2) by janrinok on Monday April 10 2023, @09:06AM (13 children)

                        by janrinok (52) Subscriber Badge on Monday April 10 2023, @09:06AM (#1300733) Journal

                        Prove it, AC. More FUD from an AC.

                        Don't forget we were reading aristarchus' own submissions.

                        I am not interested in knowing who people are or where they live. My interest starts and stops at our servers.
                        • (Score: 0) by Anonymous Coward on Monday April 10 2023, @05:57PM

                          by Anonymous Coward on Monday April 10 2023, @05:57PM (#1300775)

                          Gotta love how you get to make accusations without evidence while everyone else has to prove every detail. Admin abuse from authoritarian dicks is much worse than mean words. Years upon years of "fuck your feelings" but now you can't stop complaining about criticism. Put up or shut up, seems clear this site is just another in the myriad of rightwing outlets meant to radicalize people over the internet. If it wasn't you'd be booting runaway right along with aristarchus, and you'd post sanitized proof. Oh right, the doxxing info is supposedly in the database that you somehow can't clean up, but you can't link to it for fear of making it known?

                          Do you even brain bruh?

                        • (Score: 0) by Anonymous Coward on Monday April 10 2023, @06:00PM (11 children)

                          by Anonymous Coward on Monday April 10 2023, @06:00PM (#1300778)

                          Same ac, seriously jan post links to the aristarchus account making threats of violence. Hope they aren't simply more of your suspicions you want to relay as facts . . . .

                          • (Score: 2) by janrinok on Monday April 10 2023, @06:08PM (10 children)

                            by janrinok (52) Subscriber Badge on Monday April 10 2023, @06:08PM (#1300779) Journal

                            No, if they have been removed then it was for a reason. If they have been removed then nobody can link to them. If you want to see what he said that hasn't been removed then use the search facility.

                            I am not interested in knowing who people are or where they live. My interest starts and stops at our servers.
                            • (Score: 0) by Anonymous Coward on Monday April 10 2023, @06:20PM

                              by Anonymous Coward on Monday April 10 2023, @06:20PM (#1300784)

                              Lovely bit of evasion. Hopefully more regular users see your house of cards instead of blindly believing that you're honest. Protip, honest people do not make baseless accusations or try and hide privacy violating practices of the website. The best you've done is a claim the tracking is necessary while continuing to not make the information clear on the site itself, and the worst is actual admin abuse maybe done by you maybe not, but already verified by another staffer. Bye bye house of cards, get wrecked ya boomer jerk!

                            • (Score: -1, Redundant) by Anonymous Coward on Wednesday April 12 2023, @07:53AM (8 children)

                              by Anonymous Coward on Wednesday April 12 2023, @07:53AM (#1301066)

                              Runaway said he was going to kill me, and 50 million other liberal Americans. I took it personally. He needs to be banned, and turned in to the authorities for terroristic threatening, and online bullying. If you continue to harbor him, SoylentNews is complicit, just like Ivanka Trump.

                              • (Score: 2) by janrinok on Wednesday April 12 2023, @11:40AM (7 children)

                                by janrinok (52) Subscriber Badge on Wednesday April 12 2023, @11:40AM (#1301075) Journal

                                turned in to the authorities for terroristic threatening

                                To be honest, nobody can stop you and you seem to think it is your duty to do so. If you don't, you are complicit just like Ivanka Trump. I'll wait and see what happens.

                                I am not interested in knowing who people are or where they live. My interest starts and stops at our servers.
                                • (Score: 0) by Anonymous Coward on Wednesday April 12 2023, @04:06PM (6 children)

                                  by Anonymous Coward on Wednesday April 12 2023, @04:06PM (#1301117)

                                  Reports were made, but you realize no action gets taken till much later. Funny thing, there is a more immediately available authority that has received the reports. Even though the reports line up with the system guidelines this particular authority claims zero capability to resolve the issue, yet there is at least one example of corrective action that has been taken before.

                                  • (Score: 2) by janrinok on Wednesday April 12 2023, @07:01PM (5 children)

                                    by janrinok (52) Subscriber Badge on Wednesday April 12 2023, @07:01PM (#1301145) Journal

                                    On the other hand, if the authorities have already investigated and discover that no crime has been committed, then they will also take no action. You might not like what was said, I don't like what was said, but you haven't shown yet that what was said constituted a crime. Perhaps LE came to the same conclusion.

                                    Freedom of speech for you, but not for those you disagree with. OK, I'll draft something to cover it.

                                    Howabout: "Despite the US First Amendment granting every US citizen a right to express themselves, Runaway1956 is not permitted to state his views. However ACs can dictate what others are permitted to say without any legal justification to support their decision". Yep, I thing that covers it.

                                    I am not interested in knowing who people are or where they live. My interest starts and stops at our servers.
                                    • (Score: 0) by Anonymous Coward on Wednesday April 12 2023, @07:47PM (4 children)

                                      by Anonymous Coward on Wednesday April 12 2023, @07:47PM (#1301161)

                                      I always thought SN should enforce some minimum level of decency as per the site rules. Banning aristarchus, with the excuse of legal liability which is simply not true in the US, shows everyone your true colors. Your standards are messed up and no amount of pearl clasping is going to change that. All while providing no evidence, but claiming the evidence is still in the database.

                                      This situation is like all the moderation adjustments staff does, yet when people complain about shitposting you then say it is up to the community. Convenient stack of excuses you rotate through, each instance seeming plausible until you stack them up; then the lies become apparent. Stop protecting terrorists and hold the site to some standards of decency. Until then we shall keep calling you a knob headed goober brain, hypicritical sycophant, and subversive alt-wrong terrorist trying to push fascism under a guise of innocence. Seems a bit of a far stretch, but then that is the point of such propaganda tactics.

                                      • (Score: 1, Insightful) by Anonymous Coward on Wednesday April 12 2023, @09:55PM (2 children)

                                        by Anonymous Coward on Wednesday April 12 2023, @09:55PM (#1301191)

                                        If your position is that US law is messed up, I might be inclined to agree. However, janrinok's assessment of US law is correct. Runaway's reprehensible comment about "50 million dead progressives" was a hypothetical future scenario. In the US, violent threats are illegal, but they must be specific to violate the law. Runaway's comment was awful, but it wasn't specific. I don't necessarily agree with how the law is interpreted, but that's far beyond the scope of this site.

                                        On the other hand, aristarchus' actions were specific, targeted at an individual. Runaway lives in Little River County, Arkansas. He has voluntarily shared this information on this site [], so I am comfortable with repeating it. This has been repeated and implied many times by an AC who is almost certainly aristarchus. Also, in at least one instance, the aristarchus replied to Runaway with what he claims is Runaway's first and last name. This was posted by the aristarchus account in 2021, so this is not a case of mistakenly identifying an AC. It was aristarchus. I will not link to the comment because I do not believe Runaway consented to having his name posted. When you search for that name in Little River County, AR property records, it uniquely identifies an individual. I cannot confirm that the individual who was identified actually is Runaway, nor is it relevant. The fact is, aristarchus has targeted an individual for harassment. If this individual isn't actually Runaway, then aristarchus has potentially subjected an innocent bystander to harassment. Unlike Runaway's comments, aristarchus specifically targeted someone, which is why it is different.

                                        After aristarchus was temporarily banned, he continued to harass Runaway, including posting what he claims is Runaway's real name at least three additional times. This occurred once during aristarchus' temporary ban. It occurred most recently within the past month. A sock puppet account was also created using the name that aristarchus purports to be Runaway's real name. With this name and Runaway's county of residence, this uniquely identifies an individual. Once again, I am not linking to this content because Runaway did not voluntarily share his name. When aristarchus was temporarily banned, he was given the opportunity to reform his behavior and was strongly encouraged to do so. Instead, he escalated his harassment. He violated the conditions of his temporary ban, which were publicly disclosed.

                                        Let's move on to your standard of decency. Your style of posting strongly suggests that you are Azuma Hazuki 2.0. You claim that you took over a sock puppet account and increased its karma so you could moderate offensive posts. This is a flimsy justification, particularly because the Azuma Hazuki 2.0 account had awful karma because of spamming. It would have been simpler to create a new account with a different username. Azuma Hazuki said multiple times that she disapproved of anyone using the Azuma Hazuki 2.0 account. Despite this, you continued to use an account that was created for the purpose of harassing Azuma Hazuki. That most certainly does not constitute decent behavior. I am not inherently opposed to enforcing a standard of decency for all users. However, if that is the case, you should lead by example. That means you should admit your wrongdoing, then voluntarily leave the site. After all, you want to enforce decency on this site. By your own standard, you should also get banned. If this is really what you want, then you should leave.

                                        Are you going to leave? Or are you a hypocrite? What shall it be, Azuma Hazuki 2.0?

                                        • (Score: 0) by Anonymous Coward on Wednesday April 12 2023, @10:46PM (1 child)

                                          by Anonymous Coward on Wednesday April 12 2023, @10:46PM (#1301199)

                                          I recall Runaway harrassing lots of people and making comments about not caring if someone knows his real location, and while I disagree with doxxing you have not demonstrated illegal actions, and you falsely accuse me of sock puppeting to harrass someone. Belueve whatever lies you'd like, on this site I have only been honest, and I'll agree that my posts are not the height of decency. However, if you dislike my commentary so much I would expect you to be demanding a ban for Runaway and other racist fucks promoting violence. So, maybe you're just an ass, maybe you're the one that created the harrassing accounts and you're just spreading more lies to sway users that SN is not biased and its the uppitty libs ruining everything. Free speech warriors, what pathetic snowflakes you've always been.

                                          • (Score: 0) by Anonymous Coward on Wednesday April 12 2023, @11:42PM

                                            by Anonymous Coward on Wednesday April 12 2023, @11:42PM (#1301213)

                                            You've just made my point. You want Runaway banned for his lack of decency, but you don't want to be accountable for your own lack of decency. Simone Biles would surely be in awe if she witnessed your display of mental gymnastics to try to avoid addressing your hypocrisy on the issue.

                                            I did not say that you should be banned. I said that if you're serious about enforcing decency, you should demonstrate it by owning up to your actions and leaving. After all, if you want people banned for a lack of decency, that would mean both you and Runaway should be banned. As I expected, you dodged the question.

                                            I don't believe for a moment that you and aristarchus are sincere about wanting decency or to clean up the bad posting on this site. You're using that as an excuse to troll, just like Slashdot trolls did 20 years ago. You've even reused their terminology, referring to your trolling as a "Jihad" just like they did 20 years ago. What's next? Are you going to register so you can post a manifesto for your "Sacred Jihad" against this site?

                                            Oh, by the way, unlike you, I have taken real action to have Runaway held accountable. For example, when Runaway used ethnic slurs in the title of one of his journals, I emailed the admins about it. Sure enough, the title of the journal got changed. Unlike you, I actually wanted real action to be taken instead of looking for excuses to shitpost. I have also emailed janrinok many times to express my concerns about the site. Again, my goal was to get real change enacted, whereas you are just looking for attention and an excuse to troll.

                                            Grow up.

                                      • (Score: 2) by janrinok on Thursday April 13 2023, @06:04AM

                                        by janrinok (52) Subscriber Badge on Thursday April 13 2023, @06:04AM (#1301245) Journal

                                        Yes, you can call me all those childish names because your right to do so is enshrined in law.

                                        However, you seem to think that banning somebody who has has the same rights as you is perfectly acceptable because well, just because.... If you don't like somebody's journals and comments, just stop reading them.

                                        I am not interested in knowing who people are or where they live. My interest starts and stops at our servers.
            • (Score: 0) by Anonymous Coward on Tuesday April 11 2023, @06:59AM (7 children)

              by Anonymous Coward on Tuesday April 11 2023, @06:59AM (#1300904)


              Offensive Content. You shall not Process any content or link to any content that does not comply with applicable law or Linode’s community standards, including without limitation, any content that Linode deems at our sole discretion, to:

              be excessively violent, incite violence, threaten violence, or contains harassing content or hate speech;

              Remove Runaway's hate speech. Otherwise I go to Linode and have them deal with you.

              • (Score: 2) by janrinok on Tuesday April 11 2023, @07:25AM

                by janrinok (52) Subscriber Badge on Tuesday April 11 2023, @07:25AM (#1300912) Journal
                OK, I'll wait.
                I am not interested in knowing who people are or where they live. My interest starts and stops at our servers.
              • (Score: 2) by janrinok on Tuesday April 11 2023, @07:35AM (5 children)

                by janrinok (52) Subscriber Badge on Tuesday April 11 2023, @07:35AM (#1300916) Journal
                We'll be forced (by Linode I presume) to ban all AC posting because of the usernames that have been employed to create sock-puppet accounts. I won't list them all, there are over 600 of them. But for a sample, here are 3 just from today:
                • Fuck You Niggers (1-73)
                • Jihad Against Soylent News
                • Soylent Jihadi

                Hate speech takes many forms, you have a lot of usernames that are far worse than this example. However, stooping as low as invoking a religious 'Jihad' (with all that it implies) or simply using extreme racist comments such as these will certainly do as an example.

                I am not interested in knowing who people are or where they live. My interest starts and stops at our servers.
                • (Score: 0) by Anonymous Coward on Tuesday April 11 2023, @07:41AM

                  by Anonymous Coward on Tuesday April 11 2023, @07:41AM (#1300917)

                  I did make those accounts. I am sorry. I want my comments, journals, and usernames deleted. []


                • (Score: 0) by Anonymous Coward on Tuesday April 11 2023, @07:48AM (3 children)

                  by Anonymous Coward on Tuesday April 11 2023, @07:48AM (#1300919)

                  I just want everything I posted to get deleted. I will not go to Linode.


                  • (Score: 0) by Anonymous Coward on Tuesday April 11 2023, @09:56AM (2 children)

                    by Anonymous Coward on Tuesday April 11 2023, @09:56AM (#1300933)

                    I just want everything I posted to be public! The Soylentil who is to be shamed and ridiculed needs to be shamed and ridiculed! We all know who it is, and this pretense about "doxxing" is starting to wear thin. Not even linode will care, not even Runaway's neighbors care, although the do keep an eye out, and have made the Red Flag notices with the the Sheriff in Ashdown, [], where obviously they are aware of him, after the whole J6 incident. You do not want to mess with Bobby Walraven, after all. (And, might be good to check the adjacent counties, for other Runaway criminal activity. Can't be too careful, these days.)

                    • (Score: 2) by janrinok on Tuesday April 11 2023, @11:35AM

                      by janrinok (52) Subscriber Badge on Tuesday April 11 2023, @11:35AM (#1300942) Journal

                      I want a golden unicorn. But it looks like neither of us will ever get what we want.

                      We all know who it is, and this pretense about "doxxing" is starting to wear thin. Not even linode will care, not even Runaway's neighbors care,

                      So we all know who it is, but you will name him anyway.

                      I am not interested in knowing who people are or where they live. My interest starts and stops at our servers.
                    • (Score: 2) by janrinok on Tuesday April 11 2023, @11:38AM

                      by janrinok (52) Subscriber Badge on Tuesday April 11 2023, @11:38AM (#1300943) Journal

                      You can't ask for everything to be made public - we have no proof that you are who you claim to be. You could be asking for somebody else's data to be made public.

                      Send me an email from the first email address that you provided when you joined the site.

                      I am not interested in knowing who people are or where they live. My interest starts and stops at our servers.
  • (Score: -1, Redundant) by Anonymous Coward on Thursday March 23 2023, @10:48AM (2 children)

    by Anonymous Coward on Thursday March 23 2023, @10:48AM (#1297713)

    It is about time, now that Pi day and the Ides of March are behind us, to practice the ancient rite of the Jubilee. Forgive all sins, renounce all banishments, let aristarchus live again. I only say this because it has been admitted that even Democrats encouraged Iran to keep the hostages until after Reagan was elected, and that the entire W administration knew for a fact that all the reasons they gave for the invasion of Iraq were lies. Aristarchus' accusers were Republican, so according to their standard operating procedure, it was a set up, a sham, a disinformation operation, a cancellation. Time to set history right.

    • (Score: -1, Spam) by Anonymous Coward on Thursday March 23 2023, @10:03PM

      by Anonymous Coward on Thursday March 23 2023, @10:03PM (#1297843)

      And Pi day is a good day to ask why the beg-o-meter is still stuck. No Perl coder, or did Bytram forget how to update? Or is money still flowing in, but now with no transparency or accountability?

    • (Score: -1, Redundant) by FatPhil Throwaway Account on Wednesday April 05 2023, @05:16AM

      by FatPhil Throwaway Account (27532) on Wednesday April 05 2023, @05:16AM (#1299838) Journal

      I am coming clean. I was a staff member. I posted the information at [] that exposed janrinok's lies. I haven't posted from my FatPhil account since October. I'm not a staff member any longer. I've had enough of janrinok's lies. The September 10, 2022 email is 100% real. We all know that janrinok lied. We all know he framed aristarchus to protect Runaway. I expect janrinok will ban me for telling the truth. It will be just like his censorship of aristarchus.

  • (Score: -1, Troll) by Anonymous Coward on Saturday March 25 2023, @01:12AM (2 children)

    by Anonymous Coward on Saturday March 25 2023, @01:12AM (#1298077)

    Problem with pie, is that it attracts the feral hogs. Do you know how many pie holes that is to fill? Not the mention the drag queen story hours at the "gentlemen's club" for the less than civilized or literate hogs.

    • (Score: -1, Spam) by Anonymous Coward on Saturday March 25 2023, @06:59AM (1 child)

      by Anonymous Coward on Saturday March 25 2023, @06:59AM (#1298097)

      Has this comment been downmodded by feral hogs? I see no other rational explanation, unless it was Runaway, defending his favorite sow. Or khallow, cosplaying once again.

      • (Score: -1, Troll) by Anonymous Coward on Wednesday April 05 2023, @03:11AM

        by Anonymous Coward on Wednesday April 05 2023, @03:11AM (#1299826)

        If you spam mod this, it will just attract more feral hogs, and once Sally figures out what SPAM stands for, there will be hell to pay!

  • (Score: 0) by Anonymous Coward on Sunday March 26 2023, @11:46AM (1 child)

    by Anonymous Coward on Sunday March 26 2023, @11:46AM (#1298213)

    If it's not a public/paid holiday it doesn't really count. []

    • (Score: 0) by Anonymous Coward on Monday March 27 2023, @04:43AM

      by Anonymous Coward on Monday March 27 2023, @04:43AM (#1298299)

      Once again, American anti-intellectualism and innumeric exceptionalism has triumphed to the detriment of education, and learning in general. There ought to be an official, and paid, holiday, or even 3.14159 of them.

  • (Score: 2) by DannyB on Monday March 27 2023, @09:34PM

    by DannyB (5839) Subscriber Badge on Monday March 27 2023, @09:34PM (#1298394) Journal

    I'd be irrationally rich.

    Stop asking "How stupid can you be?" Some people apparently take it as a challenge.
  • (Score: 0) by Anonymous Coward on Monday April 03 2023, @05:34AM

    by Anonymous Coward on Monday April 03 2023, @05:34AM (#1299502)

    We needs us some more hashtags, only because we don't use 'em. #Freec0lo! Let him mod, again! And #FreeSoylentNews!!!! Yes, about time. The forces of alt-right madness have had their way for far too long.

  • (Score: -1, Spam) by Anonymous Coward on Tuesday April 04 2023, @08:34AM (2 children)

    by Anonymous Coward on Tuesday April 04 2023, @08:34AM (#1299672)

    ACs are taking over this poll, and declaring it a Free Speech Zone! YeeeHaa! No more Troll mods, no more "off-topic", no more janrinok mod-bans! Speak freely, ACs, and let your mind be known!

    1. No bad-mouthing good people.
    2. No good-mouthing bad people.
    3. No Gnatsis.
    4. In event of a dispute, all parties agree to peaceful resolution.
    5. Those who must not be mentioned, can be mentioned.
    6. Wuhan Labs, Hunter's Laptop, Hilary's emails, and Bengahzi are all prohibited topics.
    7. No gun talk.
    8. No gun brandishment.
    9. No gun use.

    • (Score: -1, Troll) by Anonymous Coward on Tuesday April 04 2023, @10:23PM (1 child)

      by Anonymous Coward on Tuesday April 04 2023, @10:23PM (#1299802)

      A spam mod on free speech? Why am I not surprised? Janrinok has identified the identity of the nefarious AC that posted this?

      • (Score: 0) by Anonymous Coward on Thursday April 06 2023, @07:22PM

        by Anonymous Coward on Thursday April 06 2023, @07:22PM (#1300153)

        Maybe if Soylentils were to spam-mod it some more? Would that help? Janrinok does not seem to be able to stem the tide of abuse, bad words, disruption, and mendacity, so maybe the only way to save the village is to destroy it.

        Self-destruct sequence initiated. Big-bada-boom in 10, 9, 8, . . . Have a nice Day! :)

  • (Score: 0) by Anonymous Coward on Friday April 07 2023, @07:15PM

    by Anonymous Coward on Friday April 07 2023, @07:15PM (#1300386)

    Enough with the irrationals! The fact is, there is really only the One! Dyads are the origin of multiplicity, division, emptiness, chaos, falsehood and illusion. And that is why there is only One AC, one account, one heart, one mind.

    One AC to rule the site, one AC to find them, one AC to gather them all, and in the Soylent bind them.

    Or, they just look that way. ACs are all the same, and should be oppressed. There is something vaguely racist about that. But that is how janrinok roles.

  • (Score: -1, Troll) by Anonymous Coward on Saturday April 08 2023, @12:23PM (6 children)

    by Anonymous Coward on Saturday April 08 2023, @12:23PM (#1300490)

    I hear that the ACs of SN are going to call for a vote of no confidence in janrinok. Maybe finally we can get an editor that will solve the Northern Ireland problem, and stop banning new members, and aristarchus. Worth a shot. Remember, your vote counts for nothing, since janrinok counts the votes, and evidently, a bunch are posted by "suspect" ACs.

    • (Score: 3, Touché) by janrinok on Saturday April 08 2023, @01:47PM

      by janrinok (52) Subscriber Badge on Saturday April 08 2023, @01:47PM (#1300502) Journal

      Anonymous Coward - one account - one vote.

      I am not interested in knowing who people are or where they live. My interest starts and stops at our servers.
    • (Score: 2) by janrinok on Saturday April 08 2023, @03:22PM (4 children)

      by janrinok (52) Subscriber Badge on Saturday April 08 2023, @03:22PM (#1300509) Journal

      and stop banning new members,

      Over a hundred accounts have been created this week. None have yet been banned. Only 1 has been disabled but I am still waiting for a sensible reply from the person trying to create the account. But of course you know that it has been disabled - and now we all know who is behind that account, don't we? If it wasn't yours you wouldn't know the contents of the email that had been sent to it.

      Your own stupidity is your undoing.

      When you have your 1 vote of no confidence, who are you going to send it to? Should I keep checking the Admin mailbox? How many staff do you think there are?

      I am not interested in knowing who people are or where they live. My interest starts and stops at our servers.
      • (Score: -1, Redundant) by Anonymous Coward on Saturday April 08 2023, @09:05PM (3 children)

        by Anonymous Coward on Saturday April 08 2023, @09:05PM (#1300556)

        Sorry to keep asking the same question, over and over, but to whom are you speaking, jan? Who knows these things you say they know? Is it Bill? Or Paul? George or Ringo?

        • (Score: -1, Redundant) by Anonymous Coward on Sunday April 09 2023, @12:17AM (2 children)

          by Anonymous Coward on Sunday April 09 2023, @12:17AM (#1300578)

          They seem sure it is aristarchus, but given apk's lack of spam recently I suspect apk is doing the mass account creation while protesting similarly to aristarchus as a double attack on the site and a user. Who can say, janrinok says they don't try and identify users and merely references emails from the same domain. Janrinok also claims a complete inability to update the site's about pages, so I suggest assuming malicious intent from staff.

          • (Score: 0, Spam) by Soylent Jihadi on Tuesday April 11 2023, @03:45AM

            by Soylent Jihadi (27801) on Tuesday April 11 2023, @03:45AM (#1300872) Journal

            Consider the jihad. If you're tired of janrinok's abuse and censorship, read []. That is unless janrinok deletes that too. The Jihad is our last hope against janrinok's tyranny.


          • (Score: -1, Troll) by Anonymous Coward on Thursday April 13 2023, @01:11AM

            by Anonymous Coward on Thursday April 13 2023, @01:11AM (#1301228)

            But what if it really is aristarchus? Are you not afraid that he will say something snarky and insulting to conservatives? Janrinok is standing up and protecting our delicate conservative snowflakes, so they can have a safe place on the internets.

  • (Score: -1, Spam) by Anonymous Coward on Tuesday April 11 2023, @10:04AM

    by Anonymous Coward on Tuesday April 11 2023, @10:04AM (#1300936) [] Seems to be a journal entry, here. Saying things that SoylentNews does not want said? Oh, the large Aquatic Mammals! Exploding khallows! Such loss of , well, something.
