Slash Boxes

SoylentNews is people

SoylentNews is powered by your submissions, so send in your scoop. Only 16 submissions in the queue.


How much effort do you put into interface customization?

  • Uh, people do that?
  • As long as it supports dark mode, I'm fine.
  • What matters is ensuring I never have to relearn any keybindings.
  • I just can't stand how ugly the default syntax highlighting looks!
  • Rice, rice, baby! What do you mean, neofetch isn't a login shell?
  • I may have written my own shell/desktop/browser/Emacs.
  • Everything must be seamless. I've modded things I'll never even see.
  • Talk is cheap—I'm just posting a screenshot.

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Comments:33 | Votes:133