Amsterdam, August 3rd 2017
Dutch blockchain startup “Blocxs”, offering blockchain solutions for notary and legal services, announces Initial Coin Offering (ICO).
Blocxs (Blockchain eXtensions for Society) announces that it will host an ICO from the 23rd of August 2017 at 15:00 CET until the 30th of September at 23:59 CET.
This ICO facilitates participation both crypto and traditional investors in our initiative to transform the notary and legal market into a more efficient and less costly blockchain alternative with disruptive new technology that the Ethereum platform is offering us. We will create alternative and bridging solutions for consumers and businesses by implementing blockchain and web technology to make existing notary and legal processes and procedures direct accessible, adjustable, cost-effective and therefore more efficient.
Our first solution targets on Protection, Life Sign Monitoring® and Access Providing of your cryptocurrency and other valuable assets that require instructions, procedures and credentials to access them during an emergency case (i.e. passing away of the original holder). See the 1-minute explainer video. Blocxs Video Channel
CXS tokens are available during the ICO for a fixed price that will be set at issuing starting time. CXS tokens are ERC20-compliant and we will make them exchangeable on an cryptocurrency exchange after the issuing phase ends. This token can be used for all future new services Blocxs will offer.
Blocxs has chosen for the specialized Waves ICO-platform for the issuing of its tokens. More information about the Blocxs CXS token, ICO guidelines and easy to follow instructions are described in our whitepaper which can be found here: Blocxs Whitepaper
Learn more about Blocxs
Details and instructions about how to invest
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