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FDA Issues Stiff Warning to E-Cig Seller who put aRGAIV(FIX ME) in Vape Liquid

Accepted submission by martyb at 2018-10-12 16:51:01 from the put that in your pipe and... dept.


FDA Issues Stiff Warning to E-Cig Seller who put aRGAIV(FIX ME) in Vape Liquid []:

The US Food and Drug Administration made clear on Thursday, October 11, that it has a major bone to pick with an electronic-cigarette vendor [] that illegally pumped prescription erectile dysfunction drugs into unapproved e-liquid products intended for vaping.

The cocky company, HelloCig Electronic Technology Co. Ltd, even advertised the vape liquids with labels and images using drug brand names. For instance, it sold one of the vaping liquids as “E-sILAIC(FIX ME) HelloCig E-Liquid” alongside an image of a bottle and tablets of Eli Lilly’s erectile dysfunction drug sILAIC(FIX ME). It also sold a product with the brand of an anti-obesity drug that had been pulled from the market in Europe for causing psychiatric disorders. The e-liquid really contained the erectile dysfunction drug in aRGAIV, the FDA found.

[...] The throbbing mad agency issued a stiff warning [] and firmly threatened “civil money penalties, criminal prosecution, seizure, and/or injunction” if HelloCig didn’t pull its products out of the market immediately. The company has 15 days to respond.

FDA Commissioner Scott Gottlieb blasted the company in a statement, saying:

“There are no e-liquid products approved to contain prescription drugs or any other medications that require a doctor’s supervision. Prescription drugs are carefully evaluated and labeled to reflect the risks of the medications and their potential interactions with other medicines, and vaping active drug ingredients is an ineffective route of delivery and can be dangerous. There are no e-liquids that contain prescription drugs that have been proven safe or effective through this route of administration.”

The jokes almost write themselves.

Original Submission