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Corel decided to take the gloves off and face Microsoft on Microsoft's home turf

Rejected submission by Anonymous Coward at 2023-03-19 00:32:40
Digital Liberty

“With Microsoft we can work together without competing,” says
Rouffineau [at Canonical] in summary.


"No, Microsoft does not appear to have killed Ubuntu"


"Canonical Considering IPO in 2023: What It Means for Ubuntu Users" []

"Canonical Now Hopes To IPO in 2023" [] []

Taking over Canonical and/or entering into a, "partnership" with them would not, IMO, end well. Look what happened with Novell and Microsoft's "Partnership", Novell is no more!

Go back further and read about Microsoft's "Partnership" with Corel during the days of Corel Linux [1]. Where is Corel Linux? Gone, a long time ago, magically changed into Xandros [2] which...

"In June 2007, a "broad collaboration agreement" between Xandros and Microsoft was announced. The agreement included "patent covenants, similar to the agreement that Microsoft reached with Novell.""

See also:

- "Microsoft Buys into Corel"[3]
- "Corel Linux - Not Quite Dead Yet"[4]
- "Microsoft Bails Out Of Corel"[5]

Prior to the M$ love fest:

- "Corel Linux to be Bundled w/20 Million motherboards"[6]
- "Corel Linux to Access and Run Windows Apps"[7]

Following the M$ love fest:

- "Corel to Sell Off Linux Division"[8]

[1] []
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[8] []

If it can happen to Novell/Corel it can happen to Canonical, IMO. []

"“With Microsoft we can work together without competing,” says Rouffineau [at Canonical] in summary. “Which means we can continue to scale while maintaining the community that started Ubuntu, as well as the open source ethos that comes with it.”"



- More on Corel Linux:

"Fighting Microsoft in the commercial world means being a company with the money and staff to go one-on-one with the richest and most aggressive corporation in the industry—and not get bought up or buried. Unlike GNU/Linux, a temporary setback isn't just a matter of spending more time coding and waiting for the next opportunity to arrive. It means angry shareholders, lawsuits, layoffs, shattered dreams and all the nasty stuff that happens when people lose their shirts.

You need a company with not only the will but the strength to fight.

Corel has uniquely positioned themselves to fill that need. While most of us sat on the sidelines and grumbled about Microsoft's tactics, Corel decided to play the game, fighting Microsoft head-on using Microsoft's own tricks. Corel and Microsoft have always had similar business strategies. Both grew from humble beginnings, in part, by augmenting their product development resources through purchasing companies and products to combine with their own development efforts—shepherding the best they could build and buy toward commercial success. Corel's office suite, containing mostly bought goods, is no different. Each of the major applications started life as another company's brainchild, but Corel has added several of their own applications and given them all a consistent look and feel.

The key word, when defining either company's strategy, has always been “opportunistic”. However, a few years ago, Corel decided to take the gloves off and face Microsoft on Microsoft's home turf. The size difference is undeniable, the strategy bold. So far, the going has been rough for Corel, but the future looks very bright if Corel's latest moves are right.

And what is their goal? To capture the business desktop. Their strategy? Do it any way they can. Sell an office suite head-to-head with Microsoft Office. Sell a desktop operating system head-to-head with Windows. Make their software multi-platform. Remove barriers to leaving Microsoft, and provide alternatives with a good mix of features and price." - []


Original Submission