Subject: General Inquiries []
Dear Mister Storage,
Please reply with the name and street address of Maritime Moving and Storage's [] Agent For Service Of Process so my Process Server can serve my complaint.
I am the plaintiff and Maritime Moving and Storage LLC [] is the respondent.
I am filing a United States Federal complaint against your firm for Unlawful Restraint Of Trade.
You put the arm on Damn near every last one of the the tools of my trade when my quite elderly and quite profoundly mentally ill mother directed you to ship MY property to Vancouver, Washington.
This despite that you yourselves specifically informed my mother that it was a violation of Canadian as well as United States law for you to do so.
You shipped my stolen property to Vancouver, British Columbia when you sweet-talked my mother into providing a photocopy of her own passport as well as her own name and handwritten signature on my stolen property's customs declaration.
Mom's signature is felony perjury however she was not at the time mentally competent to sign contracts.
At Maritime Moving and Storage's [] own expense, I shall retain one of your friendly competitors to return my stolen property to the U-Haul climate-controlled storage facility on Windmill Road in Dartmouth. Most distressing to me these past few years is that your theft of my grandfather's piano prevents me from playing it when I visit Halifax from time to time to solicit potential clients.
While I am a United States citizen, I have a Canadian Social Insurance Number, a Work Permit (ie. temporary residency) and hope to become a Canadian citizen someday.
Elder Abuse is QUITE a serious criminal offense.
Clark County Washington Adult Protective Services is already working to help my mother get her money back, I expect that the Halifax Regional Municipality's Adult Protective Services will be happy to point out the error of Maritime Moving and Storage's [] ways by putting every last one of you sorry lot behind bars for a good long time.
I can't help you there. Doubtlessly the damages you pay out of my lawsuit's judgement - no, I will not accept a settlement, only judgement creates precedent - will return at least a small portion of my father's life insurance to my mother.
My beloved mother, Patricia Ann Crawford [] is now penniless and will soon be homeless as well. My hope has always been to provide for Mom's Golden Years, but she has no "Golden" years because you right chaps robbed my mother blind.
Have A Nice Day.