amblivious writes: "For the first time, laser-driven fusion has passed a milestone called fuel gain, the point at which more energy is produced than is consumed in starting the reaction. In a trial at the National Ignition Facility late last year, 15 kilojoules of energy was released with an input of 10 kilojoules (Nature). Although this is not yet a self-sustaining reaction because the reactor as a whole consumes more energy it is expected that collisions with helium nuclei generated in the reaction will lead to ignition. See the article at New Scientist for more information."
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Laser-Sparked Fusion Surpasses Break-Even
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(Score: 2, Funny) by AudioGuy on Friday February 14 2014, @04:12AM
I think I have heard this before. In fact, last year. No, come think of it, year before. No, wait, year before that. Actually, every year for the last 30 or so, I think.
You want fusion power, orbit the Sun.
(Score: 2, Funny) by toygeek on Friday February 14 2014, @05:28AM
There is no Sig. Okay, maybe a short one.
(Score: 1) by Gaaark on Friday February 14 2014, @05:54PM
--- Please remind me if I haven't been civil to you: I'm channeling MDC. ---Gaaark 2.0 ---
(Score: 1) by Covalent on Friday February 14 2014, @06:17PM
I know, I know...fusion is only 20 years away. But getting more energy out than you put in (minus the lasers, of course) is a big deal. They still need 2 orders of magnitude to REALLY break even, but then 20 years ago we were 2 orders of magnitude away from fuel input break even.
You can't rationally argue somebody out of a position they didn't rationally get into.