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posted by janrinok on Sunday March 02 2014, @07:30AM   Printer-friendly
from the gotcha dept.

dotdotdot writes:

"Joaquin 'El Chapo' Guzman used high-tech gadgetry to elude an international manhunt for 13 years.

Some of the communications equipment Guzman used was not generally available to consumers. The sophistication of the gear and Guzman's diligence deeply impressed investigators who were pursuing him. Among other practices, Guzman employed counter-surveillance scanners to detect transmitters hidden in rooms or carried by people with whom he was meeting.

The officials would not discuss the specific methods used over the last 13 years."

Ed's Note: There is more information in the article, although not in as much detail as I would have liked. Nevertheless, I would recommend giving it a read.

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  • (Score: 0) by crutchy on Sunday March 02 2014, @07:39AM

    by crutchy (179) on Sunday March 02 2014, @07:39AM (#9439) Homepage Journal

    ex-NSA got burned probably
    now he's gotta make some dosh somehow

  • (Score: 2, Interesting) by lx on Sunday March 02 2014, @08:39AM

    by lx (1915) on Sunday March 02 2014, @08:39AM (#9453)

    "He was hiding right under our noses the whole time so we made up some convincing sounding shit so we look less like inept morons."

    • (Score: 3, Interesting) by TheLink on Sunday March 02 2014, @01:08PM

      by TheLink (332) on Sunday March 02 2014, @01:08PM (#9573) Journal

      Cynical me says it's more like he stopped behaving the way they wanted so they reeled him in (or they had some other reason to do so - as part of a deal with someone else).

      After all they let banks like HSBC, Wachovia etc launder billions of dollars of drug money without anyone going to jail! So clearly their priority is not to stop people like him. When it's billions of dollars flowing across the border via _banks_ I'm sure you can figure out where it is going and get the relevant people.

      Because Guzman was so well protected, he managed to attend family events and marry a local beauty queen in a well-attended bash in his home state of Sinaloa, all while keeping his multinational, billion-dollar drug empire thriving.

      If the banks didn't help launder all that billions he wouldn't have been able to keep "his multinational, billion-dollar drug empire thriving". And there would be fewer drug wars and far smaller and less well equipped drug lord armies.

      In contrast when they catch small fish laundering money they tend to go to jail - they don't get away with just paying a fine from their profits/revenues. They even catch people who make hidden compartments for cars...

  • (Score: 5, Insightful) by AnonTechie on Sunday March 02 2014, @09:10AM

    by AnonTechie (2275) on Sunday March 02 2014, @09:10AM (#9468) Journal

    The linked Associated Press story is very sparse on details. Except for this: Guzman employed counter-surveillance scanners to detect transmitters hidden in rooms or carried by people with whom he was meeting.

    It does not explain how he managed to elude the authorities for over 13 years ... Maybe somebody else will write a more detailed account of Guzman's escapades !!

    Albert Einstein - "Only two things are infinite, the universe and human stupidity, and I'm not sure about the former."
    • (Score: 2, Interesting) by beckett on Sunday March 02 2014, @06:33PM

      by beckett (1115) on Sunday March 02 2014, @06:33PM (#9695)

      not for lack of effort: likely the true story is hidden behind statements like:

      The officials would not discuss the specific methods used over the last 13 years.

      this is the same rhetoric that orbits the illegal methods employed by DEA et al. to shield their materials and methods via parallel construction []. by the time we find out what surveillance techniques are current big brother has moved onto better technology [].

    • (Score: 1) by Geotti on Sunday March 02 2014, @09:14PM

      by Geotti (1146) on Sunday March 02 2014, @09:14PM (#9742) Journal

      Maybe somebody else will write a more detailed account of Guzman's escapades !!

      If he's badass enough, he'll appear there, but I suspect, El Chapo will have a difficult time against Vassilis Paleokostas [].