And the winner of the 2016 U.S. Presidential election, as reported by the major mainstream media outlets is Donald Trump. It has also been reported that Hillary Clinton called President-elect Donald Trump to concede.
Electoral vote count (so far): 279 for Donald Trump, 218 for Hillary Clinton. 270 electoral votes are needed to win.
Popular vote: 57,227,164 votes (48.0%) for Donald Trump, 56,279,305 votes (47.2%) for Hillary Clinton. Update: Now it is closer to 59,085,795 votes (47.5%) for Donald Trump and 59,236,903 votes (47.6%) for Hillary Clinton.
Yell, scream, gnash teeth... but please keep it civil.
Results at CNN, NYT, FiveThirtyEight, Wikipedia.
takyon: Republicans have retained control of the House and Senate.
Here's some market news:
Dow futures plunge nearly 750 points as investors warily eye electoral map
Asian markets plummet on likelihood of Trump victory
Bitcoin price soars as Trump pulls ahead
Opinion: How to profit from a Donald Trump victory
Ballot measure results will be covered in an upcoming story. Some initial results can be found at Ballotpedia and CNN.
[TMB Note: Stop breaking stuff, cmn32480]
(Score: 3, Interesting) by Anonymous Coward on Wednesday November 09 2016, @09:31AM
I am not surprised at this result, and to be hones, I blame the democrats for the results.
I have long said that this election will be like a game of rock-paper-scissors:
1. Bernie beats Trump.
2. Hillary beats Bernie.
3. Trump beats Hillary.
We never got to see the first one (and it was also the least safe bet), but 2 was demonstrated when the Democrats chose Hillary, and 3 at the election.
The only way we could have achieved different results is if the Democrats had realized this and chosen Bernie. Then it would have been up to the Republicans to decide whether to bet on Trump (and lose, if I'm right about 1), or bring in a different candidate, calling off the game of rock-paper-scissors.
(Score: 5, Insightful) by Anonymous Coward on Wednesday November 09 2016, @09:54AM
OK, let's see who is what.
Hillary is known for covering up things, so paper fits perfectly. Also, paper is the medium for traditional mail, of which email is a modern form.
So if Hillary is paper, and Trump beats Hillary, he must be scissors. Which somehow fits, as scissors can be used to cut things in two, that is, to divide things. And who would be a more dividing personality than Trump? Also, scissors can be used to injure people, and Trump certainly did verbally injure people.
That leaves rock for Bernie.
(Score: 0) by Anonymous Coward on Wednesday November 09 2016, @03:28PM
That's fitting, because his beliefs haven't changed in the course of his career.
(Score: 3, Insightful) by srobert on Wednesday November 09 2016, @03:32PM
And Rock fits Bernie, because he's constant. If he were to have delivered speeches to Wall Streeters, he would have said exactly the same things to them that he said to working class people on Main Street.
(Score: 0) by Anonymous Coward on Wednesday November 09 2016, @10:35PM
Good old solid rock, I'd build a house on that!
(Score: 0) by Anonymous Coward on Wednesday November 09 2016, @10:07AM
Just wondering … why is it that Bernie Sanders and Hillary Clinton are referred to by their first name, but Donald Trump by his last name?
OK, for Hillary Clinton, it may be because just "Clinton" might refer to Bill Clinton instead. But Sanders?
And why not "Donald" for Trump? "Donald beats Hillary" or "Trump beats Clinton" would both make sense, but "Trump beats Hillary" is illogical.
And yes, I know it's not just you who does that; but it still remains illogical.
(Score: 2) by takyon on Wednesday November 09 2016, @02:27PM
That's how he has branded himself. TRUMP tower rather than DONALD tower.
Saying Hillary rather than Clinton allows you to easily distinguish from Bill Clinton.
With Bernie Sanders you have the #FeelTheBern branding.
[SIG] 10/28/2017: Soylent Upgrade v14 []