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Droves of Aussies crash MyHealthRecord to opt out

Accepted submission by Anonymous Coward at 2018-07-17 02:42:01 from the All your Health data are belong to us dept dept.

The Australian government online medical health record system is failing due to the number of people trying to opt out []. The MyHealthRecord was introduced to store patients health records online so multiple doctors can access them. Many privacy and IT security advocates have warned that this type of system can be compromised. For most people it does not provide a great benefit. A key criticism is that users can't delete data only a provider can mark data as being hidden, and data is never actually deleted. With the Australian government throwing millions at this system to try to make it relevant this opt out may put a nail in its coffin. The government plans to sell data from this system to third parties, a fact which has not endeared it to the public with the recent government data breaches and census fiasco. People in Australia are voting with their feet to not be a part of it before it evens starts which says a lot about how people in Australia value their privacy.

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