Two Soylentils wrote with a caution about a new strategy in Microsoft's playbook to get people to upgrade to Windows 10.
That pesky Windows 10 forceware box...
This notification means your Windows 10 upgrade will occur at the time indicated, unless you select either Upgrade now or "Click here to change upgrade schedule or cancel scheduled upgrade". If you click on OK or on the red "X", you're all set for the upgrade and there is nothing further to do.
Windows 7 or 8.x users that want or need to hold on to their current operating systems may be in for a very unpleasant surprise. Microsoft has essentially changed their Windows 10 update notification from a very pushy "opt-in" to an "opt-out". The new notification automatically schedules a time to receive Windows 10. Clicking the "X", as many have gotten used to, no longer prevents installation. Those that do not pay close attention to this new notification may inadvertently wind up with Windows 10 even if they did not want it. Very sneaky stuff.
Microsoft has published an offical article describing the changes.
(Score: 2) by SomeGuy on Saturday May 21 2016, @05:31PM
This latest push from Microsoft has already started, but the exact time individuals will see the new alert, or have delivery "scheduled" for, is random.
One would expect not, but then again one would expect Microsoft not to have pulled this stunt in the first place. Some reports have suggested it very well may randomly ignore these settings. And like the malware it is, this Windows 10 alert has on multiple occasions bypassed methods that were supposed to prevent it.