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posted by cmn32480 on Thursday December 28 2017, @04:13AM   Printer-friendly
from the when-exactly-is-that dept.

Tesla has been hyping up the prospect of an electric pickup truck for a long time (you're looking at an artist's rendering above), but when can you expect to see it? You might have a clearer idea. As part of a call for feedback, Elon Musk has promised that the pickup will be made "right after" the Model Y crossover arrives between 2019 and 2020. We'd take that commitment with a grain of salt (remember how Tesla expected widescale Model 3 deliveries to start in 2017?), but it at least gives you an idea of what the EV maker is shooting for.


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  • (Score: 2) by frojack on Thursday December 28 2017, @04:54AM (1 child)

    by frojack (1554) on Thursday December 28 2017, @04:54AM (#614987) Journal

    Once the chassis is designed, the rest is pretty much a cookie cutter by now I would think.

    The truck would seem to have a lot more room for batteries but less room for rear the motor, especially if you want to keep it out of the wet.

    The big problem is people do stupid stuff with a truck and expect to get away with it.

    No, you are mistaken. I've always had this sig.
    • (Score: 1) by toddestan on Saturday December 30 2017, @04:35PM

      by toddestan (4982) on Saturday December 30 2017, @04:35PM (#615877)

      The vast majority of trucks nowadays never leave the pavement and haul around a bed full of air almost all of the time. Sure, there are some people who use a truck as truck, but they probably aren't going to buy a Tesla.

  • (Score: 3, Funny) by legont on Thursday December 28 2017, @04:55AM

    by legont (4179) on Thursday December 28 2017, @04:55AM (#614988)

    I can have a diesel generator on the back - a big mother one. No, wait, let's make it coal.

    "Wealth is the relentless enemy of understanding" - John Kenneth Galbraith.
  • (Score: 1) by bobmorning on Thursday December 28 2017, @05:01AM (16 children)

    by bobmorning (6045) on Thursday December 28 2017, @05:01AM (#614990)

    I love his SpaceX but Tesla is just a big fricking hole that is eating up billions and he is losing more money than a sailor on shore leave.

    I have shorted the stock via put options and have my asses handed to me each time. WTF.

    • (Score: 3, Interesting) by takyon on Thursday December 28 2017, @05:29AM (8 children)

      by takyon (881) <{takyon} {at} {}> on Thursday December 28 2017, @05:29AM (#614998) Journal

      Probably soon.

      Time to Bash Tesla Model 3 []
      Tesla Fires Hundreds of Employees []
      Tesla Burns More Cash, Fails to Meet Production Targets []
      Tesla Sued Over Alleged Racism; Deliveries Pushed Back; Semi Truck to be Unveiled []

      Tesla's make-or-break year? 2018 will test Elon Musk []
      Analyst slashes Tesla Model 3 fourth quarter forecast by nearly 70% []

      SpaceX offers launches cheaper than what its competitors offer, and markets them to corporations and governments (maybe universities too if reusability helps launch costs decline). Tesla offers cars more expensive than what its competitors offer, and markets them mainly to consumers (Tesla Semi is a sideshow for now). But it hasn't met production and sales targets. No amount of cool factor can save Tesla if people don't want to buy its expensive cars. A self-driving fleet (sell cars to Google instead of Joe Electron) or giga battery schemes are alternatives, but might not be very profitable ones. Or they won't come soon enough.

      It's too bad that your short(s) didn't work when they have this guy [] in charge.

      [SIG] 10/28/2017: Soylent Upgrade v14 []
      • (Score: 0) by Anonymous Coward on Thursday December 28 2017, @10:23PM (7 children)

        by Anonymous Coward on Thursday December 28 2017, @10:23PM (#615288)

        You say they're overpriced. Can you show me an all-electric AWD, cheaper than Model 3 pre-orders (which are currently around $40k in the AWD model)?

        I'm not asking rhetorically. I'm looking to buy an electric AWD and can't find a better choice. You speak as if you know examples.

    • (Score: -1, Troll) by Anonymous Coward on Thursday December 28 2017, @05:30AM

      by Anonymous Coward on Thursday December 28 2017, @05:30AM (#614999)

      Just like buttcoins, you don't know when the crash will come. If you're betting on the misfortunes of a company, you better have staying power. Because even if you have perfect insight to why X is a bad business, it can take a while until the thundering herds of other investors turn around.

    • (Score: 1, Insightful) by Anonymous Coward on Thursday December 28 2017, @01:36PM

      by Anonymous Coward on Thursday December 28 2017, @01:36PM (#615095)

      Wait a minute, I thought we all wanted electric everything because it's going to save the world. What's with all the bashing? Get out there and buy his overpriced electric toys, and tell all your friends and neighbors to do the same.

    • (Score: 0) by Anonymous Coward on Thursday December 28 2017, @05:38PM (3 children)

      by Anonymous Coward on Thursday December 28 2017, @05:38PM (#615174)

      The really critical thing Elon Musk and Tesla Motors has done is kickstart electric car investment in the other automakers. I won't be too upset if Tesla folds. I can buy a Chevrolet with four seats and a 200 mile battery range (the Bolt), or another Chevrolet with a 40 mile battery range and an onboard gasoline power generator to extend it (the Volt), and the next generation of the battery-powered Nissan Leaf is rumored to have a 150 mile range. Ford has the Focus Electric, BMW has the i3, Volvo has announced that every model they sell will be either hybrid or all-electric within five years.

      In terms of investments, I don't understand the modern American stock market at all. The conservatives state that they have to cut corporate taxes to promote growth. As far as I understand it corporate profits and the value of most big stocks are at the highest they have ever been. Wouldn't that mean all possible job-creation and economic growth would already be happening? And doesn't it hint that we're in another market bubble? I have three quarters of my pathetically small retirement savings in cash equivalents in anticipation of another recession or worse. Maybe I'll just be kicking myself for stupidity in twenty years.

    • (Score: 3, Insightful) by GreatAuntAnesthesia on Thursday December 28 2017, @08:22PM

      by GreatAuntAnesthesia (3275) on Thursday December 28 2017, @08:22PM (#615249) Journal

      I have shorted the stock via put options and have my asses handed to me each time. WTF.

      How many asses do you have?

  • (Score: 1) by JustNiz on Thursday December 28 2017, @03:58PM (3 children)

    by JustNiz (1573) on Thursday December 28 2017, @03:58PM (#615137)

    What is the deal with these electric cars that they have to be so damn ugly? That truck rendering is truly up there as the most ugly vehicle I've ever seen. I'd honestly rather own an Aztek.
    How is it that someone at Tesla can draw this and apparently no-one else at the whole company has enough taste and/or balls to stop it from moving forward?
    I'm actually suspicious that their real motivation is to simply kill off the whole pickup truck-type vehicle by ensuring that no-one would ever actually want to buy one.

    • (Score: 2) by jimtheowl on Thursday December 28 2017, @04:53PM

      by jimtheowl (5929) on Thursday December 28 2017, @04:53PM (#615155)
      The article states "artist's rendering above", not a proposed design by Tesla engineers. Someone likely just drew something he/she thought looked aerodynamic.

      "I'd honestly rather own an Aztek."

      I'd rather have a pony.
    • (Score: 2) by Knowledge Troll on Thursday December 28 2017, @09:36PM

      by Knowledge Troll (5948) on Thursday December 28 2017, @09:36PM (#615274) Homepage Journal

      Eeeeewwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww you were not kidding, that thing is fucking hideous. I really hope that didn't come from Tesla internally; they made the Model S look so good.

    • (Score: 1) by toddestan on Saturday December 30 2017, @04:48PM

      by toddestan (4982) on Saturday December 30 2017, @04:48PM (#615879)

      The picture looks like someone took the front end of the Tesla Semi and stuck a truck bed on the back. It's not even clear if that even came from Tesla or not. I kind of doubt that's what Tesla would actually build, as it would be huge. True, trucks keep on getting bigger and bigger every year, but that's ridiculous. Also, it would be tall for no reason at all and the aerodynamics wouldn't be favorable for an electric vehicle.

      With that said, it doesn't look that silly compared to the current truck offerings, which look more like someone took a toy truck and scaled it up to full size than a serious work vehicle.
