Tesla has been sued by an employee for alleged racist harassment and termination for complaining:
Tesla Inc.'s production floor is a "hotbed for racist behavior," an African-American employee claimed in a lawsuit in which he alleged black workers at the electric carmaker suffer severe and pervasive harassment. The employee says he's one of more than 100 African-American Tesla workers affected and is seeking permission from a judge to sue on behalf of the group. He's seeking unspecified general and punitive monetary damages as well as an order for Tesla to implement policies to prevent and correct harassment.
[...] The lawsuit was filed on behalf of Marcus Vaughn, who worked in the Fremont factory from April 23 to Oct. 31. Vaughn alleged that employees and supervisors regularly used the "N word" around him and other black colleagues. Vaughn said he complained in writing to human resources and Musk and was terminated in late October for "not having a positive attitude."
Although customers who have reserved a Tesla Model 3 (at a cost of $1000) have seen their delivery dates pushed back, they apparently remain loyal to the company:
Even as the company led by Elon Musk struggles with manufacturing bottlenecks and pushes back production targets by at least a quarter, many reservation holders aren't budging. Bloomberg News contacted 20 consumers who paid deposits for the Model 3 and none had canceled their orders. Regardless of the concerns raised by slower output and an uncertain future for U.S. electric-car tax credits, Nomura analyst Romit Shah predicts the affinity for Tesla Inc. products will prevail. "We believe there is a real passion for the brand," Shah wrote in a report to clients that reiterated a $500 price target for Tesla shares, the highest on Wall Street. "It is bigger than loyalty because much of the enthusiasm comes from people who have never owned a Tesla. The only comparable we see is the iPhone."
Finally, Elon Musk says that the Tesla Semi Truck will be unveiled during a live webcast at 8 PM on Thursday, and that it will "blow your mind clear out of your skull and into an alternate dimension".
Previously: Elon Musk Says Tesla Pickup and Semi-Trucks Are Coming
Time to Bash Tesla Model 3
Tesla Discussing Autonomous Semi Truck Testing in Nevada
Tesla Fires Hundreds of Employees
Tesla Burns More Cash, Fails to Meet Production Targets
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Submitted via IRC for AndyTheAbsurd
When Elon Musk released his' Master Plan Part 2' for Tesla last year, he surprised a lot of people in the industry when he announced that the automaker will soon venture in the semi-truck business.
[...] Musk announced several new vehicle programs when he released his' Master Plan Part 2': a minibus, a pickup truck, and a semi truck. Those were added to the already known Model 3 and Model Y programs.
Since Tesla already has over 400,000 reservations for the Model 3, Musk is emphasizing that the automaker is focusing its resources on the vehicle before going into those new programs.
When questioned about Tesla losing its focus after the announcement that they are already working on the new vehicles last year, Musk said that "early development work" is not taking a lot of resources away from Model 3. Tooling and getting to production is where things get expensive.
Based on Musk's comment, we would expect Tesla Semi to still be in "early development work" as the company is still working on bringing the Model 3 to production in the coming months.
Source: https://electrek.co/2017/02/05/tesla-semi-electric-truck-elon-musk/
Tesla founder and CEO Elon Musk says the company will soon move beyond just electric sedans and SUVs to offer something bigger - much bigger. Musk tweeted Thursday that a Tesla semi truck is just months away and work is ongoing on an electric pickup truck as well.
"Tesla Semi truck unveil set for September," Musk said via Twitter. "Team has done an amazing job. Seriously next level."
[...] "We believe the Tesla Semi will deliver a substantial reduction in the cost of cargo transport, while increasing safety and making it really fun to operate," Musk wrote in the plan.
[...] While Musk didn't specifically mention anything about the role that autonomy will play with the company's upcoming truck models, the master plan notes that "as the technology matures, all Tesla vehicles will have the hardware necessary to be fully self-driving."
It would be nice to see them add some extras to the trucks like a hydraulic lift or cargo crane.
Also at NBC, TechCrunch, and Bloomberg.
Tesla is beginning to deliver a small number of Model 3 cars, but there are concerns that Tesla will not be able to produce enough cars to meet demand:
Wall Street finally got to see all the details of the Tesla Model 3 during the car's launch event Friday. So far investors have given it the thumbs down with the electric car maker's shares down more than 2 percent midday Monday.
"We believe the Model 3 was as good as or better than expected, and pricing was as expected with considerable initial upsell. That said, the rubber now hits the road, and the fundamental questions remain unanswered," Bernstein's Toni Sacconaghi wrote in a note to clients Monday. "CEO Elon Musk sounds increasingly squeamish about the production ramp." The analyst cited how the $35,000 Model 3 car will not be available until early 2018 with only a higher-priced $49,000 model available this year. He also noted Musk's comment to employees to prepare for "production hell."
Speaking of "production hell", Tesla employees in California are threatening to unionize:
Employees at the electric automaker's factory in Fremont, California, have been agitating for a union since Jose Moran, a production associate, wrote a Medium post in January detailing difficult work conditions at the flagship plant. The bulk of the demands has since centered on improving equipment to reduce workplace injuries.
[...] Musk originally called injury allegations at the Fremont plant "disingenuous or outright false" but has since told employees to report injuries directly to him.
Although the base price of the car is $35,000, that can rise to $55,000 or more after options.
Also at MarketWatch, Ars Technica, and CNET.
Tesla CEO Elon Musk announced in April that the company is working on pushing a long-haul electric semi truck to market, which is set to be formally revealed in September. Now, Reuters has viewed e-mail correspondence between Tesla and the Nevada Department of Motor Vehicles that indicate that the company has discussed testing semi trucks on the state's roads.
The Reuters report also mentioned that the semis would be outfitted with autonomous functions, so they could traverse the nation's highways without a driver in the front seat. The e-mails seemed to indicate that Tesla's semis would "platoon," that is, drive in a formation such that a number of trucks could follow a lead vehicle. It's unclear whether the lead vehicle would have a driver, or operate autonomously with a person in the front seat to monitor safety.
[...] Reuters also reported that California DMV officials will meet with Tesla this week "to talk about Tesla's efforts with autonomous trucks."
Tesla has fired several hundred of its employees following performance evaluations. Tesla recently conducted the biggest expansion of its workforce in the company's history, and is struggling to increase production of its Model 3 sedan:
Tesla Inc. has fired an undetermined number of employees following a series of performance evaluations after the company significantly boosted its workforce with the purchase of solar panel maker SolarCity Corp.
The departures are part of an annual review, the Palo Alto, California-based company said in an email, without providing a number of people affected. The maker of the Model S this week dismissed between 400 and 700 employees, including engineers, managers and factory workers, the San Jose Mercury News reported on Oct. 13, citing unidentified current and former workers.
"As with any company, especially one of over 33,000 employees, performance reviews also occasionally result in employee departures," the company said in the statement. "Tesla is continuing to grow and hire new employees around the world."
The company has more than 2,000 job openings on its careers website.
The dismissals come after Tesla said it built just 260 Model 3 sedans during the third quarter, less than a fifth of its 1,500-unit forecast. The company has offered scant detail about the problems it's having producing the car. The vehicle's entry price starts at $35,000, roughly half the cost of Tesla's least-expensive Model S sedan.
Also at NYT, Reuters, and The Mercury News.
Auto production is hard:
Having racked up its first quarter of burning through more than $1 billion of cash in the three months ending in June, Tesla topped that with $1.4 billion of negative free cash flow in the third quarter. In the past two quarters, therefore, Tesla has burned through more cash than the previous six combined. More importantly, it has burned through roughly four out of every five of the $3.2 billion dollars it has raised since late March through selling new equity and convertible debt and its debut in the high-yield bond market.
Consequently, debt has soared. Even just using debt with recourse to the company, on a net basis it has almost tripled since the start of the year to $3.36 billion.This would matter less if the primary objective of sucking in most of that external funding -- mass production of the Model 3 -- was fast approaching. Instead, it has receded further.
When Musk first talked about production targets for the Model 3 in 2016, they implied Tesla would be producing roughly 3,800 to 7,600 a week in the second half of 2017. By July of this year, Musk was guiding toward production hitting about 5,000 a week by the end of December. I estimated at the time that this implied a second-half average of maybe 1,400 a week.
Now, Musk estimates production might hit 5,000 a week by the end of the first quarter of 2018. As for this year, it might be in "the thousands" by the time New Year's Eve rolls around. He refused to say what the current run rate was. But I would estimate Tesla will be lucky to produce 10,000 Model 3 vehicles in total this year, or an average of 400 a week for the second half -- roughly 5 to 10 percent of the original guidance. As for the earlier target of 10,000 a week in 2018 ...
Also at NYT and MarketWatch.
Previously: Tesla Adds Lots of Certified Pre-Owned Model S Vehicles for Under $40,000 with New Warranty
Time to Bash Tesla Model 3
Tesla Reportedly Teaming Up With AMD for Custom AI Chip
Tesla Fires Hundreds of Employees
Tesla's stock dropped despite "better than expected" quarterly numbers, probably due to either the company posting its worst quarterly loss ever, or a conference call in which Elon Musk complained about "boring, bonehead questions" and much more:
Tesla Inc. Chief Executive Elon Musk held a long, odd earnings conference call Wednesday in which he insulted analysts, the media, federal regulators and people who died behind the wheel of his cars, and then told anyone concerned about volatility not to invest in his company. Unsurprisingly, volatility ensued, as Tesla shares dropped quickly during an increasingly bizarre call with the very analysts and media whom Musk attacked.
Tesla on Wednesday disclosed the largest quarterly loss in the history of a company known far and wide for losing vast sums of money, with a net loss of almost $785 million. The numbers still managed to beat expectations that have been repeatedly lowered for more than a year, which led Musk to take a victory lap on Twitter after losing more than three quarters of a billion dollars in three months.
If Elon Musk can increase Tesla's market value 12-fold in the next 10 years, he may be entitled to a maximum of $56 billion in stock awards (likely lower if more shares are sold to the public). This, along with the ballooning of Musk's existing $12 billion share in his company, and his stake in SpaceX and other companies, could help Musk become a Kardashev I trillionaire alongside Jeff Bezos:
A new payment plan for the CEO was approved by Tesla (TSLA) shareholders Wednesday, a spokesperson confirmed. The incentive-based package essentially states that if Musk hits a series of performance milestones between now and January 2028, and he drives his electric car company's market value 12 times higher — taking it from $54 billion to $650 billion — he'll become astronomically rich.
Now, if Musk does drive a 12-fold increase in Tesla's market value, that doesn't necessarily mean the price of a single share in the company will be 12 times larger. The company can do things like issue new stock that could dilute the value of existing shares. But let's assume Musk's Tesla stock would grow at least 10 times more valuable. That would mean just the shares Musk owns today would be worth $120 billion.
Plus, reaching the agreed upon milestones means Musk would get additional stock awards. According to the new compensation plan, Tesla estimates the value of the stock awards to be $2.6 billion, using accounting methods for estimating the cash value of stock options. But if Tesla's market value balloons just as the payment plan hopes, those stock awards could be worth nearly $56 billion, according to a public filing.
Also at Reuters, Fortune, and CNBC.
Related: Tesla Fires Hundreds of Employees
Tesla Burns More Cash, Fails to Meet Production Targets
Tesla Sued Over Alleged Racism; Deliveries Pushed Back; Semi Truck to be Unveiled
Tesla Semi Truck Will Have a 500+ Mile Range
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Elon Musk Vows to Build Tesla Pickup Truck 'Right After' Model Y
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Elon Musk Expects to Do Coast-to-Coast Autonomous Tesla Drive in 3 to 6 Months
Elon Musk has unveiled the Tesla Semi Truck. It supposedly boasts a single-charge range of over 500 miles, more than what analysts had expected. Tesla could begin producing the vehicles by the end of 2019 (assuming it isn't delayed):
The truck can go from zero to 60 miles per hour in five seconds without a trailer, and in 20 seconds when carrying a maximum load of 80,000 pounds, less than a third of the time required for a diesel truck, he said.
He gave no price for the truck but hinted that it would be costly. "Tesla stuff is expensive," Mr. Musk said, drawing another cheer from the crowd, gathered at an airfield outside of Los Angeles. But he also said the electric truck would be less expensive to operate, in part because it has fewer components that require regular maintenance (no engine, transmission or drive shaft). Instead, the truck, called the Tesla Semi, is powered by a giant battery beneath the cab. It has two rear axles, each outfitted with two electric motors, one for each wheel. Its acceleration and uphill speeds will allow it to cover more distance in less time than diesel trucks, he added.
As a result, Tesla is estimating it will cost $1.26 per mile to operate, compared with $1.51 a mile for a diesel truck. The cost can fall further — to 85 cents a mile, according to Tesla — if groups of trucks travel together in convoys, which reduces wind drag. "This beats rail," Mr. Musk said.
In typical Tesla fashion, the truck is a sharp departure from industry norms. The cabin is spacious enough for a driver and passenger to stand. The driver's seat is in the center of the cab, not on the left side. It is flanked by two laptop-size video screens providing navigation and scheduling data as well as images of blind spots and other areas around the truck. It will be equipped with radar sensors, cameras and processors to enable drivers to use a version of Autopilot, the advanced driver-assistance system featured in Tesla cars such as the Model S and the new Model 3.
Tesla will also produce a new version of the Tesla Roadster that can go from 0-60 in 1.9 seconds.
Also at BBC, TechCrunch, and Firstpost.
Pre-conference coverage at Bloomberg
Previously: Tesla Sued Over Alleged Racism; Deliveries Pushed Back; Semi Truck to be Unveiled
(Score: 0) by Anonymous Coward on Wednesday November 15 2017, @07:24PM (11 children)
What is the legal ramification of recording your work day? Can you be sued for recording without permission? Can an employer fire someone for doing so?
(Score: 1, Interesting) by Ethanol-fueled on Wednesday November 15 2017, @07:32PM (2 children)
I believe that's wiretapping in California, which is illegal. Could be wrong, though. Anyway, even if you did collect fruit of the poisonous tree, your lawyer may be able to use it along with alternate means to coax admission out of a defendant.
Yes, Black employees and supervisors call each other "Nigga" all day every day. Yes, that may also include some Dominicans or other swarthy urban individuals. Yes, they are allowed to call each other "Nigga" without reprisal.
(Score: 3, Disagree) by DeathMonkey on Thursday November 16 2017, @01:42AM (1 child)
Yes, Black employees and supervisors call each other "Nigga" all day every day.
No, they don't.
(Score: 0) by Anonymous Coward on Friday November 17 2017, @07:55PM
it depends on where they are from and how ghetto they are even then. just like Richey Rich and i act very differently.
(Score: 1) by Sulla on Wednesday November 15 2017, @07:33PM
I presume it would depend if you are a one or two party state. Some states require both parties to be aware they are being recorded, some only require that one of the parties know that recording is being done.
Ceterum censeo Sinae esse delendam
(Score: 0) by Anonymous Coward on Wednesday November 15 2017, @07:35PM (6 children)
Here's my take on that... My employer (after over 10 years there) had everyone sign an NDA which besides forbidding anyone from talking about their (crooked) business practices also forbids taking photos or video or even audio. It also stated the company may install hidden cameras and/or microphones without notifying the employees. Anyone breaking the NDA would be fired, have any retirement benefits cancelled, and possibly face criminal charges. This was at a major tire manufacturer of recalled tires. Shouldn't be too hard to figure out who they are.
(Score: 0) by Anonymous Coward on Wednesday November 15 2017, @08:02PM (5 children)
Sounds like we're in need of some major worker's rights overhaul. All this NDA nonsense is getting way out of hand and should only apply to trade secrets.
(Score: 2) by Nerdfest on Wednesday November 15 2017, @08:09PM (2 children)
Here in Canada anyway, you can't sign away your rights like that. Well, you can, but it's not enforceable. Some of the stuff described in the GP post I would think is not legally enforceable. Pretty much all of it is pretty damn evil as well.
(Score: 5, Interesting) by Grishnakh on Wednesday November 15 2017, @09:02PM (1 child)
Is IS evil, which is why it should be allowed for companies to push these NDAs: that way, the evil people who push these policies could be identified, and then disappeared for the good of society.
Honestly, every time I read stuff like this, it reminds me how completely amoral sociopaths aren't only in a corporation's executive suite, they're also filling the HR offices. HR workers have to be the worst humans on the planet; at least the executives are making off with scads of money when they do evil stuff, but HR workers just get a relatively small salary, but are all too happy to do the dirty work for the executives.
(Score: 0) by Anonymous Coward on Thursday November 16 2017, @10:03AM
I'm not guilty. I was only following orders!
(Score: 5, Touché) by bob_super on Wednesday November 15 2017, @08:11PM
Congress is scheduled to pass a comprehensive worker protection plan right after they pass campaign finance reform, single-payer healthcare, and cut half the Pentagon's budget.
(Score: 2, Insightful) by NewNic on Wednesday November 15 2017, @11:07PM
That's an anti-Libertarian stance.
Won't fly here.
lib·er·tar·i·an·ism ˌlibərˈterēənizəm/ noun: Magical thinking that useful idiots mistake for serious political theory
(Score: 2, Interesting) by Anonymous Coward on Wednesday November 15 2017, @07:35PM (8 children)
What about the other >99 workers? Are they going to join him in his accusations? Or is this a case of asshole employee using his race card privilege?
(Score: -1, Flamebait) by Anonymous Coward on Wednesday November 15 2017, @07:44PM (2 children)
Many times I've heard blacks say they were going to turn n****r if they didn't get their way.
(Score: 0, Redundant) by Anonymous Coward on Wednesday November 15 2017, @07:57PM
Which kind of implies that they already have...?
(Score: 2, Touché) by Anonymous Coward on Wednesday November 15 2017, @08:33PM
I've heard some interesting shit from whites, too!
Though I have not heard any interesting shit from East Asians, Middle Easterners, Hispanics, Brazilians, or Anunnaki. However, I don't speak Portuguese.
(Score: 1, Troll) by frojack on Wednesday November 15 2017, @09:46PM (4 children)
My thoughts exactly.
Tesla had a large lay-off recently: An estimated 400 to 700 people were dismissed in October after their annual Performance Review, according to a San Jose Mercury News. That’s between 1% and 2% of the company’s more than 33,000 employees.
Now we all know that nobody would play the race card, right? Because we all know Black Jobs Matter.
No, you are mistaken. I've always had this sig.
(Score: 0) by Anonymous Coward on Wednesday November 15 2017, @11:52PM (2 children)
Which is worse? Someone playing the race card? Or someone sweeping racism under the rug?
(Score: 2) by Fluffeh on Thursday November 16 2017, @12:08AM
Both are wrong - and they are not mutually exclusive.
(Score: 2) by SunTzuWarmaster on Thursday November 16 2017, @04:31PM
That's a toughie. I propose that we should find someone who is a good JUDGE of moral, ethical, and legal boundaries to figure it out. However, that person should really consult with a good LAW-abiding pERson before making a decision.
(Score: 0) by Anonymous Coward on Thursday November 16 2017, @10:17PM
This guy was a contractor. He is no longer employed because... his contract ended.
(Score: 0) by Anonymous Coward on Wednesday November 15 2017, @09:10PM (5 children)
If you have to put down a deposit for an as-yet built car, that means you don't have a pressing need. And if you have that much cash to put down up front for an as-yet built car, then you are probably not in in a desperate need to get the money back. Unless you think that the cars will not come at all, or at least not for a very very long time, why would you cancel your order? Is it loyalty that keeps one from canceling their order, or just pragmatism?
(Score: 2) by Entropy on Wednesday November 15 2017, @09:34PM (1 child)
$1000 down on a Tesla isn't exactly a huge percentage of the car.
(Score: 0) by Anonymous Coward on Wednesday November 15 2017, @09:36PM
All the more reason to not want to pull it back.
(Score: 2) by BasilBrush on Wednesday November 15 2017, @11:15PM (2 children)
It's keeping their options open. When their turn comes they can decide to go ahead with the purchase, or get their deposit refunded. The longer the waiting list, the more it makes sense to keep the option open.
Hurrah! Quoting works now!
(Score: 1) by tftp on Thursday November 16 2017, @01:17AM (1 child)
(Score: 2) by BasilBrush on Thursday November 16 2017, @02:13AM
Non-transferable AFAIK. But you might be able to buy it and sell it on.
Hurrah! Quoting works now!
(Score: 0) by Anonymous Coward on Thursday November 16 2017, @04:06AM
...I already have a semi!