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posted by martyb on Sunday September 23 2018, @01:44AM   Printer-friendly
from the enemy-of-my-enemy-is-my-friend dept.

Revealed: Russia's secret plan to help Julian Assange escape from UK

Russian diplomats held secret talks in London last year with people close to Julian Assange to assess whether they could help him flee the UK, the Guardian has learned.

A tentative plan was devised that would have seen the WikiLeaks founder smuggled out of Ecuador's London embassy in a diplomatic vehicle and transported to another country.

One ultimate destination, multiple sources have said, was Russia, where Assange would not be at risk of extradition to the US. The plan was abandoned after it was deemed too risky.

The operation to extract Assange was provisionally scheduled for Christmas Eve in 2017, one source claimed, and was linked to an unsuccessful attempt by Ecuador to give Assange formal diplomatic status.

Related: Ecuador Grants Citizenship to Julian Assange
Ecuador Reportedly Almost Ready to Hand Julian Assange Over to UK Authorities
Associated Press Publishes Supposedly Leaked WikiLeaks Documents

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  • (Score: 2, Informative) by Anonymous Coward on Sunday September 23 2018, @02:58AM (1 child)

    by Anonymous Coward on Sunday September 23 2018, @02:58AM (#738747)

    Assange was tight with Russia before it was cool. He had a show on RT and everything.

    Starting Score:    0  points
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    Total Score:   2  
  • (Score: 0) by Anonymous Coward on Monday September 24 2018, @12:35AM

    by Anonymous Coward on Monday September 24 2018, @12:35AM (#739018)

    He must have been inspired by WJC. New documents on Yeltsin-Clinton conversations further expose US “meddling” in Russian politics []

    The earliest documents date from 1996, the year of the presidential elections in Russia. Boris Yeltsin, who had presided over the “shock therapy” with which capitalism was fully restored in Russia, was by now widely hated and stood almost no chance of winning the election. The most likely winner was Gennady Zyuganov, the leader of the ultra-nationalist Stalinist Communist Party (KPRF).

    That the US heavily intervened in these elections to bolster Yeltsin, with whom Clinton had developed a close political relationship, has long been known. As a matter of fact, the US media, including Time magazine, bragged about this operation, which involved sending several highly paid former US officials to Russia to help Yeltsin with his campaign [].¹

    The newly released minutes provide more detailed insight into this thoroughly anti-democratic operation.

    ¹ "Far from concealing this intervention, the American ruling elite boasted of its success after Yeltsin’s victory. Time magazine made it the cover story of its July 15, 1996 edition."