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posted by janrinok on Thursday February 27 2014, @09:08AM   Printer-friendly
from the this-should-never-be-seen dept.
janrinok writes "A little light-hearted relief:

A computer lets you make more mistakes faster than any invention in human history, with the possible exceptions of handguns and tequila.

If it weren't for C, we'd all be programming in BASI and OBOL.

There are 10 types of people in the world: those who understand binary, and those who don't.

In a world without fences and walls, who needs Gates and Windows?

Programming today is a race between software engineers striving to build bigger and better idiot-proof programs, and the Universe trying to produce bigger and better idiots. So far, the Universe is winning.

Computers make very fast, very accurate mistakes.

More humour can be found at"
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  • (Score: 2) by martyb on Thursday February 27 2014, @01:24PM

    by martyb (76) Subscriber Badge on Thursday February 27 2014, @01:24PM (#7933) Journal

    nukkel (168) wrote:

    In Belgium, there are people having a single-character last name ("O") and they have serious problems e.g. booking an airline ticket.

    Imagine what life would be like if your name were the empty string ;)

    It's obvious! There would be no problem! ;^)

    Wit is intellect, dancing. I'm too old to act my age. Life is too important to take myself seriously.
    Starting Score:    1  point
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    Total Score:   2