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posted by n1 on Thursday August 28 2014, @06:44PM   Printer-friendly
from the starting-the-weekend-early dept.

An article by Stanton Peele makes the case that there is strong evidence that reasonable levels of drinking are healthy, and if fact beneficial to your health compared with abstinence.

For all levels of drinking, including the highest one, for both men and women, death rates did not reach those for abstainers.

[...] Of course, abstainers may not drink because they are already ill. Thus the meta-analysis relied on studies that eliminated subjects who are abstaining due to illness, or else contrast drinkers with lifetime abstainers.

There isn't a list of references in the article, but this study may be one of the supporting ones: Alcohol Dosing and Total Mortality in Men and Women: An Updated Meta-analysis of 34 Prospective Studies.

There are, no doubt, reasonable criticisms that can be made, but there does seem to be a case for saying that drinking some alcohol is beneficial.

Article also published in: Pacific Standard Magazine

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  • (Score: 2) by c0lo on Thursday August 28 2014, @10:35PM

    by c0lo (156) Subscriber Badge on Thursday August 28 2014, @10:35PM (#86945) Journal

    Not just American cultures, but almost all cultures will be absolutists about some things, and relativists about others. Picking out Americans is just more bullshit.

    Yeap, pretty much correlates with the protestant extremists (puritan) culture - the tendency towards righteousness may play a role; catholics are more inclined towards authoritarianism.

    Starting Score:    1  point
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    Total Score:   2