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posted by Fnord666 on Tuesday June 02 2020, @03:02PM   Printer-friendly
from the to-boldly-go-where-only-a-few-men-have-gone-before dept.

Third European Service Module for Artemis Mission to Land Astronauts on the Moon:

It's official: when astronauts land on the Moon in 2024 they will get there with help from the European Service Module. The European Space Agency signed a contract with Airbus to build the third European Service Module for NASA's Orion spacecraft that will ferry the next astronauts to land on the Moon.

NASA's Artemis program is returning humans to the Moon with ESA's European Service Module supplying everything needed to keep the astronauts alive on their trip in the crew module – water, air, propulsion, electricity, a comfortable temperature as well as acting as the chassis of the spacecraft.

The third Artemis mission will fly astronauts to Earth's natural satellite in 2024 – the first to land on the Moon since Apollo 17 following a hiatus of more than 50 years.

ESA's director of Human and Robotic Exploration David Parker said: "By entering into this agreement, we are again demonstrating that Europe is a strong and reliable partner in Artemis. The European Service Module represents a crucial contribution to this, allowing scientific research, development of key technologies, and international cooperation – inspiring missions that expand humankind's presence beyond Low Earth Orbit."

[...] The first European Service Module is being handed over to NASA at their Kennedy Space Center for an uncrewed launch next year, and the second is in production at the Airbus integration hall in Bremen, Germany.

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  • (Score: 4, Interesting) by JoeMerchant on Tuesday June 02 2020, @05:49PM (2 children)

    by JoeMerchant (3937) on Tuesday June 02 2020, @05:49PM (#1002258)

    No, 2MT 108knots unlimited range unmanned - that's a different beast.

    The one I remember from early 2017 was a 20MT "base buster" intended to neutralize targets like King's Bay submarine base. I live a bit over 50 miles from King's Bay - 20MT going off there would be... unpleasant.

    I agree that "SpaceForce" is nothing new, capability wise. It's more of a PR package: emphasizing the space capabilities the same way that the Air Force emphasizes airborne capabilities, etc. However, just putting "SpaceForce" on a broadcast like the SpaceX launch seemed completely counter to the "Came in peace, for all mankind" messaging of my youth.

    All these weapons programs happen all the time - lots of them (like X37) try to keep as low a profile as possible. A reorg like Space Force doesn't just invite Netflix mini-series lampooning, it's the US equivalent of a big "in your face" parade of the big guns down the capital city center street. Maybe that's why the Don visited North Korea, besides affording the CIA an opportunity to slip some poison to Kim Jong Un, he was probably looking for parade tips.

    🌻🌻 []
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  • (Score: 3, Interesting) by takyon on Tuesday June 02 2020, @06:10PM (1 child)

    by takyon (881) <> on Tuesday June 02 2020, @06:10PM (#1002273) Journal

    I live a bit over 50 miles from King's Bay - 20MT going off there would be... unpleasant.

    It will look 33% prettier than Castle Bravo, at least.

    However, just putting "SpaceForce" on a broadcast like the SpaceX launch seemed completely counter to the "Came in peace, for all mankind" messaging of my youth.

    It sounds like a mismatch, but I would have to see that segment. SpaceX has routinely thanked the U.S. Air Force for monitoring their launches. If Space Force is taking over that duty then it makes sense to mention them or even give them a small commercial during the broadcast (like what they do for customers, for example Qatar in Nov. 2018).

    Also, Space Force participation seems to go beyond that:

    Space Force rescue units prepare for ‘new era’ of commercial human spaceflight []

    Three hours before the SpaceX Crew Dragon launch May 30, teams of combat rescue specialists staged at military bases in Florida, South Carolina and Hawaii went on alert status in the event of a mission abort.

    The task force of about 150 personnel and eight aircraft is under the command of the U.S. Space Force’s 45th Space Wing at Patrick Air Force Base, Fla. It is deployed to ensure that if astronauts abort the mission, they are recovered anywhere in the world where they might land.

    The U.S. military’s rescue units have supported NASA operations for six decades but this is a “new era” because astronauts are flying in commercial capsules and each requires different procedures and training, said Maj. Gen. John Shaw, commander of the Combined Force Space Component of U.S. Space Command at Vandenberg Air Force Base, California.

    “We are supporting three capsules,” Shaw said June 1 during a SpaceNews online event. In addition to SpaceX Crew Dragon, troops are training to rescue astronauts from Boeing’s Starliner and Lockheed Martin’s Orion capsules.

    [SIG] 10/28/2017: Soylent Upgrade v14 []
    • (Score: 2) by JoeMerchant on Tuesday June 02 2020, @07:15PM

      by JoeMerchant (3937) on Tuesday June 02 2020, @07:15PM (#1002295)

      I would have to see that segment.

      It was brief - I remember being a little surprised that NASA TV didn't even show a still of T(he)rump watching the launch, but then they started spouting Space Force military capability this, control of space that, ensure the safety of our assets the other, and then they moved on.

      🌻🌻 []