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posted by martyb on Tuesday August 04 2020, @01:35AM   Printer-friendly
from the I-use-Lynx,-you-insensitive-clod! dept.

Firefox Browser Use Drops As Mozilla's Worst Microsoft Edge Fears Come True

Back in April, we reported that the Edge browser is quickly gaining market share now that Microsoft has transitioned from the EdgeHTML engine to the more widely used Chromium engine (which also underpins Google's Chrome browser). At the time, Edge slipped into the second-place slot for desktop web browsers, with a 7.59 percent share of the market. This dropped Mozilla's Firefox – which has long been the second-place browser behind Chrome – into third place.

Now, at the start of August, we're getting some fresh numbers in for the desktop browser market, and things aren't looking good for Mozilla. Microsoft increased its share of the browser market from 8.07 percent in June to 8.46 percent in July. Likewise, Firefox fell from 7.58 percent to 7.27 percent according to NetMarketShare.

[...] As for Mozilla, the company wasn't too happy when Microsoft first announced that it was going to use Chromium for Edge way back in December 2018. Mozilla's Chris Beard at the time accused Microsoft of "giving up" by abandoning EdgeHTML in favor of Chromium. "Microsoft's decision gives Google more ability to single-handedly decide what possibilities are available to each one of us," said Beard at the time. "We compete with Google because the health of the internet and online life depend on competition and choice."

[...] Microsoft developer Kenneth Auchenberg fought back the following January, writing, "Thought: It's time for Mozilla to get down from their philosophical ivory tower. The web is dominated by Chromium, if they really *cared* about the web they would be contributing instead of building a parallel universe that's used by less than 5 percent."

Is the browser monoculture inevitable or will Firefox hang in there?


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  • (Score: 2) by DECbot on Wednesday August 05 2020, @03:24PM

    by DECbot (832) on Wednesday August 05 2020, @03:24PM (#1031767) Journal

    it pushed for mandatory HTTPS and HTML 3.0 (or whatever that is).

    I think you mean HTML5 and CSS3. When faced between an open standard to play videos over the web (even if controlled by a mega-corp) or propriety executable to play videos (flash), I would opt for the open standard. Did Google abuse its market position? Probably. Will the DoJ prosecute? Not for cause--but for political punishment. Here's my predictions: If Biden wins in November and Trump administration doesn't start a prosecution before January then probably not. If Trump wins, 100% after 2024 by the new Democratic administration; otherwise, possibly before 2024 if Google doesn't fluff Trump's ego the correct way (which I believe varies depending on his mood, day of the week, and who he has heard speaking in the last 20 minutes).
    I think you're correct on the Microsoft analysis. They saw big businesses and government outsourcing their data centers and correctly pivoted to keep that market segment in their pocketbook. What revenue was lost in new license sales was gained by new subscription sales. I would not be surprised if MS pivots on the desktop replacing the Windows kernel with WSL/Linux kernel if they could make a better emulator than Wine for legacy custom business software. That would unload MS resources developing kernel and drivers to the Linux Foundation and they could focus on the UI, Windows Store, and services like Azure and Office365 to generate revenue all the while maintaining OEM contracts for desktop OSes. Even if MS decides to forgo providing an emulator, looking at Apple as an example, I think MS would see success and business will have to pay developers to port their custom software to the new platform. If Microsoft won't compete in the browser space, why should they compete in the kernel space. Let open source developers write the kernel and then bolt on a proprietary userland/desktop kludge that vendors need to sell laptops.

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