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posted by martyb on Saturday August 28 2021, @08:44PM   Printer-friendly
from the good-fibrations dept.

$15 drug gets COVID patients off oxygen support in under week – study:

Fourteen out of 15 severe COVID-19 patients who were treated in an investigator-initiated interventional open-label clinical study of the drug TriCor (fenofibrate)[*] didn't require oxygen support within a week of treatment and were released from the hospital, according to the results of a new Hebrew University of Jerusalem study.

Fenofibrate is an FDA-approved oral medication. The results were published on and are currently under peer review.

Specifically, the team that was led by HU's Prof. Yaakov Nahmias carried out the study at Israel's Barzilai Medical Center in coordination with the hospital's head of the Infectious Disease Unit, Prof. Shlomo Maayan, and with support from Abbott Laboratories.

[...] The 15 treated patients all had pneumonia and required oxygen support. They were also older with multiple comorbidities, ranging from diabetes and obesity to high blood pressure.

"The results were dramatic," Nahmias told The Jerusalem Post. "Progressive inflammation markers, which are the hallmark of deteriorative COVID-19, dropped within 48 hours of treatment. Moreover, 14 of the 15 severe patients didn't require oxygen support within a week of treatment." The 15th patient was off oxygen within 10 days.

When looking at the data on other similar severe patients, less than 30% of them on average are removed from oxygen support within a week. In other words, fenofibrate could dramatically shorten the treatment time for severe COVID patients.

"We know these kinds of patients deteriorate really fast, develop a cytokine storm in five to seven days and that it can take weeks to treat them and for them to get better," Nahmias said. "We gave these patients fenofibrate and the study shows inflammation dropped incredibly fast. They did not seem to develop a cytokine storm[**] at all."

Cytokine storms are aggressive inflammatory responses to illness.

[*] Fenofibrate entries on MedlinePlus and Wikipedia.

[**] Cytokine storm on Wikipedia.

Journal Reference:
Yaakov Nahmias, Avner Ehrlich, Konstantinos Ioannidis, et al. Metabolic Regulation of SARS-CoV-2 Infection, (DOI: 10.21203/

Original Submission

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  • (Score: 5, Informative) by Azuma Hazuki on Sunday August 29 2021, @01:42AM (7 children)

    by Azuma Hazuki (5086) on Sunday August 29 2021, @01:42AM (#1171920) Journal

    The vaccines are definitely worth getting, but they're leaky to the Delta (and likely Lambda...) variant, i.e., they don't provide sterilizing immunity. And besides which, a vaccine is only one part of a competent anti-disease strategy; ideally we'd have treatment, vaccination, support, physical/mechanical prevention (distance and mask, people!) and social care, this last being "people who need medicine can get it" and "people who need 2 weeks off because corona is kicking their asses will still have a job to go back to."

    I am only a pharmacy technician, not a pharmacist or a doctor, but I've been obsessively reading the literature. 14 of 15 patients is, as someone pointed out above, an *extremely* strong signal even in an admittedly small sample; the next thing to do, post-haste, is to trial this with n > 1000 at minimum.

    One emerging pattern all this Covid hoopla is bringing to light is that heart disease, diabetes, ischaemic strokes, calcified arteries, etc, appear to be end-stage manifestations of metabolic syndrome. T2DM and hyperlipidaemia, whether cholesterol or triglycerides, are indicators of poor prognosis all out of proportion to what you'd expect for a virus. Given this, and given the structure of the spike protein itself, I'm not surprised fenofibrate is helping. I would guess metformin would also be useful, and suspect that the occasional, unpredictable reports of success for HCQ, macrolide antibiotics, or what have you, simply come down to preventing the body's inflammatory response from going apeshit and liquefying itself.

    I am "that girl" your mother warned you about...
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  • (Score: 2) by Beryllium Sphere (r) on Sunday August 29 2021, @01:49AM

    by Beryllium Sphere (r) (5062) on Sunday August 29 2021, @01:49AM (#1171923)

    I seem to remember reading hopeful things about metformin but have not given them a complete or critical look.

    There is a wrinkle to defense in depth that's easy to overlook. If we had a good proven treatment, the ethics of exposing volunteers to SARS COV 2 in experiments would be easier to cope with. Then we could answer all sorts of important questions where population studies leave us uncertain.

    Hope this works. My news feed does seem to have a constant stream of Israeli miracle cures but I'll trust data.

  • (Score: 1, Informative) by Anonymous Coward on Sunday August 29 2021, @02:59AM (3 children)

    by Anonymous Coward on Sunday August 29 2021, @02:59AM (#1171943)

    From start of vaccine tests, so before Delta, all I heard is that the (experimentally, now some officially) approved ones did allow people to catch and spread. The effect was that the symptoms and probability of death were reduced, yet still >0%. Useful, but still a temporary patch, IMO. Where I live (not USA) some old people communities have been hit recently: everyone vaccinated... still a notable number of deaths. Great demostration of them being a duct tape patch, not a proper fix.

    Thus I always wondered about the herd immunity numbers, as the formula depends on subjects not spreading the virus. [] As time passed, the "number of vaccinated that will make the miracle" has gone up and up, with some scientists saying it is already impossible. Smells like another PR disaster like the "no masks" at the start in USA. Here gov. internal reports about measures to take in Febraury/March 2020 were ignored. Fuckers, if you lie once in serious things or get caught looking to other side, your trustability becomes zero for a long time. Yet we have to put with leaders' circus, because no modern democracy has a "you are fired" pacific method.

    Luckly for all of us, some scientists are working on other vaccines, with "sterilizing" being one of the targets. Producers of vaccines currently in use seem to be happy with a third shot, promising small tweaks if needed (fourth shot? fifth? two times a year? four? monthly?), and cashing the profits (EU is paying more for next round). Of course, fuck Third World, even if that means they will become a reservoir or a "kitchen" for new variants.

    And people wonder why conspiracies run rampant... start working in cures not "subscriptions" and treat people like adults. Trustable or GTFO.

    All I got clear from the past nearly two years is that the West is lead by a bunch of retards, some of them chanelling Gordon Gecko. We could have stopped it but fucked it hard instead. Australia loves parties as they do in Italy or Spain. Vietnam is not an island and is in direct contact with China. Etc, etc. It was doable, just required a bit of brains.

    Who I am kidding... Afghanistan just demostrated how low the pants are among the West leaders and agencies (ground low, or "on head" high, your pick). "1.5 years to fall", "90 days", "oooh, they are in front of our troops now". Everyone run!

    We better wise up, or the West is in for a rough ride. And rich people should not expect privileges by next world super power, all the contrary. So start moving the muppets, I mean leaders, before it is too late and what keeps you rich goes down for good.

    • (Score: 2) by Opportunist on Sunday August 29 2021, @12:05PM (2 children)

      by Opportunist (5545) on Sunday August 29 2021, @12:05PM (#1172023)

      Treat people like adults? As in, as if they can be trusted to do what's necessary for all of us to have the greatest chance for survival? Get out of here, you know that this is doomed to fail.

      Imagine what would have happened if they told the truth about the mask problem from last year's Spring. As in "Ok, folks, here's the thing: Wearing masks would be a really great way to stop the spread, but due to our just-in-time mentality of storage, i.e. not holding storage whatsoever, we're facing the problem that there ain't enough for everyone. And if you now start to buy them like there's no tomorrow, we won't have enough of them for the medical staff that really needs them to do their job. So, yeah, we're working on increasing the production, but could you hold off buying them 'til we have enough of them?"

      What do you think would have happened if they announced this? Ok, granted, they could have softened the blow by adding another nugget of information:

      "But you see, wearing those masks protects mainly others from you if you're infected, not you from getting infected"

      Then nobody would've bothered to get them. Unfortunately also when we had enough of them, because, hey, screw you.

      People are selfish, ignorant assholes. And you know it.

      • (Score: 0) by Anonymous Coward on Sunday August 29 2021, @05:09PM (1 child)

        by Anonymous Coward on Sunday August 29 2021, @05:09PM (#1172064)

        Maybe if they framed it like in one of those movies where they need heros to volunteer for certain death to save humanity? There would be quite a few stepping forward to not wear masks in order to save the rest of us. Suckers.

        • (Score: 2) by Opportunist on Sunday August 29 2021, @07:22PM

          by Opportunist (5545) on Sunday August 29 2021, @07:22PM (#1172085)

          Well, that's basically what the anti-vax morons do. Ok, not saving humanity, just prolonging my comfortable home office time, but hey, I take what I can get.

  • (Score: 0, Troll) by PocketSizeSUn on Monday August 30 2021, @01:08PM (1 child)

    by PocketSizeSUn (5340) on Monday August 30 2021, @01:08PM (#1172305)

    The COVID-19 vaccines are:
      - Not vaccines
      - The leakiest vaccines every injected into a human population
      - The first vaccines ever injected into a human population *during* an *active* *demic event.

    The vaccines are causing the mutations .. you say you are a 'pharma' tech ... me thinks you a just a 'pharma' shill ...

    • (Score: 2) by Azuma Hazuki on Monday August 30 2021, @04:49PM

      by Azuma Hazuki (5086) on Monday August 30 2021, @04:49PM (#1172369) Journal

      You don't "thinks" at all. And your projector is showing.

      I am "that girl" your mother warned you about...