Cough. The Normans weren't French. They were migratory Vikings (North-men) []. The Frankish king did a deal with them [], allowing Rollo to be the first Duke of Normandy (the area that is now known as...Normandy, is what is currently France). It is true that they adopted the Frankish language and a lot of its culture, but Normandy was separate to the Frankish kingdom (it was eventually conquered by the French in 1204 []), and the Normans went on to conquer coastal areas around all the Mediterranean.
(Score: 0) by Anonymous Coward on Saturday December 24 2022, @07:58AM
(2 children)
by Anonymous Coward
on Saturday December 24 2022, @07:58AM (#1283819)
MY name is JOHN! John Mastedon. Or Mastadon. I am here, to chew bubblegum, and kick twitter ass, and, I am all out of bubblegum. Now is the time to ask yourself, who do you love? Them? Or Us? Step away from the khallow lottery queue. There will be no clean end to this. Crassus died in such a fashion, as did Manius Aquilius [], a partisan of Marius, as I am sure our own Sulla can attest to. Having the molten gold poured down your throat no doubt makes one wonder if it was really the metal that one desired in the first place, or merely it's exchange value, or the power of its luster upon the souls of lesser men, like khallow. Just the reflection of the Golden Letters, spelling out T-R-U-M=P-F, that is enough to get khallow, and I believe, janrinok? all stiff in the morning. But recall, it is better to die a free man, albeit poor, than to have all the gold in the world poured down your gullet without respite. Historically proven. Greeks proved this. Never forget.
(Score: 0) by Anonymous Coward on Monday December 26 2022, @05:51AM
(1 child)
by Anonymous Coward
on Monday December 26 2022, @05:51AM (#1283995)
Was not John Mastadon killed by the Elon Musk? Did he not harvest his soul, and render his bunions? I am so confused. What happened to FatPhil, and Chromas?
(Score: 0) by Anonymous Coward on Saturday January 07 2023, @07:05AM
by Anonymous Coward
on Saturday January 07 2023, @07:05AM (#1285629)
What Soylent UID does John Mastadon have? I am curious. They can ban him on Twitter, but that would never happen on such a bastion of frozen peaches as SoylentNews. Amirite?
Looks like Republicans are going mask off Nazis with a registry of all transgender people.
Totally not worrisome from a fascist like Abbot and the GOP /sarcasm
Remember everyone, CPAC the yearly Republican gathering told Republicans "we are all domestic terrorists." We know you think it was glib, maybe time to stop assuming innocence. Wonder if anyone here actually bought an nft trading card ;^D
(Score: 0) by Anonymous Coward on Monday December 26 2022, @06:50AM
(2 children)
by Anonymous Coward
on Monday December 26 2022, @06:50AM (#1284003)
This, of course, is what we should expect. Curious about the badging, however. Nazis, the original German Nazis, used a yellow star of David for some folks, and a Pink Triangle for others. Not sure what the badge was for socialists, or communists, or democrats. Probably had one for the Roma, or as they are called in Texas, "locals". In any case, this will not end well, as the Gringos are the most easily identified ethnic group, and especially the lily-white Texas Republicans. They will be the first up against the wall, Alamo or not, and regardless of who paid for it.
(Score: 0) by Anonymous Coward on Wednesday December 28 2022, @08:40AM
by Anonymous Coward
on Wednesday December 28 2022, @08:40AM (#1284203)
Remember the Alamo? The car rental company, of that battle where the gringos all ran away, or died? Texans are kind of like Serbs, and the Alamo is kind of like The Battle of Kosovo []. Loosers who memorialize the fights they lost. I can just see Gov. Abbott, in a bunker surrounded by the Allies of the transgendered, preparing to pull a Hitler. That is how it ends when you start your final solution.
And, I smell Arkansasian bullshit. Anyone else smell that?
Has the mod point system changed so you only get points every so often, rather than daily? Because I haven't gotten any mod points for the last few days. No big deal, just checking.
(Score: 3, Informative) by hubie on Sunday December 11 2022, @09:28PM
(8 children)
Not intentionally changed. It is a bug (or feature!) that has been recognized (along with the front page listing of the recent journals). When some people were saying they lost mod points last week, I was still getting them, but now I've been without them for several days as well.
(Score: 0) by Anonymous Coward on Monday December 12 2022, @01:11AM
(5 children)
by Anonymous Coward
on Monday December 12 2022, @01:11AM (#1282076)
I haven't seen any mod points since mid-last year. I thought it was a feature, not a bug. I hear that c0lo has the same issue. Might be a result of pushing back on the horse paste disinformation.
(Score: -1, Troll) by Anonymous Coward on Friday December 16 2022, @05:57AM
(2 children)
by Anonymous Coward
on Friday December 16 2022, @05:57AM (#1282622)
Obvious butthole, as khallow would opine. Most recent front page:
What Is Threat Intelligence, and Why is it Important?
aristarchus is still out there. And, he is still dangerous! He will say things that make conservatives look stupid, and make janrinok look like a petty British tyrant, a Littlefinger, of sorts. I do believe the only way SN can be safe, is if it is shut down. Ides of December are upon us, you are months behind schedule, Lord janrinock.
(Score: -1, Troll) by Anonymous Coward on Tuesday December 20 2022, @09:21AM
(1 child)
by Anonymous Coward
on Tuesday December 20 2022, @09:21AM (#1283301)
Aristarchus is still out there! I here he is the fentynel of the mind. All it takes is one small injection of sanity, and all your "common sense" conservatism (a la janrinok) and traditional racist shit balling (a la Runaway) will amount to naught. We need protection from facts and logic, and the mean liberals who pourvey reason and grounding in reality. Save us, janrinok! Keep the bad aristarchus away from solylentnudes, so we can talk about the Kanye West persecuting people!
(Score: -1, Troll) by Anonymous Coward on Saturday December 24 2022, @08:00AM
by Anonymous Coward
on Saturday December 24 2022, @08:00AM (#1283820)
I am curious. Did this aristarchus character ever actually exist? Is it true he could shoot fireballs out his arse? Can anyone point me to any evidence of his existence? Or evidence of his crimes? Who did he dox? How did he dox them?
(Score: 0) by Anonymous Coward on Thursday December 29 2022, @08:53AM
by Anonymous Coward
on Thursday December 29 2022, @08:53AM (#1284298)
If you check the medical literature carefully, you will see that one of the common side-effects of a slight over-dose of Ivermectin is the inability to distinguish mod points from horseshit. Just saying.
(Score: 0) by Anonymous Coward on Monday December 12 2022, @02:13AM
by Anonymous Coward
on Monday December 12 2022, @02:13AM (#1282080)
My best guess is that slashd is having problems. Not being on the inside, I can't say for sure. But it would explain a lot of things, including the missing journals from the front page.
When the server is down for maintenance, replacement of vacuum tubes, belts, worn parts and lubrication of gears and bearings, it is possible to use those old mod points as ball bearings in the server's machinery.
-- Satin worshipers are obsessed with high thread counts because they have so many daemons.
(Score: -1, Troll) by Anonymous Coward on Wednesday December 21 2022, @01:18AM
(3 children)
by Anonymous Coward
on Wednesday December 21 2022, @01:18AM (#1283432)
Within the North Pacific Gyre, there is a smaller, lesser known, SoylentNews mod point gyre. And speaking of gyres:
Turning and turning in the widening gyre The falcon cannot hear the falconer; Things fall apart; the centre cannot hold; Mere anarchy is loosed upon the world, The blood-dimmed tide is loosed, and everywhere The ceremony of innocence is drowned; The best lack all conviction, while the worst Are full of passionate intensity.
(Score: 0) by Anonymous Coward on Thursday December 22 2022, @04:51AM
by Anonymous Coward
on Thursday December 22 2022, @04:51AM (#1283564)
You spin me right round, baby. Right round. Like a record, baby. Right round, round, round. You spin me right round, baby. Right round. Like a record, baby. Right round, round, round.
I want to mooo-OOO-ooo-OOO-ooo-OOO-OOO-D! I want to mooo-OOO-ooo-OOO-ooo-OOO-OOO-D!
(Score: -1, Troll) by Anonymous Coward on Friday December 30 2022, @09:47AM
(1 child)
by Anonymous Coward
on Friday December 30 2022, @09:47AM (#1284402)
Only on SoylentNews would someone troll mod Keats. We all know who it was, the same idiot asking for advice on "Euro" cinema, not knowing the difference between "movies" and cinema, in the first place. "The worst, are full of passionate intensity."
Linux is very similar to eunuchs, but does not have any actual eunuchs code. It isn't "genetically" eunuchs. See SCO vs IBM which began March 6, 2003 and is about to reach its 20th anniversary. The litigation has picked up steam again and moved back to New York court.
-- Satin worshipers are obsessed with high thread counts because they have so many daemons.
(Score: 0) by Anonymous Coward on Friday December 23 2022, @04:59AM
by Anonymous Coward
on Friday December 23 2022, @04:59AM (#1283686)
If mod points are still stuck in a box somewhere in China waiting to be delivered when will they arrive? Before Xmas? There's even a picture of the box on the news!
I was annoyed to find I had only narrowly missed out on a 3 digit ID when I joined (1112). I thought I would be pretty low, joining almost straight after the announcement of the creation of SN in a conversation thread on /. during Buck Feta.
I have briefly ducked in to have a look at /. once or twice in the years between. Truly a sickening sight to see what it's been reduced to.
(Score: 0) by Anonymous Coward on Monday December 12 2022, @12:44AM
(16 children)
by Anonymous Coward
on Monday December 12 2022, @12:44AM (#1282073)
Mine was 4 digits, but the email provider I registered with evaporated at some stage, so reduced to AC since then.
(Score: -1, Spam) by Anonymous Coward on Tuesday December 13 2022, @05:51AM
(5 children)
by Anonymous Coward
on Tuesday December 13 2022, @05:51AM (#1282251)
I used to be known as, . . . but you already know, don't you, janrinok, the one who sees all, in the Dark Tower, in the land of Mordor, where the Runaways lie.
(Score: 0) by Anonymous Coward on Friday December 16 2022, @06:03AM
(3 children)
by Anonymous Coward
on Friday December 16 2022, @06:03AM (#1282624)
Spam mod? Do we have publicly available, irrefutable evidence that this is an Ari post? Or should we all just randomly spam mod posts that mention Mordor, Palantir, or Runaway?
(Score: 0) by Anonymous Coward on Wednesday December 14 2022, @03:14AM
(7 children)
by Anonymous Coward
on Wednesday December 14 2022, @03:14AM (#1282338)
I had a four digit ID at one time.
I apologize to you, janrinok. I am sorry for all the spam, harassment, intimidation, sock puppets, doxxing, and a multitude of other abuses. I was in the wrong for all of it, and I am truly and deeply sorry.
I hope you can forgive me after all of the harm I have caused. I don't need to sign my post this time. I am confident you can figure out who I am.
(Score: 0) by Anonymous Coward on Wednesday December 14 2022, @08:59AM
(5 children)
by Anonymous Coward
on Wednesday December 14 2022, @08:59AM (#1282354)
We all know who you are, what you have done, and where you live. Don't try to wriggle out of it by tagging some fake user name. Chickens have come home to roost, the swan is doing its song, and the mighty buzzard flies.
(Score: -1, Spam) by Anonymous Coward on Saturday December 31 2022, @07:54AM
(1 child)
by Anonymous Coward
on Saturday December 31 2022, @07:54AM (#1284506)
If Buzztardo was back, we could tell by the update on the Church renovation. Like the idiot Runaway1956, or any other retard Conservative, they cannot help but over-shearing the details of their personnel life, and basically doxxing themselves. Buzzie was particularly prone to that, and since we see nothing of this, not him.
That's the same with me. I signed up not long after the announcement as well and was surprised how high the number I got. Pleasantly surprised that so many accounts were made. I was about as close to getting a 3-digit UID as I was at /. to getting a 5-digit UID. :)
The first couple of thousand accounts were created very quickly. The first real account (not testing) was a certain NCommander on 12 February 2014. We reached 1000 by 17 Feb, up to 2000 by 19 Feb, up to 3000 by 24 February and up to 4000 by the end of March. So we had over 3000 accounts in less than 2 weeks, and 4000 accounts in less than 2 months. We reached 5000 by January 2015 - which is when, as a rule of thumb, we consider members to be early accounts, but that is entirely arbitrary and is a meaningless term if the truth be known.
Accounts at that time were all active accounts with very few exceptions. Today we have somebody's fake account bot creating accounts at up to 150 a day (guesses on a postcard to the usual address)! It doesn't affect us though - the accounts are never activated and take very little space on the disk. If it ever did become a problem we could simply delete all accounts that have never be activated.
-- I am not interested in knowing who people are or where they live. My interest starts and stops at our servers.
That takes a bit of processing to calculate. The last time I did it was probably about this time last year and it was over 50%. I would expect it to be much lower now - I daren't even guess. However, it isn't a priority for me at the moment so I will have to ask you to wait until things are under control on the site.
-- I am not interested in knowing who people are or where they live. My interest starts and stops at our servers.
I would imagine there are still quite a few checking in. I know I don't comment often, but I am logged in and lurking. Every time I've come across a story to submit recently I've seen it in the Queue already, so I'm afraid I've not been interacting with the site all that much.
Much the same here. I don't contribute much anymore, but I typically come daily to read the headlines and if something catches my fancy I'll RTFA or the comments.
It will actually be harder to calculate now because more logged in users are posting as AC than were doing so a year ago, and we do not get any identity of those who just read the site without logging in. Even such information that I do have to hand is hard to interpret. Page hits on popular stories can be in the low thousands whereas comments can be anything between single digits up to 100+.
As a wild, wet finger in the air, guess I would say that we have up to 2 hundred active accounts in a month period but many more casual readers who simply don't log in.
The other complicating factor is separating front page and journal posts. Minor problems such as we are experiencing today with the lack of mod points and the journal index side panel not displaying do affect daily figures rather more than one might expect.
-- I am not interested in knowing who people are or where they live. My interest starts and stops at our servers.
I am also one of those active, not active users. When beta came along a noped out of that and jumped on the Soylent bandwagon. I log in occasionally, but read every day.
An interesting (and surprising) breakdown of account number milestones. It also helps me gauge where I was in the great scheme of things.
I'm surprised at the long tail for 4000-5000, though. I was a long-time (though periodic) anonymous reader at /., and remember the beta days and the boycott. I clearly hadn't been reading much there in the post-boycott days, I'd probably drifted away temporarily due to the lack of content. Sometime later, it was a member here that was still posting over there, signposting people over to the promised land, that brought me here.
I knew that I'd missed the initial startup of things, but I had no recollection that there was over a year between that boycott and me finding the arrow pointing over here.* I'm wondering how many earlier opportunities to learn of this site I'd ended up missing. On reflection, 2014-2015 was pretty busy for me between work and personal life, so there was ample opportunity for distraction.
*I wonder if said person was posting signposts on the anniversary of the boycott? Janrinok, was there a jump in account creation around February 2015, perchance?
In the early days before the site was live there were a few IRC channels on freenode, in one of them the linode URL was posted, or made the topic and I made an account right then. I think they took it down for a day or so, as development was still underway, but I remember watching the UUID numbers climb really quickly. Those were good times, this site was so refreshing, the members were, and as far as I know still are a superior group to the denizens of the green site. I'm hopeful that this site will retain our best members, and continue to grow, remember, it's only a few negative voices that soured things over the last couple of years.
(Score: -1, Spam) by Anonymous Coward on Tuesday December 13 2022, @10:15PM
(38 children)
by Anonymous Coward
on Tuesday December 13 2022, @10:15PM (#1282314)
I'm hopeful that this site will retain our best members,
Bit late for that, the best members have been banned. Those that haven't have been shadow-banned. And the rest Twitter-banned, as part of the great Ncommander/Musk conspiracy to take out all competition to Twitter. SN delenda est.
(Score: -1, Spam) by Anonymous Coward on Saturday December 31 2022, @08:06AM
by Anonymous Coward
on Saturday December 31 2022, @08:06AM (#1284507)
After being treated so rudely, by an imperious dick? What lickspittle hushpuppies! No wonder there is no decent discussion here anymore! You killed SoylentNews, janrinok! Killed it dead.
And why does using Tor constantly throw form errors?
I don't know - but possibly it is because it is being abused by thousands of people each day to carry out attacks on websites, or to distribute Spam, or to facilitate port scans on numerous computers each day. The exit nodes are being included on more and more ban lists. If they are on a list that we use then you will not be connected.
But form errors are usually caused at the user end. Nothing to do with us at all. If you have a username and an account you will not have any of these problems, but that is your choice.
Bug, or really do not want any anonymous contributions?
I tried to help ACs a week or two back but Anonymous Coward told me that you do not want my help. So, for the moment you are back at the bottom of my todo list or, more accurately, not even on it. You were my priority, but not now. Sort yourselves out and let me know when you have done so.
-- I am not interested in knowing who people are or where they live. My interest starts and stops at our servers.
(Score: 0) by Anonymous Coward on Thursday December 15 2022, @07:44PM
(4 children)
by Anonymous Coward
on Thursday December 15 2022, @07:44PM (#1282575)
I tried to help ACs a week or two back but Anonymous Coward told me that you do not want my help.
You call banning all pure AC posting "helping"? I think you are doing it wrong. And, you are one of the easiest Boomers to trigger, janrinok. Here, have some more of Simon & Garfunkle's "Sounds of Silence".
(Score: -1, Spam) by Anonymous Coward on Friday December 30 2022, @09:52AM
(3 children)
by Anonymous Coward
on Friday December 30 2022, @09:52AM (#1284403)
I love being helped by janrinok. When we ACs were all drowning, he threw us an anchor! When we were on fire, he poured petrol on us. When we were hungry, he gave us British cuisine. Thanks, janrinok!
(Score: 0) by Anonymous Coward on Saturday January 07 2023, @07:26AM
(1 child)
by Anonymous Coward
on Saturday January 07 2023, @07:26AM (#1285634)
I guess this is what passes for Greek philosophy these days. Isn't that right, aristarchus?
I pity you, because your life must be so meaningless that you get your pleasure from posting vile spam like this, and from obsessing over Runaway1956 and janrinok.
(Score: 0) by Anonymous Coward on Thursday December 15 2022, @10:23PM
(27 children)
by Anonymous Coward
on Thursday December 15 2022, @10:23PM (#1282592)
I tried to help ACs a week or two back but Anonymous Coward told me that you do not want my help. So, for the moment you are back at the bottom of my todo list or, more accurately, not even on it. You were my priority, but not now. Sort yourselves out and let me know when you have done so.
A lot of logged-in users were appreciative and thanked you for your idea to enable AC access to the entire site. As you have said, you don't really have a way to track AC votes when soliciting opinions about changes to the site. The IPID may change, but all AC posts are made under UID 1. As such, ACs who are supportive of the plan might have thought their votes wouldn't count. Although some people have valid questions and concerns, I think that there are ACs who would use the opportunity to once again post about technology and science in front page stories. However, my comment may be indistinguishable from other ACs.
As such, ACs who are supportive of the plan might have thought their votes wouldn't count.
I clearly wrote something along the lines of "This is your opportunity to have your say. Do not waste it". If they didn't speak out then they wasted a chance to do so.
Maybe we will return to it in a few months time when there are not a million other things to do.
However, my comment may be indistinguishable from other ACs.
Not so :)
-- I am not interested in knowing who people are or where they live. My interest starts and stops at our servers.
(Score: 0) by Anonymous Coward on Friday December 16 2022, @06:18PM
by Anonymous Coward
on Friday December 16 2022, @06:18PM (#1282722)
As an accountless AC, i had my say, though maybe i didn't raise my support clearly enough, i wonder. Technically i don't have much to say, since web tech is not my bowl of cereal. And i don't want to make you or anyone helping with this feel like i've pissed in their cereal, which kind of seems you feel someone did to you.
I hope you raise the issue back to the appropiate urgency level, where you see fit.
Any AC saying not needing help with this can be ignored or taken behind a sauna.
(Score: 0) by Anonymous Coward on Wednesday December 21 2022, @01:57AM
(9 children)
by Anonymous Coward
on Wednesday December 21 2022, @01:57AM (#1283437)
At the risk of getting in trouble for being off-topic or saying things that offend people, I am going to suggest a few things.
First, while bugs are being fixed and the cadence of stories is slowed, why not post blank stories [] where users can discuss anything they want to talk about? I propose posting one of these every 2-3 days and allowing pure AC posting in blank stories. If blank stories fill up with spam or political bickering, then perhaps don't post them as frequently when that happens. But you might find that you also get a lot of random but interesting discussions.
Second, regarding AC posting, there is another way forward. Instead of tracking ACs, you could reopen pure AC posting, then give editors unlimited mod points to spam mod people who crapflood or habitually disrupt discussions. Meanwhile, encourage users to focus on modding up good comments.
Third, I suggest adding a link to tip the editor for every story, where users can donate a bit of money to any staff member for their work. I think there are enough generous people in the community who might be willing to directly contribute a few dollars to staff for their work. This would be different from the subscriptions in that it wouldn't fund the site's expenses but instead pay the staff for their time. That might encourage more people to become staff members, which could increase the number of stories posted and grow the site.
Fourth, I suggest increasing the karma bonus given to users whose stories require minimal edits. One option would be to run contextual ads on the site, which could generate revenue. However, users who submit stories that require minimal editing would have the option of disabling ads for awhile in exchange for their positive contributions. The revenue from ads could be used for existing costs or perhaps as stipends for users who work behind the scenes and wouldn't be as likely to get tips.
I understand that the second option requires a bit of work, and the third or fourth are more complex than that. However, I hope you'll consider these ideas, which I am suggesting to you with the very best of intentions.
He has been posting mostly blank journals and accepting unregistered AC comments. It remains an obscure corner of the site, but it is almost what you are (first) requesting.
then give editors unlimited mod points to spam mod people who crapflood or habitually disrupt discussions
Which is simply moving the burden to the few remaining active editors. How do we cover 24hrs a day to prevent child pornography or widespread spamming? Are you offering to help with this task?
"habitually disrupt discussions" was exactly what a small number of ACs did. We spent months trying to control it with moderation but the only way to prevent it was to remove AC access to the main stories.
ACs can come back on the front page when they are accountable while remaining anonymous.
Third, I suggest adding a link to tip the editor for every story, where users can donate a bit of money to any staff member for their work. I think there are enough generous people in the community who might be willing to directly contribute a few dollars to staff for their work.
That's a kind thought - but personally I would rather it simply went to a subscription. How will you know how much work people are doing behind the scenes? Is it only the names that reach the front page that will benefit?
-- I am not interested in knowing who people are or where they live. My interest starts and stops at our servers.
(Score: -1, Spam) by Anonymous Coward on Sunday January 01 2023, @09:37AM
(4 children)
by Anonymous Coward
on Sunday January 01 2023, @09:37AM (#1284603)
Which is simply moving the burden to the few remaining active editors. How do we cover 24hrs a day to prevent child pornography or widespread spamming? Are you offering to help with this task?
Um, no? Spamming? Do you not mean banning posters critical of the right-wing nut-job racists? And disabling any new accounts? And insulting everyone who wants to make soylentnews a better place, and defend freeze peach?
Do it yourself, janis, you have made your bed, chosen your path, and crapped in the punchbowl. Your mess, clean it up or pull the plug.
(Score: 0) by Anonymous Coward on Tuesday January 03 2023, @04:13PM
(2 children)
by Anonymous Coward
on Tuesday January 03 2023, @04:13PM (#1284966)
Nonsense, and you know it. I don't blindly agree with janrinok, and I emailed him some concerns this morning. But janrinok is not the problem here. You are.
AC posting is disabled on the front page because you were spamming. You were free to criticize the alt-right as you saw fit. Those journals and comments are still available for anyone to read. They haven't been censored. When you actually criticized the alt-right, many people agreed with you and supported you. But you haven't criticized the alt-right in a long time. Instead, you've developed an obsession with Runaway and janrinok, and you spend your time attacking them. Your personal attacks against Runaway do not constitute a criticism of the alt-right.
If you had actually stuck to criticizing the alt-right instead of obsessing over Runaway, you wouldn't have been banned. You used to post about things like critical race theory, and many people agreed with your posts. Even people who disagreed with you supported your freedom to post about those topics. Even after you doxxed Runaway, he supported your freedom to discuss politics and didn't call for you to be permanently banned.
Your inability to create sock puppet accounts does not mean that new accounts are unwelcome. It means that you are permanently banned for doxxing and spamming.
I've been very critical of Runaway for posting racist comments. Nobody ever censored me or banned me for criticizing Runaway's opinions or the alt-right. Most of the time, I got modded up for doing so. While I have raised criticisms of this site at times, I have never had a valid reason to claim that my criticism of the alt-right or Runaway's opinions was being censored. I have been free to express my criticisms, and so are you.
Repeating the same lies over and over again is spam. Repetitive posting is considered spam, and that's exactly what you're doing. You've earned your spam mods.
You are no martyr. Stop pretending to be one. Janrinok isn't the problem here. You are.
(Score: -1, Troll) by Anonymous Coward on Tuesday December 20 2022, @10:19PM
(13 children)
by Anonymous Coward
on Tuesday December 20 2022, @10:19PM (#1283400)
Interesting how many logged in users don't realize that Post as AC is still tagged to their account. Janrinok has been open about that recently, but obviously it should be clarified with some text under the button. For a supposed community site there is very little respect for the plebe users from staff.
(Score: -1, Troll) by Anonymous Coward on Tuesday December 20 2022, @10:23PM
(12 children)
by Anonymous Coward
on Tuesday December 20 2022, @10:23PM (#1283402)
Or the fact that the IP is actually tracked and quite easily de-hashed since the hash hasn't changed since the site launched. For protecting free speech this site has done a miserable job aside from allowing disgusting content, likely with the usual techy attitude that users are idiots that dessrve what they get if they do not understand the privacy measures needed even for a supposed non-tracking free speech website.
(Score: 0) by Anonymous Coward on Wednesday December 21 2022, @01:25AM
(3 children)
by Anonymous Coward
on Wednesday December 21 2022, @01:25AM (#1283433)
This is why I always post as pure, unadulterated, AC. No log-in that links to an IP hash! Only downside is that I am constantly accused of being aristarchus. I don't think I even have his IP hash. Strange.
Every time you contact the site you have an IP. Logged in users change their IPs just like ACs do. You give us just as much, or just as little, information with each of your contacts as anyone else does. You are all still paranoid about rainbow hash tables etc - which the site does not have or use. They have been useless after the widespread introduction of TOR, VPNs and IPv6 i.e since around 2017. Your fears are unfounded (unless you are in the USA where they seem to be very slow in introducing IPv6).
We don't care WHO you are or WHERE you are. But if you really want to be anonymous - get off the internet. Every connection tells the site you are connecting to something.
-- I am not interested in knowing who people are or where they live. My interest starts and stops at our servers.
(Score: 0) by Anonymous Coward on Wednesday December 21 2022, @03:06PM
(1 child)
by Anonymous Coward
on Wednesday December 21 2022, @03:06PM (#1283472)
How do you supposedly run the hash backwards to recover the IP?
You really should go back and understand how this works. CdrTaco explained this way back in 1998 or so as to why it was done and needed, and if you are that paranoid about posted AC comments being tied to your account, then change your IP address. Use a VPN for one but not the other, or if you are on dynamic DNS, refresh your IP. I'm surprised you think the site has the resources and the desire to want to back out the IPs (which even if one could, I don't believe the whole IP address is hashed anyway).
(Score: 0) by Anonymous Coward on Wednesday December 21 2022, @03:16PM
by Anonymous Coward
on Wednesday December 21 2022, @03:16PM (#1283476)
The old admin The Mighty Buzzard admitted it could be done. It is trivial if you know the hash and algorithm to then build a table of all hashed IPs. The hash seed has never been changed per Janrinok. For a pro-privacy site it is pretty horrifying how these simple details are not explained, and the "your IP is never recorded" is at best a grey lie. Supposedly true AC comments have the hashed IP dropped after a couple weeks, but logged in user comments have the IP hash stored forever even if you click "post as AC" which is another grey lie.
(Score: -1, Troll) by Anonymous Coward on Saturday December 24 2022, @01:51AM
(3 children)
by Anonymous Coward
on Saturday December 24 2022, @01:51AM (#1283790)
No jani was right, though I was not trying to post as a different AC like the paranoid boomer likes to imagine. TOR is not under my control, and jani the genius should know since he has pointed out many times that the invalid form keys are likely due to the TOR ip changing before hitting submit.
Personally I can't believe posting the broad technical details about how SN fails privacy was modded troll. Then I remember that SN is not pro-privacy, and is just a shit site prividing playsible deniability so white supremacists like Runaway1956 can post their suggestions for political terrorism. It is quite clear.
Now what other info might be leaking that makes jani so sure of his claims? Was it just the short time period between posts, paired with the lowest ever visitor counts? SNR much better when only a few dozen people bother to visit these days?
Ah well, I thought about registering an account now that they finally banmed ACs most everywhere, but the lack of backbone to actually enforce the rules combined with the attacks I receive for be too similar to he-who-shall-not-be-aristarchused leaves a nasty taste in my mouth. Can't have it both ways, pure free speech with the shit posts that go with it, or limited speech where dumb ass filth gets users a ban.
Maybe they can take a hint from Musk, his free speech absolutism seems to come with a rather large ban hammer.
(Score: 0) by Anonymous Coward on Saturday December 24 2022, @06:44AM
by Anonymous Coward
on Saturday December 24 2022, @06:44AM (#1283815)
Problem is, cringe is standard operating procedure here on SoylentNews. It is called "disruption". If you dare to point out that horse paste is not a cure, or that overthrowing the Constitution of the United States to bring back Trumpoleon is not constitutional, well that is cringe. Janrinok is supporting Petain in the French elections, this year, only a 75 years too late. I really do believe that they do believe what they say, and that they deserve to die for the same.
(Score: 0) by Anonymous Coward on Saturday December 24 2022, @04:48PM
by Anonymous Coward
on Saturday December 24 2022, @04:48PM (#1283856)
Project much? Telling someone to kill themselves is the ultimate cringe and shows that you are one of the filth posters. A quick check of the Venn diagram shows that you are 88% likely to be a Republican racist that simps for billionaires. Say goodnight sweety.
(Score: 0) by Anonymous Coward on Monday December 19 2022, @09:03PM
(2 children)
by Anonymous Coward
on Monday December 19 2022, @09:03PM (#1283222)
As long as it was one under you would still be binary, worse if it rolls over. I guess there are a lot of various "fun" numbers in that regard that have been taken so far. There is a fair amount of binary numbers so they might not be as special. Like who got 80085 (boobs), I don't think we reached 80087355 (boobless) yet, but someone should have 1337 (leet/elite) etc.
(Score: 1, Insightful) by Anonymous Coward on Sunday December 11 2022, @11:34AM (10 children)
No, wait, that's the year my Norman ancestors kicked Anglo-Saxon butt.
Nearly a millennium has passed and the English are still salty about losing to the French.
(Score: 4, Insightful) by pTamok on Sunday December 11 2022, @09:10PM (3 children)
Cough. The Normans weren't French. They were migratory Vikings (North-men) []. The Frankish king did a deal with them [], allowing Rollo to be the first Duke of Normandy (the area that is now known as...Normandy, is what is currently France). It is true that they adopted the Frankish language and a lot of its culture, but Normandy was separate to the Frankish kingdom (it was eventually conquered by the French in 1204 []), and the Normans went on to conquer coastal areas around all the Mediterranean.
(Score: 0) by Anonymous Coward on Saturday December 24 2022, @07:58AM (2 children)
MY name is JOHN! John Mastedon. Or Mastadon. I am here, to chew bubblegum, and kick twitter ass, and, I am all out of bubblegum. Now is the time to ask yourself, who do you love? Them? Or Us? Step away from the khallow lottery queue. There will be no clean end to this. Crassus died in such a fashion, as did Manius Aquilius [], a partisan of Marius, as I am sure our own Sulla can attest to. Having the molten gold poured down your throat no doubt makes one wonder if it was really the metal that one desired in the first place, or merely it's exchange value, or the power of its luster upon the souls of lesser men, like khallow. Just the reflection of the Golden Letters, spelling out T-R-U-M=P-F, that is enough to get khallow, and I believe, janrinok? all stiff in the morning. But recall, it is better to die a free man, albeit poor, than to have all the gold in the world poured down your gullet without respite. Historically proven. Greeks proved this. Never forget.
(Score: 0) by Anonymous Coward on Monday December 26 2022, @05:51AM (1 child)
Was not John Mastadon killed by the Elon Musk? Did he not harvest his soul, and render his bunions? I am so confused. What happened to FatPhil, and Chromas?
(Score: 0) by Anonymous Coward on Saturday January 07 2023, @07:05AM
What Soylent UID does John Mastadon have? I am curious. They can ban him on Twitter, but that would never happen on such a bastion of frozen peaches as SoylentNews. Amirite?
(Score: 0) by Anonymous Coward on Monday December 19 2022, @10:43PM (5 children) []
Looks like Republicans are going mask off Nazis with a registry of all transgender people.
Totally not worrisome from a fascist like Abbot and the GOP /sarcasm
Remember everyone, CPAC the yearly Republican gathering told Republicans "we are all domestic terrorists." We know you think it was glib, maybe time to stop assuming innocence. Wonder if anyone here actually bought an nft trading card ;^D
(Score: 0) by Anonymous Coward on Monday December 26 2022, @06:50AM (2 children)
This, of course, is what we should expect. Curious about the badging, however. Nazis, the original German Nazis, used a yellow star of David for some folks, and a Pink Triangle for others. Not sure what the badge was for socialists, or communists, or democrats. Probably had one for the Roma, or as they are called in Texas, "locals". In any case, this will not end well, as the Gringos are the most easily identified ethnic group, and especially the lily-white Texas Republicans. They will be the first up against the wall, Alamo or not, and regardless of who paid for it.
(Score: 0) by Anonymous Coward on Wednesday December 28 2022, @01:48AM (1 child)
Bring it on, fool. Remember the Alamo.
(Score: 0) by Anonymous Coward on Wednesday December 28 2022, @08:40AM
Remember the Alamo? The car rental company, of that battle where the gringos all ran away, or died? Texans are kind of like Serbs, and the Alamo is kind of like The Battle of Kosovo []. Loosers who memorialize the fights they lost. I can just see Gov. Abbott, in a bunker surrounded by the Allies of the transgendered, preparing to pull a Hitler. That is how it ends when you start your final solution.
And, I smell Arkansasian bullshit. Anyone else smell that?
(Score: 0) by Anonymous Coward on Monday December 26 2022, @07:46AM (1 child)
They should create that registry, but if you are looking for a transgenocide, Texas is all hat, no cattle.
(Score: 0) by Anonymous Coward on Wednesday December 28 2022, @01:49AM
Texas has lots of cattle. It's always been known for it's steers and queers.
(Score: 2) by krishnoid on Sunday December 11 2022, @09:17PM (23 children)
Has the mod point system changed so you only get points every so often, rather than daily? Because I haven't gotten any mod points for the last few days. No big deal, just checking.
(Score: 3, Informative) by hubie on Sunday December 11 2022, @09:28PM (8 children)
Not intentionally changed. It is a bug (or feature!) that has been recognized (along with the front page listing of the recent journals). When some people were saying they lost mod points last week, I was still getting them, but now I've been without them for several days as well.
(Score: 2) by krishnoid on Sunday December 11 2022, @09:40PM (6 children)
+1, Informative :-|
(Score: 0) by Anonymous Coward on Monday December 12 2022, @01:11AM (5 children)
I haven't seen any mod points since mid-last year. I thought it was a feature, not a bug. I hear that c0lo has the same issue. Might be a result of pushing back on the horse paste disinformation.
(Score: -1, Troll) by Anonymous Coward on Friday December 16 2022, @05:57AM (2 children)
Obvious butthole, as khallow would opine. Most recent front page:
aristarchus is still out there. And, he is still dangerous! He will say things that make conservatives look stupid, and make janrinok look like a petty British tyrant, a Littlefinger, of sorts. I do believe the only way SN can be safe, is if it is shut down. Ides of December are upon us, you are months behind schedule, Lord janrinock.
(Score: -1, Troll) by Anonymous Coward on Tuesday December 20 2022, @09:21AM (1 child)
Aristarchus is still out there! I here he is the fentynel of the mind. All it takes is one small injection of sanity, and all your "common sense" conservatism (a la janrinok) and traditional racist shit balling (a la Runaway) will amount to naught. We need protection from facts and logic, and the mean liberals who pourvey reason and grounding in reality. Save us, janrinok! Keep the bad aristarchus away from solylentnudes, so we can talk about the Kanye West persecuting people!
(Score: -1, Troll) by Anonymous Coward on Saturday December 24 2022, @08:00AM
I am curious. Did this aristarchus character ever actually exist? Is it true he could shoot fireballs out his arse? Can anyone point me to any evidence of his existence? Or evidence of his crimes? Who did he dox? How did he dox them?
(Score: 0) by Anonymous Coward on Wednesday December 28 2022, @01:50AM (1 child)
Idiot. Those of us who ate the horse parasite medicine are still getting mod points.
(Score: 0) by Anonymous Coward on Thursday December 29 2022, @08:53AM
If you check the medical literature carefully, you will see that one of the common side-effects of a slight over-dose of Ivermectin is the inability to distinguish mod points from horseshit. Just saying.
(Score: 2) by datapharmer on Tuesday December 20 2022, @01:07PM
Oh, is that why the number of mod points I have is higher than my user id? I better spend some of these or the soylent economy is going to crash.
(Score: 0) by Anonymous Coward on Monday December 12 2022, @02:13AM
My best guess is that slashd is having problems. Not being on the inside, I can't say for sure. But it would explain a lot of things, including the missing journals from the front page.
(Score: 2) by DannyB on Monday December 12 2022, @02:36PM (12 children)
I'm sure it is simply a supply chain issue that is causing a shortage of mod points. Just like shortages of everything else.
Satin worshipers are obsessed with high thread counts because they have so many daemons.
(Score: 3, Funny) by maxwell demon on Thursday December 15 2022, @08:50PM (10 children)
They shouldn't have used those cheap Chinese mod points. They don't withstand any use. You really can use them only once.
The Tao of math: The numbers you can count are not the real numbers.
(Score: 3, Funny) by DannyB on Friday December 16 2022, @03:22PM (9 children)
When the server is down for maintenance, replacement of vacuum tubes, belts, worn parts and lubrication of gears and bearings, it is possible to use those old mod points as ball bearings in the server's machinery.
Satin worshipers are obsessed with high thread counts because they have so many daemons.
(Score: 0) by Anonymous Coward on Saturday December 17 2022, @08:59AM (5 children)
Wait a minute, I thought you flipped them inside out and built web pages out of them.
(Score: 2) by DannyB on Tuesday December 20 2022, @02:55PM (4 children)
That would be a better option than letting unused mod points drain into our oceans.
Satin worshipers are obsessed with high thread counts because they have so many daemons.
(Score: -1, Troll) by Anonymous Coward on Wednesday December 21 2022, @01:18AM (3 children)
Within the North Pacific Gyre, there is a smaller, lesser known, SoylentNews mod point gyre. And speaking of gyres:
By some Irish poet.
(Score: 0) by Anonymous Coward on Thursday December 22 2022, @04:51AM
You spin me right round, baby. Right round.
Like a record, baby. Right round, round, round.
You spin me right round, baby. Right round.
Like a record, baby. Right round, round, round.
I want to mooo-OOO-ooo-OOO-ooo-OOO-OOO-D!
I want to mooo-OOO-ooo-OOO-ooo-OOO-OOO-D!
(Score: -1, Troll) by Anonymous Coward on Friday December 30 2022, @09:47AM (1 child)
Only on SoylentNews would someone troll mod Keats. We all know who it was, the same idiot asking for advice on "Euro" cinema, not knowing the difference between "movies" and cinema, in the first place. "The worst, are full of passionate intensity."
(Score: -1, Spam) by Anonymous Coward on Saturday December 31 2022, @06:15AM
Bloody Poms! Fucking Brits! Arsehole Anglos! When everyone hates you, you must be doing something wrong.
(Score: 1) by Runaway1956 on Wednesday December 28 2022, @01:52AM (2 children)
Oh, FFS, Danny, stop spreading disinformation. The servers have no balls, bearing or otherwise! They are all eunuchs!
“I have become friends with many school shooters” - Tampon Tim Walz
(Score: -1, Spam) by Anonymous Coward on Monday January 02 2023, @05:42AM
Runaway knows about stuff like this! The Nigerian witches still have his penis. Don't know where his balls have gone, have to ask the cat.
(Score: 2) by DannyB on Tuesday January 03 2023, @03:24PM
Linux is very similar to eunuchs, but does not have any actual eunuchs code. It isn't "genetically" eunuchs. See SCO vs IBM which began March 6, 2003 and is about to reach its 20th anniversary. The litigation has picked up steam again and moved back to New York court.
Satin worshipers are obsessed with high thread counts because they have so many daemons.
(Score: 0) by Anonymous Coward on Friday December 23 2022, @04:59AM
If mod points are still stuck in a box somewhere in China waiting to be delivered when will they arrive? Before Xmas? There's even a picture of the box on the news!
(Score: 4, Insightful) by Mykl on Sunday December 11 2022, @10:57PM (77 children)
I was annoyed to find I had only narrowly missed out on a 3 digit ID when I joined (1112). I thought I would be pretty low, joining almost straight after the announcement of the creation of SN in a conversation thread on /. during Buck Feta.
I have briefly ducked in to have a look at /. once or twice in the years between. Truly a sickening sight to see what it's been reduced to.
(Score: 0) by Anonymous Coward on Monday December 12 2022, @12:44AM (16 children)
Mine was 4 digits, but the email provider I registered with evaporated at some stage, so reduced to AC since then.
(Score: 0) by Anonymous Coward on Monday December 12 2022, @01:14AM
You mean elevated to AC. :D
(Score: 2) by janrinok on Monday December 12 2022, @11:33AM (14 children)
If you tell us which account it is and can provide some evidence that it was yours - and old email perhaps? - then we can reinstate you.
I am not interested in knowing who people are or where they live. My interest starts and stops at our servers.
(Score: -1, Spam) by Anonymous Coward on Tuesday December 13 2022, @05:51AM (5 children)
I used to be known as, . . . but you already know, don't you, janrinok, the one who sees all, in the Dark Tower, in the land of Mordor, where the Runaways lie.
(Score: 0) by Anonymous Coward on Tuesday December 13 2022, @11:57AM
Didn't you get tossed into Mount Doom? You are like a bad penny in that regard.
(Score: 0) by Anonymous Coward on Friday December 16 2022, @06:03AM (3 children)
Spam mod? Do we have publicly available, irrefutable evidence that this is an Ari post? Or should we all just randomly spam mod posts that mention Mordor, Palantir, or Runaway?
(Score: 0, Troll) by billbellum on Saturday December 17 2022, @06:04AM
Looks like one. What more evidence do we need? The perp was black.
(Score: 1, Troll) by PiMuNu on Tuesday December 20 2022, @02:44PM (1 child)
> Palantir
Mod the British government as spam?
(Score: -1, Troll) by Anonymous Coward on Tuesday December 20 2022, @09:29PM
Probably more this:
Palantir Technologies []
Of course, a Palantir was what corrupted the mind of Saruman, with him staring at the Eye of Sauron, much like it did to Peter Thiel and janrinok.
(Score: 0) by Anonymous Coward on Wednesday December 14 2022, @03:14AM (7 children)
I had a four digit ID at one time.
I apologize to you, janrinok. I am sorry for all the spam, harassment, intimidation, sock puppets, doxxing, and a multitude of other abuses. I was in the wrong for all of it, and I am truly and deeply sorry.
I hope you can forgive me after all of the harm I have caused. I don't need to sign my post this time. I am confident you can figure out who I am.
I hope you have a Merry Christmas.
(Score: 0) by Anonymous Coward on Wednesday December 14 2022, @08:59AM (5 children)
We all know who you are, what you have done, and where you live. Don't try to wriggle out of it by tagging some fake user name. Chickens have come home to roost, the swan is doing its song, and the mighty buzzard flies.
(Score: 0) by Anonymous Coward on Saturday December 17 2022, @05:02PM (4 children)
Had a feeling buzztardo started lurking, wonder what new nick they are using?
(Score: 0) by Anonymous Coward on Tuesday December 20 2022, @12:52PM (1 child)
Ah, so the missing journals are intentional, and libertarians are incapable of keeping the peaches frozen.
(Score: 0) by Anonymous Coward on Tuesday December 20 2022, @09:38PM
Maybe, if they used gaspacho tactics and had a peach tree dish, under marshmallow law, . . . everything could be Greene.
(Score: -1, Spam) by Anonymous Coward on Saturday December 31 2022, @07:54AM (1 child)
If Buzztardo was back, we could tell by the update on the Church renovation. Like the idiot Runaway1956, or any other retard Conservative, they cannot help but over-shearing the details of their personnel life, and basically doxxing themselves. Buzzie was particularly prone to that, and since we see nothing of this, not him.
(Score: 0) by Anonymous Coward on Tuesday January 03 2023, @03:39PM
Oh look more spam mod abuse! So glad the SN staff are properly managing the site and community #EyesKeepOnRolling
(Score: 0) by Anonymous Coward on Wednesday December 28 2022, @01:55AM
Ahhhh, the Ghost of Soylent Past.
(Score: 2) by hubie on Monday December 12 2022, @01:23AM
That's the same with me. I signed up not long after the announcement as well and was surprised how high the number I got. Pleasantly surprised that so many accounts were made. I was about as close to getting a 3-digit UID as I was at /. to getting a 5-digit UID. :)
(Score: 2) by coolgopher on Monday December 12 2022, @05:36AM (11 children)
Yeah I was surprised too when I signed up. I thought I was one of the early ones!
(Score: 2) by janrinok on Monday December 12 2022, @11:53AM (10 children)
The first couple of thousand accounts were created very quickly. The first real account (not testing) was a certain NCommander on 12 February 2014. We reached 1000 by 17 Feb, up to 2000 by 19 Feb, up to 3000 by 24 February and up to 4000 by the end of March. So we had over 3000 accounts in less than 2 weeks, and 4000 accounts in less than 2 months. We reached 5000 by January 2015 - which is when, as a rule of thumb, we consider members to be early accounts, but that is entirely arbitrary and is a meaningless term if the truth be known.
Accounts at that time were all active accounts with very few exceptions. Today we have somebody's fake account bot creating accounts at up to 150 a day (guesses on a postcard to the usual address)! It doesn't affect us though - the accounts are never activated and take very little space on the disk. If it ever did become a problem we could simply delete all accounts that have never be activated.
I am not interested in knowing who people are or where they live. My interest starts and stops at our servers.
(Score: 2) by looorg on Monday December 12 2022, @12:36PM (6 children)
Just out of curiosity but how many of those low digit (1,2,3 digits and up to a few thousands) accounts are still active and used?
(Score: 2) by janrinok on Monday December 12 2022, @01:09PM (3 children)
That takes a bit of processing to calculate. The last time I did it was probably about this time last year and it was over 50%. I would expect it to be much lower now - I daren't even guess. However, it isn't a priority for me at the moment so I will have to ask you to wait until things are under control on the site.
I am not interested in knowing who people are or where they live. My interest starts and stops at our servers.
(Score: 2) by dx3bydt3 on Monday December 12 2022, @01:55PM (2 children)
I would imagine there are still quite a few checking in. I know I don't comment often, but I am logged in and lurking.
Every time I've come across a story to submit recently I've seen it in the Queue already, so I'm afraid I've not been interacting with the site all that much.
(Score: 1) by DECbot on Wednesday December 14 2022, @11:12PM (1 child)
Much the same here. I don't contribute much anymore, but I typically come daily to read the headlines and if something catches my fancy I'll RTFA or the comments.
cats~$ sudo chown -R us /home/base
(Score: 2) by Zinho on Thursday December 15 2022, @01:23PM
You must be new here
"Space Exploration is not endless circles in low earth orbit." -Buzz Aldrin
(Score: 2) by janrinok on Monday December 12 2022, @03:33PM (1 child)
It will actually be harder to calculate now because more logged in users are posting as AC than were doing so a year ago, and we do not get any identity of those who just read the site without logging in. Even such information that I do have to hand is hard to interpret. Page hits on popular stories can be in the low thousands whereas comments can be anything between single digits up to 100+.
As a wild, wet finger in the air, guess I would say that we have up to 2 hundred active accounts in a month period but many more casual readers who simply don't log in.
The other complicating factor is separating front page and journal posts. Minor problems such as we are experiencing today with the lack of mod points and the journal index side panel not displaying do affect daily figures rather more than one might expect.
I am not interested in knowing who people are or where they live. My interest starts and stops at our servers.
(Score: 2) by weeds on Thursday December 29 2022, @11:18PM
I am also one of those active, not active users. When beta came along a noped out of that and jumped on the Soylent bandwagon. I log in occasionally, but read every day.
Get money out of politics! []
(Score: 2) by kazzie on Sunday December 18 2022, @12:03PM (2 children)
An interesting (and surprising) breakdown of account number milestones. It also helps me gauge where I was in the great scheme of things.
I'm surprised at the long tail for 4000-5000, though. I was a long-time (though periodic) anonymous reader at /., and remember the beta days and the boycott. I clearly hadn't been reading much there in the post-boycott days, I'd probably drifted away temporarily due to the lack of content. Sometime later, it was a member here that was still posting over there, signposting people over to the promised land, that brought me here.
I knew that I'd missed the initial startup of things, but I had no recollection that there was over a year between that boycott and me finding the arrow pointing over here.* I'm wondering how many earlier opportunities to learn of this site I'd ended up missing. On reflection, 2014-2015 was pretty busy for me between work and personal life, so there was ample opportunity for distraction.
*I wonder if said person was posting signposts on the anniversary of the boycott? Janrinok, was there a jump in account creation around February 2015, perchance?
(Score: 2) by janrinok on Sunday December 18 2022, @12:43PM (1 child)
Give me a while to sort through the data please. I am working on some different analysis at the moment.
I am not interested in knowing who people are or where they live. My interest starts and stops at our servers.
(Score: 2) by kazzie on Monday December 19 2022, @08:53PM
By all means. Thanks for the analysis that's already come, too.
(Score: 2) by dx3bydt3 on Monday December 12 2022, @02:16PM (39 children)
In the early days before the site was live there were a few IRC channels on freenode, in one of them the linode URL was posted, or made the topic and I made an account right then. I think they took it down for a day or so, as development was still underway, but I remember watching the UUID numbers climb really quickly. Those were good times, this site was so refreshing, the members were, and as far as I know still are a superior group to the denizens of the green site. I'm hopeful that this site will retain our best members, and continue to grow, remember, it's only a few negative voices that soured things over the last couple of years.
(Score: -1, Spam) by Anonymous Coward on Tuesday December 13 2022, @10:15PM (38 children)
Bit late for that, the best members have been banned. Those that haven't have been shadow-banned. And the rest Twitter-banned, as part of the great Ncommander/Musk conspiracy to take out all competition to Twitter. SN delenda est.
(Score: 2) by janrinok on Thursday December 15 2022, @09:39AM (37 children)
One one person has been permanently banned.
Others may have had temporary bans but have been able to return once the ban is completed.
I am not interested in knowing who people are or where they live. My interest starts and stops at our servers.
(Score: 0) by Anonymous Coward on Thursday December 15 2022, @10:18AM (36 children)
Point being, why would they, after being treated so rudely, by an imperious dick?
(And why does using Tor constantly throw form errors? Bug, or really do not want any anonymous contributions?)
(Score: 2) by janrinok on Thursday December 15 2022, @12:13PM (1 child)
Most have returned and continue to post up to this very day.
I am not interested in knowing who people are or where they live. My interest starts and stops at our servers.
(Score: -1, Spam) by Anonymous Coward on Saturday December 31 2022, @08:06AM
After being treated so rudely, by an imperious dick? What lickspittle hushpuppies! No wonder there is no decent discussion here anymore! You killed SoylentNews, janrinok! Killed it dead.
(Score: 2) by janrinok on Thursday December 15 2022, @02:48PM (33 children)
I don't know - but possibly it is because it is being abused by thousands of people each day to carry out attacks on websites, or to distribute Spam, or to facilitate port scans on numerous computers each day. The exit nodes are being included on more and more ban lists. If they are on a list that we use then you will not be connected.
But form errors are usually caused at the user end. Nothing to do with us at all. If you have a username and an account you will not have any of these problems, but that is your choice.
I tried to help ACs a week or two back but Anonymous Coward told me that you do not want my help. So, for the moment you are back at the bottom of my todo list or, more accurately, not even on it. You were my priority, but not now. Sort yourselves out and let me know when you have done so.
I am not interested in knowing who people are or where they live. My interest starts and stops at our servers.
(Score: 0) by Anonymous Coward on Thursday December 15 2022, @07:44PM (4 children)
You call banning all pure AC posting "helping"? I think you are doing it wrong. And, you are one of the easiest Boomers to trigger, janrinok. Here, have some more of Simon & Garfunkle's "Sounds of Silence".
(Score: -1, Spam) by Anonymous Coward on Friday December 30 2022, @09:52AM (3 children)
I love being helped by janrinok. When we ACs were all drowning, he threw us an anchor! When we were on fire, he poured petrol on us. When we were hungry, he gave us British cuisine. Thanks, janrinok!
(Score: 0) by Anonymous Coward on Saturday January 07 2023, @07:17AM (2 children)
Poor ACs! Janrinok helped us. When we had herpes, he fucked us in the ass and gave us AIDS. I am sure it was not intentional.
(Score: 0) by Anonymous Coward on Saturday January 07 2023, @07:26AM (1 child)
I guess this is what passes for Greek philosophy these days. Isn't that right, aristarchus?
I pity you, because your life must be so meaningless that you get your pleasure from posting vile spam like this, and from obsessing over Runaway1956 and janrinok.
(Score: 0) by Anonymous Coward on Saturday January 07 2023, @07:40AM
Are you saying that janrinok gave Runaway the STD, or vice versa? [BTW, vice versa is Latin for "the other way around".]
(Score: 0) by Anonymous Coward on Thursday December 15 2022, @10:23PM (27 children)
A lot of logged-in users were appreciative and thanked you for your idea to enable AC access to the entire site. As you have said, you don't really have a way to track AC votes when soliciting opinions about changes to the site. The IPID may change, but all AC posts are made under UID 1. As such, ACs who are supportive of the plan might have thought their votes wouldn't count. Although some people have valid questions and concerns, I think that there are ACs who would use the opportunity to once again post about technology and science in front page stories. However, my comment may be indistinguishable from other ACs.
(Score: 2) by janrinok on Friday December 16 2022, @08:47AM (12 children)
I clearly wrote something along the lines of "This is your opportunity to have your say. Do not waste it". If they didn't speak out then they wasted a chance to do so.
Maybe we will return to it in a few months time when there are not a million other things to do.
Not so :)
I am not interested in knowing who people are or where they live. My interest starts and stops at our servers.
(Score: 0) by Anonymous Coward on Friday December 16 2022, @06:18PM
As an accountless AC, i had my say, though maybe i didn't raise my support clearly enough, i wonder. Technically i don't have much to say, since web tech is not my bowl of cereal. And i don't want to make you or anyone helping with this feel like i've pissed in their cereal, which kind of seems you feel someone did to you.
I hope you raise the issue back to the appropiate urgency level, where you see fit.
Any AC saying not needing help with this can be ignored or taken behind a sauna.
(Score: 0) by Anonymous Coward on Tuesday December 20 2022, @12:57PM
Such a big man!
(Score: 0) by Anonymous Coward on Wednesday December 21 2022, @01:57AM (9 children)
At the risk of getting in trouble for being off-topic or saying things that offend people, I am going to suggest a few things.
First, while bugs are being fixed and the cadence of stories is slowed, why not post blank stories [] where users can discuss anything they want to talk about? I propose posting one of these every 2-3 days and allowing pure AC posting in blank stories. If blank stories fill up with spam or political bickering, then perhaps don't post them as frequently when that happens. But you might find that you also get a lot of random but interesting discussions.
Second, regarding AC posting, there is another way forward. Instead of tracking ACs, you could reopen pure AC posting, then give editors unlimited mod points to spam mod people who crapflood or habitually disrupt discussions. Meanwhile, encourage users to focus on modding up good comments.
Third, I suggest adding a link to tip the editor for every story, where users can donate a bit of money to any staff member for their work. I think there are enough generous people in the community who might be willing to directly contribute a few dollars to staff for their work. This would be different from the subscriptions in that it wouldn't fund the site's expenses but instead pay the staff for their time. That might encourage more people to become staff members, which could increase the number of stories posted and grow the site.
Fourth, I suggest increasing the karma bonus given to users whose stories require minimal edits. One option would be to run contextual ads on the site, which could generate revenue. However, users who submit stories that require minimal editing would have the option of disabling ads for awhile in exchange for their positive contributions. The revenue from ads could be used for existing costs or perhaps as stipends for users who work behind the scenes and wouldn't be as likely to get tips.
I understand that the second option requires a bit of work, and the third or fourth are more complex than that. However, I hope you'll consider these ideas, which I am suggesting to you with the very best of intentions.
(Score: 0) by Anonymous Coward on Wednesday December 21 2022, @08:02AM
Check out the journal of nostyle, []
He has been posting mostly blank journals and accepting unregistered AC comments. It remains an obscure corner of the site, but it is almost what you are (first) requesting.
(Score: 2) by janrinok on Thursday December 22 2022, @09:19AM (7 children)
Which is simply moving the burden to the few remaining active editors. How do we cover 24hrs a day to prevent child pornography or widespread spamming? Are you offering to help with this task?
"habitually disrupt discussions" was exactly what a small number of ACs did. We spent months trying to control it with moderation but the only way to prevent it was to remove AC access to the main stories.
ACs can come back on the front page when they are accountable while remaining anonymous.
That's a kind thought - but personally I would rather it simply went to a subscription. How will you know how much work people are doing behind the scenes? Is it only the names that reach the front page that will benefit?
I am not interested in knowing who people are or where they live. My interest starts and stops at our servers.
(Score: -1, Troll) by Anonymous Coward on Thursday December 22 2022, @05:53PM (1 child)
Thus it ever has been in
HerHis Majesty's Royal Navy! Keep calm, and beatings will continue until morale improves!Oh, the humanities! Oh, tempura! Oh, the massive Bowling Green Disruptions!
(Score: -1, Troll) by Anonymous Coward on Friday December 23 2022, @09:21AM
Mr. Christian! Fletcher! Snap to it! Right proud and Bristol fashion!
(Score: -1, Spam) by Anonymous Coward on Sunday January 01 2023, @09:37AM (4 children)
Um, no? Spamming? Do you not mean banning posters critical of the right-wing nut-job racists? And disabling any new accounts? And insulting everyone who wants to make soylentnews a better place, and defend freeze peach?
Do it yourself, janis, you have made your bed, chosen your path, and crapped in the punchbowl. Your mess, clean it up or pull the plug.
(Score: 2) by janrinok on Monday January 02 2023, @03:15PM []
I am not interested in knowing who people are or where they live. My interest starts and stops at our servers.
(Score: 0) by Anonymous Coward on Tuesday January 03 2023, @04:13PM (2 children)
Nonsense, and you know it. I don't blindly agree with janrinok, and I emailed him some concerns this morning. But janrinok is not the problem here. You are.
AC posting is disabled on the front page because you were spamming. You were free to criticize the alt-right as you saw fit. Those journals and comments are still available for anyone to read. They haven't been censored. When you actually criticized the alt-right, many people agreed with you and supported you. But you haven't criticized the alt-right in a long time. Instead, you've developed an obsession with Runaway and janrinok, and you spend your time attacking them. Your personal attacks against Runaway do not constitute a criticism of the alt-right.
If you had actually stuck to criticizing the alt-right instead of obsessing over Runaway, you wouldn't have been banned. You used to post about things like critical race theory, and many people agreed with your posts. Even people who disagreed with you supported your freedom to post about those topics. Even after you doxxed Runaway, he supported your freedom to discuss politics and didn't call for you to be permanently banned.
Your inability to create sock puppet accounts does not mean that new accounts are unwelcome. It means that you are permanently banned for doxxing and spamming.
I've been very critical of Runaway for posting racist comments. Nobody ever censored me or banned me for criticizing Runaway's opinions or the alt-right. Most of the time, I got modded up for doing so. While I have raised criticisms of this site at times, I have never had a valid reason to claim that my criticism of the alt-right or Runaway's opinions was being censored. I have been free to express my criticisms, and so are you.
Repeating the same lies over and over again is spam. Repetitive posting is considered spam, and that's exactly what you're doing. You've earned your spam mods.
You are no martyr. Stop pretending to be one. Janrinok isn't the problem here. You are.
(Score: 0) by Anonymous Coward on Tuesday January 03 2023, @08:32PM
(Score: 0) by Anonymous Coward on Saturday January 07 2023, @07:19AM
So, you are "special"? On the "inside"? In the SoylentNews admin daisychain?
(Score: -1, Troll) by Anonymous Coward on Tuesday December 20 2022, @10:19PM (13 children)
Interesting how many logged in users don't realize that Post as AC is still tagged to their account. Janrinok has been open about that recently, but obviously it should be clarified with some text under the button. For a supposed community site there is very little respect for the plebe users from staff.
(Score: -1, Troll) by Anonymous Coward on Tuesday December 20 2022, @10:23PM (12 children)
Or the fact that the IP is actually tracked and quite easily de-hashed since the hash hasn't changed since the site launched. For protecting free speech this site has done a miserable job aside from allowing disgusting content, likely with the usual techy attitude that users are idiots that dessrve what they get if they do not understand the privacy measures needed even for a supposed non-tracking free speech website.
(Score: 0) by Anonymous Coward on Wednesday December 21 2022, @01:25AM (3 children)
This is why I always post as pure, unadulterated, AC. No log-in that links to an IP hash! Only downside is that I am constantly accused of being aristarchus. I don't think I even have his IP hash. Strange.
(Score: 2) by janrinok on Monday January 02 2023, @03:18PM (2 children)
Every login, every connection, every page view, has an IP address and therefore has an IP hash - that is how the internet works.....
I am not interested in knowing who people are or where they live. My interest starts and stops at our servers.
(Score: 0) by Anonymous Coward on Tuesday January 03 2023, @10:45AM (1 child)
He didn't say no IP hash, he said no log in that linked to an IP hash. Are you slow of reading comprehension, janrinok? I would get that looked at.
(Score: 2) by janrinok on Tuesday January 03 2023, @01:24PM
Every time you contact the site you have an IP. Logged in users change their IPs just like ACs do. You give us just as much, or just as little, information with each of your contacts as anyone else does. You are all still paranoid about rainbow hash tables etc - which the site does not have or use. They have been useless after the widespread introduction of TOR, VPNs and IPv6 i.e since around 2017. Your fears are unfounded (unless you are in the USA where they seem to be very slow in introducing IPv6).
We don't care WHO you are or WHERE you are. But if you really want to be anonymous - get off the internet. Every connection tells the site you are connecting to something.
I am not interested in knowing who people are or where they live. My interest starts and stops at our servers.
(Score: 0) by Anonymous Coward on Wednesday December 21 2022, @03:06PM (1 child)
How do you supposedly run the hash backwards to recover the IP?
You really should go back and understand how this works. CdrTaco explained this way back in 1998 or so as to why it was done and needed, and if you are that paranoid about posted AC comments being tied to your account, then change your IP address. Use a VPN for one but not the other, or if you are on dynamic DNS, refresh your IP. I'm surprised you think the site has the resources and the desire to want to back out the IPs (which even if one could, I don't believe the whole IP address is hashed anyway).
(Score: 0) by Anonymous Coward on Wednesday December 21 2022, @03:16PM
The old admin The Mighty Buzzard admitted it could be done. It is trivial if you know the hash and algorithm to then build a table of all hashed IPs. The hash seed has never been changed per Janrinok. For a pro-privacy site it is pretty horrifying how these simple details are not explained, and the "your IP is never recorded" is at best a grey lie. Supposedly true AC comments have the hashed IP dropped after a couple weeks, but logged in user comments have the IP hash stored forever even if you click "post as AC" which is another grey lie.
(Score: 2) by janrinok on Thursday December 22 2022, @09:20AM (5 children)
Why are you replying to your own post as though you are a different AC?
I am not interested in knowing who people are or where they live. My interest starts and stops at our servers.
(Score: -1, Troll) by Anonymous Coward on Thursday December 22 2022, @05:56PM (4 children)
There can only be one. We are anonymous. We are legion. We are Anonymous Cowards. Expect us.
(Seriously, I am really starting to think that janrinok has gone "round the bend". Replying to my own post? See above. )
(Score: -1, Troll) by Anonymous Coward on Saturday December 24 2022, @01:51AM (3 children)
No jani was right, though I was not trying to post as a different AC like the paranoid boomer likes to imagine. TOR is not under my control, and jani the genius should know since he has pointed out many times that the invalid form keys are likely due to the TOR ip changing before hitting submit.
Personally I can't believe posting the broad technical details about how SN fails privacy was modded troll. Then I remember that SN is not pro-privacy, and is just a shit site prividing playsible deniability so white supremacists like Runaway1956 can post their suggestions for political terrorism. It is quite clear.
Now what other info might be leaking that makes jani so sure of his claims? Was it just the short time period between posts, paired with the lowest ever visitor counts? SNR much better when only a few dozen people bother to visit these days?
Ah well, I thought about registering an account now that they finally banmed ACs most everywhere, but the lack of backbone to actually enforce the rules combined with the attacks I receive for be too similar to he-who-shall-not-be-aristarchused leaves a nasty taste in my mouth. Can't have it both ways, pure free speech with the shit posts that go with it, or limited speech where dumb ass filth gets users a ban.
Maybe they can take a hint from Musk, his free speech absolutism seems to come with a rather large ban hammer.
Sheeeeeit son, maybe they should just look to Fox News for what happens when you let white supremacist propagandists run amuck! []
^there is that form key error, at least it gives the paranoid boi another data point B^)
(Score: 0) by Anonymous Coward on Saturday December 24 2022, @02:52AM (2 children)
Thanks for the cringe, go get euthanized in Canada.
(Score: 0) by Anonymous Coward on Saturday December 24 2022, @06:44AM
Problem is, cringe is standard operating procedure here on SoylentNews. It is called "disruption". If you dare to point out that horse paste is not a cure, or that overthrowing the Constitution of the United States to bring back Trumpoleon is not constitutional, well that is cringe. Janrinok is supporting Petain in the French elections, this year, only a 75 years too late. I really do believe that they do believe what they say, and that they deserve to die for the same.
(Score: 0) by Anonymous Coward on Saturday December 24 2022, @04:48PM
Project much? Telling someone to kill themselves is the ultimate cringe and shows that you are one of the filth posters. A quick check of the Venn diagram shows that you are 88% likely to be a Republican racist that simps for billionaires. Say goodnight sweety.
(Score: 4, Funny) by isostatic on Tuesday December 13 2022, @01:17PM (6 children)
I'd be more annoyed at missing 1111 by 1
(Score: 2) by istartedi on Friday December 16 2022, @03:45AM
Don't worry Bender! there's no such thing as 2! []
Appended to the end of comments you post. Max: 120 chars.
(Score: 2) by JoeMerchant on Friday December 16 2022, @05:10PM
+0.5 Funny +0.5 Informative.
I haven't complained about "being out of mod points" for a long, long time... probably back in the /. days.
🌻🌻 []
(Score: 2) by tangomargarine on Friday December 16 2022, @05:47PM
Tell me about it.
"Is that really true?" "I just spent the last hour telling you to think for yourself! Didn't you hear anything I said?"
(Score: 0) by Anonymous Coward on Monday December 19 2022, @09:03PM (2 children)
As long as it was one under you would still be binary, worse if it rolls over. I guess there are a lot of various "fun" numbers in that regard that have been taken so far. There is a fair amount of binary numbers so they might not be as special. Like who got 80085 (boobs), I don't think we reached 80087355 (boobless) yet, but someone should have 1337 (leet/elite) etc.
(Score: 0) by Anonymous Coward on Friday December 23 2022, @05:08AM (1 child)
It is 2022. You can be binary if you want.
(Score: 2) by kazzie on Friday December 30 2022, @02:41PM
With those digits, it's probably easier to be trinary.