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  • (Score: 2) by JoeMerchant on Wednesday December 06 2023, @07:33PM

    by JoeMerchant (3937) on Wednesday December 06 2023, @07:33PM (#1335417)

    >unless you're seriously laying the foundations of a permanent lunar base for things like mining Helium-3, building telescopes on the far side, and the like.

    We've maintained the ISS for quite a while... a Lunar base could run a similar (yes, more expensive) program serving a very similar agenda, tritium exports and dust plagued telescopes not really required. Note that, while it has grown, the ISS is nothing like the big, empty orbiting wheels of the 2001 movie(s), and I would expect a lunar base to be similarly cramped and crowded - operated as much for "political cooperation" as any science being performed.

    🌻🌻 []
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    Total Score:   2