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Manifesto reveals alt-right's plans to go mainstream after 'infiltration' of NSW Young Nationals

Rejected submission by aristarchus at 2018-10-13 10:01:41 from the Jim_Jefferies-being-gone-to-the-States-the-whole-country-is-banging-roos dept.

Reliable News Source, Who are these people? ABC Australia? []

The news:

The ABC has uncovered a covert plot by Australia's alt-right movement to join major political parties and influence their policy agendas from within.

Background Briefing has witnessed members of the NSW Young Nationals in Sydney attending a secret men's-only fight club set up by some of the country's most prominent alt-right nationalists.

The program has also gained access to a private Facebook group in which these same people discuss their manifesto, which includes plans to shake up mainstream politics.

The group is called The New Guard and its followers are self-described fascists.

At least three NSW Young Nationals — including Clifford Jennings, who sits on the executive of the party's youth wing — are, or recently have been, members.

On Facebook and elsewhere online, more NSW Young Nationals are sharing alt-right talking points, racist in-jokes containing coded references to Hitler, and theories of a global Jewish conspiracy.

In response to these revelations, one member of the party has been asked to resign, while two others have been sent show-cause notices.

As the Church Lady Would Say, "Isn't that Special!" And, "Could it be . . . Satan?" But down-under, so hard to tell.

Original Submission