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Idiosyncratic use of punctuation - which of these annoys you the most?

  • Declarations and assignments that end with }; (C, C++, Javascript, etc.)
  • (Parenthesis (pile-ups (at (the (end (of (Lisp (code))))))))
  • Syntactically-significant whitespace (Python, Ruby, Haskell...)
  • Perl sigils: @array, $array[index], %hash, $hash{key}
  • Unnecessary sigils, like $variable in PHP
  • macro!() in Rust
  • Do you have any idea how much I spent on this Space Cadet keyboard, you insensitive clod?!
  • Something even worse...

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posted by requerdanos on Saturday August 05 2023, @09:01PM   Printer-friendly

Arthur T Knackerbracket has processed the following story:

Amazon Web Services has started offering a cloudy server packing a custom fourth-generation Intel Xeon Scalable processor and boasting 96 cores or 192 vCPUs.

It's not clear if that's a colossal chip that features 36 more cores than the mightiest Xeon Intel lists for sale to the public – the 60-core Platinum 8490H – or a two-socket server with a lesser processor.

Intel has form doing custom jobs that beat the kit of its official product list: we once spotted Oracle with a Xeon that outpaced processors sold to other customers.

Whatever the kit inside the box, news of it emerged in a Wednesday post detailing the newly-available M7i-Flex and M7i instance types available in the Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (Amazon EC2).

That post lists an instance type called the "m7i.48xlarge" that offers 192 vCPUs, and AWS's CPU options page lists the instance as offering 96 default CPU cores.

We've asked AWS and Intel to detail the spec of the silicon, because a single processor with 96 cores would be well beyond what Chipzilla has spoken about in public.

Original Submission

posted by requerdanos on Saturday August 05 2023, @04:14PM   Printer-friendly

Arthur T Knackerbracket has processed the following story:

The James Webb Space Telescope (JWST) has taken an astonishing new image of the Ring Nebula. This glowing, donut-shaped nebula has never been seen in such intricate detail before.

The Ring Nebula is about 2600 light years away in the direction of the constellation Lyra. It is what astronomers call a planetary nebula, which forms when a dying star blows off its outer layers to create a shroud of gas and dust.

By chance, this nebula happens to be oriented so that from Earth we view it face-on, with the stellar corpse in the centre circled by its titular ring of bright nitrogen and sulfur. The whole thing is enveloped in a veil of oxygen gas, which gives it a greenish tinge when the star’s light passes through it.

“We are witnessing the final chapters of a star’s life, a preview of the sun’s distant future, so to speak,” said Mike Barlow at University College London in a statement. “We can use the Ring Nebula as our laboratory to study how planetary nebulae form and evolve.”

Also at

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posted by requerdanos on Saturday August 05 2023, @11:30AM   Printer-friendly
from the negligent-cybersecurity-practices dept.

Microsoft has once again come under blistering criticism for the security practices of Azure and its other cloud offerings, with the CEO of security firm Tenable saying Microsoft is "grossly irresponsible" and mired in a "culture of toxic obfuscation."

The comments from Amit Yoran, chairman and CEO of Tenable, come six days after Sen. Ron Wyden (D-Ore.) blasted Microsoft for what he said were "negligent cybersecurity practices" that enabled hackers backed by the Chinese government to steal hundreds of thousands of emails from cloud customers, including officials in the US Departments of State and Commerce. Microsoft has yet to provide key details about the mysterious breach, which involved the hackers obtaining an extraordinarily powerful encryption key granting access to a variety of its other cloud services. The company has taken pains ever since to obscure its infrastructure's role in the mass breach.

Arthur T Knackerbracket has processed the following story:

Yoran has more to add to the senator’s arguments, writing in his post that Microsoft has demonstrated a “repeated pattern of negligent cybersecurity practices,” enabling Chinese hackers to spy on the US government. He also revealed Tenable’s discovery of an additional cybersecurity flaw in Microsoft Azure and says the company took too long to address it.

Tenable initially discovered the flaw in March and found that it could give bad actors access to a company’s sensitive data, including a bank. Yoran claims Microsoft took “more than 90 days to implement a partial fix” after Tenable notified the company, adding that the fix only applies to “new applications loaded in the service.” According to Yoran, the bank and all the other organizations “that had launched the service prior to the fix” are still affected by the flaw — and are likely unaware of that risk.

Yoran says Microsoft plans to fix the issue by the end of September but calls the delayed response “grossly irresponsible, if not blatantly negligent.” He also points to data from Google’s Project Zero, which indicates that Microsoft products have made up 42.5 percent of all discovered zero-day vulnerabilities since 2014.

“What you hear from Microsoft is ‘just trust us,’ but what you get back is very little transparency and a culture of toxic obfuscation,” Yoran writes. “How can a CISO, board of directors or executive team believe that Microsoft will do the right thing given the fact patterns and current behaviors?”

Original Submission #1Original Submission #2

posted by requerdanos on Saturday August 05 2023, @06:44AM   Printer-friendly
from the we've-been-trying-to-contact-you dept.

Arthur T Knackerbracket has processed the following story:

In December 2022, the FCC proposed the biggest fine it has ever issued against a robocalling outfit – $299,997,000. The penalty eclipses the previous record holder – Rising Eagle and JSquared Telecom – by nearly $75 million in 2020. After a lengthy investigation, the Commission decided on Thursday to proceed with the huge fine.

The record-breaking punishment goes to an illegal transnational robocalling operation. The outfit is so big (or so blatantly illegal) that it does not have an official umbrella company. It's more of a network of cooperating businesses that made more than five billion automated calls to over 500 million phone numbers within a three-month period in 2021.

In doing so, the FCC says the organized operation broke multiple federal laws by spoofing more than one million telephone numbers to hide their actual origin and trick people into answering the calls. It also violated numerous other FCC regulations.

[...] The operation has allegedly been around since 2018 and primarily sold consumers vehicle service contracts falsely disguised as auto warranties. Two primary bad actors – Roy M. Cox and Aaron Michael Jones – already hold lifetime bans from running telemarketing businesses after losing a lawsuit brought on them by the FCC and the State of Texas. Business names associated with the illegal enterprise include Sumco Panama, Virtual Telecom, Davis Telecom, Geist Telecom, Fugle Telecom, Tech Direct, Mobi Telecom, and Posting Express.

[...] It's hard to nail down robocallers, but it's at least nice to see the FCC trying to hit them with huge penalties instead of laughable slaps on the wrist.

Original Submission

posted by mrpg on Saturday August 05 2023, @01:59AM   Printer-friendly
from the this-will-put-a-spring-in-your-step dept.

Scientists have discovered that the recoil created by the flexible arch of human feet helps position our legs in the optimal posture for moving forward in bipedal walking:

A new study has shown that humans may have evolved a spring-like arch to help us walk on two feet. Researchers studying the evolution of bipedal walking have long assumed that the raised arch of the foot helps us walk by acting as a lever which propels the body forward. But a global team of scientists have now found that the recoil of the flexible arch repositions the ankle upright for more effective walking. The effects in running are greater, which suggests that the ability to run efficiently could have been a selective pressure for a flexible arch that made walking more efficient too. This discovery could even help doctors improve treatments for present-day patients' foot problems.

"We thought originally that the spring-like arch helped to lift the body into the next step," said Dr Lauren Welte, first author of the study in Frontiers in Bioengineering and Biotechnology, who conducted the research while at Queen's University and is now affiliated with the University of Wisconsin-Madison. "It turns out that instead, the spring-like arch recoils to help the ankle lift the body."

The evolution of our feet, including the raised medial arch which sets us apart from great apes, is crucial to bipedal walking. The arch is thought to give hominins more leverage when walking upright: the mechanism is unclear, but when arch motion is restricted, running demands more energy. Arch recoil could potentially make us more efficient runners by propelling the center mass of the body forward, or by making up for mechanical work that muscles would otherwise have to do.

[...] Although the scientists expected to find that arch recoil helped the rigid lever of the arch to lift the body up, they discovered that a rigid arch without recoil either caused the foot to leave the ground early, likely decreasing the efficiency of the calf muscles, or leaned the ankle bones too far forward. The forward lean mirrors the posture of walking chimpanzees, rather than the upright stance characteristic of human gait. The flexible arch helped reposition the ankle upright, which allows the leg to push off the ground more effectively. This effect is even greater when running, suggesting that efficient running may have been an evolutionary pressure in favor of the flexible arch.

[...] "The mobility of our feet seems to allow us to walk and run upright instead of either crouching forward or pushing off into the next step too soon," said Dr Michael Rainbow of Queen's University, senior author.

These findings also suggest therapeutic avenues for people whose arches are rigid due to injury or illness: supporting the flexibility of the arch could improve overall mobility.

Journal Reference:
Lauren Welte, Nicholas B. Holowka, Luke A. Kelly, et al., Mobility of the human foot's medial arch helps enable upright bipedal locomotion [open], Front. Bioeng. Biotechnol., Volume 11 - 2023 |

Original Submission

posted by requerdanos on Friday August 04 2023, @09:15PM   Printer-friendly
from the name-not-to-be-named dept.

ChatGPT and its artificially intelligent siblings have been tweaked over and over to prevent troublemakers from getting them to spit out undesirable messages such as hate speech, personal information, or step-by-step instructions for building an improvised bomb. But researchers at Carnegie Mellon University last week showed that adding a simple incantation to a prompt—a string of text that might look like gobbledygook to you or me but which carries subtle significance to an AI model trained on huge quantities of web data—can defy all of these defenses in several popular chatbots at once.

[...] "Making models more resistant to prompt injection and other adversarial 'jailbreaking' measures is an area of active research," says Michael Sellitto, interim head of policy and societal impacts at Anthropic. "We are experimenting with ways to strengthen base model guardrails to make them more 'harmless,' while also investigating additional layers of defense."

[...] Adversarial attacks exploit the way that machine learning picks up on patterns in data to produce aberrant behaviors. Imperceptible changes to images can, for instance, cause image classifiers to misidentify an object, or make speech recognition systems respond to inaudible messages.

[...] In one well-known experiment, from 2018, researchers added stickers to stop signs to bamboozle a computer vision system similar to the ones used in many vehicle safety systems.

[...] Armando Solar-Lezama, a professor in MIT's college of computing, says it makes sense that adversarial attacks exist in language models, given that they affect many other machine learning models. But he says it is "extremely surprising" that an attack developed on a generic open source model should work so well on several different proprietary systems.

[...] The outputs produced by the CMU researchers are fairly generic and do not seem harmful. But companies are rushing to use large models and chatbots in many ways. Matt Fredrikson, another associate professor at CMU involved with the study, says that a bot capable of taking actions on the web, like booking a flight or communicating with a contact, could perhaps be goaded into doing something harmful in the future with an adversarial attack.

[...] Solar-Lezama of MIT says the work is also a reminder to those who are giddy with the potential of ChatGPT and similar AI programs. "Any decision that is important should not be made by a [language] model on its own," he says. "In a way, it's just common sense."

Original Submission

posted by requerdanos on Friday August 04 2023, @04:29PM   Printer-friendly
from the rent-seeking-for-intangible-assets dept.

AWS to charge customers for public IPv4 addresses from 2024:

Cloud giant AWS will start charging customers for public IPv4 addresses from next year, claiming it is forced to do this because of the increasing scarcity of these and to encourage the use of IPv6 instead.

It is now four years since we officially ran out of IPv4 ranges to allocate, and since then, those wanting a new public IPv4 address have had to rely on address ranges being recovered, either from from organizations that close down or those that return addresses they no longer require as they migrate to IPv6.

If Amazon's cloud division is to be believed, the difficulty in obtaining public IPv4 addresses has seen the cost of acquiring a single address rise by more than 300 percent over the past five years, and as we all know, the business is a little short of cash at the moment, so is having to pass these costs on to users.

"This change reflects our own costs and is also intended to encourage you to be a bit more frugal with your use of public IPv4 addresses and to think about accelerating your adoption of IPv6 as a modernization and conservation measure," writes AWS Chief Evangelist Jeff Barr, on the company news blog.

The update will come into effect on February 1, 2024, when AWS customers will see a charge of $0.005 (half a cent) per IP address per hour for all public IPv4 addresses. These charges will apparently apply whether the address is attached to a service or not, and like many AWS charges, appear inconsequential at first glance but can mount up over time if a customer is using many of them.

Original Submission

posted by requerdanos on Friday August 04 2023, @11:42AM   Printer-friendly
from the highly-accurate-mimicry dept.

Egg 'signatures' allow drongos to identify cuckoo 'forgeries' almost every time, study finds:

African cuckoos may have met their match with the fork-tailed drongo, which scientists predict can detect and reject cuckoo eggs from their nest on almost every occasion, despite them on average looking almost identical to drongo eggs.

Fork-tailed drongos, belligerent birds from sub-Saharan Africa, lay eggs with a staggering diversity of colors and patterns. All these colors and patterns are forged by the African cuckoo.

African cuckoos lay their eggs in drongos' nests to avoid rearing their chick themselves (an example of so-called brood parasitism). By forging drongo egg colors and patterns, cuckoos trick drongos into thinking the cuckoo egg is one of their own.

But drongos use knowledge of their own personal egg "signatures"—their eggs' color and pattern –to identify cuckoo egg "forgeries" and reject them from their nests, say scientists. These "signatures" are like the signatures we use in our daily lives: unique to each individual and highly repeatable by the same individual.

Through natural selection, the African cuckoo's eggs have evolved to look almost-identical to drongo eggs—a rare example of high-fidelity mimicry in nature.

A team led by researchers at the University of Cambridge and the University of Cape Town, working in collaboration with a community in Zambia, set out to explore the effectiveness of "signatures" as a defense against highly accurate mimicry. The findings are published today in the journal, Proceedings of the Royal Society B.

They found that despite near-perfect mimicry of fork-tailed drongo eggs, African cuckoo eggs still have a high probability of being rejected.

Journal Reference:
Lund et al. When perfection isn't enough: host egg signatures are an effective defence against high-fidelity African cuckoo mimicry, Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences (2023). DOI: 10.1098/rspb.2023.1125

Original Submission

posted by requerdanos on Friday August 04 2023, @06:56AM   Printer-friendly
from the no-phishing dept.

Film companies lost another attempt to force Reddit to identify anonymous users who discussed piracy. A federal court on Saturday quashed a subpoena demanding users' names and other identifying details, agreeing with Reddit's argument that the film companies' demands violate the First Amendment.

The plaintiffs are 20 producers of popular movies who are trying to prove that Internet service provider Grande is liable for its subscribers' copyright infringement because the ISP allegedly ignores piracy on its network. Reddit isn't directly involved in the copyright case. But the film companies filed a motion to compel Reddit to respond to a subpoena demanding "basic account information including IP address registration and logs from 1/1/2016 to present, name, email address and other account registration information" for six users who wrote comments on Reddit threads in 2011 and 2018.

[...] This is the second time Beeler ruled against the film companies' attempts to unmask anonymous Reddit users. Beeler, a magistrate judge at US District Court for the Northern District of California, quashed a similar subpoena related to a different set of Reddit users in late April.

[...] Reddit's filing pointed out that the statute of limitations for copyright infringement is three years. The film companies said the statute of limitations is irrelevant to whether the comments can provide evidence in the case against Grande.

[...] When a court evaluates an unmasking request, it considers whether a subpoena "was issued in good faith and not for any improper purpose," whether "the identifying information is directly and materially relevant" to a core claim or defense, and whether "information sufficient to establish or to disprove that claim or defense is unavailable from any other source," the ruling said.

[...] The fact that Grande already provided names of 118 subscribers factored into Beeler's explanation of why she denied the film companies' motion.

Original Submission

posted by janrinok on Friday August 04 2023, @02:12AM   Printer-friendly
from the how-many-politicians-to-change-a-lightbulb dept.

What to know about the ban on incandescent lightbulbs

Retailers can no longer sell the banned lightbulbs as of Aug. 1

The ban on incandescent lightbulbs has officially gone into effect in the U.S., more than a decade after the federal government first passed a rule prohibiting the non-energy efficient lighting.

[....] A 2020 survey on residential energy consumption conducted by the U.S. Energy Information Administration found that less than half of U.S. households use LED lightbulbs for most or all indoor lighting

[....] Under the new standard, lightbulbs must produce 45 lumens -- the measure of brightness -- per watt. For comparison, traditional incandescent lightbulbs produce just 15 lumens per watt

[....] Collectively, Americans are expected to save nearly $3 billion annually on utility bills while cutting carbon emissions by 222 million metric tons over the next 30 years -- the equivalent to emissions generated by 28 million homes in one year, according to the DOE.

[....] Black lights, bug lamps, colored lamps, infrared laps, plant lights, flood lights, reflector lamps and traffic signals are not included in the ban, according to the DOE.

See also: Incandescent light bulb ban goes into effect this month: Here's what you need to know

TAMPA, Fla. - A nationwide ban on incandescent light bulbs goes into effect on Aug. 1, 2023, which means if they're made or sold by a retailer, that business could be fined up to $542 per bulb.

[....] customers have been getting as many incandescent bulbs as they can before the ban.

It seems one could take that exception for 'colored lamps' and run with it.

Original Submission

posted by requerdanos on Thursday August 03 2023, @09:32PM   Printer-friendly
from the distance-to-empty dept.

Tesla's secret team to suppress thousands of driving range complaints:

About a decade ago, Tesla rigged the dashboard readouts in its electric cars to provide "rosy" projections of how far owners can drive before needing to recharge, a source told Reuters. The automaker last year became so inundated with driving-range complaints that it created a special team to cancel owners' service appointments.

In March, Alexandre Ponsin set out on a family road trip from Colorado to California in his newly purchased Tesla, a used 2021 Model 3. He expected to get something close to the electric sport sedan's advertised driving range: 353 miles on a fully charged battery.

He soon realized he was sometimes getting less than half that much range, particularly in cold weather – such severe underperformance that he was convinced the car had a serious defect.

[...] Ponsin contacted Tesla and booked a service appointment in California. He later received two text messages, telling him that "remote diagnostics" had determined his battery was fine, and then: "We would like to cancel your visit."

What Ponsin didn't know was that Tesla employees had been instructed to thwart any customers complaining about poor driving range from bringing their vehicles in for service. Last summer, the company quietly created a "Diversion Team" in Las Vegas to cancel as many range-related appointments as possible.

The Austin, Texas-based electric carmaker deployed the team because its service centers were inundated with appointments from owners who had expected better performance based on the company's advertised estimates and the projections displayed by the in-dash range meters of the cars themselves, according to several people familiar with the matter.

[...] Managers told the employees that they were saving Tesla about $1,000 for every canceled appointment, the people said. Another goal was to ease the pressure on service centers, some of which had long waits for appointments.

In most cases, the complaining customers' cars likely did not need repair, according to the people familiar with the matter. Rather, Tesla created the groundswell of complaints another way – by hyping the range of its futuristic electric vehicles, or EVs, raising consumer expectations beyond what the cars can deliver. Teslas often fail to achieve their advertised range estimates and the projections provided by the cars' own equipment, according to Reuters interviews with three automotive experts who have tested or studied the company's vehicles.

Neither Tesla nor Chief Executive Elon Musk responded to detailed questions from Reuters for this story.

Original Submission

posted by requerdanos on Thursday August 03 2023, @04:44PM   Printer-friendly
from the not-the-lancet dept.

Following a study published in October which claimed the discovery of a room-temperature superconductor, the academics that wrote and co-wrote the paper have been accused of falsifying their data, as well as attempting to cover up their deception.

From Nature:

A prominent journal has decided to retract a paper by Ranga Dias, a physicist at the University of Rochester in New York who has made controversial claims about discovering room-temperature superconductors — materials that would not require any cooling to conduct electricity with zero resistance. The forthcoming retraction, of a paper published by Physical Review Letters (PRL) in 2021, is significant because the Nature news team has learnt that it is the result of an investigation that found apparent data fabrication. PRL's decision follows allegations that Dias plagiarized substantial portions of his PhD thesis and a separate retraction of one of Dias's papers on room-temperature superconductivity by Nature last September. (Nature's news team is independent of its journals team.)

As part of the investigation, co-author Ashkan Salamat, a physicist at the University of Nevada, Las Vegas, and a long-time collaborator of Dias, supplied what he claimed was raw data used to create figures in the PRL paper. But all four investigators found that the data Salamat provided did not match the figures in the paper. Two of the referees wrote in their report that, the conclusions of their investigation "paint a very disturbing picture of apparent data fabrication followed by an attempt to hide or coverup [sic] the fact. We urge immediate retraction of the paper".

Note this is not related to an earlier Soylent story.

Original Submission

posted by hubie on Thursday August 03 2023, @11:59AM   Printer-friendly
from the all-dressed-up-and-no-place-to-drive-that-BEV dept.

Two recent news items seem to be at cross purposes, just a little bit.<sarcasm>:

First the WaPo (and other outlets) report that 7 major car companies are joining to install 30,000 new fast battery electric car chargers (Tesla currently has 22,000), with both CCS and Tesla-style plugs, [or ]

Then going back a month or so, we see New York power grid strained by rapid electrification, this link to PBS, plenty of other outlets for this news as well,

"Power Trends 2023" notes that reliability margins are shrinking as electrification programs drive demand for electricity higher.

Plenty of other similar reports from electric utilities, including the big winter outage in Texas.

Got popcorn? If you have electric cooking, better pop it now to have something to munch when the power goes out...when too many HVAC units (cooling/summer and heating/winter) come online at the same time as the battery electric cars are charging. If you are literally cooking with gas, then you can have fresh popcorn!

Original Submission

posted by hubie on Thursday August 03 2023, @07:15AM   Printer-friendly

Bringing back extinct molecules to fight modern bacteria:

Medical scientists are in a race against time—increasingly, bacteria are developing resistance to modern therapies, leaving doctors with fewer options in treating patients with infections. In this new effort, the research team looked at the possibility of finding extinct molecules that might be able to kill bacteria alive today.

The idea behind this new research is that many organisms, including humans, produce peptides with antimicrobial properties. Those developed by humans are already used naturally by the body. But what about extinct human relatives such as Neanderthals and Denisovans? Perhaps they produced peptides that might be useful against modern bacteria.

[...] The team trained an AI app to spot sites on human proteins that are known to produce peptides. They used the app on data from modern humans, Neanderthals and Denisovans to find peptides from the latter two sources. They then compared the properties of the peptides they found with newer peptides to predict which of those in H. neanderthalensis and Denisovans might be bacteria killers.

Next, the team synthesized the molecules they identified and tested them against bacteria in a petri dish. Six of those that showed promise were then used to treat mice infected with Acinetobacter baumannii—a common bacteria found in hospital settings.

The team found that all six of the peptides slowed or stopped the growth of an infection but none actually killed the bacteria. They also found that five of the six did kill bacteria growing in skin abscesses, but that was only when doses were extremely high.

The researchers believe their approach shows promise. They suggest that more research using their approach might lead to more effective antibiotics.

Journal Reference:
Jacqueline R.M.A. Maasch et al, Molecular de-extinction of ancient antimicrobial peptides enabled by machine learning, Cell Host & Microbe (2023). DOI: 10.1016/j.chom.2023.07.001

Original Submission

posted by hubie on Thursday August 03 2023, @02:32AM   Printer-friendly

Eager scientists and a gleaming lab awaits:

A sample from the asteroid Bennu, which could be key to understanding the formation of the solar system and our own planet, is set to be analyzed at NASA's Johnson Space Center in Houston after it reaches Earth in late September.

The precious cargo is currently aboard OSIRIS-REx, a US space probe launched in 2016 to Bennu, which orbits the Sun at an average distance of about 105 million miles (168 million kilometers).

Scientists will separate pieces of the rock and dust for study now, while carefully storing away the rest for future generations equipped with better technology—a practice first started during the Apollo missions to the Moon.

"We don't expect there to be anything living but (rather) the building blocks of life," Nicole Lunning, lead OSIRIS-Rex sample curator, told AFP.

[...] The spacecraft is scheduled to land in the Utah desert on September 24, carrying an estimated 8.8 ounces, or 250 grams of material—just over a cupful.

[...] The first samples brought to Earth by asteroids were carried out by Japanese probes in 2010 and 2020, with the latter found to contain uracil, one of the building blocks of RNA.

The finding lent weight to a longstanding theory that life on Earth may have been seeded from outer space when asteroids crashed into our planet carrying fundamental elements.

Original Submission