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Idiosyncratic use of punctuation - which of these annoys you the most?

  • Declarations and assignments that end with }; (C, C++, Javascript, etc.)
  • (Parenthesis (pile-ups (at (the (end (of (Lisp (code))))))))
  • Syntactically-significant whitespace (Python, Ruby, Haskell...)
  • Perl sigils: @array, $array[index], %hash, $hash{key}
  • Unnecessary sigils, like $variable in PHP
  • macro!() in Rust
  • Do you have any idea how much I spent on this Space Cadet keyboard, you insensitive clod?!
  • Something even worse...

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posted by hubie on Saturday January 06 2024, @10:36PM   Printer-friendly

Arthur T Knackerbracket has processed the following story:

An incredibly early release of 86-DOS has been found, imaged, and shared on the Internet Archive. The disk appears to be an original release of version 0.1 C of 86-DOS from Seattle Computer Products (1980) and includes several utilities, along with a game. Moreover, according to the disk label, what we see is just the eleventh disk off the duplication line. This is an important finding, as 86-DOS is a direct ancestor of PC DOS and MS-DOS. member f15sim shared the early 86-DOS disk image on the Internet Archive’s site just ahead of the New Year.  We even get to see a photo of the disk in its paper sleeve, where “Serial #11” can be seen printed. Before this 86-DOS release was unearthed on its 5.25-inch floppy disk, the earliest version that had been saved for posterity was version 0.34.

[...] NTDEV highlights the Spartan nature of 86-DOS version 0.1 C. The OS is delivered as a floppy disk containing just nine files. The core OS standard COMMAND.COM was included, which interprets command line instructions like dir, copy, clear, and format. The disk also contained utilities for file and disk copying, a basic text editor, plus two or three development utilities.

The development utilities were important to 86-DOS releases as users would be short on software unless they sourced or translated existing 8-bit Z80 CP/M programs for the 8086 architecture. Thus, there was an assembly language program called ASM.COM, a code compiler app called HEX2BIN.COM, and a Z80 to 8086 translator dubbed TRANS.COM.

Last but not least, it is interesting to see that an OS as primitive as this release included a game. CHESS.COM was accompanied by instructions in CHESS.DOC, which would probably be essential reading on a no-graphics rendition of this complex strategic game.

To test 86-DOS yourself, you can grab the disk image directly from and then follow the instructions provided here to get a working SIMH/AltairZ80 Simulator compatible with the disk image.

Original Submission

posted by hubie on Saturday January 06 2024, @05:50PM   Printer-friendly

'Giant' predator worms more than half a billion years old discovered in North Greenland:

Fossils of a new group of animal predators have been located in the Early Cambrian Sirius Passet fossil locality in North Greenland. These large worms may be some of the earliest carnivorous animals to have colonized the water column more than 518 million years ago, revealing a past dynasty of predators that scientists didn't know existed.

The new fossil animals have been named Timorebestia, meaning 'terror beasts' in Latin. Adorned with fins down the sides of their body, a distinct head with long antennae, massive jaw structures inside their mouth, and growing to more than 30cm in length, these were some of the largest swimming animals in the Early Cambrian times.

"We have previously known that primitive arthropods were the dominant predators during the Cambrian, such as the bizarre-looking anomalocaridids," said Dr. Jakob Vinther from the University of Bristol's Schools of Earth Sciences and Biological Sciences, a senior author on the study. "However, Timorebestia is a distant, but close, relative of living arrow worms, or chaetognaths. These are much smaller ocean predators today that feed on tiny zooplankton."

[...] "Timorebestia were giants of their day and would have been close to the top of the food chain. That makes it equivalent in importance to some of the top carnivores in modern oceans, such as sharks and seals back in the Cambrian period."

[...] Arrow worms are one of the oldest animal fossils from the Cambrian. While arthropods appear in the fossil record about 521 to 529 million years ago, arrow worms can be traced back at least 538 million years back in time.

Dr. Vinther explained, "Both arrow worms, and the more primitive Timorebestia, were swimming predators. We can therefore surmise that in all likelihood they were the predators that dominated the oceans before arthropods took off. Perhaps they had a dynasty of about 10–15 million years before they got superseded by other, and more successful, groups."

[...] "Our discovery firms up how arrow worms evolved," added Tae Yoon Park from the Korean Polar Research Institute, the other senior author and field expedition leader. "Living arrow worms have a distinct nervous center on their belly, called a ventral ganglion. It is entirely unique to these animals."

[...] "We are very excited to have discovered such unique predators in Sirius Passet. Over a series of expeditions to the very remote Sirius Passet in the furthest reaches of North Greenland, more than 82,5˚ north, we have collected a great diversity of exciting new organisms. Thanks to the remarkable, exceptional preservation in Sirius Passet, we can also reveal exciting anatomical details, including their digestive system, muscle anatomy, and nervous systems."

"We have many more exciting findings to share in the coming years that will help show how the earliest animal ecosystems looked like and evolved," Dr. Park concluded.

Journal Reference:
Tae-Yoon Park et al, A giant stem-group chaetognath, Science Advances (2024). DOI: 10.1126/sciadv.adi6678.

Original Submission

posted by hubie on Saturday January 06 2024, @01:03PM   Printer-friendly
from the spitting-into-the-wind dept.

Facing more than 30 lawsuits from victims of its massive data breach, 23andMe is now deflecting the blame to the victims themselves in an attempt to absolve itself from any responsibility, according to a letter sent to a group of victims seen by TechCrunch:

"Rather than acknowledge its role in this data security disaster, 23andMe has apparently decided to leave its customers out to dry while downplaying the seriousness of these events," Hassan Zavareei, one of the lawyers representing the victims who received the letter from 23andMe, told TechCrunch in an email.

[...] But in a letter sent to a group of hundreds of 23andMe users who are now suing the company, 23andMe said that "users negligently recycled and failed to update their passwords following these past security incidents, which are unrelated to 23andMe."

"Therefore, the incident was not a result of 23andMe's alleged failure to maintain reasonable security measures," the letter reads.

Zavareei said that 23andMe is "shamelessly" blaming the victims of the data breach.

"This finger pointing is nonsensical. 23andMe knew or should have known that many consumers use recycled passwords and thus that 23andMe should have implemented some of the many safeguards available to protect against credential stuffing — especially considering that 23andMe stores personal identifying information, health information, and genetic information on its platform," Zavareei said in an email.

"The breach impacted millions of consumers whose data was exposed through the DNA Relatives feature on 23andMe's platform, not because they used recycled passwords. Of those millions, only a few thousand accounts were compromised due to credential stuffing. 23andMe's attempt to shirk responsibility by blaming its customers does nothing for these millions of consumers whose data was compromised through no fault of their own whatsoever," said Zavareei.


Original Submission

posted by hubie on Saturday January 06 2024, @08:20AM   Printer-friendly
from the no-more-funroll-loops dept.

I'm not one of these Nancy-Boys who just downloads some binaries and call it an operating system. I compiled my Gentoo, right here on my own computer, but now that's history.

In what many thought might be a prank, The geeks at Gentoo announced they will now offers 20-plus gigabytes of pre-compiled binaries, from desktops to office suites, to speed up installations and updates.

Although this is exactly how basically all other current Linux distributions work, it is a significant departure for Gentoo, which previously was an almost entirely source-based distro. With Gentoo, the install disk that gets you started must by definition be pre-compiled, up to now, when you install Gentoo, it fetches the source code and compiles it on your machine for your machine, specifically optimized for your computer's specific CPU and the individual functionality and configuration you chose.

For now, the full range of pre-compiled binary packages will focus on x86-64 and Arm64.

Original Submission

posted by Fnord666 on Saturday January 06 2024, @03:37AM   Printer-friendly

Researchers have taken a big step forward in the quest to regenerate the pancreatic beta-cells damaged by type 1 diabetes. Using FDA-approved drugs usually given to patients with rare cancers, they reprogrammed pancreatic cells to produce and secrete insulin in response to glucose. The discovery could mean that, one day, diabetics won't need to take multiple daily insulin injections.

Pancreatic beta-cells synthesize, store and release insulin. But, in type 1 diabetes (T1D), the immune system selectively destroys these cells over time, leading to a lifelong dependence on exogenous insulin administration for survival. While insulin therapy helps control blood glucose, it doesn't prevent, stop, or reverse the destruction of the pancreas' insulin-secreting cells.

For many years, research has focused on identifying novel therapies that stimulate beta-cell growth and function to restore insulin production in type 1 diabetics. Now, in an exciting breakthrough, researchers at the Baker Heart and Diabetes Institute in Melbourne, Australia, have brought us a step closer to making this a reality, regenerating damaged pancreatic cells so they can produce insulin and functionally respond to blood glucose levels.

"We consider this regenerative approach an important advance towards clinical development," said Sam El-Osta, the study's corresponding author. "Until now, the regenerative process has been incidental and lacking confirmation; more importantly, the epigenetic mechanisms that govern such regeneration in humans remains poorly understood."

The study builds upon previous proof-of-concept research by Baker Institute scientists, where they used an EZH2 inhibitor with a naturally derived drug to stimulate ductal progenitor cells, descendants of stem cells, into beta-like cells capable of producing insulin. Ductal cells are exocrine cells that form the lining of the tubes (ducts) that deliver pancreatic enzymes.

Journal Reference:
Al-Hasani, Keith, Marikar, Safiya Naina, Kaipananickal, Harikrishnan, et al. EZH2 inhibitors promote β-like cell regeneration in young and adult type 1 diabetes donors [open], Signal Transduction and Targeted Therapy (DOI: 10.1038/s41392-023-01707-x)

Original Submission

posted by Fnord666 on Friday January 05 2024, @10:53PM   Printer-friendly
from the sounds-like-an-Onion-article dept.

Microsoft adding new PC button in its first significant keyboard change in decades

Microsoft is adding an artificial intelligence button to its Windows keyboards in a move that marks the company's first significant keyboard change in nearly three decades.

The button — called the Copilot key — will launch Microsoft's AI chatbot, the company's executive vice president Yusuf Mehdi wrote in the Thursday announcement. He said Microsoft sees the key addition as "the entry point into the world of AI on the PC."

"We believe it will empower people to participate in the AI transformation more easily," Mehdi wrote.

[...] Starting this month, some new PCs running Windows 11 will have the Copilot keyboard button. The key will also be included on some upcoming Surface devices.

Original Submission

posted by hubie on Friday January 05 2024, @06:08PM   Printer-friendly
from the you've-got-mail dept.

SpaceX last night launched the first six Starlink satellites that will provide cellular transmissions for customers of T-Mobile and other carriers.

SpaceX said it launched 21 satellites overall, including "the first six Starlink satellites with Direct to Cell capabilities that enable mobile network operators around the world to provide seamless global access to texting, calling, and browsing wherever you may be on land, lakes, or coastal waters without changing hardware or firmware. The enhanced Starlink satellites have an advanced modem that acts as a cellphone tower in space, eliminating dead zones with network integration similar to a standard roaming partner," the company said.
While SpaceX CEO Elon Musk wrote that the satellites will "allow for mobile phone connectivity anywhere on Earth," he also described a significant bandwidth limit. "Note, this only supports ~7Mb per beam and the beams are very big, so while this is a great solution for locations with no cellular connectivity, it is not meaningfully competitive with existing terrestrial cellular networks," Musk wrote.
T-Mobile said that field testing of Starlink satellites with the T-Mobile network will begin soon.

Original Submission

posted by hubie on Friday January 05 2024, @01:24PM   Printer-friendly
from the why-are-you-on-my-lawn? dept.

Over at, Herbert Bruderer posits:

Digitization has many downsides. It puts many people at a disadvantage and relegates them to the sidelines. Many service providers apparently are unaware of this, or consciously accept it. It disadvantages many weaker, disabled, and older people. Digital devices are often more difficult to use than analog ones. The more (mostly unused) options, the more difficult it is.

The analog landline telephone is easy to use and works even in the event of a power failure. Countless people are overwhelmed by digital cell phones. Digitization excludes many people from social or economic life. They are left behind. Without computer skills, it is difficult to use ticket machines, for example. Analog coffee machines, washing machines, stoves, and refrigerators are more user-friendly than digital ones. This is especially true for radios and televisions.

The author gives examples on being penalized for not using digital payment transactions, and places where if you're without a cell phone you're on your own in an emergency, concluding:

The digital world is often ruthless and undemocratic. It also consumes a lot of electrical energy, especially artificial intelligence.

Original Submission

posted by hubie on Friday January 05 2024, @08:39AM   Printer-friendly

New antibiotic family kills superbugs in a way they can't resist

Antibiotic-resistant bacteria are poised to become a global health concern in the coming decades. In the race to develop new weapons, scientists from Texas A&M have created a novel family of antibacterial polymers that can kill 'superbugs' in a way they can't evolve resistance to.
Bacteria are adaptable little pests, and so they quickly evolved defenses against antibiotics. Scientists in turn developed new ones, but of course bacteria soon evolved resistance to those too, in a cycle that lasted decades. Unfortunately, in recent years the tides have begun to turn in favor of bacteria – we're running out of new drugs, but they're not running out of evolution. Our last lines of defense are beginning to fail, and there are now strains of superbugs that are immune to anything and everything we can throw at them.

We need brand new tactics if we're going to prevent a global health crisis, and antibiotic polymers are a decent step in that direction. These synthetic molecules latch onto and disrupt the outer membranes of bacteria, in a form of attack that the bugs can't develop resistance to.

In the new study, the Texas A&M team developed new polymers that are more customizable, allowing them to be tuned to fight superbugs even more effectively. The key is a catalyst called AquaMet, which can handle a high concentration of charges and is water-soluble. That charge tolerance is important – antibacterial polymers work because their positive charge attracts them to the negative charge of the bacteria.

Journal Reference:
Sarah N. Hancock, Nattawut Yuntawattana, Emily Diep, and Quentin Michaudel, Ring-opening metathesis polymerization of N-methylpyridinium-fused norbornenes to access antibacterial main-chain cationic polymers, PNAS, 120 (51) e2311396120

Scientists hail new antibiotic that can kill drug-resistant bacteria

Zosurabalpin has defeated strains of pneumonia and sepsis in mice, raising hopes for human trials:

Scientists have discovered an entirely new class of antibiotic that appears to kill one of three bacteria considered to pose the greatest threat to human health because of their extensive drug-resistance.

Zosurabalpin defeated highly drug-resistant strains of Carbapenem-resistant Acinetobacter baumannii (Crab) in mouse models of pneumonia and sepsis, and was being tested in human trials.

Crab is classified as a priority 1 critical pathogen by the World Health Organization, alongside two other drug-resistant forms of bacteria – Pseudomonas aeruginosa and Enterobacteriaceae.

"Crab is a significant cause of infection in hospitals, particularly in people who are on ventilators," said Dr Andrew Edwards, a senior lecturer in molecular microbiology at Imperial College London, who was not involved in the research. "While it is not an aggressive pathogen it is resistant to multiple different antibiotics, making it very difficult to treat.

"Unfortunately, development of new treatments against this bacterium has been extremely challenging because it is very adept at keeping antibiotics from getting past its outer cell layer. Therefore, this work is really exciting, and provides confidence that the approaches being used to find new antibiotics can bear fruit."

[...] No new antibiotic for Gram-negative bacteria have been approved in more than 50 years.

[...] Lobritz said: "This is the first time we've found anything that operates in this way, so it is unique in its chemical makeup and mechanism of action."

While he stressed that this molecule alone would not solve the public health threat of antimicrobial resistant infections, the discovery could lay the foundations for future efforts to drug the same transport system in other bacteria.

Journal Reference:
Pahil, K.S., Gilman, M.S.A., Baidin, V. et al. A new antibiotic traps lipopolysaccharide in its intermembrane transporter. Nature (2024).

Original Submission 1 and Original Submission 2

posted by hubie on Friday January 05 2024, @03:58AM   Printer-friendly

Arthur T Knackerbracket has processed the following story:

The kind of benchmark that IT normally worries about isn't without importance. How fast a particular data set is learned, how quickly prompts can be processed, what resources are required and how it all scales? If you're creating an AI system as part of your business, you'd better get those things right, or at the least understand their bounds.

They don't much matter otherwise, although you can be sure marketing and pundits will disagree. The fact it doesn't matter is a good thing: benchmarks too often become targets that distort function, and they should be kept firmly in their kennels.

The most important benchmark for AI is how truthful it is or, more usefully, how little it is misrepresented by those who sell or use it. As Pontius Pilate was said to have said 2,000 years ago, what is truth? There is no benchmark. Despite the intervening millennia and infinite claims to have fixed this, there still isn't. The most egregious of liars can command the support of nations in the midst of what should be a golden age of reason. If nobody's prepared or able to stop them, what chance have we got to keep AI on the side of the angels?

The one mechanism that's in with a chance is that curious synthesis of regulatory bodies and judicial systems which exists – in theory – outside politics but inside democratic control. Regulators set standards, the courts act as backstop to those powers and adjudicators of disputes.

[...] Which takes us to the regulators. It should be that the more technical and measurable the field being regulated, the easier the regulator's job is. If you're managing the radio spectrum or the railways, something going wrong shows up quickly in the numbers. Financial regulators, operating in the miasma of capital economics and corporate misdirection, go through a cycle of being weakened in the name of strong growth until everything falls apart and a grand reset follows. Wince and repeat. Yet very technical regulators can go wrong, as with the FAA and Boeing's 737 MAX. Regulatory capture by their industries or the politicians is a constant threat. And sometimes we just can't tell – GDPR has been with us for five years. Is it working?

[...] It is here that the nature of AI may hint at a regulatory foothold in responsibly integrating machines with the affairs of humanity. There is not just one AI, there are multitudes of models, of hardware platforms, of approaches, of experiments. They are machines, and we can make as many as we need. Ultimate truth is ultimately unknowable, but a workable consensus is achievable – or even a workable majority.

If you have a critical task where an AI is involved and there's no way to immediately spot a blooper, get another one in parallel. And another. Compare answers. If you can't find enough independent AI for a particular problem, don't use AI until you can.

Redundancy is a powerful weapon against error. Apollo got to the Moon not because the systems were perfect, but because they had redundancy in place in the expectation of failure. The Soviet manned lunar effort eschewed that in favor of what looked like expediency, but ended in ignominy.

We don't have to trust AI, which is just as well – what is truth? It knows no more than we do. But we have fashioned a workable society around systems that trust and verify, and we see this working in judges as well as jet planes. The philosophy, potential, and pitfalls of our increasingly thoughtful companions will work out over time, we should just set the odds in our favor while we can. Whatever we do, we won't be able to wash our hands of it.

Original Submission

posted by hubie on Thursday January 04 2024, @11:10PM   Printer-friendly

Arthur T Knackerbracket has processed the following story:

I recently managed to anger both the iPhone users who are in favor of sideloading and the ones who aren’t. I explained several times that I will never use sideloading, third-party app stores, or third-party payment systems on my iPhone. Some of our readers were not happy with that line of thinking.

I also said that Apple should make sideloading available internationally rather than only in specific markets where regulators force it to. That way, it would deal with the PR mess around these sensitive topics. Then I heard from another round of BGR readers who were unhappy with my point of view.

I might not want to sideload apps on my iPhone, but Apple might be forced to support the feature in more markets. Following the decision in the Europan Union (EU), other regions are looking to impose similar measures on Apple, including Japan and the US.

[...] Reports have said that Apple plans to restrict sideloading and all that comes with it to the EU region. International users won’t even be able to VPN services to trick Apple into allowing sideloading on their iPhones.

Japan is looking at similar laws to improve competition on iPhone and Android. They would impact Apple, Google, and other companies that manage similar platforms.

As for the US, the US Department of Justice (DOJ) has launched an antitrust investigation into the same App Store issues. Per The Financial Times (via 9to5Mac), the case against Apple is “firing on all cylinders.”

[...] Google recently settled a similar antitrust case. The company will have to pay $700 million and change how the Google Play store works. Google will have to let Android users install apps from any source. That’s what sideloading and third-party app stores amount to.

Google will also support third-party payment systems. However, the company will still collect a fee from developers for each transaction. And developers might not end up saving that much money, if anything, by offering apps through third-party repositories instead of the Play Store.

[...] Antitrust case aside, I think Apple would be better served by getting ahead of all this. Universal iPhone sideloading support will happen eventually. Resisting it only hurts the company at this point.

At the end of the day, it will be up to the users to decide whether to install apps from third parties. In the long run, I don’t think Apple’s App Store bottom line will see a big impact. Not as long as I, and others like me, continue to avoid iPhone sideloading and all the risks that it entails.

Original Submission

posted by hubie on Thursday January 04 2024, @06:23PM   Printer-friendly
from the until-gmail-pulls-the-plug-on-you dept.

System administrator and prolific blogger, Chris Siebenmann, has a brief note that e-mail addresses are not good 'permanent' identifiers for accounts.

The biggest problem with email addresses as 'permanent' identifiers is that people's email addresses change even within a single organization (for example, a university). They change for the same collection of reasons that people's commonly used names and logins change. An organization that refuses to change or redo the email addresses it assigns to people is being unusually cruel in ways that are probably not legally sustainable in any number of places.

Original Submission

posted by janrinok on Thursday January 04 2024, @01:54PM   Printer-friendly

I am deeply saddened to have received the news of Niklaus Wirth's passing and extend my heartfelt condolences to his family and all those who were dear to him. I wanted to take a moment to reflect on the profound and positive impact that Niklaus had on my life and career, and to express my gratitude for all that he meant to me.

Original Submission

posted by hubie on Thursday January 04 2024, @09:12AM   Printer-friendly
from the $1.3M-CEO-raise-is-clearly-putting-one-certain-people-over-profit dept.

Arthur T Knackerbracket has processed the following story:

In a nutshell: Mozilla is seemingly on a journey to change the internet again, but it will not get there with Firefox. The open-source browser is barely mentioned throughout the company's latest corporate manifesto, where AI algorithms have become the real focus of the show.

In the recently published State of Mozilla for 2023, the open-source foundation made some bold statements about its plans for the future. The organization aims to build a better internet "by the people, for the people," countering the overwhelming influence of Big Tech corporations with open data and AI services.

The updated State of Mozilla is essentially designed to be a company manifesto written in corporate lingo but it also comes with the latest financial statements related to 2022 results, providing some interesting food for thought about how and where the organization is spending its money.

Mozilla's CEO, Mitchell Baker, received a substantial compensation increase, as stated in the document, going from $5,591,406 (2021) to $6,903,089 in 2022. Baker mentioned that the organization is clearly moving in the right direction but needs to do more and have a larger impact on the market.

[...] Mozilla's CEO is being paid a lot more while Firefox keeps losing users, and someone has suggested that the organization's plan is now to fully transition away from the open-source browser. Mozilla is increasing its pile of financial assets, and Baker has clearly stated that the organization is ready to make "difficult choices" when it comes to shutting down unprofitable projects.

So, what future is Mozilla trying to build for itself and internet users? The foundation is pushing the idea of a trustworthy AI, improved ML algorithms with rich data, and privacy prioritization. Mozilla still wants to put people ahead of profit, the company's CEO said, but also take more risks and move quickly in the growing AI market.

See also: Linux Foundation Spending on Actual Linux Down to 2% of Their Budget

Original Submission

posted by hubie on Thursday January 04 2024, @04:24AM   Printer-friendly
from the foggy-research dept.

Of the world's various weather phenomena, fog is perhaps the most mysterious, forming and dissipating near the ground with fluctuations in air temperature and humidity interacting with the terrain itself.

While fog presents a major hazard to transportation safety, meteorologists have yet to figure out how to forecast it with the precision they have achieved for precipitation, wind and other stormy events.

This is because the physical processes resulting in fog formation are extremely complex, according to Zhaoxia Pu, a professor of atmospheric sciences at the University of Utah.

"Our understanding is limited. In order to accurately forecast fog we should better understand the process that controls fog formation," said Pu, who led a fog study focusing on a northern Utah valley.

Now, in a recent paper published by the American Meteorological Society, Pu and her colleagues have reported their findings from the Cold Fog Amongst Complex Terrain (CFACT) project, conceived to investigate the life cycle of cold fog in mountain valleys.
Today, most forecasting uses a computer model known as Numerical Weather Prediction (NWP), which processes massive meteorological observations with computer models to output predictions for precipitation, temperature, and all sorts of other elements of the weather. However the current computer model doesn't work well for fog, and Pu's team hopes that improvements can be made using the masses of data they gathered over seven weeks in the winter of 2022 at several sites in the Heber Valley.

"Fog involves a lot of physics processes so it requires a computer model that can better represent all these processes," Pu said. "Because fog is clouds near the ground, it requires a high-resolution model to resolve it, so we need models at a very fine scale, which are computationally very expensive. The current models (relatively coarser in resolution) are not capable of resolving the fog processes, and we need to improve the models for better fog prediction."

Located bout 50 miles southeast of Salt Lake City, Heber Valley is nestled behind the Wasatch Mountains and framed by two major reservoirs on the Provo River.

This scenic basin is a typical mountain valley, hemmed by Mt. Timpanogos and other high peaks, with the reservoirs serving as a moisture source. The seven-week study window covered the time of year when Heber Valley is the foggiest.

Valley fog is a perfect example of how topography and atmospheric processes converge to create a distinctive weather phenomenon.

Journal Reference:
Zhaoxia Pu et al, Cold Fog Amongst Complex Terrain, Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society (2023). DOI: 10.1175/BAMS-D-22-0030.1

Original Submission