The Mighty Buzzard writes:
The 4/1 joke this year is on me. Working from home apparently doesn't get you out of working on your home, or in this case a church destined to shortly be my home. Which is what kept me from having time to annoy you lot with a terrible/goofy/whatever theme or some other silliness this year. Enjoy your lazy Wednesday and feel free to have a chuckle at my expense.
Side note: there are only sixty-one four-digit uids left at the time of this writing (the morning of 3/31) . Any of you long time ACs who think you might want to register before we hit five digits need to do it soon.
(Score: 5, Funny) by Anonymous Coward on Wednesday April 01 2020, @02:25AM (1 child)
Isn't that the combination for Ari's luggage? I heard if you enter the sequence in reverse, a cardboard pop-up of Milo Yiannopoulos bursts from the suitcase with a pair of Ari's alt-whiteys on his head?
(Score: -1, Redundant) by Anonymous Coward on Wednesday April 01 2020, @06:41AM
Evidently you are not aware of aristarchus' achievements in math? So many his critics are so because of cognitive deficits. Sucks to be you. Sorry.