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posted by martyb on Tuesday February 19 2019, @05:14PM   Printer-friendly
from the how-many-candidates-are-there-now? dept.

"Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-VT) launching a second run for the White House in 2020."

"Reaction to the news was split......with some supporting the 77-year-old and others upset with the move."

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  • (Score: 4, Insightful) by deimtee on Wednesday February 20 2019, @12:01PM (7 children)

    by deimtee (3272) on Wednesday February 20 2019, @12:01PM (#803954) Journal

    I remember hearing once that preserving your popularity is the most important political job as president.

    Trump is actually doing well on that, and strangely enough on credibility.
    The media in general has gone so batshit insane that they have lost what credibility they had, and the only people taking notice are the lefties that already believe Trump is literally Hitler.

    They (the lefties) scream and moan, and hurl abuse and rocks, and set fires, and any reasonable person looks at that mess and thinks they are obviously insane and both they and the media promoting them can be dismissed. They are so bad that Trump looks reasonable in comparison.

    I'll get modded troll or flamebait for this, TDS is real.

    If you cough while drinking cheap red wine it really cleans out your sinuses.
    Starting Score:    1  point
    Moderation   +2  
       Troll=1, Insightful=3, Total=4
    Extra 'Insightful' Modifier   0  
    Karma-Bonus Modifier   +1  

    Total Score:   4  
  • (Score: 5, Insightful) by hemocyanin on Wednesday February 20 2019, @04:50PM (2 children)

    by hemocyanin (186) on Wednesday February 20 2019, @04:50PM (#804038) Journal

    As a person who has considered myself a lifelong "lefty" I think we need some clearer labels. It's obvious that corporate Democrats lost their minds (Hillary voters and the MSM), but corporate Dems/MSM are the antithesis of leftward thought. It's also obvious that the regressive-left is dominated by SJW-charicature-types who want to eviscerate the 1A and that they are a dangerous group. But to lump all the people who would like to see something like Bernie's policies given an actual chance and that crony-capitalism be given the boot into those aforementioned groups, is pretty insulting to us -- just as insulting as calling a person with basic conservative values a knight of the KKK.

    I don't call Trump voters nazis because it isn't true for the overwhelmingly vast majority of them. Perhaps you could extend the same courtesy to those of us on the left and be a little more discerning.

    • (Score: 2) by RandomFactor on Wednesday February 20 2019, @08:19PM

      by RandomFactor (3682) Subscriber Badge on Wednesday February 20 2019, @08:19PM (#804193) Journal

      Classical Liberals called. They have no sympathy.

      В «Правде» нет известий, в «Известиях» нет правды
    • (Score: 2) by deimtee on Wednesday February 20 2019, @10:27PM

      by deimtee (3272) on Wednesday February 20 2019, @10:27PM (#804256) Journal

      I am not a right winger. Of your mainstream politicians, the closest to my politics would be a somewhat strange mix of Bernie Sanders and Gary Johnson. (but still not very close)
      I heartily agree with the need for better labels, and I did refer to the "lefties that already believe Trump is literally Hitler". I did not mean to be insulting to the non-crazy left.

      If you cough while drinking cheap red wine it really cleans out your sinuses.
  • (Score: 0) by Anonymous Coward on Wednesday February 20 2019, @07:01PM (3 children)

    by Anonymous Coward on Wednesday February 20 2019, @07:01PM (#804122)

    The media in general has gone so batshit insane that they have lost what credibility they had, and the only people taking notice are the lefties that already believe Trump is literally Hitler.

    Let's see, we have:
    1) Creation of concentration camps, including separating children from parents. [] (see: The Holocaust [])
    2) Declaring a state of emergency for things which appear to be non-emergencies [] (see: Reichstag Fire Decree [])
    3) A President who is supported by a vocal, and violent minority [], who are willing to deny anything and everything just because the President says it is "Fake News". (see: the SA [])
    4) A President cosy'ing up to traditional enemies and rejecting traditional allies of the country. (see: Molotov-Ribbentrop Pact [])

    Hmm... Yep. I can't see any similarity at all between Trump and Hitler.

    • (Score: 0) by Anonymous Coward on Wednesday February 20 2019, @08:53PM

      by Anonymous Coward on Wednesday February 20 2019, @08:53PM (#804210)

      Parents bring the kids along to break into a house, or rob a bank, yeah, their kids will get separated from them.

    • (Score: 2) by GlennC on Thursday February 21 2019, @01:31AM

      by GlennC (3656) on Thursday February 21 2019, @01:31AM (#804323)

      So tell me...who did Hitler lose his re-election bid to?

      Sorry folks...the world is bigger and more varied than you want it to be. Deal with it.
    • (Score: 0) by Anonymous Coward on Thursday February 21 2019, @08:37AM

      by Anonymous Coward on Thursday February 21 2019, @08:37AM (#804429)

      Using your logic:
      A dead skunk in the middle of the road cannot tell the difference between Trump and Hitler.
      You cannot tell the difference between Trump and Hitler.
      Therefore you are literally a dead skunk in the middle of the road.