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SoylentNews is people

posted by janrinok on Monday January 27 2020, @05:46PM   Printer-friendly

Arthur T Knackerbracket has found the following story:

Political polarization among Americans has grown rapidly in the last 40 years—more than in Canada, the United Kingdom, Australia or Germany—a phenomenon possibly due to increased racial division, the rise of partisan cable news and changes in the composition of the Democratic and Republican parties.

That's according to new research co-authored by Jesse Shapiro, a professor of political economy at Brown University. The study, conducted alongside Stanford University economists Levi Boxell and Matthew Gentzkow, was released on Monday, Jan. 20, as a National Bureau of Economic Research working paper.

In the study, Shapiro and colleagues present the first ever multi-nation evidence on long-term trends in "affective polarization"—a phenomenon in which citizens feel more negatively toward other political parties than toward their own. They found that in the U.S., affective polarization has increased more dramatically since the late 1970s than in the eight other countries they examined—the U.K., Canada, Australia, New Zealand, Germany, Switzerland, Norway and Sweden.

"A lot of analysis on polarization is focused on the U.S., so we thought it could be interesting to put the U.S. in context and see whether it is part of a global trend or whether it looks more exceptional," Shapiro said. "We found that the trend in the U.S. is indeed exceptional."

Using data from four decades of public opinion surveys conducted in the nine countries, the researchers used a so-called "feeling thermometer" to rate attitudes on a scale from 0 to 100, where 0 reflected no negative feelings toward other parties. They found that in 1978, the average American rated the members of their own political party 27 points higher than members of the other major party. By 2016, Americans were rating their own party 45.9 points higher than the other party, on average. In other words, negative feelings toward members of the other party compared to one's own party increased by an average of 4.8 points per decade.

The researchers found that polarization had also risen in Canada, New Zealand and Switzerland in the last 40 years, but to a lesser extent. In the U.K., Australia, Germany, Norway and Sweden, polarization decreased.

More information: Levi Boxell et al, Cross-Country Trends in Affective Polarization, (2020). DOI: 10.3386/w26669

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  • (Score: 2) by Azuma Hazuki on Saturday February 01 2020, @11:04PM (1 child)

    by Azuma Hazuki (5086) on Saturday February 01 2020, @11:04PM (#952544) Journal

    Because I'm 1) not speaking of the hoaxes and 2) specifically pointing out that there is no such thing as neutrality; even if you yourself are not goose-stepping and throwing the Heil, if you do not oppose these people, and if you keep posting shit in support of them, you are one degree of freedom/guilt away from them. Yes, it's guilt by association when you freely choose to associate with them.

    I am "that girl" your mother warned you about...
    Starting Score:    1  point
    Karma-Bonus Modifier   +1  

    Total Score:   2  
  • (Score: 0, Troll) by khallow on Sunday February 02 2020, @04:00AM

    by khallow (3766) Subscriber Badge on Sunday February 02 2020, @04:00AM (#952631) Journal

    not speaking of the hoaxes

    So what? I spoke of them. Good enough for me.

    specifically pointing out that there is no such thing as neutrality

    Falsehoods remain false no matter how many times you point them out.

    if you do not oppose these people, and if you keep posting shit in support of them, you are one degree of freedom/guilt away from them.

    Here's the straw man building again. If I don't engage in the Orwellian two minute hate then I "support" Nazis. That's such a stupid argument.

    you are one degree of freedom/guilt away from them

    Here's the only part of your post that has a sliver of truth to it. We're all one degree of freedom away from the unpopular assholes and freaks of society. It's easier to destroy their freedoms than ours. That's why I defend their right to be assholes and freaks. Because if I don't, I'll be next.