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Android 8.0 Oreo Running on 0.5% of Android Devices

Accepted submission by takyon at 2017-12-12 19:25:27


Android Oreo [] was released on August 21. Adoption is at 0.5% [] (among devices that accessed the Play Store in early December):

Yesterday, Google released some fresh platform data [] explaining how many devices are running each version. Android 8.0, as you might expect, is struggling with a measly 0.5 percent share. Google's latest Pixel phones [] run the software, but otherwise it's hard to come by. There are some outliers, of course — the quietly impressive HTC U11 [], for instance — but most are still shipping with a variant of Android Nougat. Which is, well, hardly ideal for Google.

Android 7.0 and 7.1 have a combined share of 23.3 percent. Respectable, but still behind 6.0 Marshmallow (29.7 percent) and Android Lollipop (26.3 percent).

Here's an article about changes in Android 8.1 [].

Also at 9to5Google [] and Wccftech [].

Original Submission