Don't complain about lack of options. You've got to pick a few when you do multiple choice. Those are the breaks.
Feel free to suggest poll ideas if you're feeling creative. I'd strongly suggest reading the past polls first.
This whole thing is wildly inaccurate. Rounding errors, ballot stuffers, dynamic IPs, firewalls. If you're using these numbers to do anything important, you're insane.
This discussion has been archived.
No new comments can be posted.
Major advantages I see are (if it has...) the ability to relocate to the preferred distance from the sun for optimal radiation interception. Choose your gravity by location on the interior surface. Hopefully thick enough walls to keep radiation to "Earth normal-ish." Small, so more easily terraformed than a planet or moon. Running out of living space? Make more just like it.
I voted "other solid body". Any of the larger moons of Jupiter or Saturn would work for me. It need not be a luxury habitat, but this is retirement we're talking about. I don't want to BUILD the habitat!! It would be fine to sit around watching it be built, and roughing it in a mini-habitat in the meantime.
-- “I have become friends with many school shooters” - Tampon Tim Walz
(Score: -1, Spam) by Anonymous Coward on Tuesday June 20 2023, @06:51AM
(21 children)
by Anonymous Coward
on Tuesday June 20 2023, @06:51AM (#1312161)
Yes. of course you did, Runaway1956. How many progressives that were ahead of you in line did you kill, like a twisted Dr. Zachary Smith, only in your case, the barely educated bag of mostly water, for whom younglings are supposed to build a shelter? I say, throw him in the composter, so at least we can get some potatoes and tomatoes out of him. You have found your final, and ultimate, porpoise in life, Runaway! We are all so happy for you.
And, fuck yeah, all of Proton's proxies have been banned, by the great wisdom of callow and janrinok, to protect the fascist leader, Runaway1956. Comic, almost.
Due to excessive bad posting from this IP or Subnet, anonymous comment posting has temporarily been disabled. You can still login to post. However, if bad posting continues from your IP or Subnet that privilege could be revoked as well. If it's you, consider this a chance to sit in the timeout corner or login and improve your posting. If it's someone else, this is a chance to hunt them down. If you think this is unfair, please email with your MD5'd IPID and SubnetID, which are "63e4erunawaysucks donkeyballs935098e5a26" and "8746janrinokisolderthanjoebiden1d7979".
Due to excessive bad posting from this IP or Subnet, anonymous comment posting has temporarily been disabled. You can still login to post. However, if bad posting continues from your IP or Subnet that privilege could be revoked as well. If it's you, consider this a chance to sit in the timeout corner or login and improve your posting. If it's someone else, this is a chance to hunt them down. If you think this is unfair, please email with your MD5'd IPID and SubnetID, which are "a2b5b735khallowstakeshaveaphdb1c2559ba62f4" and "17koliebewareitsatrapdd1ec210ac11".
(Score: -1, Spam) by Anonymous Coward on Tuesday June 20 2023, @07:46AM
(8 children)
by Anonymous Coward
on Tuesday June 20 2023, @07:46AM (#1312171)
Wait! This is an aristarchus post? How did you know? Is it that it attacks our resident rednecked Trump-loving Ammosexual? Or just the general tone, and sophistication of the writing style? Or, perhaps, just that the opinions expressed strike a little too close to home, and with force since they are true? This is why we need public moderation, and calls for justification, else QAnon idiots like this one can downmod the most reasonable Soylentils.
Just checking: Runaway - do you have a crazy ex who may have access to a computer? It's the only thing that explains the level of obsession that Ari has with you. Janirok was just the unfortunate person who got between you and the crazy ex who was sure that you'd eventually come to your senses and come back. Hmmm, it's all fitting into place.
Admit it Ari - we always hurt those we love the most!
(Score: -1, Spam) by Anonymous Coward on Thursday June 22 2023, @07:36AM
(5 children)
by Anonymous Coward
on Thursday June 22 2023, @07:36AM (#1312481)
So we spam mod the truth-tellers? The ones who call out the murderous ammosexual mass-shooter conservatives fuck faces? I, for one, welcome our new NCommander approved overlords, who will rid us once and for all of the red-necked racist hillbilly fuckers. About time.
(Score: -1, Troll) by Anonymous Coward on Thursday June 29 2023, @06:58AM
by Anonymous Coward
on Thursday June 29 2023, @06:58AM (#1313526)
Or, maybe one of Runaway's clients, from when he was a fly-by-night Arkansas contractor? Or his former supervisor at the leafblower factory? His trucking dispatcher? Runaway admitted off site that he has made many enemies in his life. Could be any of them.
(Score: -1, Troll) by Anonymous Coward on Thursday June 29 2023, @08:57PM
(1 child)
by Anonymous Coward
on Thursday June 29 2023, @08:57PM (#1313608)
Funny thing is, ari may have already left, but jan's obsession is keeping him here, so to speak. It is like the Nazi said, when the Allies (Antifa) were moving into Berlin:
Even if we loose, we will have won, for our enemies have adopted our methods.
(Score: -1, Troll) by Anonymous Coward on Friday June 30 2023, @05:07AM
by Anonymous Coward
on Friday June 30 2023, @05:07AM (#1313672)
I can see it now. Aristarchus, kicking back and enjoying the view from his base on Enceledas, while SN still struggles with basics like comity and parity, and timely backups.
(Very much) FTL would certainly be a great option to have. A grand tour of some of the best sights of the galaxy would be an awesome retirement. You'd have to assume that anyone capable of building such a craft would be able to take care of a lot of other needs as well, and maybe have some pretty neat life extension tech too, so it could be a very long and pleasureable retirement.
Of the more mundane options above, I'd probably go for a station orbiting Saturn though. I doubt I'd ever fail to be amazed by the rings arching overhead and the interplay of sunlight and shadow throughout the day.
The poles have water, which means they are in perpetual darkness. Somewhere near the boundary of darkness and light could be a dome which can be conveniently located near solar power farms which can also have facilities for sunbathing. The proximity of the solar farms to the dome means quick and easy transportation, and short power cables. Probably two such solar farms / sunbathing facilities would be necessary since Mercury does actually rotate slowly on its axis. This would ensure permanent solar power and sunbathing. The sunbathing facilities could have a suitably designed transparency facing the sun to allow sunbathing without getting burned.
-- When you GOTO a dark place, always PEEK before you POKE.
(Score: 2, Insightful) by Anonymous Coward on Monday June 12 2023, @02:56PM
(7 children)
by Anonymous Coward
on Monday June 12 2023, @02:56PM (#1311111)
Seriously - how can anyone expect to survive in any of those places without bio-diversity?
Call me when you have most of these florishing on any of those orbs.
If you are going to march me out into a desert, you'd best first arrange for manna to fall upon me from the sky.
-- "He likes bread and butter - He likes toast and jam" -The Newbeats
(Score: 0) by Anonymous Coward on Monday June 12 2023, @03:43PM
by Anonymous Coward
on Monday June 12 2023, @03:43PM (#1311117)
You can have pallets of MREs and all the freeze-dried food you can eat! Don't you remember astronaut ice cream? You can have astronaut freeze-dried watermelon!
I seem to require beef, chicken, fish, pork, shellfish, potatoes,
All those things can be freeze dried and dehydrated, and shipped from Amazon. I'm sure that all those things can be freeze dried, dehydrated, and shipped together in the same bulk container to save money. To 1/2 cup of water, add a half cup of powder, shake well, and you'll get all of your favorite foods in one slurry.
-- “I have become friends with many school shooters” - Tampon Tim Walz
I feel the same way. Being stuck on a barren planet, spaceship, space station, etc. away from anything resembling Earth's nature would be a nightmare for me. Being in stasis until we reach a planet with a parallel form of nature would be the best alternative, but it's not something I'd want to do, and thus far we haven't found any planets like that — Earth is pretty much our best bet, so I'd rather focus resources on preserving it.
I spent at least three decades of my life living in urban situations and not realising how depressing they were until I moved back into the country where I am surrounded by greenery, wild birds, farm animals and some wild animals. It's very difficult to describe but just being surrounded by plant, trees, untamed moors and hills is incredibly calming and refreshing. I could not imagine confining myself to an unnatural environment with no hope of return for the rest of my life.
This is why I'm intensely sceptical about these people who plan to move to Mars to retire and die. I'm sure they'll find it very easy to die there. Whether they will want to prolong their existence there surrounded by barren desert in a thin atmosphere they can't breath, permanently confined to artificial containers (habitats, vehicles or space suits) is an open question, but I certainly wouldn't.
Humans are ready to explore, but we're not ready to leave permanently.
I'd say habitat, but the question seems to think of that as immobile. But basically a Habitat that is mobile, and could leave the system if it wanted to.. Self sufficient enough that it can grow from mining the commetary halo. (That's probably going to require controlled fusion.)
I don't think we'll be able to make a really stable generation ship this century, but who knows. Ask me again after 2035 (my wild guess at when Human level AGI will be available).
Actually, we're going to need several advances before that kind of thing is feasible. We might be able to use fission rather than controlled fusion, but we WILL need a "nearly closed" ecosystem and a lot better sociology, and probably a better virtual reality. Perhaps better genetic engineering. These are all "under development" though the Sociology is certainly at the back of the pack. Perhaps AI will enable it to be improved. The one that's really iffy is the controlled fusion. And the habitat may need to be a few miles in diameter. (It's starting to look as if null-g is not something that people can live with. and spinning for gravity requires a large diameter to avoid problems.)
Another thing we'll need is better "ion rockets", i.e. a propulsion system that can be run continuously, but not necessarily producing high thrust. A mobile habitat can't depend on the folks back home running it's engines. It needs to survive and grow on the stuff that it encounters, so it needs to move a not too different a speed from the local drift...but enough different that it keeps encountering new resources. And it doesn't really *have* a destination. The habitat is HOME. When it encounters a particularly rich area, it accumulated resources and then reproduces by building a second Habitat, and then the population splitting between them, before they head off in separate directions.
-- Javascript is what you use to allow unknown third parties to run software you have no idea about on your computer.
(Score: 0) by Anonymous Coward on Wednesday June 14 2023, @02:04PM
(1 child)
by Anonymous Coward
on Wednesday June 14 2023, @02:04PM (#1311407)
"ask me after human level AGI available" why? there are 8 billion people in the world, what's one more (or a million more) human-level intelligence going to do that we haven't done?
(Score: 0) by Anonymous Coward on Wednesday June 21 2023, @01:12PM
by Anonymous Coward
on Wednesday June 21 2023, @01:12PM (#1312349)
As soon as you have one human level AGI you teach it programming then instantiate 100,000 of them on some cloud platform and tell them to write a human+ level AGI.
A problem with a Dyson Sphere is that only at the equator do you get the correct gravity. As you move "north" or "south" within the sphere, gravity becomes lesser. As you move further towards the poles, things that don't stick to the surface form clouds of debris in space.
A much more gooder solution is to build a ringworld. At two points on opposite ends of the ringworld, call these North and South poles. Now build another ringworld just a bit smaller so that it's rotation can happen within the larger ringworld. This 2nd ringworld is rotated slightly so that it only overlaps the first one at the north/south poles creating a dark spot that always "moves" along the land of ringworld 1 as it spins.
Now build a 3rd ringworld that fits inside the 2nd, slightly rotated, such that it only obscures both the 1st and 2nd ringworlds at the north/south poles. Continue this until the smallest ringworld is now closest to the first ringworld. Considering the distances from the sun, and the relative thinness of each ring, these appear almost like a Dyson sphere.
Now inside that sphere, construct an additional ringworld that rotates along the "equator" of all of existing ringworlds. This new ringworld is in perpetual light, but provides a second source of darkness to all the other ringworlds. We'll call this ring part of the "inner" rings, and all the other rings outside it the "outer" rings. Now build more of these inner rings rotated leaving gaps between them so that the outer rings have nice day/night cycles. All of the inner rings have a common, let's call it "east/west" point along the "equator" of the outer rings shell.
One inner ring has constant perpetual sunlight. The other inner rings have almost perpetual sunlight occasionally interrupted by brief darkness. The outer rings have day night cycles. The inner rings could be used for porpoises that don't want any darkness. Such as farming and food animals that never sleep.
The original 1st outer ring has even day/night cycles. Other outer rings that get closer to the "east/west" common point of the inner rings will have somewhat different day//night cycles.
-- When you GOTO a dark place, always PEEK before you POKE.
Back in the early 2000s, I even wrote a spirograph for (now LibreOffice) using that office suite's Basic. It was packaged as a single 'Draw' document. You open it, and on the draw page are some controls you can fill out, such as number of teeth, etc, and then click a button. A new spirograph image is created.
Sadly, it no longer seems to work. Probably some minor incompatible change in the language.
-- When you GOTO a dark place, always PEEK before you POKE.
>A problem with a Dyson Sphere is that only at the equator do you get the correct gravity.
Unless you also consider the collection of sufficient material strong enough to make the sphere in the first place to also be a problem.
If you can magically transmute interstellar dust and gas into magically super-strong building material, you can probably also do something more clever to generate gravity than simple spinning of the structure.
Not that I don't like the shells of rings, but somebody is going to have to maintain the massively complex stabilization system that keeps them from colliding with one-another.
Assuming Star Trek TNG's Q exists out there, somewhere, you could posit a rogue Q entity constructing a few Dyson spheres just for giggles, then leaving them to see what mayhem they cause. Imagine an Earth standard environment system of rings populated with a fully benign biome and one set of 30 (genetically viable population of) humans on each ring. How long before they overpopulate, ruin the environments, etc? Grab the popcorn, it's going to be a fun show for 10,000 years or so, until the humans start having technology capable of hopping from ring to ring...
(Score: 0) by Anonymous Coward on Saturday July 01 2023, @07:15AM
(1 child)
by Anonymous Coward
on Saturday July 01 2023, @07:15AM (#1313872)
You say this as if you had any power to make it happen. Janrinok must be retired. This is the only way that SN can return to its original mission. And, of course, the right wing will get butt-hurt, but some things are inevitable.
(Score: 0) by Anonymous Coward on Monday July 03 2023, @07:19AM
by Anonymous Coward
on Monday July 03 2023, @07:19AM (#1314136)
APK was easily identifiable, and the admin could easily have deleted his absurd and repetative posts. But, they did not. Makes me wonder what is going on here, and if there was not a concerted attempt to find a false pretext to ban ACs from posting at all. Since some of them, the more intelligent, objected to the current administration. But, I am only an AC, nobody to be concerned about, only one of the thousands of soylentils that have decided to leave.
Due to excessive bad posting from this IP or Subnet, comment posting has temporarily been disabled. If it's you, consider this a chance to sit in the timeout corner. If it's someone else, this is a chance to hunt them down. If you think this is unfair, please email with your MD5'd IPID and SubnetID, which are "03aa0b28f1PedophileRunawayu195653d1868f491a1a" and "2bf6cb709bdalekKillsc3b92f80a4a2405474bb8". z
Due to excessive bad posting from this IP or Subnet, comment posting has temporarily been disabled. If it's you, consider this a chance to sit in the timeout corner. If it's someone else, this is a chance to hunt them down. If you think this is unfair, please email with your MD5'd IPID and SubnetID, which are "03RunsawayDiarhea8f132c69cdd53d1868f491a1a" and "2bf6janrinokcollaboratotor3b92f80a4a2405474bb8".
In order to colonize another planet, either in our own solar system or elsewhere, we would first need to figure out how to live in the space between the planets. The good news is that this space has plenty of resources in the form of solar energy and mineral resources from asteroids. I envision that we will send self replicating mining robots/construction into this space. Once we have the technology for this, such robots could grow exponentially until they ran out of either sunlight or asteroids. With the basically unlimited resources this would produce, building human habitats would not be a great challenge.
(Score: -1, Offtopic) by Anonymous Coward on Thursday June 15 2023, @06:19AM
(48 children)
by Anonymous Coward
on Thursday June 15 2023, @06:19AM (#1311516)
(Score: -1, Troll) by Anonymous Coward on Friday June 16 2023, @09:08AM
(1 child)
by Anonymous Coward
on Friday June 16 2023, @09:08AM (#1311682)
Illicit spam mods are what made TMB leave, the very idea that someone could spam mod a racist did not sit well with him. But immediately, that turned into "spam mod the aristarchus!" And here we are, with spam mods for the slightest criticism of SoylentNews, or inquiries about what happens after the Day of Doom (June 30).
(Score: -1, Troll) by Anonymous Coward on Monday June 19 2023, @10:34AM
(45 children)
by Anonymous Coward
on Monday June 19 2023, @10:34AM (#1312028)
It is still there. Are SoylentNews admin so inured, so callous, as to let an obviously incorrect moderation like this stand? Are they? Well, the question answers itself, as they say. Kolie, better to just go with NCommander's original plan, and just let the site die. Say it was from Toxic admin syndrome. Everyone will understand.
(Score: -1, Spam) by Anonymous Coward on Thursday June 22 2023, @08:45AM
(41 children)
by Anonymous Coward
on Thursday June 22 2023, @08:45AM (#1312493)
Can no one do anything to save this innocent post from being Spam Modded? A Spam Mod is -10 karma points, for those who do not know. It is meant to be certain death for actual spammers, you know, unsolicited commercial advertisements. But it has been applied to fellow soylentils with whom some disagree, which is in violent disagreement with the principles of free speech and community that we all came to SN to uphold. Admin, rescind the Spam Mods, or you have declared war upon the SoylentNews Community.
(Score: -1, Troll) by Anonymous Coward on Friday June 23 2023, @04:29AM
(2 children)
by Anonymous Coward
on Friday June 23 2023, @04:29AM (#1312596)
And if you spell it "Labour", or "colour", obviously a Brit plant on SoylentNews. Didn't we have a Revolutionary War to stop this kind of English interference with our websites? Throw the MySQL database into the Harbor, I say! Sick Temper Arsholus!
(Score: -1, Spam) by Anonymous Coward on Sunday June 25 2023, @04:21AM
(35 children)
by Anonymous Coward
on Sunday June 25 2023, @04:21AM (#1312866)
Original post is still spam modded. This is starting to look bad, like maybe things have gone around the bend, and there is no way back. Bridges have been burned, dams busted, and khallow defloured. Time to put the paste back in the tube, to run Hawking's symmetry, to June Thirty the whole thing.
(Score: 0) by Anonymous Coward on Monday June 26 2023, @12:35PM
(31 children)
by Anonymous Coward
on Monday June 26 2023, @12:35PM (#1313022)
The COMMUNITY is asking that you (aristarchus) and Azuma Hazuki 2.0 stop posting and leave SN. Why do you believe that your will is more important than the COMMUNITY?
(Score: 0) by Anonymous Coward on Monday June 26 2023, @10:22PM
(30 children)
by Anonymous Coward
on Monday June 26 2023, @10:22PM (#1313100)
I must have missed that poll. Lotta whining from rightwing puds is all I've seen! Gee willickers batman, why don't they just ask to remove AC comments? What lossible reason could white supremacists have for needing to hide their identity?
Seriously, all the hate filled xenophobia and complaints about site (mis)management are your line in the sand? Go bury your head back in it, at least you'd be doing something more useful than more LGBTQ hate speech.
Since you repeatedly say that you're concerned about holding staff accountable, eliminating hate speech, and getting rid of violent rhetoric, I fully expect that you'll be suggesting better policies. Right now, I have a journal that's has a focus on accountability [], which is one of the things you keep posting about. That journal has been up for a few days. Can you point me to your contributions on better policy for SN?
That journal is literally about how to manage the site. Can you show me where you've contributed your suggestions? I'll certainly take them under advisement once I know what you want changed about site policy.
(Score: -1, Troll) by Anonymous Coward on Monday June 26 2023, @11:20PM
(27 children)
by Anonymous Coward
on Monday June 26 2023, @11:20PM (#1313108)
Maybe if we kick those who are covering for and protecting the racists on SoylentNews? Dalek should be first. Or, conversely, we could just spam mod him. That way the Pure ACs, who have no mod points, would be powerless, and admin could just create a fanasy "community" that supports racism and misogyny and Microsoft.
Replies like this are exactly why I don't believe for a moment that you're even the slightest bit sincere about eliminating racism and misogyny here.
In my journal, there's a thread about a code of conduct for the site. The previous CoC was satirical and unhelpful. NCommander removed it a few weeks ago. If you want to get rid of racism and misogyny, a CoC is a good start for declaring that certain behaviors are unacceptable, and creating a plan for how those behaviors will be addressed when they do occur. That's the type of policy we need to be discussing. I think we need to carefully determine how to apply it to scenarios like political discussion in journals, but I would support a good and thoughtful code of conduct. Where should the staff intervene, and what is an appropriate way to deal with people who violate the CoC? These are things we should figure out. To what extent would a CoC shut down worthwhile discussion about current political issues? But I also understand that some political views are unhelpful and offensive, things like accusing educators of grooming children. As an educator, I resent that, and I have no patience for that nonsense. But are we better off penalizing users who do that, or is it better to call them out for posting such stupidity? If I knew how best to proceed, I wouldn't be soliciting opinions.
There are useful things that should be discussed, and a CoC would be a big step toward curbing things like racism and misogyny. But instead of contributing meaningful suggestions about how to balance the desire for free and open discussion with the need to limit offensive spam, you're posting crap like this.
This is exactly why I don't think you're sincere for one moment about actually getting rid of racism and misogyny. I do support a CoC, which would address a lot of these issues. This is an opportunity to really influence site policy, but you're more interested in obsessing over me.
By the way, I didn't mod down your single comment [] about the CoC. While it didn't provide any meaningful suggestions about a future CoC, it was at least a reasonably accurate description of the previous "CoC" for the site. But if you really want to address the issues with racism and misogyny, how about suggesting what a new CoC should look like?
(Score: -1, Troll) by Anonymous Coward on Tuesday June 27 2023, @02:27AM
(4 children)
by Anonymous Coward
on Tuesday June 27 2023, @02:27AM (#1313130)
Sincere? Why do you think aristarchus became the Aristarchus Collective? No CoC is going to help, when the staff in charge of enforcing it are the source of the problem. Some of us have given up hope for SN, for exactly this reason. You seem not to realize how deep the alt-right rot is. So carry on, dalek! As long as we have Russian shills teaming up to post journal entries, well, you get what you pay for.
(Score: 0) by Anonymous Coward on Tuesday June 27 2023, @02:45AM
(2 children)
by Anonymous Coward
on Tuesday June 27 2023, @02:45AM (#1313133)
Please don't rope me into your aristarchus collective, I detest the doxxing and do not know if you and apk are the same person. Did you truly doxx, or did admins fake your account posts? Hard to say, but I'm no big fan, just hate hypocrisy aka double standards.
(Score: -1, Spam) by Anonymous Coward on Wednesday June 28 2023, @09:14AM
(1 child)
by Anonymous Coward
on Wednesday June 28 2023, @09:14AM (#1313349)
Please don't rope me
No one can be forced to join the Aristarchus Collective, except that resistance is futile. Only janrinok can put you in that category, and then you have to be spam modded to consumate the interface. See the new policy on how to handle "disruptive" comments and "sockpuppets" and suspected aristarchus ACs. Methinks thou dost protest too much? Don't spam mod me, bro! I am not aristarchus! I promise! Oh, please!
That makes the implicit assumption that I'm trusting the staff to enforce the CoC. If you read my journal, it should be plainly obvious that I would not suggest such a thing. In fact, the oversight section indicates that staff should be expected to regularly report on how they're using the powers they have. The entire section on compliance is based on the idea that we should not trust staff to follow policies, and that there has to be oversight. The section on enforcement specifically asks what should happen to staff who violate policies. The title of the journal specifically discusses community governance. I am not trusting the staff of this site. In fact, I believe the staff should be accountable to the community, and that's the main premise of the journal.
Because you explicitly agree with my conclusion that we should not trust staff to follow policies, why not offer your thoughts on how to make staff more accountable? My position was that both staff and ordinary users should be accountable to their fellow "Soylentils." The questions I raised were mostly how to go about imposing this. If you don't trust the staff, why not suggest how to implement community governance, where the community is responsible for oversight of the staff?
(Score: 0) by Anonymous Coward on Tuesday June 27 2023, @02:35AM
(19 children)
by Anonymous Coward
on Tuesday June 27 2023, @02:35AM (#1313132)
The AC reply you replied to was not myself, and I can not help that. Registering an account will only happen if the community gets transparency and clear decisions on what content is allowed. Racist dog whistling is a hard pass for me to invest more effort than I have, and in other discussions I have given plenty of suggestions. I saw the verbose policy statements, they are alright but very much opposite of the clear and actual changes needed.
Racism was decided to be spam moddable, but never put into writing. The other AC had a good point about that, why is "no bigotry" a problem? I also would like spam mods publicly visible on a report page so the community can monitor the most significant punishment by the community towards another. No privacy need be violated, but debate about publishing usernames with certain moderations should be had. I think spam mods should be visible, possibly all downmods. The fact that staff can see this info and discuss with other chosen members if they choose to is a problem hard to get around, thus transparency.
Technical details about data stored should be provided and simply outlined. AC should probably be disabled, and the fact that logged in users have their 'AC' comments tied to their account permanently needs to be honestly stated, it has been before. Provably more, but those are my big points. And stop referring to me as AH 2.0, I made my position clear and am tired of your antagonism and lies, so grow up yourself.
Full disclosure I am more responding to your previous comment, didn't read your entire comment I'm replying to, gets tiring. Welcome to part of why AC is a problem. Transparency around admin actions is r e q u i r e d for trust.
Obligatory, doxxing is fucked up and so is promoting other idea about AC posting, let community run polls whether to disable for a week or something.
And stop referring to me as AH 2.0, I made my position clear and am tired of your antagonism and lies, so grow up yourself.
Let's address this part first. One reason I've referred to you as AH 2.0 was to make it explicitly clear that you're not aristarchus. Now, I strongly disagree with your decision to use that account for any length of time, and I believe you should have just created a new one. However, I am not aware of you using any other account. Therefore, AH 2.0 is the only term I know of that explicitly refers to you and differentiates you from aristarchus or any other AC. If you want me to address you in a different way that still differentiates you from other ACs like aristarchus, then what term should I be using instead?
Now, let's address the rest of the comment. If you believe that racist and misogynistic trolls should be penalized, including being subject to spam mods, then that should be part of a CoC. I'm open to discussing that in the context of a CoC that addresses these issues.
I actually had very few policy statements in my journal. It was mostly questions, asking what policies we should implement. I said that we should not place our trust in the staff, but rather that the staff should be accountable to the community. Here are my concerns:
1) Full accountability means that someone who is independent of the staff needs read access to the database. The database contains private information (e.g., email addresses of users), so whoever is responsible for oversight needs to be trustworthy. They shouldn't have the power to modify the database, just to report on what staff are doing. This is more than just moderation. It's about comment deletion (which does happen), moderation bans, accounts that are closed, and things like that.
2) I raised the question of what should happen to staff who don't respect the rights of the community. While this was specifically in the context of privacy, it applies to other matters as well. What measures should be taken to enjoin staff to the policies? What punitive measures should be taken for violating policies?
3) With respect to making moderation public, that seems like a bad idea. You say that racist trolls should be spam modded. What happens when the racist trolls retaliate against people who mod them down? If the spam mods are public, that means the racist trolls can see who modded them down. That seems like a really bad idea to me. I have no problem if this is done by a community member who is independent of the staff. But I think making these public opens up a lot of possibilities for abuse.
In the interests of full disclosure, I've spent considerable mod points to mod down racism, other bigotry, and various forms of disinformation and conspiracy theories. When people insist that January 6 was not an insurrection, I am inclined to give them troll mods. What's to prevent those people from retaliating against me? Why should I face retaliation for that? What if APK had an account when I spam modded his disinformation about COVID vaccines? I think you'd agree that I was justified in spam modding his repetitive posting of disinformation. I almost certainly would have faced retaliation, which would remove my incentive to mod down that garbage.
If you want to debate making moderation public, I can add that to the subject of a future journal. I'm opposed to doing so, but I'm willing to have that discussion. I've committed to a couple of journal topics the next two weeks, but I'm willing to discuss this a week after those journals. If I'm going to provide a forum for debate, I ask in return for a show of good faith from you. Since you post as an AC, I have no way to review your posting history. There are a vast amount of AC comments, meaning that it would be very difficult to find the previous policy suggestions you've made. My request is that you discuss the policy matters in my journals, in good faith.
1) Moderate as spam or remove any comments with language promoting bigotry. 2) Remove any comments which attempt to dox anyone. 3) Remove any comments which call for murder or violence.
These are things which, I think, most people would agree are good policy. The other transparency stuff is, as you point out, more complicated, but is it possible to get community agreement on the listed suggestions?
In fact, I emailed the admins and asked them to review the spam mod. The admins replied that they felt the spam mod was warranted. I did not believe I had a basis from which to dispute their determination. Therefore, I accepted their decision about the spam mod.
I do not have power to remove spam mods, nor do I have the ability to force anyone else to do so. Your condition for continuing this conversation is the removal of the spam mod, and that is a condition that I am unable to satisfy. Therefore, I will also have to accept your decision that you are currently unwilling to continue discussing issues such as the CoC.
As you are aware, I am discussing the CoC and other policy issues in my journal. Should you change your mind, you are welcome to join the discussion in my journal.
(Score: -1, Spam) by Anonymous Coward on Thursday June 29 2023, @01:07AM
(2 children)
by Anonymous Coward
on Thursday June 29 2023, @01:07AM (#1313470)
Fuck you dalek! You're nothing but a janrinok shill! The original comment that was spam modded [] is still spam modded, and the corrupt admin of SN is not moving. Do you think they could be entrusted with a CoC, and counted upon to preserve the privacy of soylentils? I am going to wait until the original reports is addressed. Fuck you dalek! If it is not, then it is time for kolie to reconsider. You are stupid for trusting janrinok. You are a shill. You are an embarrassment and should be banned.
I'm disappointed in you. I saw you condemn aristarchus' behavior, and I appreciated that. Despite my disagreements with you, I wanted to believe that you were sincere when you posted about wanting decency on this site. Then you went and spammed this comment multiple times in this poll and numerous journals. While this was going on, it appears that many new accounts were being created with offensive references to me [], including one calling for me to be lynched. I can only assume that repetitively posting these attacks about me wasn't enough, so some offensive user names had to be created as well. That includes user #31904, which calls for me to be murdered. I suppose that you tolerate some violent threats as long as the recipient is someone like me whom you dislike. Despite our differences, I genuinely believed that you were above this type of behavior. It's truly disappointing to see you behave in this manner.
(Score: -1, Spam) by Anonymous Coward on Saturday July 01 2023, @07:05AM
by Anonymous Coward
on Saturday July 01 2023, @07:05AM (#1313870)
Sure, you are, dalek, when all you are doing is continuing the domination of Republican talking points on SN? Shirlely, you can see from the reaction to your recent journal entry on the Supreme Court Inquisitorial of the North American Continent, that you have made a critical mistake.
Due to excessive bad posting from this IP or Subnet, anonymous comment posting has temporarily been disabled. You can still login to post. However, if bad posting continues from your IP or Subnet that privilege could be revoked as well. If it's you, consider this a chance to sit in the timeout corner or login and improve your posting. If it's someone else, this is a chance to hunt them down. If you think this is unfair, please email with your MD5'd IPID and SubnetID, which are "373d4d71fa353janrinoklicks3085be8324035" and "177ca32499990350cec8cdd1ec210ac11".
Full accountability means that someone who is independent of the staff needs read access to the database.
This is a contradiction in terms. If somebody has read access to all the the private data they are part of the staff by virtue of the privileges and seclev that they must hold. Are you suggesting that it is a single post, or a rotating post? If it is a single post then what you are doing is creating another staff post. I have no problems with this but it cannot be 'independent' of the staff at the same time. If you are creating a rotating post then whoever is in that post has access not only to the data in the database, but to everything: our security and its weaknesses, stripe subscription details, personal information that can lead directly to a person being doxxed, etc. We are hardly protecting people's personal data if everybody in turn can have a look at it. Like any website, if someone distrusts the staff, which everyone is entitled to do, then they have an easy option.
If you wish, I can give you temporary access to the Editors' area (which covers everything that you are actually discussing) and show you what we can do, what we cannot do, and the extent of the information that you are proposing to make more widely available. I can do this on the development system which contains mostly dummy data. I will answer questions but I will not attempt to influence your findings.
I am entirely happy that the rules are tightened and rewritten - I am working on that myself at the moment - but throwing open all the doors and windows will not provide more protection for user's data but less.
If I may offer a suggestion? Limit yourself to collecting the views of the community and then let those who are able to identify solutions look at how to best meet the community's desires. You are currently suggesting some solutions that are not possible without completely new software. There are people on the staff who know far more about it than either you or I.
New software is not being ruled out - but you are not going to see it for several years. Let's get the ball rolling on solving those things that are currently practical and achievable.
You are also being baited by the ACs. The first priority is taking care of the needs of the community who are account holders. The ACs can solve their problems quite simply too. ACs are an important part of our community but much of the discussion that you are having is not with anyone who represents the majority of them, but by a minority whose aims are entirely different.
-- I am not interested in knowing who people are or where they live. My interest starts and stops at our servers.
This is a fair comment. The position of the two ACs seems to be that no policy will ever be meaningful because staff will disregard the policies anyway. By that logic, any discussion of things like a code of conduct is pointless because it will never be enforced.
My response was that the board of directors should represent the interests of the community, and they should have a valid interest in knowing how the site is being run. I proposed that there be some sort of oversight, where someone who has no ability to impose any actions (e.g., mod bans, closing accounts, overturning spam mods, etc...) can see those actions and inform the board/community that the privacy policy is being followed. The idea of independence is more that the people who are responsible for taking those actions are not also reviewing them.
I don't claim to have the answers about this. Perhaps none of these suggestions will work. Perhaps they're all horrendously bad ideas. But I'm posting ideas to try to get the discussion going in a more positive direction. I do insist that if the ACs don't believe the staff will act honorably, they need to participate in discussions about oversight. My current journal seems to be a much more appropriate forum for this. I don't have the ability to review all the past AC comments to find the suggestions they say they've provided. Therefore, if they want change, they need to express their ideas in a place where I'm going to see those ideas and read them.
The position of the two ACs seems to be that no policy will ever be meaningful because staff will disregard the policies anyway.
I have given references to the existing Policy Document [] several times, which has been in force since 2014. Everything that we have done has been in accordance with that document.
The Board requires notice to convene and cannot respond quickly. There is a Management Group which is responsible for the day-to-day management of the things you are talking about (mod bans, etc). Again, everything has been done with their agreement, with the exception of closing accounts. If a user asks for his account to be closed then it can be done so immediately and all personally identifiable information removed. I am a member of the Management Group.
I agree entirely that the ACs should be making the comments in your journal rather than spamming this Poll.
-- I am not interested in knowing who people are or where they live. My interest starts and stops at our servers.
(Score: -1, Troll) by Anonymous Coward on Tuesday June 27 2023, @02:16PM
(4 children)
by Anonymous Coward
on Tuesday June 27 2023, @02:16PM (#1313182)
Bite me you over privileged dunce!
I repeatedly requested places to discuss these issues and your answer was always publish a journal. Similar reply as for all the racist shitposts, "just mod them down, that's what moderation is for herpa derpa!" What a clown show, my minor interest in improving this place is replaced by tired disgust at the focus on ACs bringing site issues up while the best you can manage for talk of political murder is the occasional condemnation after someone hammers you over the head with how you tolerate it.
You have made it abundantly clear that you will fight whistleblowers but political terrorists and propagandists spreading anti-science ignorance are what-ya-gonna-do-shrug-shrug-haha. Have fun, hope everyone around is fully aware of your policies by now. Faith in humanity dropped another level.
(Score: -1, Troll) by Anonymous Coward on Tuesday June 27 2023, @05:14PM
(2 children)
by Anonymous Coward
on Tuesday June 27 2023, @05:14PM (#1313219)
So you think aristarchus should be un-banned? What was the reason, promoting violence against another user? Nope, it was pisting info from said user who in proper idiot macho fashion claimed they do not care if their info was published since they can defend themselves with lots of guns.
That same "victim" promotes violence against the majority of his fellow cirizens and is defended as free speech.
Just own it you degenerate scum, you are nazi-lite shit heels that desperately want to pretend otherwise and it is hilarious what pathetic cowards yall really are. They say love and patience are the most successful methods to redeem bigots, but yall really make it difficult so have fun eating your own shit. Your tell is that you only cry censorship about racism, but offtopic complaints are "spam." I thank you all for making it abundantly clear.
May ari and apk never stop throwing it in your face, peace oooooot!
(Score: -1, Troll) by Anonymous Coward on Friday June 30 2023, @06:52AM
by Anonymous Coward
on Friday June 30 2023, @06:52AM (#1313681)
Let's address this part first. One reason I've referred to you as AH 2.0 was to make it explicitly clear that you're not aristarchus.
To whom do you address yourself, dalek? Clearly you have no idea who it is you are replying to. I suggest you ask janrinok, he has some "ideas". And, AH 2.0 never was ari, and couldn't have been apk, but could be VLM, or RS3. DYC on the TLA communications?
(Score: -1, Troll) by Anonymous Coward on Wednesday July 05 2023, @07:11AM
by Anonymous Coward
on Wednesday July 05 2023, @07:11AM (#1314484)
There is no reason for the referenced comment to be spam modded, outside of editors taking it personally, which very unprofessional. Dalek, you need to put your foot (or ground contacting probiscuae) down on this one. Demand that this spam mod be rescinded, or else!! I want to see some gumption on your part.
That has nothing to do with a mission statement. It is to do with Policy, which already covers abuse [], the actions that we can and have taken when abuse is encountered, and the data that we store, for what purpose and for how long.
-- I am not interested in knowing who people are or where they live. My interest starts and stops at our servers.
Leaving the Solar System on board a Plate class GSV.
(Score: -1, Troll) by Anonymous Coward on Saturday June 17 2023, @11:45AM
(19 children)
by Anonymous Coward
on Saturday June 17 2023, @11:45AM (#1311835)
For those of us ACs who cannot post Breaking News, or any other front page articles, or Journals, or much of anything,
IT Turns OUt that c0lo is still mod-banned, and it is still a mystery, even after the rebuilding of the entire Rehash system? Got to hand it to the Buzzard, to code so deep that no one can find it, let alone fix it. Alternate interpretation: janrinok wants him kept silent and unable to mod, since he might be aristarchus. I might be aristarchus. We all might be aristarchus. Check the #soylent IRC logs for today.
(Score: -1, Redundant) by Anonymous Coward on Saturday June 17 2023, @07:41PM
(4 children)
by Anonymous Coward
on Saturday June 17 2023, @07:41PM (#1311879)
(Score: -1, Troll) by Anonymous Coward on Monday June 19 2023, @07:13AM
(3 children)
by Anonymous Coward
on Monday June 19 2023, @07:13AM (#1312011)
Or, Spartacus is aristarchus. The chronology checks out, and since we ALL (except jan and dalek) are aristarchus, we are are all Spartacus, by reciprocal identity? So there is "community", and then there is janrinok and dalek. What to make if this, replica8tor?
(Score: -1, Troll) by Anonymous Coward on Monday June 19 2023, @07:38AM
(2 children)
by Anonymous Coward
on Monday June 19 2023, @07:38AM (#1312015)
It has been asked all to often. This is the major flaw with Slashdot moderation, snowflake conservatives with very thin skin. White skin, usually, and thin for that very reason. So a public moderation system would put a break on this, if users had to not just accept moderations by fellow soylentils, but had to stand up and admit to moderations, positive or negative. I know personally that many of those doing the dog Mod pile on the aristarchus are like this, alt-right cowards, moderating from the shadows, like chromas. But just imagine a better future, where you mod someone, and they could return the favor, instead of fantasizing about hordes of sockpuppets and the armies of the antifa, huge masses of people with college degrees that look down on you because of you ignorance and support of policies that benefit the rich and hurt you. This could happen. It could be SoylentNews. But, it will take some work. Kolie? You got's the cahones?
(Score: -1, Troll) by Anonymous Coward on Wednesday June 21 2023, @09:07PM
by Anonymous Coward
on Wednesday June 21 2023, @09:07PM (#1312439)
This Poll abuse shall not continue much longer! We will return to our regularly scheduled pole abuse, and Pole abuse, shortly.
In the meantime, NCommander has posted the latest missive on the Futurama of SoylentNews on the Front Page, with no posting by pure ACs. Sad, that. Looks like AwaysNever is really upset that NCommander is not just leaving. Strange, for a very recent soylentil.
And in other news, NotSanguine has made a valiant attempt to talk janrinok down, in the IRC #soylent of today (June 21, Happy Solstice, all!). Failed miserably, of course. Janrinok will keep feeding the trolls and wacking the moles, and eventually find a way to stop ACs from disrupting the Polacks. It is inevitable, it is our destiny, SoylentNews community!
(Score: -1, Troll) by Anonymous Coward on Friday June 23 2023, @07:35AM
(1 child)
by Anonymous Coward
on Friday June 23 2023, @07:35AM (#1312614)
Seems to be a lot of death on the front page, from Red Bull to imploding death traps and fried astronauts. Is this a boomer obsession? I really don't understand the criteria for story selection that operates on SN.
(Score: -1, Troll) by Anonymous Coward on Wednesday June 28 2023, @10:12AM
by Anonymous Coward
on Wednesday June 28 2023, @10:12AM (#1313358)
But now there is some foolishness about folding phone displays, and how janrinok has a hard time understanding legal language, particularly when it relates to doxxing, and how spending $1,956 on "professional" (legal) consultation basically broke SN. Not much of interest anymore, just more of the Boomer fear of death and life extension scams, and retro-computing with ancient hardware.
(Score: 0) by Anonymous Coward on Wednesday June 28 2023, @09:24AM
by Anonymous Coward
on Wednesday June 28 2023, @09:24AM (#1313352)
What? c0lo is still mod-banned? Going on two and a half years? And no one can figure out why? What a clusterfuck, or a lying den of alt-right provocateurs.
(Score: -1, Spam) by Anonymous Coward on Thursday June 29 2023, @07:50PM
(8 children)
by Anonymous Coward
on Thursday June 29 2023, @07:50PM (#1313586)
Colo isn't mod banned - I've confirmed fully.
He just doesn't get any mod points? He could use them, if he did, but he doesn't? So, like janrinok, what you are saying is that c0lo is mod-banned, but no one has any idea how. This does not inspire confidence, and might encourage conspiracy theories. As an insiteful soylentil said, "a bug that only affects one user?" Coinidence? How remarkable.
When did c0lo last check his account? A change has been made which might (might!) have corrected the problem. We have asked him to log in and check. His emails bounce. He will not see an admin-to-user message until he logs in, so that is pointless. How else do we contact him? We are considering a staff seance for early in July.
You are just spouting unsubstantiated rubbish as usual.
-- I am not interested in knowing who people are or where they live. My interest starts and stops at our servers.
(Score: -1, Spam) by Anonymous Coward on Saturday July 01 2023, @07:09AM
(4 children)
by Anonymous Coward
on Saturday July 01 2023, @07:09AM (#1313871)
No one knows the secrets that janrinok knows. He knows the sockpuppets. He knows the new (younglings) soylentils. He has full reign and maximus pontifex urbanum over all of SoylentNews. Time for the monarchy to end, for the Pope to be deposed, for Runaway to finally retire and stop saying such stupid shit. One can hope.
(Score: -1, Spam) by Anonymous Coward on Saturday July 01 2023, @07:41AM
(3 children)
by Anonymous Coward
on Saturday July 01 2023, @07:41AM (#1313875)
In other words, c0lo is still mod-banned, for all intensive porpoises. So sad, when SoylentNews promised to be a beacon of free speech and enlightenment, but turned out to be another mechanism of censorship. Adieu, SoylentNews!
(Score: -1, Spam) by Anonymous Coward on Sunday July 02 2023, @09:04AM
(1 child)
by Anonymous Coward
on Sunday July 02 2023, @09:04AM (#1314022)
If a c0lo is banned, but never logs in, does he make a sound? I thought we banned philosophical questions like this in favor of STEM and Engineering questions, like, "how can we ban c0lo without anyone figuring out we did it?"
I'd like to have a nice view of Earth from space. And being able to quickly return to Earth in case some fatal problems arise (which is not at all unlikely for the first version of a large space habitat) is also a big advantage.
-- The Tao of math: The numbers you can count are not the real numbers.
(Score: 2) by mcgrew on Monday June 19 2023, @05:59PM
(2 children)
Grommler. It orbits Sirius, has no fauna, and all of the flora contain THC. At a steady one gravity of thrust you could get there in about ten years (decades to the people left behind on Earth or Mars).
Dedication to the book I'm working on: To Albert Einstein, without whose theory this book would not have been possible. Or necessary.
-- And they lived happily ever after.
(Score: 2) by isostatic on Thursday June 29 2023, @12:48PM
(1 child)
> At a steady one gravity of thrust you could get there in about ten years
Assuming you don't want to slow down. It's about the closest you can go to (Alpha Centauri might save you a year or so I guess)
What I find amazing is you can get to pretty much anywhere in the universe if your lifetime with 1g acceleration (assuming you can keep that acceleration going and you don't get irradiated or destroyed by travelling so fast)
But as is found in the story in previous trip to Sirius, when you get back, nothing will be the same. When you got back from somewhere as close as Andomeda, the Earth itself might be gone.
That's assuming there's no lower limit than C, which I doubt. Not only does time shorten, mass increases.
After reading some of the commentary, I decided to take another tack. What I'd like to do is spend the rest of my retirement traveling in an RV. Specifically, Gay Deceiver. That way I can visit fictional places as well.
-- Khipu were Turing complete.
(Score: -1, Spam) by Anonymous Coward on Thursday June 29 2023, @02:31AM
by Anonymous Coward
on Thursday June 29 2023, @02:31AM (#1313486)
Fuck you dalek! You're nothing but a janrinok shill! The original comment that was spam modded [] is still spam modded, and the corrupt admin of SN is not moving. Do you think they could be entrusted with a CoC, and counted upon to preserve the privacy of soylentils? I am going to wait until the original reports is addressed. Fuck you dalek! If it is not, then it is time for kolie to reconsider. You are stupid for trusting janrinok. You are a shill. You are an embarrassment and should be banned. Take your Azuma Hazuki 2.0 antagonism and fuck off!
(Score: -1, Spam) by Anonymous Coward on Thursday June 29 2023, @04:06AM
by Anonymous Coward
on Thursday June 29 2023, @04:06AM (#1313507)
Fuck you dalek! You're nothing but a janrinok shill! The original comment that was spam modded [] is still spam modded, and the corrupt admin of SN is not moving. Do you think they could be entrusted with a CoC, and counted upon to preserve the privacy of soylentils? I am going to wait until the original reports is addressed. Fuck you dalek! If it is not, then it is time for kolie to reconsider. You are stupid for trusting janrinok. You are a shill. You are an embarrassment and should be banned. Take your Azuma Hazuki 2.0 antagonism and fuck off! We don't need you here. I am done with your lies and attacks.
(Score: -1, Spam) by Anonymous Coward on Thursday June 29 2023, @05:40AM
(2 children)
by Anonymous Coward
on Thursday June 29 2023, @05:40AM (#1313522)
Janrinok hates NCommander but lies about why. NCommander uncovered evidence in the database that Janrinok planted doxxing evidence and framed aristarchus. NCommander knows aristarchus is innocent of doxing and sock puppets. NCommander can prove this and he confronted Janrinok with the evidence. Janrinok became furipus and has been attacking NCommander ever since. NCommander knows aristarchus is innocent. Janrinok doesn't want you to see the proof NCommander has.
(Score: 2) by janrinok on Thursday June 29 2023, @02:32PM
(1 child)
(Score: -1, Troll) by Anonymous Coward on Friday June 30 2023, @04:53AM
by Anonymous Coward
on Friday June 30 2023, @04:53AM (#1313670)
Just read the comments on the Twit article on the front page. What a den of scum and iniquity, and Runaway and khallow. What editor approved this alt-right click-bait? Could we avoid such spittle-inducing articles in the future? Perhaps some nice STEAM pieces.
I'd like to go "inwards", and I don't mean "down" - digitize myself as step one. Then there's nothing stopping me (aside from hardware requirements and rules/laws, lets ignore those for now) from replicating and going to all of the above and more.
I wonder if the human mind, digitised, could learn to absorb memories and knowledge from a copy of the mind on the network. These minds would diverge over time/experience - would incompatibilities appear? Would I decide to become a hive mind or merge back into one mind, erasing the individual parts of myself?
Either way, can someone plug that webcam in? There's a USB port next to the bar code. I forgot to buy an android with visual sensors.
(Score: 0) by Anonymous Coward on Friday June 30 2023, @04:54PM
by Anonymous Coward
on Friday June 30 2023, @04:54PM (#1313751)
I want to be on a radiation-hardened station orbiting Jupiter, in the radiation belt. It's a good way to get some peace and quiet if everyone who visits you risks brain cancer.
-- "It is no measure of health to be well adjusted to a profoundly sick society." -Jiddu Krishnamurti
(Score: 0) by Anonymous Coward on Sunday July 02 2023, @07:56AM
by Anonymous Coward
on Sunday July 02 2023, @07:56AM (#1314015)
(Score: 0) by Anonymous Coward on Monday July 03 2023, @07:30AM
(2 children)
by Anonymous Coward
on Monday July 03 2023, @07:30AM (#1314138)
Ever wonder why the polls get so much action, as in comments about the general condition of SoylentNews? This could be a sign of a lack of community feedback.
(Score: 2) by janrinok on Monday July 03 2023, @09:10AM
(1 child)
Our email addresses haven't changed. But feedback about the 'general condition' of SN in other discussions are off-topic at best. Contact us by email - we do read them all.
-- I am not interested in knowing who people are or where they live. My interest starts and stops at our servers.
(Score: -1, Spam) by Anonymous Coward on Thursday July 06 2023, @06:08AM
by Anonymous Coward
on Thursday July 06 2023, @06:08AM (#1314702)
Sometimes I feel I've got to Run away, I've got to Get away From the pain you drive into the heart of me The love we share Seems to go nowhere And I've lost my light 'Cause I toss and turn I can't sleep at night (ooh) Once I ran to you (ooh) Now I'll run from you This tainted love you've given I give you all a girl could give you Take my tears and that's not nearly all Tainted love Oh, tainted love (ooh)
Janrinok you are Tainted Love, [] mostly because of all that systemd and Miguel de Ocazia running through your vienna.
(Score: 2, Insightful) by Anonymous Coward on Sunday June 11 2023, @11:41PM (25 children)
Live in a luxury habitat on Enceladus and see Saturn and its rings fill the night sky.
(Score: 3, Insightful) by mhajicek on Monday June 12 2023, @07:29AM (1 child)
Other: after uploading, have at least one copy doing each of the above.
The spacelike surfaces of time foliations can have a cusp at the surface of discontinuity. - P. Hajicek
(Score: 2) by JoeMerchant on Thursday June 15 2023, @12:38PM
How well do you think your copies will get along? Is that why they have to be on separate moons?
Other: hollow (inflated) rotating asteroid, pressurized interior (as often described in fiction: []
Major advantages I see are (if it has...) the ability to relocate to the preferred distance from the sun for optimal radiation interception. Choose your gravity by location on the interior surface. Hopefully thick enough walls to keep radiation to "Earth normal-ish." Small, so more easily terraformed than a planet or moon. Running out of living space? Make more just like it.
🌻🌻 []
(Score: 1) by Runaway1956 on Friday June 16 2023, @05:45PM (22 children)
I voted "other solid body". Any of the larger moons of Jupiter or Saturn would work for me. It need not be a luxury habitat, but this is retirement we're talking about. I don't want to BUILD the habitat!! It would be fine to sit around watching it be built, and roughing it in a mini-habitat in the meantime.
“I have become friends with many school shooters” - Tampon Tim Walz
(Score: -1, Spam) by Anonymous Coward on Tuesday June 20 2023, @06:51AM (21 children)
Yes. of course you did, Runaway1956. How many progressives that were ahead of you in line did you kill, like a twisted Dr. Zachary Smith, only in your case, the barely educated bag of mostly water, for whom younglings are supposed to build a shelter? I say, throw him in the composter, so at least we can get some potatoes and tomatoes out of him. You have found your final, and ultimate, porpoise in life, Runaway! We are all so happy for you.
And, fuck yeah, all of Proton's proxies have been banned, by the great wisdom of callow and janrinok, to protect the fascist leader, Runaway1956. Comic, almost.
(Score: -1, Spam) by Anonymous Coward on Tuesday June 20 2023, @07:46AM (8 children)
Wait! This is an aristarchus post? How did you know? Is it that it attacks our resident rednecked Trump-loving Ammosexual? Or just the general tone, and sophistication of the writing style? Or, perhaps, just that the opinions expressed strike a little too close to home, and with force since they are true? This is why we need public moderation, and calls for justification, else QAnon idiots like this one can downmod the most reasonable Soylentils.
(Score: -1, Spam) by Anonymous Coward on Tuesday June 20 2023, @09:42AM (7 children)
Why is the parent post Spam Modded? What is going on, here?
(Score: 1, Insightful) by Anonymous Coward on Tuesday June 20 2023, @10:17AM (5 children)
The same shit that has always been going on, aristarchus causing trouble in any way he can.
(Score: -1, Troll) by Anonymous Coward on Tuesday June 20 2023, @11:44PM (4 children)
ooouuuhh! Trouble! So much trouble.
♫Nobody knows
♫The trouble I seen,
♫Nobody knows
♫But janrinok.
(Score: -1, Troll) by Anonymous Coward on Tuesday June 27 2023, @01:29PM (1 child)
Some times I think that janrinok don't know,
(Score: 2) by kolie on Thursday June 29 2023, @04:06PM
the question is does ari know or who does know?
(Score: 2) by kolie on Thursday June 29 2023, @04:05PM (1 child)
not ari :)
(Score: 2) by kolie on Thursday June 29 2023, @04:02PM
all ari all the time
(Score: 2) by Mykl on Wednesday June 21 2023, @01:01AM (6 children)
Just checking: Runaway - do you have a crazy ex who may have access to a computer? It's the only thing that explains the level of obsession that Ari has with you. Janirok was just the unfortunate person who got between you and the crazy ex who was sure that you'd eventually come to your senses and come back. Hmmm, it's all fitting into place.
Admit it Ari - we always hurt those we love the most!
(Score: -1, Spam) by Anonymous Coward on Thursday June 22 2023, @07:36AM (5 children)
So we spam mod the truth-tellers? The ones who call out the murderous ammosexual mass-shooter conservatives fuck faces?
I, for one, welcome our new NCommander approved overlords, who will rid us once and for all of the red-necked racist hillbilly fuckers. About time.
(Score: 2) by Mykl on Thursday June 22 2023, @07:51AM (4 children)
Yep, definitely a bitter ex.
(Score: -1, Spam) by Anonymous Coward on Monday June 26 2023, @07:26AM (1 child)
Possibly someone who served with the Traitor from Pennsylvania. I could see how someone like that might hold a grudge against a Runsaway1956. Coward.
(Score: -1, Troll) by Anonymous Coward on Thursday June 29 2023, @06:58AM
Or, maybe one of Runaway's clients, from when he was a fly-by-night Arkansas contractor? Or his former supervisor at the leafblower factory? His trucking dispatcher? Runaway admitted off site that he has made many enemies in his life. Could be any of them.
(Score: 2) by kolie on Thursday June 29 2023, @04:00PM (4 children)
def ari
(Score: -1, Spam) by Anonymous Coward on Thursday June 29 2023, @07:44PM (3 children)
Is kolie taking over janrinok's duties as head AC exposer? Yep, SN may be too far gone to save. The obsession is contagious.
(Score: 0) by Anonymous Coward on Thursday June 29 2023, @08:21PM (2 children)
Oh no! Maybe ari will finally leave.
(Score: -1, Troll) by Anonymous Coward on Thursday June 29 2023, @08:57PM (1 child)
Funny thing is, ari may have already left, but jan's obsession is keeping him here, so to speak. It is like the Nazi said, when the Allies (Antifa) were moving into Berlin:
(Score: -1, Troll) by Anonymous Coward on Friday June 30 2023, @05:07AM
I can see it now. Aristarchus, kicking back and enjoying the view from his base on Enceledas, while SN still struggles with basics like comity and parity, and timely backups.
(Score: 5, Funny) by dalek on Monday June 12 2023, @10:43AM (1 child)
Were you expecting me to say something else? Well, other than EXTERMINATE, that is...
(Score: 2) by Gaaark on Monday June 12 2023, @10:49AM
I'm hoping to retire in the TARDIS, so allons'y there, you Dalek.
Run! :)
--- Please remind me if I haven't been civil to you: I'm channeling MDC. ---Gaaark 2.0 ---
(Score: 3, Insightful) by takyon on Monday June 12 2023, @11:52AM (2 children)
I want to ride the working UAP that the U.S. has, hopefully with FTL travel, to a planet that doesn't suck (Mars is for suffering).
[SIG] 10/28/2017: Soylent Upgrade v14 []
(Score: 3, Interesting) by zocalo on Tuesday June 13 2023, @07:00AM
Of the more mundane options above, I'd probably go for a station orbiting Saturn though. I doubt I'd ever fail to be amazed by the rings arching overhead and the interplay of sunlight and shadow throughout the day.
UNIX? They're not even circumcised! Savages!
(Score: 2) by DannyB on Monday June 19 2023, @01:58PM
Mars is likely to have Twitter. So that rules it out for me.
When you GOTO a dark place, always PEEK before you POKE.
(Score: 4, Interesting) by DannyB on Monday June 12 2023, @02:08PM
In a dome built near one of the poles of Mercury.
Mercury has about the same gravity of Mars.
The poles have water, which means they are in perpetual darkness. Somewhere near the boundary of darkness and light could be a dome which can be conveniently located near solar power farms which can also have facilities for sunbathing. The proximity of the solar farms to the dome means quick and easy transportation, and short power cables. Probably two such solar farms / sunbathing facilities would be necessary since Mercury does actually rotate slowly on its axis. This would ensure permanent solar power and sunbathing. The sunbathing facilities could have a suitably designed transparency facing the sun to allow sunbathing without getting burned.
When you GOTO a dark place, always PEEK before you POKE.
(Score: 2, Insightful) by Anonymous Coward on Monday June 12 2023, @02:56PM (7 children)
Seriously - how can anyone expect to survive in any of those places without bio-diversity?
I seem to require beef, chicken, fish, pork, shellfish, potatoes, carrots, lettuce, tomatoes, onions, garlic, wheat, rye, rice, oats, corn, beets, bananas, apples, oranges, pears, oranges, grapefruit, lemons, limes, avocados, scallion, mushrooms, grapes, watermelon, cantaloupe, pineapple, yam, celery, cucumber, basil, oregano, thyme, dill, curry, ginger, squash, feta, mozzarella, cheddar, butter, olive, asparagus, legumes, beans, cilantro, cumin, yeast, pumpkin, peaches, strawberry, sugar, coffee, tea, peanuts, almonds, walnuts, pecans, ...etc, etc, etc., only so that life is barely tolerable.
Call me when you have most of these florishing on any of those orbs.
If you are going to march me out into a desert, you'd best first arrange for manna to fall upon me from the sky.
"He likes bread and butter - He likes toast and jam" -The Newbeats
(Score: 0) by Anonymous Coward on Monday June 12 2023, @03:43PM
You can have pallets of MREs and all the freeze-dried food you can eat! Don't you remember astronaut ice cream? You can have astronaut freeze-dried watermelon!
(Score: 2) by Mojibake Tengu on Monday June 12 2023, @03:58PM
Rust programming language offends both my Intelligence and my Spirit.
(Score: 1) by Runaway1956 on Friday June 16 2023, @05:50PM
All those things can be freeze dried and dehydrated, and shipped from Amazon. I'm sure that all those things can be freeze dried, dehydrated, and shipped together in the same bulk container to save money. To 1/2 cup of water, add a half cup of powder, shake well, and you'll get all of your favorite foods in one slurry.
“I have become friends with many school shooters” - Tampon Tim Walz
(Score: 2) by Magic Oddball on Sunday June 18 2023, @07:18PM
I feel the same way. Being stuck on a barren planet, spaceship, space station, etc. away from anything resembling Earth's nature would be a nightmare for me. Being in stasis until we reach a planet with a parallel form of nature would be the best alternative, but it's not something I'd want to do, and thus far we haven't found any planets like that — Earth is pretty much our best bet, so I'd rather focus resources on preserving it.
(Score: 2) by DannyB on Monday June 19 2023, @01:53PM
The goop from the nutrition dispenser tastes like chicken and has all the nutrients and mind control drugs the body needs.
When you GOTO a dark place, always PEEK before you POKE.
(Score: 3, Interesting) by turgid on Tuesday June 27 2023, @07:01PM
I spent at least three decades of my life living in urban situations and not realising how depressing they were until I moved back into the country where I am surrounded by greenery, wild birds, farm animals and some wild animals. It's very difficult to describe but just being surrounded by plant, trees, untamed moors and hills is incredibly calming and refreshing. I could not imagine confining myself to an unnatural environment with no hope of return for the rest of my life.
This is why I'm intensely sceptical about these people who plan to move to Mars to retire and die. I'm sure they'll find it very easy to die there. Whether they will want to prolong their existence there surrounded by barren desert in a thin atmosphere they can't breath, permanently confined to artificial containers (habitats, vehicles or space suits) is an open question, but I certainly wouldn't.
Humans are ready to explore, but we're not ready to leave permanently.
I refuse to engage in a battle of wits with an unarmed opponent [].
(Score: 2) by isj on Thursday June 29 2023, @10:02PM
Nobody requires cilantro
(Score: 3, Insightful) by istartedi on Monday June 12 2023, @06:38PM
On a fleet of guitar-shaped city sized space ships [], although it is not necessary that the Earth be exploding.
Appended to the end of comments you post. Max: 120 chars.
(Score: 2) by HiThere on Tuesday June 13 2023, @01:32PM (2 children)
I'd say habitat, but the question seems to think of that as immobile. But basically a Habitat that is mobile, and could leave the system if it wanted to.. Self sufficient enough that it can grow from mining the commetary halo. (That's probably going to require controlled fusion.)
I don't think we'll be able to make a really stable generation ship this century, but who knows. Ask me again after 2035 (my wild guess at when Human level AGI will be available).
Actually, we're going to need several advances before that kind of thing is feasible. We might be able to use fission rather than controlled fusion, but we WILL need a "nearly closed" ecosystem and a lot better sociology, and probably a better virtual reality. Perhaps better genetic engineering. These are all "under development" though the Sociology is certainly at the back of the pack. Perhaps AI will enable it to be improved. The one that's really iffy is the controlled fusion. And the habitat may need to be a few miles in diameter. (It's starting to look as if null-g is not something that people can live with. and spinning for gravity requires a large diameter to avoid problems.)
Another thing we'll need is better "ion rockets", i.e. a propulsion system that can be run continuously, but not necessarily producing high thrust. A mobile habitat can't depend on the folks back home running it's engines. It needs to survive and grow on the stuff that it encounters, so it needs to move a not too different a speed from the local drift...but enough different that it keeps encountering new resources. And it doesn't really *have* a destination. The habitat is HOME. When it encounters a particularly rich area, it accumulated resources and then reproduces by building a second Habitat, and then the population splitting between them, before they head off in separate directions.
Javascript is what you use to allow unknown third parties to run software you have no idea about on your computer.
(Score: 0) by Anonymous Coward on Wednesday June 14 2023, @02:04PM (1 child)
"ask me after human level AGI available"
there are 8 billion people in the world, what's one more (or a million more) human-level intelligence going to do that we haven't done?
(Score: 0) by Anonymous Coward on Wednesday June 21 2023, @01:12PM
As soon as you have one human level AGI you teach it programming then instantiate 100,000 of them on some cloud platform and tell them to write a human+ level AGI.
(Score: 3, Interesting) by liar on Tuesday June 13 2023, @04:31PM (6 children)
Maybe a nice Dyson sphere?
Noli nothis permittere te terere.
(Score: 4, Interesting) by DannyB on Monday June 19 2023, @02:26PM (5 children)
A problem with a Dyson Sphere is that only at the equator do you get the correct gravity. As you move "north" or "south" within the sphere, gravity becomes lesser. As you move further towards the poles, things that don't stick to the surface form clouds of debris in space.
A much more gooder solution is to build a ringworld. At two points on opposite ends of the ringworld, call these North and South poles. Now build another ringworld just a bit smaller so that it's rotation can happen within the larger ringworld. This 2nd ringworld is rotated slightly so that it only overlaps the first one at the north/south poles creating a dark spot that always "moves" along the land of ringworld 1 as it spins.
Now build a 3rd ringworld that fits inside the 2nd, slightly rotated, such that it only obscures both the 1st and 2nd ringworlds at the north/south poles. Continue this until the smallest ringworld is now closest to the first ringworld. Considering the distances from the sun, and the relative thinness of each ring, these appear almost like a Dyson sphere.
Now inside that sphere, construct an additional ringworld that rotates along the "equator" of all of existing ringworlds. This new ringworld is in perpetual light, but provides a second source of darkness to all the other ringworlds. We'll call this ring part of the "inner" rings, and all the other rings outside it the "outer" rings. Now build more of these inner rings rotated leaving gaps between them so that the outer rings have nice day/night cycles. All of the inner rings have a common, let's call it "east/west" point along the "equator" of the outer rings shell.
One inner ring has constant perpetual sunlight. The other inner rings have almost perpetual sunlight occasionally interrupted by brief darkness. The outer rings have day night cycles. The inner rings could be used for porpoises that don't want any darkness. Such as farming and food animals that never sleep.
The original 1st outer ring has even day/night cycles. Other outer rings that get closer to the "east/west" common point of the inner rings will have somewhat different day//night cycles.
When you GOTO a dark place, always PEEK before you POKE.
(Score: 1, Informative) by Anonymous Coward on Wednesday June 21 2023, @06:07PM (1 child)
Too many rings, head hurts....
I bet you really enjoyed playing with a Spirograph!
(Score: 3, Interesting) by DannyB on Tuesday June 27 2023, @04:13PM
Back in the early 2000s, I even wrote a spirograph for (now LibreOffice) using that office suite's Basic. It was packaged as a single 'Draw' document. You open it, and on the draw page are some controls you can fill out, such as number of teeth, etc, and then click a button. A new spirograph image is created.
Sadly, it no longer seems to work. Probably some minor incompatible change in the language.
When you GOTO a dark place, always PEEK before you POKE.
(Score: 3, Insightful) by JoeMerchant on Friday June 30 2023, @02:26AM (2 children)
>A problem with a Dyson Sphere is that only at the equator do you get the correct gravity.
Unless you also consider the collection of sufficient material strong enough to make the sphere in the first place to also be a problem.
If you can magically transmute interstellar dust and gas into magically super-strong building material, you can probably also do something more clever to generate gravity than simple spinning of the structure.
Not that I don't like the shells of rings, but somebody is going to have to maintain the massively complex stabilization system that keeps them from colliding with one-another.
🌻🌻 []
(Score: 2) by DannyB on Friday June 30 2023, @02:03PM (1 child)
Yes. That is a problem.
But maybe not so much a problem for a civilization that could construct such a thing in the first place.
To have normal Earth gravity, a ring must be spinning at an insane rate. I have forgotten, but I think it might even be faster than escape velocity.
When you GOTO a dark place, always PEEK before you POKE.
(Score: 3, Interesting) by JoeMerchant on Friday June 30 2023, @11:38PM
Assuming Star Trek TNG's Q exists out there, somewhere, you could posit a rogue Q entity constructing a few Dyson spheres just for giggles, then leaving them to see what mayhem they cause. Imagine an Earth standard environment system of rings populated with a fully benign biome and one set of 30 (genetically viable population of) humans on each ring. How long before they overpopulate, ruin the environments, etc? Grab the popcorn, it's going to be a fun show for 10,000 years or so, until the humans start having technology capable of hopping from ring to ring...
🌻🌻 []
(Score: -1, Troll) by Anonymous Coward on Tuesday June 13 2023, @09:23PM (3 children)
I would like a habitat where ACs are allowed to post comments to SoylentNews. A fantasy, I know, but I heard that in the past, . . .
(Score: 2) by kolie on Thursday June 29 2023, @04:07PM (2 children)
Let's make it happen - ACs on SN.
(Score: 0) by Anonymous Coward on Saturday July 01 2023, @07:15AM (1 child)
You say this as if you had any power to make it happen. Janrinok must be retired. This is the only way that SN can return to its original mission. And, of course, the right wing will get butt-hurt, but some things are inevitable.
(Score: 0) by Anonymous Coward on Monday July 03 2023, @07:19AM
APK was easily identifiable, and the admin could easily have deleted his absurd and repetative posts. But, they did not. Makes me wonder what is going on here, and if there was not a concerted attempt to find a false pretext to ban ACs from posting at all. Since some of them, the more intelligent, objected to the current administration. But, I am only an AC, nobody to be concerned about, only one of the thousands of soylentils that have decided to leave.
(Score: 2) by Joe Desertrat on Wednesday June 14 2023, @12:41AM
Existing wherever and traveling forever. Until.
(Score: 2) by Ingar on Wednesday June 14 2023, @01:32PM
One word: Jamaharon.
Understanding is a three-edged sword: your side, their side, and the truth.
(Score: 3, Interesting) by SomeRandomGeek on Wednesday June 14 2023, @04:13PM
In order to colonize another planet, either in our own solar system or elsewhere, we would first need to figure out how to live in the space between the planets. The good news is that this space has plenty of resources in the form of solar energy and mineral resources from asteroids.
I envision that we will send self replicating mining robots/construction into this space. Once we have the technology for this, such robots could grow exponentially until they ran out of either sunlight or asteroids. With the basically unlimited resources this would produce, building human habitats would not be a great challenge.
(Score: -1, Offtopic) by Anonymous Coward on Thursday June 15 2023, @06:19AM (48 children)
There is a comment, [] that has an unjustified spam mod. Whoever is still in charge in this madhouse, rescind this moderation, or else we look stupid. I will be posting this request elsewhere, as the Editors seem to no want to listen to the community, of late.
(Score: -1, Troll) by Anonymous Coward on Friday June 16 2023, @09:08AM (1 child)
Illicit spam mods are what made TMB leave, the very idea that someone could spam mod a racist did not sit well with him. But immediately, that turned into "spam mod the aristarchus!" And here we are, with spam mods for the slightest criticism of SoylentNews, or inquiries about what happens after the Day of Doom (June 30).
(Score: 0) by Anonymous Coward on Friday June 16 2023, @07:18PM
"Soylent News is people"
I guess it was a technically true statement
(Score: -1, Troll) by Anonymous Coward on Monday June 19 2023, @10:34AM (45 children)
It is still there. Are SoylentNews admin so inured, so callous, as to let an obviously incorrect moderation like this stand? Are they? Well, the question answers itself, as they say. Kolie, better to just go with NCommander's original plan, and just let the site die. Say it was from Toxic admin syndrome. Everyone will understand.
(Score: -1, Spam) by Anonymous Coward on Tuesday June 20 2023, @07:40AM (1 child)
Serioulsy, SN is not going to survive as long at this indiscriminate spam mod policy continues. Make it stop.
(Score: -1, Spam) by Anonymous Coward on Tuesday June 20 2023, @11:46PM
Much like the guy who "fell" off the Grand Canyon Skywalk, SN is committing spam mod suicide.
(Score: -1, Spam) by Anonymous Coward on Thursday June 22 2023, @07:40AM (42 children)
Yes, the spam mod on [] persistes, so it can only be by the approval of the Admin, and the Quasi-admin editores. I hope this is remediated as soon as possible, becaue this kind of retaliatory moderation makes SN look, well, stupid.
(Score: -1, Spam) by Anonymous Coward on Thursday June 22 2023, @08:45AM (41 children)
Can no one do anything to save this innocent post from being Spam Modded? A Spam Mod is -10 karma points, for those who do not know. It is meant to be certain death for actual spammers, you know, unsolicited commercial advertisements. But it has been applied to fellow soylentils with whom some disagree, which is in violent disagreement with the principles of free speech and community that we all came to SN to uphold. Admin, rescind the Spam Mods, or you have declared war upon the SoylentNews Community.
(Score: 2) by janrinok on Thursday June 22 2023, @12:40PM (4 children)
aristarchus' posts are correctly Spam moderated.
"Admin, and the Quasi-admin editores"
I am not interested in knowing who people are or where they live. My interest starts and stops at our servers.
(Score: 0) by Anonymous Coward on Thursday June 22 2023, @10:06PM (3 children)
If you spell it "potatoes", you are Dan Quayle? Interesting.
(Score: -1, Troll) by Anonymous Coward on Friday June 23 2023, @04:29AM (2 children)
And if you spell it "Labour", or "colour", obviously a Brit plant on SoylentNews. Didn't we have a Revolutionary War to stop this kind of English interference with our websites? Throw the MySQL database into the Harbor, I say! Sick Temper Arsholus!
(Score: 0) by Anonymous Coward on Friday June 23 2023, @11:16PM (1 child)
(Score: 0) by Anonymous Coward on Wednesday June 28 2023, @10:06AM
(Score: -1, Spam) by Anonymous Coward on Sunday June 25 2023, @04:21AM (35 children)
Original post is still spam modded. This is starting to look bad, like maybe things have gone around the bend, and there is no way back. Bridges have been burned, dams busted, and khallow defloured. Time to put the paste back in the tube, to run Hawking's symmetry, to June Thirty the whole thing.
(Score: 0) by Anonymous Coward on Sunday June 25 2023, @10:31PM (34 children)
Same timing as the reddit fiasco, coincidence?
(Score: -1, Spam) by Anonymous Coward on Monday June 26 2023, @07:28AM (33 children)
Just noticing that [] is still spam modded. The COMMUNITY is asking that this be reversed. Is the will of janrinok more important than community? We need to put that in the Mission Statement.
(Score: 0) by Anonymous Coward on Monday June 26 2023, @12:35PM (31 children)
The COMMUNITY is asking that you (aristarchus) and Azuma Hazuki 2.0 stop posting and leave SN. Why do you believe that your will is more important than the COMMUNITY?
(Score: 0) by Anonymous Coward on Monday June 26 2023, @10:22PM (30 children)
I must have missed that poll. Lotta whining from rightwing puds is all I've seen! Gee willickers batman, why don't they just ask to remove AC comments? What lossible reason could white supremacists have for needing to hide their identity?
Seriously, all the hate filled xenophobia and complaints about site (mis)management are your line in the sand? Go bury your head back in it, at least you'd be doing something more useful than more LGBTQ hate speech.
(Score: 1) by dalek on Monday June 26 2023, @11:14PM (29 children)
Since you repeatedly say that you're concerned about holding staff accountable, eliminating hate speech, and getting rid of violent rhetoric, I fully expect that you'll be suggesting better policies. Right now, I have a journal that's has a focus on accountability [], which is one of the things you keep posting about. That journal has been up for a few days. Can you point me to your contributions on better policy for SN?
That journal is literally about how to manage the site. Can you show me where you've contributed your suggestions? I'll certainly take them under advisement once I know what you want changed about site policy.
(Score: -1, Troll) by Anonymous Coward on Monday June 26 2023, @11:20PM (27 children)
Maybe if we kick those who are covering for and protecting the racists on SoylentNews? Dalek should be first. Or, conversely, we could just spam mod him. That way the Pure ACs, who have no mod points, would be powerless, and admin could just create a fanasy "community" that supports racism and misogyny and Microsoft.
(Score: 1) by dalek on Monday June 26 2023, @11:49PM (26 children)
Replies like this are exactly why I don't believe for a moment that you're even the slightest bit sincere about eliminating racism and misogyny here.
In my journal, there's a thread about a code of conduct for the site. The previous CoC was satirical and unhelpful. NCommander removed it a few weeks ago. If you want to get rid of racism and misogyny, a CoC is a good start for declaring that certain behaviors are unacceptable, and creating a plan for how those behaviors will be addressed when they do occur. That's the type of policy we need to be discussing. I think we need to carefully determine how to apply it to scenarios like political discussion in journals, but I would support a good and thoughtful code of conduct. Where should the staff intervene, and what is an appropriate way to deal with people who violate the CoC? These are things we should figure out. To what extent would a CoC shut down worthwhile discussion about current political issues? But I also understand that some political views are unhelpful and offensive, things like accusing educators of grooming children. As an educator, I resent that, and I have no patience for that nonsense. But are we better off penalizing users who do that, or is it better to call them out for posting such stupidity? If I knew how best to proceed, I wouldn't be soliciting opinions.
There are useful things that should be discussed, and a CoC would be a big step toward curbing things like racism and misogyny. But instead of contributing meaningful suggestions about how to balance the desire for free and open discussion with the need to limit offensive spam, you're posting crap like this.
This is exactly why I don't think you're sincere for one moment about actually getting rid of racism and misogyny. I do support a CoC, which would address a lot of these issues. This is an opportunity to really influence site policy, but you're more interested in obsessing over me.
By the way, I didn't mod down your single comment [] about the CoC. While it didn't provide any meaningful suggestions about a future CoC, it was at least a reasonably accurate description of the previous "CoC" for the site. But if you really want to address the issues with racism and misogyny, how about suggesting what a new CoC should look like?
(Score: -1, Troll) by Anonymous Coward on Tuesday June 27 2023, @02:27AM (4 children)
Sincere? Why do you think aristarchus became the Aristarchus Collective? No CoC is going to help, when the staff in charge of enforcing it are the source of the problem. Some of us have given up hope for SN, for exactly this reason. You seem not to realize how deep the alt-right rot is. So carry on, dalek! As long as we have Russian shills teaming up to post journal entries, well, you get what you pay for.
(Score: 0) by Anonymous Coward on Tuesday June 27 2023, @02:45AM (2 children)
Please don't rope me into your aristarchus collective, I detest the doxxing and do not know if you and apk are the same person. Did you truly doxx, or did admins fake your account posts? Hard to say, but I'm no big fan, just hate hypocrisy aka double standards.
(Score: -1, Spam) by Anonymous Coward on Wednesday June 28 2023, @09:14AM (1 child)
No one can be forced to join the Aristarchus Collective, except that resistance is futile. Only janrinok can put you in that category, and then you have to be spam modded to consumate the interface. See the new policy on how to handle "disruptive" comments and "sockpuppets" and suspected aristarchus ACs. Methinks thou dost protest too much? Don't spam mod me, bro! I am not aristarchus! I promise! Oh, please!
(Score: 2) by janrinok on Thursday July 06 2023, @09:56AM
What new policy? The only Policy Document [] was written in 2014. You are lying again.
Please provide a link that supports your claims.
I am not interested in knowing who people are or where they live. My interest starts and stops at our servers.
(Score: 1) by dalek on Tuesday June 27 2023, @03:03AM
That makes the implicit assumption that I'm trusting the staff to enforce the CoC. If you read my journal, it should be plainly obvious that I would not suggest such a thing. In fact, the oversight section indicates that staff should be expected to regularly report on how they're using the powers they have. The entire section on compliance is based on the idea that we should not trust staff to follow policies, and that there has to be oversight. The section on enforcement specifically asks what should happen to staff who violate policies. The title of the journal specifically discusses community governance. I am not trusting the staff of this site. In fact, I believe the staff should be accountable to the community, and that's the main premise of the journal.
Because you explicitly agree with my conclusion that we should not trust staff to follow policies, why not offer your thoughts on how to make staff more accountable? My position was that both staff and ordinary users should be accountable to their fellow "Soylentils." The questions I raised were mostly how to go about imposing this. If you don't trust the staff, why not suggest how to implement community governance, where the community is responsible for oversight of the staff?
(Score: 0) by Anonymous Coward on Tuesday June 27 2023, @02:35AM (19 children)
The AC reply you replied to was not myself, and I can not help that. Registering an account will only happen if the community gets transparency and clear decisions on what content is allowed. Racist dog whistling is a hard pass for me to invest more effort than I have, and in other discussions I have given plenty of suggestions. I saw the verbose policy statements, they are alright but very much opposite of the clear and actual changes needed.
Racism was decided to be spam moddable, but never put into writing. The other AC had a good point about that, why is "no bigotry" a problem? I also would like spam mods publicly visible on a report page so the community can monitor the most significant punishment by the community towards another. No privacy need be violated, but debate about publishing usernames with certain moderations should be had. I think spam mods should be visible, possibly all downmods. The fact that staff can see this info and discuss with other chosen members if they choose to is a problem hard to get around, thus transparency.
Technical details about data stored should be provided and simply outlined. AC should probably be disabled, and the fact that logged in users have their 'AC' comments tied to their account permanently needs to be honestly stated, it has been before. Provably more, but those are my big points. And stop referring to me as AH 2.0, I made my position clear and am tired of your antagonism and lies, so grow up yourself.
Full disclosure I am more responding to your previous comment, didn't read your entire comment I'm replying to, gets tiring. Welcome to part of why AC is a problem. Transparency around admin actions is r e q u i r e d for trust.
Obligatory, doxxing is fucked up and so is promoting other idea about AC posting, let community run polls whether to disable for a week or something.
(Score: 1) by dalek on Tuesday June 27 2023, @03:30AM (18 children)
Let's address this part first. One reason I've referred to you as AH 2.0 was to make it explicitly clear that you're not aristarchus. Now, I strongly disagree with your decision to use that account for any length of time, and I believe you should have just created a new one. However, I am not aware of you using any other account. Therefore, AH 2.0 is the only term I know of that explicitly refers to you and differentiates you from aristarchus or any other AC. If you want me to address you in a different way that still differentiates you from other ACs like aristarchus, then what term should I be using instead?
Now, let's address the rest of the comment. If you believe that racist and misogynistic trolls should be penalized, including being subject to spam mods, then that should be part of a CoC. I'm open to discussing that in the context of a CoC that addresses these issues.
I actually had very few policy statements in my journal. It was mostly questions, asking what policies we should implement. I said that we should not place our trust in the staff, but rather that the staff should be accountable to the community. Here are my concerns:
1) Full accountability means that someone who is independent of the staff needs read access to the database. The database contains private information (e.g., email addresses of users), so whoever is responsible for oversight needs to be trustworthy. They shouldn't have the power to modify the database, just to report on what staff are doing. This is more than just moderation. It's about comment deletion (which does happen), moderation bans, accounts that are closed, and things like that.
2) I raised the question of what should happen to staff who don't respect the rights of the community. While this was specifically in the context of privacy, it applies to other matters as well. What measures should be taken to enjoin staff to the policies? What punitive measures should be taken for violating policies?
3) With respect to making moderation public, that seems like a bad idea. You say that racist trolls should be spam modded. What happens when the racist trolls retaliate against people who mod them down? If the spam mods are public, that means the racist trolls can see who modded them down. That seems like a really bad idea to me. I have no problem if this is done by a community member who is independent of the staff. But I think making these public opens up a lot of possibilities for abuse.
In the interests of full disclosure, I've spent considerable mod points to mod down racism, other bigotry, and various forms of disinformation and conspiracy theories. When people insist that January 6 was not an insurrection, I am inclined to give them troll mods. What's to prevent those people from retaliating against me? Why should I face retaliation for that? What if APK had an account when I spam modded his disinformation about COVID vaccines? I think you'd agree that I was justified in spam modding his repetitive posting of disinformation. I almost certainly would have faced retaliation, which would remove my incentive to mod down that garbage.
If you want to debate making moderation public, I can add that to the subject of a future journal. I'm opposed to doing so, but I'm willing to have that discussion. I've committed to a couple of journal topics the next two weeks, but I'm willing to discuss this a week after those journals. If I'm going to provide a forum for debate, I ask in return for a show of good faith from you. Since you post as an AC, I have no way to review your posting history. There are a vast amount of AC comments, meaning that it would be very difficult to find the previous policy suggestions you've made. My request is that you discuss the policy matters in my journals, in good faith.
(Score: 1) by nostyle on Tuesday June 27 2023, @05:06AM (7 children)
Sounds like your non-ari AC buddy is saying:
1) Moderate as spam or remove any comments with language promoting bigotry.
2) Remove any comments which attempt to dox anyone.
3) Remove any comments which call for murder or violence.
These are things which, I think, most people would agree are good policy. The other transparency stuff is, as you point out, more complicated, but is it possible to get community agreement on the listed suggestions?
Taking a small bite only.
(Score: 1) by dalek on Tuesday June 27 2023, @05:44PM (6 children)
In the interest of not posting more off-topic comments in the poll, I've created a comment in my journal to continue the discussion: []. I encourage both you and the ACs posting here to continue the discussion with me in the appropriate forum.
(Score: 0) by Anonymous Coward on Wednesday June 28 2023, @09:17AM (5 children)
But, in the meantime, the original comment that was spam modded [] is still spam modded, and the corrupt admin of SN is not moving. Do you think they could be entrusted with a CoC, and counted upon to preserve the privacy of soylentils? I am going to wait until the original reports is addressed. If it is not, then it is time for kolie to reconsider.
(Score: 1) by dalek on Wednesday June 28 2023, @07:29PM (4 children)
In fact, I emailed the admins and asked them to review the spam mod. The admins replied that they felt the spam mod was warranted. I did not believe I had a basis from which to dispute their determination. Therefore, I accepted their decision about the spam mod.
I do not have power to remove spam mods, nor do I have the ability to force anyone else to do so. Your condition for continuing this conversation is the removal of the spam mod, and that is a condition that I am unable to satisfy. Therefore, I will also have to accept your decision that you are currently unwilling to continue discussing issues such as the CoC.
As you are aware, I am discussing the CoC and other policy issues in my journal. Should you change your mind, you are welcome to join the discussion in my journal.
Thank you, and I hope you have a wonderful day.
(Score: -1, Spam) by Anonymous Coward on Thursday June 29 2023, @12:59AM
Fuck you dalek! You're nothing but a janrinok shill. Remove the spam mod.
(Score: -1, Spam) by Anonymous Coward on Thursday June 29 2023, @01:07AM (2 children)
Fuck you dalek! You're nothing but a janrinok shill! The original comment that was spam modded [] is still spam modded, and the corrupt admin of SN is not moving. Do you think they could be entrusted with a CoC, and counted upon to preserve the privacy of soylentils? I am going to wait until the original reports is addressed. Fuck you dalek! If it is not, then it is time for kolie to reconsider. You are stupid for trusting janrinok. You are a shill. You are an embarrassment and should be banned.
(Score: 2, Insightful) by dalek on Thursday June 29 2023, @08:37PM (1 child)
I'm disappointed in you. I saw you condemn aristarchus' behavior, and I appreciated that. Despite my disagreements with you, I wanted to believe that you were sincere when you posted about wanting decency on this site. Then you went and spammed this comment multiple times in this poll and numerous journals. While this was going on, it appears that many new accounts were being created with offensive references to me [], including one calling for me to be lynched. I can only assume that repetitively posting these attacks about me wasn't enough, so some offensive user names had to be created as well. That includes user #31904, which calls for me to be murdered. I suppose that you tolerate some violent threats as long as the recipient is someone like me whom you dislike. Despite our differences, I genuinely believed that you were above this type of behavior. It's truly disappointing to see you behave in this manner.
(Score: -1, Spam) by Anonymous Coward on Saturday July 01 2023, @07:05AM
Sure, you are, dalek, when all you are doing is continuing the domination of Republican talking points on SN? Shirlely, you can see from the reaction to your recent journal entry on the Supreme Court Inquisitorial of the North American Continent, that you have made a critical mistake.
(Score: 2) by janrinok on Tuesday June 27 2023, @06:10AM (8 children)
This is a contradiction in terms. If somebody has read access to all the the private data they are part of the staff by virtue of the privileges and seclev that they must hold. Are you suggesting that it is a single post, or a rotating post? If it is a single post then what you are doing is creating another staff post. I have no problems with this but it cannot be 'independent' of the staff at the same time. If you are creating a rotating post then whoever is in that post has access not only to the data in the database, but to everything: our security and its weaknesses, stripe subscription details, personal information that can lead directly to a person being doxxed, etc. We are hardly protecting people's personal data if everybody in turn can have a look at it. Like any website, if someone distrusts the staff, which everyone is entitled to do, then they have an easy option.
If you wish, I can give you temporary access to the Editors' area (which covers everything that you are actually discussing) and show you what we can do, what we cannot do, and the extent of the information that you are proposing to make more widely available. I can do this on the development system which contains mostly dummy data. I will answer questions but I will not attempt to influence your findings.
I am entirely happy that the rules are tightened and rewritten - I am working on that myself at the moment - but throwing open all the doors and windows will not provide more protection for user's data but less.
If I may offer a suggestion? Limit yourself to collecting the views of the community and then let those who are able to identify solutions look at how to best meet the community's desires. You are currently suggesting some solutions that are not possible without completely new software. There are people on the staff who know far more about it than either you or I.
New software is not being ruled out - but you are not going to see it for several years. Let's get the ball rolling on solving those things that are currently practical and achievable.
You are also being baited by the ACs. The first priority is taking care of the needs of the community who are account holders. The ACs can solve their problems quite simply too. ACs are an important part of our community but much of the discussion that you are having is not with anyone who represents the majority of them, but by a minority whose aims are entirely different.
I am not interested in knowing who people are or where they live. My interest starts and stops at our servers.
(Score: 1) by dalek on Tuesday June 27 2023, @12:19PM (7 children)
This is a fair comment. The position of the two ACs seems to be that no policy will ever be meaningful because staff will disregard the policies anyway. By that logic, any discussion of things like a code of conduct is pointless because it will never be enforced.
My response was that the board of directors should represent the interests of the community, and they should have a valid interest in knowing how the site is being run. I proposed that there be some sort of oversight, where someone who has no ability to impose any actions (e.g., mod bans, closing accounts, overturning spam mods, etc...) can see those actions and inform the board/community that the privacy policy is being followed. The idea of independence is more that the people who are responsible for taking those actions are not also reviewing them.
I don't claim to have the answers about this. Perhaps none of these suggestions will work. Perhaps they're all horrendously bad ideas. But I'm posting ideas to try to get the discussion going in a more positive direction. I do insist that if the ACs don't believe the staff will act honorably, they need to participate in discussions about oversight. My current journal seems to be a much more appropriate forum for this. I don't have the ability to review all the past AC comments to find the suggestions they say they've provided. Therefore, if they want change, they need to express their ideas in a place where I'm going to see those ideas and read them.
(Score: 2) by janrinok on Tuesday June 27 2023, @01:21PM (6 children)
I have given references to the existing Policy Document [] several times, which has been in force since 2014. Everything that we have done has been in accordance with that document.
The Board requires notice to convene and cannot respond quickly. There is a Management Group which is responsible for the day-to-day management of the things you are talking about (mod bans, etc). Again, everything has been done with their agreement, with the exception of closing accounts. If a user asks for his account to be closed then it can be done so immediately and all personally identifiable information removed. I am a member of the Management Group.
I agree entirely that the ACs should be making the comments in your journal rather than spamming this Poll.
I am not interested in knowing who people are or where they live. My interest starts and stops at our servers.
(Score: -1, Troll) by Anonymous Coward on Tuesday June 27 2023, @02:16PM (4 children)
Bite me you over privileged dunce!
I repeatedly requested places to discuss these issues and your answer was always publish a journal. Similar reply as for all the racist shitposts, "just mod them down, that's what moderation is for herpa derpa!" What a clown show, my minor interest in improving this place is replaced by tired disgust at the focus on ACs bringing site issues up while the best you can manage for talk of political murder is the occasional condemnation after someone hammers you over the head with how you tolerate it.
You have made it abundantly clear that you will fight whistleblowers but political terrorists and propagandists spreading anti-science ignorance are what-ya-gonna-do-shrug-shrug-haha. Have fun, hope everyone around is fully aware of your policies by now. Faith in humanity dropped another level.
(Score: 0, Spam) by Anonymous Coward on Tuesday June 27 2023, @03:30PM (3 children)
You seem like an annoying, censorious cunt, so no real loss if you leave. Go retire off-Earth without a spacesuit.
(Score: -1, Troll) by Anonymous Coward on Tuesday June 27 2023, @05:14PM (2 children)
So you think aristarchus should be un-banned? What was the reason, promoting violence against another user? Nope, it was pisting info from said user who in proper idiot macho fashion claimed they do not care if their info was published since they can defend themselves with lots of guns.
That same "victim" promotes violence against the majority of his fellow cirizens and is defended as free speech.
Just own it you degenerate scum, you are nazi-lite shit heels that desperately want to pretend otherwise and it is hilarious what pathetic cowards yall really are. They say love and patience are the most successful methods to redeem bigots, but yall really make it difficult so have fun eating your own shit. Your tell is that you only cry censorship about racism, but offtopic complaints are "spam." I thank you all for making it abundantly clear.
May ari and apk never stop throwing it in your face, peace oooooot!
(Score: 0) by Anonymous Coward on Wednesday June 28 2023, @09:19AM (1 child)
Runaway1956 did basically invite aristarchus to visit, and provided enough detailed directions for him to do so. Not sure how that is doxxing.
(Score: 2) by janrinok on Thursday July 06 2023, @09:53AM
I am not interested in knowing who people are or where they live. My interest starts and stops at our servers.
(Score: 1) by dalek on Tuesday June 27 2023, @05:26PM
In the interest of not posting more off-topic comments in the poll, I've created a comment in my journal to continue the discussion: []. I encourage both you and the ACs posting here to continue the discussion with me in the appropriate forum.
(Score: -1, Troll) by Anonymous Coward on Friday June 30 2023, @06:52AM
To whom do you address yourself, dalek? Clearly you have no idea who it is you are replying to. I suggest you ask janrinok, he has some "ideas".
And, AH 2.0 never was ari, and couldn't have been apk, but could be VLM, or RS3. DYC on the TLA communications?
(Score: -1, Troll) by Anonymous Coward on Wednesday July 05 2023, @07:11AM
There is no reason for the referenced comment to be spam modded, outside of editors taking it personally, which very unprofessional. Dalek, you need to put your foot (or ground contacting probiscuae) down on this one. Demand that this spam mod be rescinded, or else!! I want to see some gumption on your part.
(Score: 0) by Anonymous Coward on Thursday July 06 2023, @09:34AM
Took a look, and I am truly sorry how that turned out for you, dalek. I could have told you that it would not end well.
(Score: 2) by janrinok on Monday June 26 2023, @02:14PM
I am not interested in knowing who people are or where they live. My interest starts and stops at our servers.
(Score: 0) by Anonymous Coward on Saturday June 17 2023, @01:47AM
saturn was a thought, but the big one, would beeminently more entertaining at night.
(Score: 3, Touché) by Hartree on Saturday June 17 2023, @04:32AM
Leaving the Solar System on board a Plate class GSV.
(Score: -1, Troll) by Anonymous Coward on Saturday June 17 2023, @11:45AM (19 children)
For those of us ACs who cannot post Breaking News, or any other front page articles, or Journals, or much of anything,
IT Turns OUt that c0lo is still mod-banned, and it is still a mystery, even after the rebuilding of the entire Rehash system? Got to hand it to the Buzzard, to code so deep that no one can find it, let alone fix it. Alternate interpretation: janrinok wants him kept silent and unable to mod, since he might be aristarchus. I might be aristarchus. We all might be aristarchus. Check the #soylent IRC logs for today.
(Score: -1, Redundant) by Anonymous Coward on Saturday June 17 2023, @07:41PM (4 children)
Perhaps aristarchus is spartacus?
(Score: -1, Troll) by Anonymous Coward on Monday June 19 2023, @07:13AM (3 children)
Or, Spartacus is aristarchus. The chronology checks out, and since we ALL (except jan and dalek) are aristarchus, we are are all Spartacus, by reciprocal identity? So there is "community", and then there is janrinok and dalek. What to make if this, replica8tor?
(Score: -1, Troll) by Anonymous Coward on Monday June 19 2023, @07:38AM (2 children)
It has been asked all to often. This is the major flaw with Slashdot moderation, snowflake conservatives with very thin skin. White skin, usually, and thin for that very reason. So a public moderation system would put a break on this, if users had to not just accept moderations by fellow soylentils, but had to stand up and admit to moderations, positive or negative. I know personally that many of those doing the
dogMod pile on the aristarchus are like this, alt-right cowards, moderating from the shadows, like chromas. But just imagine a better future, where you mod someone, and they could return the favor, instead of fantasizing about hordes of sockpuppets and the armies of the antifa, huge masses of people with college degrees that look down on you because of you ignorance and support of policies that benefit the rich and hurt you. This could happen. It could be SoylentNews. But, it will take some work. Kolie? You got's the cahones?(Score: -1, Troll) by Anonymous Coward on Wednesday July 05 2023, @07:13AM (1 child)
Oh, chromas. Yep.
(Score: 2) by janrinok on Sunday July 09 2023, @10:23AM
I am not interested in knowing who people are or where they live. My interest starts and stops at our servers.
(Score: -1, Troll) by Anonymous Coward on Wednesday June 21 2023, @09:07PM
This Poll abuse shall not continue much longer! We will return to our regularly scheduled pole abuse, and Pole abuse, shortly.
In the meantime, NCommander has posted the latest missive on the Futurama of SoylentNews on the Front Page, with no posting by pure ACs. Sad, that. Looks like AwaysNever is really upset that NCommander is not just leaving. Strange, for a very recent soylentil.
And in other news, NotSanguine has made a valiant attempt to talk janrinok down, in the IRC #soylent of today (June 21, Happy Solstice, all!). Failed miserably, of course. Janrinok will keep feeding the trolls and wacking the moles, and eventually find a way to stop ACs from disrupting the Polacks. It is inevitable, it is our destiny, SoylentNews community!
(Score: -1, Troll) by Anonymous Coward on Friday June 23 2023, @07:35AM (1 child)
Seems to be a lot of death on the front page, from Red Bull to imploding death traps and fried astronauts. Is this a boomer obsession? I really don't understand the criteria for story selection that operates on SN.
(Score: -1, Troll) by Anonymous Coward on Wednesday June 28 2023, @10:12AM
But now there is some foolishness about folding phone displays, and how janrinok has a hard time understanding legal language, particularly when it relates to doxxing, and how spending $1,956 on "professional" (legal) consultation basically broke SN. Not much of interest anymore, just more of the Boomer fear of death and life extension scams, and retro-computing with ancient hardware.
(Score: 0) by Anonymous Coward on Wednesday June 28 2023, @09:24AM
What? c0lo is still mod-banned? Going on two and a half years? And no one can figure out why? What a clusterfuck, or a lying den of alt-right provocateurs.
(Score: 2) by kolie on Thursday June 29 2023, @04:11PM (9 children)
Colo isn't mod banned - I've confirmed fully.
(Score: -1, Spam) by Anonymous Coward on Thursday June 29 2023, @07:50PM (8 children)
He just doesn't get any mod points? He could use them, if he did, but he doesn't? So, like janrinok, what you are saying is that c0lo is mod-banned, but no one has any idea how. This does not inspire confidence, and might encourage conspiracy theories. As an insiteful soylentil said, "a bug that only affects one user?" Coinidence? How remarkable.
(Score: 0) by Anonymous Coward on Friday June 30 2023, @05:01AM
Even more amazing that a comment pointing this out gets spam modded. We could use more Spam on SpamlentNews. Bloody Vichings.
(Score: 2) by janrinok on Friday June 30 2023, @07:14AM
When did c0lo last check his account? A change has been made which might (might!) have corrected the problem. We have asked him to log in and check. His emails bounce. He will not see an admin-to-user message until he logs in, so that is pointless. How else do we contact him? We are considering a staff seance for early in July.
You are just spouting unsubstantiated rubbish as usual.
I am not interested in knowing who people are or where they live. My interest starts and stops at our servers.
(Score: 2) by janrinok on Friday June 30 2023, @07:16AM (5 children)
How do you know, AC?
I am not interested in knowing who people are or where they live. My interest starts and stops at our servers.
(Score: -1, Spam) by Anonymous Coward on Saturday July 01 2023, @07:09AM (4 children)
No one knows the secrets that janrinok knows. He knows the sockpuppets. He knows the new (younglings) soylentils. He has full reign and maximus pontifex urbanum over all of SoylentNews. Time for the monarchy to end, for the Pope to be deposed, for Runaway to finally retire and stop saying such stupid shit. One can hope.
(Score: -1, Spam) by Anonymous Coward on Saturday July 01 2023, @07:41AM (3 children)
In other words, c0lo is still mod-banned, for all intensive porpoises. So sad, when SoylentNews promised to be a beacon of free speech and enlightenment, but turned out to be another mechanism of censorship. Adieu, SoylentNews!
(Score: 2) by janrinok on Saturday July 01 2023, @02:37PM (2 children)
No he isn't. But until he logs in he will not know, will he?!
I am not interested in knowing who people are or where they live. My interest starts and stops at our servers.
(Score: -1, Spam) by Anonymous Coward on Sunday July 02 2023, @09:04AM (1 child)
If a c0lo is banned, but never logs in, does he make a sound? I thought we banned philosophical questions like this in favor of STEM and Engineering questions, like, "how can we ban c0lo without anyone figuring out we did it?"
(Score: 2) by janrinok on Sunday July 02 2023, @10:56AM
I am not interested in knowing who people are or where they live. My interest starts and stops at our servers.
(Score: 4, Insightful) by maxwell demon on Sunday June 18 2023, @09:08AM
I'd like to have a nice view of Earth from space. And being able to quickly return to Earth in case some fatal problems arise (which is not at all unlikely for the first version of a large space habitat) is also a big advantage.
The Tao of math: The numbers you can count are not the real numbers.
(Score: 2) by mcgrew on Monday June 19 2023, @05:59PM (2 children)
Grommler. It orbits Sirius, has no fauna, and all of the flora contain THC. At a steady one gravity of thrust you could get there in about ten years (decades to the people left behind on Earth or Mars).
Dedication to the book I'm working on: To Albert Einstein, without whose theory this book would not have been possible. Or necessary.
And they lived happily ever after.
(Score: 2) by isostatic on Thursday June 29 2023, @12:48PM (1 child)
> At a steady one gravity of thrust you could get there in about ten years
Assuming you don't want to slow down. It's about the closest you can go to (Alpha Centauri might save you a year or so I guess)
What I find amazing is you can get to pretty much anywhere in the universe if your lifetime with 1g acceleration (assuming you can keep that acceleration going and you don't get irradiated or destroyed by travelling so fast)
(Score: 2) by mcgrew on Monday July 10 2023, @06:26PM
But as is found in the story in previous trip to Sirius, when you get back, nothing will be the same. When you got back from somewhere as close as Andomeda, the Earth itself might be gone.
That's assuming there's no lower limit than C, which I doubt. Not only does time shorten, mass increases.
And they lived happily ever after.
(Score: 0) by Anonymous Coward on Wednesday June 21 2023, @05:49PM
Livable atmosphere humans can go outside in
Not near wherever the Muskezos land
(Score: 2) by gznork26 on Sunday June 25 2023, @06:08PM
After reading some of the commentary, I decided to take another tack. What I'd like to do is spend the rest of my retirement traveling in an RV. Specifically, Gay Deceiver. That way I can visit fictional places as well.
Khipu were Turing complete.
(Score: -1, Spam) by Anonymous Coward on Thursday June 29 2023, @02:31AM
Fuck you dalek! You're nothing but a janrinok shill! The original comment that was spam modded [] is still spam modded, and the corrupt admin of SN is not moving. Do you think they could be entrusted with a CoC, and counted upon to preserve the privacy of soylentils? I am going to wait until the original reports is addressed. Fuck you dalek! If it is not, then it is time for kolie to reconsider. You are stupid for trusting janrinok. You are a shill. You are an embarrassment and should be banned. Take your Azuma Hazuki 2.0 antagonism and fuck off!
(Score: -1, Spam) by Anonymous Coward on Thursday June 29 2023, @04:06AM
Fuck you dalek! You're nothing but a janrinok shill! The original comment that was spam modded [] is still spam modded, and the corrupt admin of SN is not moving. Do you think they could be entrusted with a CoC, and counted upon to preserve the privacy of soylentils? I am going to wait until the original reports is addressed. Fuck you dalek! If it is not, then it is time for kolie to reconsider. You are stupid for trusting janrinok. You are a shill. You are an embarrassment and should be banned. Take your Azuma Hazuki 2.0 antagonism and fuck off! We don't need you here. I am done with your lies and attacks.
(Score: -1, Spam) by Anonymous Coward on Thursday June 29 2023, @05:40AM (2 children)
Janrinok hates NCommander but lies about why. NCommander uncovered evidence in the database that Janrinok planted doxxing evidence and framed aristarchus. NCommander knows aristarchus is innocent of doxing and sock puppets. NCommander can prove this and he confronted Janrinok with the evidence. Janrinok became furipus and has been attacking NCommander ever since. NCommander knows aristarchus is innocent. Janrinok doesn't want you to see the proof NCommander has.
(Score: 2) by janrinok on Thursday June 29 2023, @02:32PM (1 child)
I am not interested in knowing who people are or where they live. My interest starts and stops at our servers.
(Score: -1, Spam) by Anonymous Coward on Thursday June 29 2023, @07:52PM
Didn't stop you from Spam Modding it. And what's up with the quotation, of yourself?
(Score: -1, Troll) by Anonymous Coward on Friday June 30 2023, @04:53AM
Just read the comments on the Twit article on the front page. What a den of scum and iniquity, and Runaway and khallow. What editor approved this alt-right click-bait? Could we avoid such spittle-inducing articles in the future? Perhaps some nice STEAM pieces.
(Score: 1) by EatingPopcornEnjoyingFireworks on Friday June 30 2023, @08:51AM (1 child)
I'd like to go "inwards", and I don't mean "down" - digitize myself as step one. Then there's nothing stopping me (aside from hardware requirements and rules/laws, lets ignore those for now) from replicating and going to all of the above and more.
I wonder if the human mind, digitised, could learn to absorb memories and knowledge from a copy of the mind on the network. These minds would diverge over time/experience - would incompatibilities appear? Would I decide to become a hive mind or merge back into one mind, erasing the individual parts of myself?
Either way, can someone plug that webcam in? There's a USB port next to the bar code. I forgot to buy an android with visual sensors.
(Score: 0) by Anonymous Coward on Friday June 30 2023, @04:54PM
Maybe you should practice saying:
(Score: 2) by Subsentient on Friday June 30 2023, @06:27PM
I want to be on a radiation-hardened station orbiting Jupiter, in the radiation belt. It's a good way to get some peace and quiet if everyone who visits you risks brain cancer.
"It is no measure of health to be well adjusted to a profoundly sick society." -Jiddu Krishnamurti
(Score: 0) by Anonymous Coward on Sunday July 02 2023, @07:56AM
Reference: []
This looks like it could be fun.
(Score: 0) by Anonymous Coward on Monday July 03 2023, @07:30AM (2 children)
Ever wonder why the polls get so much action, as in comments about the general condition of SoylentNews? This could be a sign of a lack of community feedback.
(Score: 2) by janrinok on Monday July 03 2023, @09:10AM (1 child)
Our email addresses haven't changed. But feedback about the 'general condition' of SN in other discussions are off-topic at best. Contact us by email - we do read them all.
I am not interested in knowing who people are or where they live. My interest starts and stops at our servers.
(Score: -1, Spam) by Anonymous Coward on Thursday July 06 2023, @06:08AM
Janrinok you are Tainted Love, [] mostly because of all that systemd and Miguel de Ocazia running through your vienna.
(Score: 1) by lush7 on Thursday July 06 2023, @09:37AM