Don't complain about lack of options. You've got to pick a few when you do multiple choice. Those are the breaks.
Feel free to suggest poll ideas if you're feeling creative. I'd strongly suggest reading the past polls first.
This whole thing is wildly inaccurate. Rounding errors, ballot stuffers, dynamic IPs, firewalls. If you're using these numbers to do anything important, you're insane.
This discussion has been archived.
No new comments can be posted.
Stage separation was screwed up for whatever reason. Easy to solve.
They need a proper pad with flame diverter/cooling. Easy to solve.
Raptor engines are not 99.9% reliable like they should be.
The concrete pad chunks flying everywhere was an avoidable error, and may have been responsible for taking out some Raptors.
On the other hand, in the preceding 33-engine static fire test, 2 were not working properly (it was 3 for the flight test, climbing to 6 during the flight). So it's probably not just the pad that was responsible for engine failures.
Sure, there are many redundant engines and the spacecraft/booster can tolerate a couple/several not working, but the same can be said for Falcon 9, which does not have engine failures very often anymore.
We will see new and exciting ways for Starship to fail before they do anything important, but the engine failures are going to be one of the top problems they need to focus on.
If running about 33 of them close together is causing damage, at least with the Artemis program, astronauts do not need to worry about the booster.
Near as I can tell, separation didn't occur because it was below critical altitude, because too many engines were out, because they were damaged by debris, because they blew up the pad, because they didn't have a flame trench.
The gimbal system may also have been damaged for the same reason, preventing the ship from performing the flip maneuver within parameters.
-- The spacelike surfaces of time foliations can have a cusp at the surface of discontinuity.
- P. Hajicek
Or... because they didn't display any understanding of basic soil mechanics.
They're in a marsh, water saturated soil, it's going to compress, when you hit it hard it's going to wobble like a bowl full of jello - then you've got the perfect Verrazano Narrows rehash but with oscillating soil instead of an oscillating suspension bridge.
A friend used to operate a pile driver, had a job on some "pumped up islands" which have a soil profile very much like a marshy wetland. First big strike on the pile and he watched a wave roll out from his location, a wave of soil several inches tall. They had to re-think that job because the waves were threatening to crack the foundations of all the surrounding houses, road, etc.
Point being: this knowledge has been "out there" for over a century - it's not lost, it's not obscure, I'd be willing to bet there were multiple people, most likely employees - possibly even engineers in related disciplines, trying to inform SpaceX management of the possibility / likelihood and they were squelched, NASA style like the Space Shuttle O-rings in freezing temperatures warnings.
I'd call points 1 and 2 above "schoolboy errors." These are things that really shouldn't be happening at this stage in the development cycle.
The third point regarding engine reliability is more involved. How can you prove or determine the reliability of something like a rocket engine? They are complex systems operating right at the edge of what's physically possible given the materials and technology of the day, and to really have a good understanding of reliability you need copious test data which implies a lot of testing and therefore time and money.
When launching rockets, you're not just interested in the robustness and reliability of the hardware, but of the whole system, including the organisation that built and operates the rocket. Repeatability and low variation in quality are very important. This is why the first two problems, above, are all the more worrying.
In a perfect world, they could fly the same fully reusable Starship with its same engines to orbit repeatedly, maybe 100 times if needed. They can put up Starlink satellites to justify the test program's spending.
In reality, they can only currently launch up to 5 times per year out of Boca Chica, and they would be lucky to reach that given FAA red tape over the flight termination system, environmental lawsuits, and other issues.
Now we know that they have allowed themselves to launch with 30/33 working (at the start anyway), the pad "rock tornado" was supposedly not responsible for those failures, and there was an event that affected a cluster of engines later on.
We know they can handle lots of engines with high reliability, just see the recent Falcon Heavy launch. But they need more launches to iron out these issues. Maybe they should think about using Cape Canaveral sooner rather than later.
(Score: -1, Troll) by Anonymous Coward on Saturday May 06 2023, @07:28AM
by Anonymous Coward
on Saturday May 06 2023, @07:28AM (#1304976)
If only we had a reusable takyon, in particle form, to further the neo-libertarian entreprenuer model of neo-feudalism! Time to tax the billionaries. They are idiots.
(Score: -1, Spam) by Anonymous Coward on Tuesday April 25 2023, @08:03AM
(21 children)
by Anonymous Coward
on Tuesday April 25 2023, @08:03AM (#1302978)
Well, at least this is not Twitter, but we have a new pool for ACs to comment in furiously. I am happy for that. Don't care much about the Musk, or his premature explosions.
(Score: -1, Spam) by Anonymous Coward on Tuesday April 25 2023, @08:43AM
(20 children)
by Anonymous Coward
on Tuesday April 25 2023, @08:43AM (#1302992)
(Score: 1, Insightful) by Anonymous Coward on Tuesday April 25 2023, @09:32PM
(16 children)
by Anonymous Coward
on Tuesday April 25 2023, @09:32PM (#1303159)
Let's review the criteria for the spam mod []. It includes:
Here are some examples of spam:
Proper spam. Anything whose primary purpose is advertisement (unless somehow relevant to the discussion/article).
HOSTS/GNAA/etc... type posts. Recurring, useless annoyances we're all familiar with.
Posts so offtopic and lacking value to even be a troll that they can't be called anything else. See here, here or here for example.
That second bullet point applies here. These threads are recurring, useless annoyances. They are repeatedly started in journals and polls. They don't contribute to the actual topic, instead disrupting discussion with massive threads. This has been going on for months, across numerous journals and polls. It more than satisfies the standard for using the spam mod.
(Score: -1, Flamebait) by Anonymous Coward on Thursday April 27 2023, @05:45PM
(14 children)
by Anonymous Coward
on Thursday April 27 2023, @05:45PM (#1303474)
That second bullet point applies here. These threads are recurring, useless annoyances. They are repeatedly started in journals and polls. They don't contribute to the actual topic, instead disrupting discussion with massive threads.
So anything you find annoying is spam? Well I find the alt-right jerks denying facts and actively promoting harm to be repetitive annoyances frequently off topic, but spam modding a "hunter biden" comment would have the spam mod revoked and staff saying to use flamebait or troll mods.
To be clear, the site can do what it wants, but there is a clear history of allowing rightwing trolls to misbehave while others get spam modded and mod banned with no recourse. It is the same pattern repeated over and over, any group that refuses transparency is a near guarantee of bad actors being tyrants in some fashion. SN transparency doesn't require making emails and IPs public, but that is always the straw argument used to defend the site.
It is up to every individual to determine what level of trust to give any group, but in my many decades of internet participation the ones that hide and make excuses for not informing users are the groups that should not be trusted. People who will say "look at the code" instead of exaining how things work are self righteous "meritocracy" style jerks not fit for community management.
(Score: 0) by Anonymous Coward on Thursday April 27 2023, @07:37PM
(13 children)
by Anonymous Coward
on Thursday April 27 2023, @07:37PM (#1303488)
So anything you find annoying is spam?
That's a dishonest interpretation of what I said, and you know it. It's not simply that a post is annoying. It must also be repetitive and off-topic. This discussion has zero to do with the poll topic. These threads also repeatedly show up in journals and polls, where they're almost always off-topic. That is why they are spam. It is not simply that I find them annoying.
Many of these threads are posted with malicious intent, too. For example, a fake FatPhil account [] was created to post false allegations about janrinok supposedly admitting he blamed aristarchus for sock puppets operated by Runaway. That is demonstrably false because FatPhil explicitly denied that it was his account. Fabricating such allegations is downright malicious. When you and others post things like that, it makes your allegations look about as credible as Trump's efforts to deny the outcome of the 2020 election. I just don't believe you're posting in good faith. The threads you and aristarchus post look like malicious efforts to disrupt discussion on this site.
If you don't believe emailing the admins is worthwhile, you still have plenty of other recourse. If you have an account, get it into good standing, then post a journal with your criticisms. If the karma is sufficiently high, and I think the threshold is +10, it will show up in the recent journals box on the front page. There is a long history of people using journals to raise objections with the admins, and it wouldn't actively disrupt other discussions. If you think the staff are so untrustworthy that they might edit your journal or delete your comments, then create your own page on another site and post your evidence. That would be rather paranoid since the admins haven't deleted other malicious journals, not even the truly malicious journal posted by "Legend of Aristarchus" [] that claims it was modified by an admin. However, at least you wouldn't be spamming the site, and could plausibly be acting in good faith.
Incidentally, I haven't seen you condemn those malicious bogus allegations about the staff. Right now, you look like a troll who is using allegations of staff malfeasance as an excuse to be disruptive. You've given me ample reason to distrust you and believe that you're acting in bad faith. Trust has to be earned, and right now, I just don't trust anything you say.
(Score: 0) by Anonymous Coward on Thursday April 27 2023, @09:48PM
(10 children)
by Anonymous Coward
on Thursday April 27 2023, @09:48PM (#1303512)
Why must trust be earned from some commenter but staff, who have all the power, have no such requirement? My position is to ban aristarchus and runaway, then keep the site clean of shitposting user accounts after updating the site rules. Make a section for site related discussions so they don't need to post offtopic, run polls to get community feedback, and publish the spam report page so everyone can see who is spam modding what.
If you do not recall there are multiple users that have left after being abused by old TMB, janrinok has made false accusations about AC identity, and one admin finally found out the DB config which had aristarchus(?) modbanned for years and said it was strange and shouldn't happen. To me that screams admin abuse because they didn't like the mod pattern those users engaged in. In dirext opposition to that, whenever someone complains about downmods staff say any bad mods can be countermanded by upmods from others and that is how it works. Pretty hypocritical and clearly some users get to downmod freely while others get mods reversed and modbanned.
Being just another ac user it is not my duty to search out every accusation aristarchus and apk make, but it is the duty of staff to behave appropriately and honestly. So far janrinok has been more careful with false accusations. I stopped caring about the site much when staff made it clear they have bad actors and little desire to build trust. Just the lack of info regarding how weak the privacy protections are was bad enough, and still none of the details are published for users to read.
The worst offense was banning aristarchus citing legal concerns while US law is firmly on the side of free speech and rightwingers get to doxx anyone they please. Runaway's domestic terrorism comments are protected however, with janrinok arguing that such comments are common in the US so there is no legal need to censor him. I will keep pointing out these problems in the hope that other users realize the bad actors are providing a shelter for rightwing radicalization, from unbalanced community management to story selection that a 5th grader could recognize is severly biased.
Sorry to poop in your cheerios, but I do hope you realize SN is not as pure as you may hope. Your trust is not required, just consider the accusations, pay attention, and do not blindly trust the site.
(Score: 1, Insightful) by Anonymous Coward on Friday April 28 2023, @12:32AM
by Anonymous Coward
on Friday April 28 2023, @12:32AM (#1303537)
TMB made a lot of unilateral decisions about things like banning users from moderation. That's no longer the site policy, and there is supposed to be documentation of the reasons for banning users from moderating. You've established that this was an issue in the past. You have not demonstrated that it is currently a problem.
As for the story selection, you're complaining about something you can change. If you don't like the stories that are selected, you can submit better ones to the queue. My experience is that when I take the time to edit a story and submit it in that form, it's very likely to get posted quickly. It's less work for editors when I've already done much of the work. You can submit better stories and greatly increase the chances that they will get posted by editing them yourself. If you voluntarily choose not to do so while Runaway still submits stories, you're going to get more of the stories Runaway likes. You and aristarchus are full of excuses about this, but this is a problem that have the ability to address. You just choose not to, and then make excuses that you don't care about this site.
As for site policy, if you want it to change, draft some new policies that you think will make the site better. Email the admins about it. Get an account in good standing and post a journal about it. You have options that might actually make a difference and improve things. Again, as far as I know, you have chosen not to do so. You clearly have time to write about these things, otherwise you won't be posting these comments. But you choose to post them in places where they're highly off-topic and disruptive. If you posted them in a journal and got it on the front page, people might reply and actually express support for your ideas. Again, you choose not to do so. That is 100% your fault. When you put a lot of effort into posting off-topic complaints but refuse to direct any of that effort to taking action to improve things, you look like a troll.
As for your comment that you don't need to gain the trust of other users, you're technically correct. You don't have to prove to me that you're trustworthy. However, when you choose not to do so and join in threads that are clearly posted in bad faith, you shouldn't expect me to support you. If you don't want me to call you a troll, then stop acting like one.
To me that screams admin abuse because they didn't like the mod pattern those users engaged in.
It seems to me that you are suggesting that the misconfiguration of the database is an intentional human act. As far as we can tell that isn't the case. It is thought to be a bug in the software which, under some as yet undetermined circumstances, is corrupting the database contents. There are several important factors to consider:
Just because a "weird flag" somewhere has been corrupted it does not mean that that is the ONLY corruption that is taking place.
We cannot prevent it from occuring again (and it might have already done so in c0lo's case), particularly if we do not know the actual cause.
Without somebody who is proficient in the Perl code we cannot track down bugs in rehash, nor implement the fixes that would be required. There is no-one currently on the site who can do such an investigation. QA and bug tracing was part of Bytram's remit. As you know he has had serious health issues for over a year now. NCommander has been having real life problems with other commitments and has not been active on the site since late December 2022.
There are far simpler ways of creating a moderation ban than poking raw data into the database. That makes the possibility that it is the result of a human act much less likely.
No records exist of any remedial action for this bug having been taken, nor even which "weird flag" is being corrupted.
-- I am not interested in knowing who people are or where they live. My interest starts and stops at our servers.
(Score: -1, Spam) by Anonymous Coward on Saturday May 13 2023, @06:05AM
(2 children)
by Anonymous Coward
on Saturday May 13 2023, @06:05AM (#1306197)
Time for janrinok to do the Trump Intelligence. We have five things that we will say to your, and you must, after a few minutes, repeat them back to us, from memory, in the proper order.
I see that you've given up on even trying to pretend that you're a decent human being. You're a real scumbag to post something like this.
I don't know janrinok's medical history, and it's none of my business. However, dementia is a very unfortunate and far too common part of aging. It's a very cruel disease, and it's very difficult both for the person who experiences it and their friends and loved ones. I have no idea if janrinok does or does not have any age-related health issues, and it's not my business at all. However, I do know that you're a real piece of shit for making light of diseases like dementia and using it an excuse to mock someone. Let me guess, you probably visit St. Jude's Children's Hospital to point and laugh at the kids who are receiving medical treatment there. That's the same type of behavior you exhibited in this comment.
Oh, by the way, the word you were looking for at the end of the post is "lose." But who cares about proper use of the English language when you can post spam comments and show the world what a loser (not looser) you are.
(Score: -1, Spam) by Anonymous Coward on Sunday May 14 2023, @05:01AM
by Anonymous Coward
on Sunday May 14 2023, @05:01AM (#1306247)
And, fuck you, dalek. I was always surprised at the ichor that APK expressed towards you, but maybe it was because you are an asshole.
And, perhaps, you are not bright enough to have keyed into certain SoylentNews Traditions, one of which is intentional misspellings, which can serve multiple porpoises. (Props to DannyB!)
Make a section for site related discussions so they don't need to post offtopic
It exists - that is exactly what journals are for. You can discuss anything, which includes items that are site related. Many accounts do have their own journals. Alternatively, if you feel strongly that it should be on the front page then write the submission - we have existing topics that cover this very purpose.
after updating the site rules
We cannot display any rules, existing or new, until our wiki is restored. It was trashed during the server reorganisation - we are working to recover it. The primary rule is one introduced by Bytram (and which I strongly support) over 18 months ago - "Don't be a dick." If someone cannot discuss things reasonably as an adult then they are probably not following this rule.
The problem with trying to write a comprehensive set of rules is that those who wish to abuse them will always seek out loopholes or quote things that are not specifically forbidden. Any new rules that we publish will almost certainly NOT but the sort of rules you are seeking. Hence Bytram's rule....
polls to get community feedback
An excellent idea. Unfortunately, it is frequently abused by ACs (just as this poll is being abused now) who want to repeat their own point of view multiple times thereby suppressing the opinions of those with accounts who have the 'one account, one vote' restriction. You cannot have a fair vote when account holders have only one vote but ACs can claim to be a million different people. The last vote we organised was in 2015 - the effort required significantly more staff than we have today. Software has to be written to tally the votes and check that there are no irregularities. That would preclude ACs taking part, just as it did in 2015. However, the topic can still be discussed as I have mentioned above.
rightwingers get to doxx anyone they please
I cannot find where this has occurred. We have only identified one account that has doxxed anybody. I would appreciate if you could give me more information.
janrinok arguing that such comments are common in the US so there is no legal need to censor him.
I cannot identify a law that has been used to counter such comments in the USA. In fact, when other examples have been challenged they have been dismissed as being exempt under the First Amendment. There are US politicians and a former President who have frequently used this very exemption for spouting their chosen rhetoric. The same applied to all the political comments made by aristarchus. He was not banned for making them, nor have any of his more extreme political views been censored or removed. He was always directed to put them in his journal - which is the same advice that is given to Runaway1956 when he attempts to introduce them in the main stories.
However, you seem to support the idea that doxxing is acceptable, and that it did not justify aristarchus' banning. I wonder why, then, that the US has written laws (which I have quoted elsewhere) which specifically do make some of the doxxing that aristarchus did under his own name illegal under US Federal Law.
Finally, this is a web site, a form of social media. It was created to counter the commercialism that was being introduced by Dice and to provide a forum where anything could be discussed. We can adopt any rules that we wish when it comes to how we manage the site or its membership. We usually do this with the agreement of the active community.
The doxxing decision was different as there was a serious privacy issue involved. We had to limit access to, and the dissemination of, personal information which potentially had serious legal repercussions for an individual and the site itself. Furthermore, the investigation had to be conducted without giving prior warning to anyone involved, nor by suggesting that an accusation was proven before that was the case. You may disagree with the way it was handled but we have not heard of a better method of resolution from anyone in the community that takes these issues into account.
The site's primary focus is on STEM topics, but no topic is off limits providing it is legal in the state of Delaware. However, the editors are legally responsible for the front page contents. Other topics should be created by the community and belong in the journals - for which we have NO legal responsibility.
-- I am not interested in knowing who people are or where they live. My interest starts and stops at our servers.
(Score: -1, Spam) by Anonymous Coward on Sunday April 30 2023, @09:27AM
(3 children)
by Anonymous Coward
on Sunday April 30 2023, @09:27AM (#1304019)
The doxxing decision was different as there was a serious privacy issue involved. We had to limit access to, and the dissemination of, personal information which potentially had serious legal repercussions for an individual and the site itself.
Personal information with serious repercussions? I think everyone already knew that Runaway was a walking reservoir of veneral disease, what with the stint in the Navy, and so no one did have sex with him. But you are claiming he lost revenue from this information being leaked? No more gigs with the high class (and lonely) ladies of Arkansas? But, to me, this sounds like speculative losses, something any prudent investor would have already marked up and discounted. Oh, and doxxing is not illegal in America. If you don't want your home address splayed all over, don't be a dick, and don't put all your personal information all over a site like this one. Idiot.
But you are claiming he lost revenue from this information being leaked?
Where, in your twisted reading of what I have written, did you dream that up from? I wrote:
as there was a serious privacy issue involved.
You have replied, as always, with random, unsubstantiated allegations against somebody you have never even met.
Oh, and doxxing is not illegal in America.
Threats of or incitement to commit violence against a person ARE illegal in the USA. You forget or ignore what you have written in your own account. You cannot simply hand-wave it away as something of no consequence.
You are simply an obnoxious person with the lowest personal standards of decency I think that I have ever encountered.
-- I am not interested in knowing who people are or where they live. My interest starts and stops at our servers.
(Score: -1, Spam) by Anonymous Coward on Monday May 01 2023, @07:57AM
(1 child)
by Anonymous Coward
on Monday May 01 2023, @07:57AM (#1304156)
But you are claiming he lost revenue from this information being leaked?
Where, in your twisted reading of what I have written, did you dream that up from?
Pretty common knowledge in his locale that Runaway "moonlights" as a transvestite sex-worker, under the Nom de fuque of Texarkana Trixy. Puts on a pretty good Drag Show, besides the other, um, services. This is why he is so adamantly opposed to the Story Hour thing; taking away from his business.
(Score: -1, Spam) by Anonymous Coward on Friday April 28 2023, @09:02AM
by Anonymous Coward
on Friday April 28 2023, @09:02AM (#1303592)
Incidentally, I haven't seen you condemn those malicious bogus allegations about the staff. Right now, you look like a troll who is using allegations of staff malfeasance as an excuse to be disruptive. You've given me ample reason to distrust you and believe that you're acting in bad faith. Trust has to be earned, and right now, I just don't trust anything you say.
Bogus allegations? Like those leveled at aristarchus? Turn about is fair play, after all. Staff malfeasance is far more disruptive than any allegations. I don't trust you, you sound like a janrinok sockpuppet. Why are you wearing a mask?
The "recent" one? Considering there is someone with a serious space-fetish sometimes there are multiple space and spaceship news every week and depending on the schedule there are launches quite often. I know the poll text is somewhat limited. But some of the polls stay up for quite a long time, the PI day one that I think was the previous poll have been there for about two months at least. So I wonder how this poll will look in like July, which was the recent one then?
(Score: 1, Insightful) by Anonymous Coward on Wednesday April 26 2023, @03:08AM
by Anonymous Coward
on Wednesday April 26 2023, @03:08AM (#1303190)
You think Starship is going to fly again by July? And even if they did fly it again, wouldn't the question still be valid?
This one is apparently different because all the Elon fans think that he and only he can launch big rockets.
Meanwhile, NASA got Artemis 1 off the ground after admittedly having to scrub several times, and once they did it actually worked and didn't explode ... err ... "undergo a rapid unscheduled disassembly".
-- "Think of how stupid the average person is. Then realize half of 'em are stupider than that." - George Carlin
(Score: -1, Troll) by Anonymous Coward on Wednesday April 26 2023, @06:13AM
(7 children)
by Anonymous Coward
on Wednesday April 26 2023, @06:13AM (#1303204)
What is this?
Not to Put Amniotic Fluid in Your Eyes
Seriously, editors, if you want to make SN a serious contender as a news aggregation site, you need to stop with the Weekly World News stories. You do know they have gone out of print, don't you? And, remedial education of the janrinok on dog-whistles is definitely in order. How do you tell whether an article is a loaded right-wing nut-job puff piece? For someone so adept at identifying the anonymous aristarchus posts, it should be a piece of pie, or as easy as cake, if janrinok can keep his memes and metaphors straight. Now, where is my damn horse de-wormer paste? Left it here this morning. And who keeps steeling the gas our of my shed? Did you know that Biden is old? Got Drag queens in my driveway.
(Score: 0) by Anonymous Coward on Wednesday April 26 2023, @07:07AM
(6 children)
by Anonymous Coward
on Wednesday April 26 2023, @07:07AM (#1303209)
There are at least three things wrong with the premise of your comment:
1) If you have an objection to how the site is run or with a story, you should email If you take the time to explain yourself and write an intelligent email, you'll probably get a thoughtful reply from janrinok or someone else. Spamming about it here isn't helpful.
2) You have the ability to submit better stories, if you don't like what's being run. If you take the time to actually edit your stories and write intelligent summaries, you decrease the amount of work editors have to do. That greatly increases the chances of your story getting posted.
3) It's one story. There's nothing harmful about the content of the story. If you think it's inane, there are plenty of other stories on the front page that might be more to your liking. Nobody is forcing you to read the story.
I do practice what I preach. I didn't like the story about Switzerland's COVID vaccine policy. I sent an email to to strongly express my frustration and disappointment with that story. There are far better ways to address this than spamming a poll.
I also can't help but notice that you admit janrinok is proficient at identifying anonymous coward comments posted by aristarchus.
(Score: -1, Flamebait) by Anonymous Coward on Thursday April 27 2023, @12:40AM
(4 children)
by Anonymous Coward
on Thursday April 27 2023, @12:40AM (#1303365)
You must be new here. Emailing the admin? Hah!! Submit stories? More hah! Now that we know that natural immunity is better, that just proves that the horse paste people were right all along.
(Score: 0) by Anonymous Coward on Friday April 28 2023, @12:37AM
(1 child)
by Anonymous Coward
on Friday April 28 2023, @12:37AM (#1303538)
Once again, shitposting about it in a poll does nothing to solve the problem.
Did you email the admins to express your disapproval of the story? I did.
Did you post a comment in the actual story to criticize it? I did.
Throwing a temper tantrum here does nothing to solve the problem. It is, however, exactly what you would do if you're trying to disrupt the discussion and possibly start an argument about politics. Your behavior is most certainly consistent with trolling.
If you don't want to be called a troll, then don't act like a troll.
(Score: -1, Spam) by Anonymous Coward on Sunday April 30 2023, @09:31AM
by Anonymous Coward
on Sunday April 30 2023, @09:31AM (#1304020)
Once again, shitposting about it in a poll does nothing to solve the problem.
Actually, it does! Just look at the metric shit-ton of Spam mods that jan has spewed all over the site. Crap like that gets attention, and attention provokes action. And even if it does not, it at least serves as a warning to others that this place is radically dysfunctional, and that they should stay away. If the "human centipede captcha" doesn't immediately clue them in.
It probably was the failing concrete that took out the initial 2 outer ring Raptors. They appear to be next to where the hydraulic system was failing that caused the large gouts of yellow flame and it is apparent that there was cascading failures as it went out of sight. If that specific point damage hadn't happened it really seems like it would have made orbit.
In person it appeared to barely be moving and I thought it was barely climbing. Looking back at videos it was either the perspective or it was a time compression effect of just being shocked. (It seemed to take at least 20 seconds to clear the tower.)
The launch was wildly successful beyond all expectations and they are set to make a huge leap on the next launch. They know what needs to be done and the only road block is a possible knee-jerk over reaction by the FAA. I think people will be shocked at how fast SpaceX can rebuild the pad seeing as it is a focused single goal. I do think they should re-prioritize using the offshore platform for a launch system. It solves a bunch of problems including having one standardized system usable around the planet.
(Score: 2) by JoeMerchant on Wednesday May 10 2023, @03:03PM
>appeared to barely be moving and I thought it was barely climbing.
My big disappointment with my first model rocket launch was how fast it left the pad. The year was about 1975 and I had been watch Saturn V launches - expected something similar from the model. Not.
It's a combination of factors, perspective is a big one, the same way a 747 appears to be near stationary in the sky when it's coming at you at 170 knots.
>I do think they should re-prioritize using the offshore platform for a launch system. It solves a bunch of problems including having one standardized system usable around the planet.
How does the scale of the (proposed) offshore launch platform compare with, say, the Deepwater Horizon? Or even a large cargo ship?
The reason the BFR obliterated the launch pad is its massive scale. Yes, they launch ICBMs from submarines, but those are itty bitty compared to the super heavy.
(Score: 0) by Anonymous Coward on Sunday April 30 2023, @06:07AM
by Anonymous Coward
on Sunday April 30 2023, @06:07AM (#1304011)
nevermind. It kinda is.
(Score: -1, Spam) by Anonymous Coward on Monday May 01 2023, @08:18PM
(2 children)
by Anonymous Coward
on Monday May 01 2023, @08:18PM (#1304259)
I am schlocked, I mean, shocked that there is gambling That janrinok is unaware of labor history in the United States, of Haymarket, of Sacco and Vanzetti, and the fact that May Day was moved to August, under the name "Labor Day" in order to keep it as far as possible from International (Commie) Working Person's Day. In Arkansas, it is now Officially State Groomer and Child Labor Day.
(Score: -1, Spam) by Anonymous Coward on Tuesday May 02 2023, @12:08AM
(1 child)
by Anonymous Coward
on Tuesday May 02 2023, @12:08AM (#1304292)
Spam mod? To be expected from Running Dog Capitalists, who want to extend the French retirement age to 64, in order to squeeze more surplus value out of them! Vive la révolution!
(Score: -1, Spam) by Anonymous Coward on Tuesday May 02 2023, @10:32AM
by Anonymous Coward
on Tuesday May 02 2023, @10:32AM (#1304340)
The only other nation to suffer such repression of labor movements, besides the fucking Brits, is Australia. So it is not surprising that not only is the American shameful heritage ignored, or suppressed, but the Australian one as well. What is in common? Well, Murdock, and the mod-banning of c0lo. Coincidence? I think not!
(Score: -1, Spam) by Anonymous Coward on Monday May 01 2023, @08:34PM
(4 children)
by Anonymous Coward
on Monday May 01 2023, @08:34PM (#1304265)
Fliptop has pointed out the real test for AI: can it tell the difference between "begs the question" (tautology), and "raises the question" (causes further questions to be asked.). Of course, if this is the test, many non-artificial intelligences fail as well.
[And isn't this guy some kind of Catholic religious nut? A LLM with an eternal soul? Where was it, before the machine booted up? Where does it go when we hit "suspend"? And does it dream of electronic sheep? ]
(Score: -1, Spam) by Anonymous Coward on Tuesday May 02 2023, @10:56AM
(3 children)
by Anonymous Coward
on Tuesday May 02 2023, @10:56AM (#1304346)
I double dog dare you to spam mod me on the front page, boy! You think you have to balls to spam mod an AC? Come at me, bro!
(Score: -1, Spam) by Anonymous Coward on Thursday May 04 2023, @07:24AM
by Anonymous Coward
on Thursday May 04 2023, @07:24AM (#1304682)
You may be prepared to be older than I am, but I am aristarchus, so good luck with that. Oh, and just being older does not entail that you will be any good at it.
(Score: -1, Spam) by Anonymous Coward on Thursday May 04 2023, @07:28AM
(2 children)
by Anonymous Coward
on Thursday May 04 2023, @07:28AM (#1304685)
Into, into embarassment that such schlock is on the front page! Do you even understand what the claims being made are? This is more embarrassing than the AI hype. Right now, I am having an increased blood flow to the "fuck you" section of my cerebral cortex. Read it appropriately.
Better articles, eds, of this site will continue to decline.
(Score: 2) by janrinok on Thursday May 04 2023, @11:14AM
(1 child)
(Score: 0) by Anonymous Coward on Thursday May 04 2023, @05:01PM
by Anonymous Coward
on Thursday May 04 2023, @05:01PM (#1304755)
I stopped submitting articles when very STEM topics were rejected yet stupid gun nut propaganda made it through. Keep hiding behind your platitudes and whining about the community not doing enough, your actions say everything else.
(Score: 5, Interesting) by takyon on Tuesday April 25 2023, @02:52AM (5 children)
I don't know the latest, but it seems like:
The concrete pad chunks flying everywhere was an avoidable error, and may have been responsible for taking out some Raptors.
On the other hand, in the preceding 33-engine static fire test, 2 were not working properly (it was 3 for the flight test, climbing to 6 during the flight). So it's probably not just the pad that was responsible for engine failures.
Sure, there are many redundant engines and the spacecraft/booster can tolerate a couple/several not working, but the same can be said for Falcon 9, which does not have engine failures very often anymore.
We will see new and exciting ways for Starship to fail before they do anything important, but the engine failures are going to be one of the top problems they need to focus on.
If running about 33 of them close together is causing damage, at least with the Artemis program, astronauts do not need to worry about the booster.
[SIG] 10/28/2017: Soylent Upgrade v14 []
(Score: 4, Insightful) by mhajicek on Tuesday April 25 2023, @07:32AM (1 child)
Near as I can tell, separation didn't occur because it was below critical altitude, because too many engines were out, because they were damaged by debris, because they blew up the pad, because they didn't have a flame trench.
The gimbal system may also have been damaged for the same reason, preventing the ship from performing the flip maneuver within parameters.
The spacelike surfaces of time foliations can have a cusp at the surface of discontinuity. - P. Hajicek
(Score: 5, Insightful) by JoeMerchant on Wednesday May 10 2023, @02:53PM
>because they didn't have a flame trench.
Or... because they didn't display any understanding of basic soil mechanics.
They're in a marsh, water saturated soil, it's going to compress, when you hit it hard it's going to wobble like a bowl full of jello - then you've got the perfect Verrazano Narrows rehash but with oscillating soil instead of an oscillating suspension bridge.
A friend used to operate a pile driver, had a job on some "pumped up islands" which have a soil profile very much like a marshy wetland. First big strike on the pile and he watched a wave roll out from his location, a wave of soil several inches tall. They had to re-think that job because the waves were threatening to crack the foundations of all the surrounding houses, road, etc.
Point being: this knowledge has been "out there" for over a century - it's not lost, it's not obscure, I'd be willing to bet there were multiple people, most likely employees - possibly even engineers in related disciplines, trying to inform SpaceX management of the possibility / likelihood and they were squelched, NASA style like the Space Shuttle O-rings in freezing temperatures warnings.
🌻🌻🌻 []
(Score: 3, Interesting) by turgid on Wednesday May 03 2023, @02:46PM (2 children)
I'd call points 1 and 2 above "schoolboy errors." These are things that really shouldn't be happening at this stage in the development cycle.
The third point regarding engine reliability is more involved. How can you prove or determine the reliability of something like a rocket engine? They are complex systems operating right at the edge of what's physically possible given the materials and technology of the day, and to really have a good understanding of reliability you need copious test data which implies a lot of testing and therefore time and money.
When launching rockets, you're not just interested in the robustness and reliability of the hardware, but of the whole system, including the organisation that built and operates the rocket. Repeatability and low variation in quality are very important. This is why the first two problems, above, are all the more worrying.
I refuse to engage in a battle of wits with an unarmed opponent [].
(Score: 3, Informative) by takyon on Wednesday May 03 2023, @06:11PM (1 child)
In a perfect world, they could fly the same fully reusable Starship with its same engines to orbit repeatedly, maybe 100 times if needed. They can put up Starlink satellites to justify the test program's spending.
In reality, they can only currently launch up to 5 times per year out of Boca Chica, and they would be lucky to reach that given FAA red tape over the flight termination system, environmental lawsuits, and other issues. []
Now we know that they have allowed themselves to launch with 30/33 working (at the start anyway), the pad "rock tornado" was supposedly not responsible for those failures, and there was an event that affected a cluster of engines later on.
We know they can handle lots of engines with high reliability, just see the recent Falcon Heavy launch. But they need more launches to iron out these issues. Maybe they should think about using Cape Canaveral sooner rather than later.
[SIG] 10/28/2017: Soylent Upgrade v14 []
(Score: -1, Troll) by Anonymous Coward on Saturday May 06 2023, @07:28AM
If only we had a reusable takyon, in particle form, to further the neo-libertarian entreprenuer model of neo-feudalism! Time to tax the billionaries. They are idiots.
(Score: -1, Spam) by Anonymous Coward on Tuesday April 25 2023, @08:03AM (21 children)
Well, at least this is not Twitter, but we have a new pool for ACs to comment in furiously. I am happy for that. Don't care much about the Musk, or his premature explosions.
(Score: -1, Spam) by Anonymous Coward on Tuesday April 25 2023, @08:43AM (20 children)
And Remember, remember, the 14 of April, the shadow-mod-ban treason and plot. []
(Score: -1, Flamebait) by Anonymous Coward on Tuesday April 25 2023, @09:24AM (19 children)
Oh, look, Spam mods! Someone must very strongly disagree with those posts!
(Score: -1, Flamebait) by Anonymous Coward on Tuesday April 25 2023, @01:42PM (18 children)
They should be off topic but spam mod abuse is selectively punished.
(Score: 1, Insightful) by Anonymous Coward on Tuesday April 25 2023, @09:32PM (16 children)
Let's review the criteria for the spam mod []. It includes:
That second bullet point applies here. These threads are recurring, useless annoyances. They are repeatedly started in journals and polls. They don't contribute to the actual topic, instead disrupting discussion with massive threads. This has been going on for months, across numerous journals and polls. It more than satisfies the standard for using the spam mod.
(Score: -1, Troll) by Anonymous Coward on Wednesday April 26 2023, @07:46AM
No, they are not, you censoring bastard!
(Score: -1, Flamebait) by Anonymous Coward on Thursday April 27 2023, @05:45PM (14 children)
So anything you find annoying is spam? Well I find the alt-right jerks denying facts and actively promoting harm to be repetitive annoyances frequently off topic, but spam modding a "hunter biden" comment would have the spam mod revoked and staff saying to use flamebait or troll mods.
To be clear, the site can do what it wants, but there is a clear history of allowing rightwing trolls to misbehave while others get spam modded and mod banned with no recourse. It is the same pattern repeated over and over, any group that refuses transparency is a near guarantee of bad actors being tyrants in some fashion. SN transparency doesn't require making emails and IPs public, but that is always the straw argument used to defend the site.
It is up to every individual to determine what level of trust to give any group, but in my many decades of internet participation the ones that hide and make excuses for not informing users are the groups that should not be trusted. People who will say "look at the code" instead of exaining how things work are self righteous "meritocracy" style jerks not fit for community management.
(Score: 0) by Anonymous Coward on Thursday April 27 2023, @07:37PM (13 children)
That's a dishonest interpretation of what I said, and you know it. It's not simply that a post is annoying. It must also be repetitive and off-topic. This discussion has zero to do with the poll topic. These threads also repeatedly show up in journals and polls, where they're almost always off-topic. That is why they are spam. It is not simply that I find them annoying.
Many of these threads are posted with malicious intent, too. For example, a fake FatPhil account [] was created to post false allegations about janrinok supposedly admitting he blamed aristarchus for sock puppets operated by Runaway. That is demonstrably false because FatPhil explicitly denied that it was his account. Fabricating such allegations is downright malicious. When you and others post things like that, it makes your allegations look about as credible as Trump's efforts to deny the outcome of the 2020 election. I just don't believe you're posting in good faith. The threads you and aristarchus post look like malicious efforts to disrupt discussion on this site.
If you don't believe emailing the admins is worthwhile, you still have plenty of other recourse. If you have an account, get it into good standing, then post a journal with your criticisms. If the karma is sufficiently high, and I think the threshold is +10, it will show up in the recent journals box on the front page. There is a long history of people using journals to raise objections with the admins, and it wouldn't actively disrupt other discussions. If you think the staff are so untrustworthy that they might edit your journal or delete your comments, then create your own page on another site and post your evidence. That would be rather paranoid since the admins haven't deleted other malicious journals, not even the truly malicious journal posted by "Legend of Aristarchus" [] that claims it was modified by an admin. However, at least you wouldn't be spamming the site, and could plausibly be acting in good faith.
Incidentally, I haven't seen you condemn those malicious bogus allegations about the staff. Right now, you look like a troll who is using allegations of staff malfeasance as an excuse to be disruptive. You've given me ample reason to distrust you and believe that you're acting in bad faith. Trust has to be earned, and right now, I just don't trust anything you say.
(Score: 0) by Anonymous Coward on Thursday April 27 2023, @09:48PM (10 children)
Why must trust be earned from some commenter but staff, who have all the power, have no such requirement? My position is to ban aristarchus and runaway, then keep the site clean of shitposting user accounts after updating the site rules. Make a section for site related discussions so they don't need to post offtopic, run polls to get community feedback, and publish the spam report page so everyone can see who is spam modding what.
If you do not recall there are multiple users that have left after being abused by old TMB, janrinok has made false accusations about AC identity, and one admin finally found out the DB config which had aristarchus(?) modbanned for years and said it was strange and shouldn't happen. To me that screams admin abuse because they didn't like the mod pattern those users engaged in. In dirext opposition to that, whenever someone complains about downmods staff say any bad mods can be countermanded by upmods from others and that is how it works. Pretty hypocritical and clearly some users get to downmod freely while others get mods reversed and modbanned.
Being just another ac user it is not my duty to search out every accusation aristarchus and apk make, but it is the duty of staff to behave appropriately and honestly. So far janrinok has been more careful with false accusations. I stopped caring about the site much when staff made it clear they have bad actors and little desire to build trust. Just the lack of info regarding how weak the privacy protections are was bad enough, and still none of the details are published for users to read.
The worst offense was banning aristarchus citing legal concerns while US law is firmly on the side of free speech and rightwingers get to doxx anyone they please. Runaway's domestic terrorism comments are protected however, with janrinok arguing that such comments are common in the US so there is no legal need to censor him. I will keep pointing out these problems in the hope that other users realize the bad actors are providing a shelter for rightwing radicalization, from unbalanced community management to story selection that a 5th grader could recognize is severly biased.
Sorry to poop in your cheerios, but I do hope you realize SN is not as pure as you may hope. Your trust is not required, just consider the accusations, pay attention, and do not blindly trust the site.
(Score: 1, Insightful) by Anonymous Coward on Friday April 28 2023, @12:32AM
TMB made a lot of unilateral decisions about things like banning users from moderation. That's no longer the site policy, and there is supposed to be documentation of the reasons for banning users from moderating. You've established that this was an issue in the past. You have not demonstrated that it is currently a problem.
As for the story selection, you're complaining about something you can change. If you don't like the stories that are selected, you can submit better ones to the queue. My experience is that when I take the time to edit a story and submit it in that form, it's very likely to get posted quickly. It's less work for editors when I've already done much of the work. You can submit better stories and greatly increase the chances that they will get posted by editing them yourself. If you voluntarily choose not to do so while Runaway still submits stories, you're going to get more of the stories Runaway likes. You and aristarchus are full of excuses about this, but this is a problem that have the ability to address. You just choose not to, and then make excuses that you don't care about this site.
As for site policy, if you want it to change, draft some new policies that you think will make the site better. Email the admins about it. Get an account in good standing and post a journal about it. You have options that might actually make a difference and improve things. Again, as far as I know, you have chosen not to do so. You clearly have time to write about these things, otherwise you won't be posting these comments. But you choose to post them in places where they're highly off-topic and disruptive. If you posted them in a journal and got it on the front page, people might reply and actually express support for your ideas. Again, you choose not to do so. That is 100% your fault. When you put a lot of effort into posting off-topic complaints but refuse to direct any of that effort to taking action to improve things, you look like a troll.
As for your comment that you don't need to gain the trust of other users, you're technically correct. You don't have to prove to me that you're trustworthy. However, when you choose not to do so and join in threads that are clearly posted in bad faith, you shouldn't expect me to support you. If you don't want me to call you a troll, then stop acting like one.
(Score: 2) by janrinok on Friday April 28 2023, @06:50AM (3 children)
It seems to me that you are suggesting that the misconfiguration of the database is an intentional human act. As far as we can tell that isn't the case. It is thought to be a bug in the software which, under some as yet undetermined circumstances, is corrupting the database contents. There are several important factors to consider:
I am not interested in knowing who people are or where they live. My interest starts and stops at our servers.
(Score: -1, Spam) by Anonymous Coward on Saturday May 13 2023, @06:05AM (2 children)
Time for janrinok to do the Trump Intelligence. We have five things that we will say to your, and you must, after a few minutes, repeat them back to us, from memory, in the proper order.
Janrinok's Dementia Test
Aristarchus, aristarchus, aristarchus, aristarchus, and, finally aristarchus.
[Some time later:]
Janrinok: As I recall, it was aristarchus, aristarchus, Runaway, APK, and khallow, in that order.
A mind is a terrible thing to loose.
(Score: 1) by dalek on Saturday May 13 2023, @10:55AM (1 child)
I see that you've given up on even trying to pretend that you're a decent human being. You're a real scumbag to post something like this.
I don't know janrinok's medical history, and it's none of my business. However, dementia is a very unfortunate and far too common part of aging. It's a very cruel disease, and it's very difficult both for the person who experiences it and their friends and loved ones. I have no idea if janrinok does or does not have any age-related health issues, and it's not my business at all. However, I do know that you're a real piece of shit for making light of diseases like dementia and using it an excuse to mock someone. Let me guess, you probably visit St. Jude's Children's Hospital to point and laugh at the kids who are receiving medical treatment there. That's the same type of behavior you exhibited in this comment.
Oh, by the way, the word you were looking for at the end of the post is "lose." But who cares about proper use of the English language when you can post spam comments and show the world what a loser (not looser) you are.
Fuck you, aristarchus.
(Score: -1, Spam) by Anonymous Coward on Sunday May 14 2023, @05:01AM
And, fuck you, dalek. I was always surprised at the ichor that APK expressed towards you, but maybe it was because you are an asshole.
And, perhaps, you are not bright enough to have keyed into certain SoylentNews Traditions, one of which is intentional misspellings, which can serve multiple porpoises. (Props to DannyB!)
(Score: 2) by janrinok on Sunday April 30 2023, @07:19AM (4 children)
It exists - that is exactly what journals are for. You can discuss anything, which includes items that are site related. Many accounts do have their own journals. Alternatively, if you feel strongly that it should be on the front page then write the submission - we have existing topics that cover this very purpose.
We cannot display any rules, existing or new, until our wiki is restored. It was trashed during the server reorganisation - we are working to recover it. The primary rule is one introduced by Bytram (and which I strongly support) over 18 months ago - "Don't be a dick." If someone cannot discuss things reasonably as an adult then they are probably not following this rule.
The problem with trying to write a comprehensive set of rules is that those who wish to abuse them will always seek out loopholes or quote things that are not specifically forbidden. Any new rules that we publish will almost certainly NOT but the sort of rules you are seeking. Hence Bytram's rule....
An excellent idea. Unfortunately, it is frequently abused by ACs (just as this poll is being abused now) who want to repeat their own point of view multiple times thereby suppressing the opinions of those with accounts who have the 'one account, one vote' restriction. You cannot have a fair vote when account holders have only one vote but ACs can claim to be a million different people. The last vote we organised was in 2015 - the effort required significantly more staff than we have today. Software has to be written to tally the votes and check that there are no irregularities. That would preclude ACs taking part, just as it did in 2015. However, the topic can still be discussed as I have mentioned above.
I cannot find where this has occurred. We have only identified one account that has doxxed anybody. I would appreciate if you could give me more information.
I cannot identify a law that has been used to counter such comments in the USA. In fact, when other examples have been challenged they have been dismissed as being exempt under the First Amendment. There are US politicians and a former President who have frequently used this very exemption for spouting their chosen rhetoric. The same applied to all the political comments made by aristarchus. He was not banned for making them, nor have any of his more extreme political views been censored or removed. He was always directed to put them in his journal - which is the same advice that is given to Runaway1956 when he attempts to introduce them in the main stories.
However, you seem to support the idea that doxxing is acceptable, and that it did not justify aristarchus' banning. I wonder why, then, that the US has written laws (which I have quoted elsewhere) which specifically do make some of the doxxing that aristarchus did under his own name illegal under US Federal Law.
Finally, this is a web site, a form of social media. It was created to counter the commercialism that was being introduced by Dice and to provide a forum where anything could be discussed. We can adopt any rules that we wish when it comes to how we manage the site or its membership. We usually do this with the agreement of the active community.
The doxxing decision was different as there was a serious privacy issue involved. We had to limit access to, and the dissemination of, personal information which potentially had serious legal repercussions for an individual and the site itself. Furthermore, the investigation had to be conducted without giving prior warning to anyone involved, nor by suggesting that an accusation was proven before that was the case. You may disagree with the way it was handled but we have not heard of a better method of resolution from anyone in the community that takes these issues into account.
The site's primary focus is on STEM topics, but no topic is off limits providing it is legal in the state of Delaware. However, the editors are legally responsible for the front page contents. Other topics should be created by the community and belong in the journals - for which we have NO legal responsibility.
I am not interested in knowing who people are or where they live. My interest starts and stops at our servers.
(Score: -1, Spam) by Anonymous Coward on Sunday April 30 2023, @09:27AM (3 children)
Personal information with serious repercussions? I think everyone already knew that Runaway was a walking reservoir of veneral disease, what with the stint in the Navy, and so no one did have sex with him. But you are claiming he lost revenue from this information being leaked? No more gigs with the high class (and lonely) ladies of Arkansas? But, to me, this sounds like speculative losses, something any prudent investor would have already marked up and discounted. Oh, and doxxing is not illegal in America. If you don't want your home address splayed all over, don't be a dick, and don't put all your personal information all over a site like this one. Idiot.
(Score: 2) by janrinok on Sunday April 30 2023, @10:27AM (2 children)
Where, in your twisted reading of what I have written, did you dream that up from? I wrote:
You have replied, as always, with random, unsubstantiated allegations against somebody you have never even met.
Threats of or incitement to commit violence against a person ARE illegal in the USA. You forget or ignore what you have written in your own account. You cannot simply hand-wave it away as something of no consequence.
You are simply an obnoxious person with the lowest personal standards of decency I think that I have ever encountered.
I am not interested in knowing who people are or where they live. My interest starts and stops at our servers.
(Score: -1, Spam) by Anonymous Coward on Monday May 01 2023, @07:57AM (1 child)
Pretty common knowledge in his locale that Runaway "moonlights" as a transvestite sex-worker, under the Nom de fuque of Texarkana Trixy. Puts on a pretty good Drag Show, besides the other, um, services. This is why he is so adamantly opposed to the Story Hour thing; taking away from his business.
(Score: -1, Spam) by Anonymous Coward on Sunday May 14 2023, @05:04AM
I notice, after a reasonable time, no one has posted any evidence to the contrary? Oh, dear.
(Score: -1, Troll) by Anonymous Coward on Thursday April 27 2023, @10:34PM
I do not at all know that. Could you explain? Or at least spam mod the criticism?
(Score: -1, Spam) by Anonymous Coward on Friday April 28 2023, @09:02AM
Bogus allegations? Like those leveled at aristarchus? Turn about is fair play, after all. Staff malfeasance is far more disruptive than any allegations. I don't trust you, you sound like a janrinok sockpuppet. Why are you wearing a mask?
(Score: 0) by Anonymous Coward on Monday May 15 2023, @03:56AM
Spam mod abuse is no longer punished on this site, it is the preferred method of protecting the alt-right, and to alt right.
(Score: 2) by looorg on Tuesday April 25 2023, @07:44PM (2 children)
The "recent" one? Considering there is someone with a serious space-fetish sometimes there are multiple space and spaceship news every week and depending on the schedule there are launches quite often. I know the poll text is somewhat limited. But some of the polls stay up for quite a long time, the PI day one that I think was the previous poll have been there for about two months at least. So I wonder how this poll will look in like July, which was the recent one then?
(Score: 1, Insightful) by Anonymous Coward on Wednesday April 26 2023, @03:08AM
You think Starship is going to fly again by July? And even if they did fly it again, wouldn't the question still be valid?
(Score: 2) by Thexalon on Friday April 28 2023, @09:09PM
This one is apparently different because all the Elon fans think that he and only he can launch big rockets.
Meanwhile, NASA got Artemis 1 off the ground after admittedly having to scrub several times, and once they did it actually worked and didn't explode ... err ... "undergo a rapid unscheduled disassembly".
"Think of how stupid the average person is. Then realize half of 'em are stupider than that." - George Carlin
(Score: -1, Troll) by Anonymous Coward on Wednesday April 26 2023, @06:13AM (7 children)
What is this?
Seriously, editors, if you want to make SN a serious contender as a news aggregation site, you need to stop with the Weekly World News stories. You do know they have gone out of print, don't you? And, remedial education of the janrinok on dog-whistles is definitely in order. How do you tell whether an article is a loaded right-wing nut-job puff piece? For someone so adept at identifying the anonymous aristarchus posts, it should be a piece of pie, or as easy as cake, if janrinok can keep his memes and metaphors straight. Now, where is my damn horse de-wormer paste? Left it here this morning. And who keeps steeling the gas our of my shed? Did you know that Biden is old? Got Drag queens in my driveway.
(Score: 0) by Anonymous Coward on Wednesday April 26 2023, @07:07AM (6 children)
There are at least three things wrong with the premise of your comment:
1) If you have an objection to how the site is run or with a story, you should email If you take the time to explain yourself and write an intelligent email, you'll probably get a thoughtful reply from janrinok or someone else. Spamming about it here isn't helpful.
2) You have the ability to submit better stories, if you don't like what's being run. If you take the time to actually edit your stories and write intelligent summaries, you decrease the amount of work editors have to do. That greatly increases the chances of your story getting posted.
3) It's one story. There's nothing harmful about the content of the story. If you think it's inane, there are plenty of other stories on the front page that might be more to your liking. Nobody is forcing you to read the story.
I do practice what I preach. I didn't like the story about Switzerland's COVID vaccine policy. I sent an email to to strongly express my frustration and disappointment with that story. There are far better ways to address this than spamming a poll.
I also can't help but notice that you admit janrinok is proficient at identifying anonymous coward comments posted by aristarchus.
(Score: -1, Flamebait) by Anonymous Coward on Thursday April 27 2023, @12:40AM (4 children)
You must be new here. Emailing the admin? Hah!! Submit stories? More hah! Now that we know that natural immunity is better, that just proves that the horse paste people were right all along.
(Score: 0) by Anonymous Coward on Thursday April 27 2023, @03:03AM (3 children)
I'm not so sure you really understood what that natural immunity story said.
(Score: 1, Touché) by Anonymous Coward on Thursday April 27 2023, @10:44PM (2 children)
I am sure that you do not recognize anti-vax dog-whistles.
(Score: 0) by Anonymous Coward on Friday April 28 2023, @12:37AM (1 child)
Once again, shitposting about it in a poll does nothing to solve the problem.
Did you email the admins to express your disapproval of the story? I did.
Did you post a comment in the actual story to criticize it? I did.
Throwing a temper tantrum here does nothing to solve the problem. It is, however, exactly what you would do if you're trying to disrupt the discussion and possibly start an argument about politics. Your behavior is most certainly consistent with trolling.
If you don't want to be called a troll, then don't act like a troll.
(Score: -1, Spam) by Anonymous Coward on Sunday April 30 2023, @09:31AM
Actually, it does! Just look at the metric shit-ton of Spam mods that jan has spewed all over the site. Crap like that gets attention, and attention provokes action. And even if it does not, it at least serves as a warning to others that this place is radically dysfunctional, and that they should stay away. If the "human centipede captcha" doesn't immediately clue them in.
Thank you for your comment, janrinok!
(Score: -1, Flamebait) by Anonymous Coward on Thursday April 27 2023, @05:47PM
janrinok still confuses aristarchus with apk and a few other ACs, but your perceptual bias is noted.
(Score: 4, Insightful) by mcgrew on Wednesday April 26 2023, @01:30PM
Metaphor for Twitter (credit goes to a late night comedian)
A Russian operative has infiltrated the highest level of our government. Where's Joe McCarthy when we need him?
(Score: 2) by Quicksilver on Wednesday April 26 2023, @04:48PM (2 children)
It probably was the failing concrete that took out the initial 2 outer ring Raptors. They appear to be next to where the hydraulic system was failing that caused the large gouts of yellow flame and it is apparent that there was cascading failures as it went out of sight. If that specific point damage hadn't happened it really seems like it would have made orbit.
In person it appeared to barely be moving and I thought it was barely climbing. Looking back at videos it was either the perspective or it was a time compression effect of just being shocked. (It seemed to take at least 20 seconds to clear the tower.)
The launch was wildly successful beyond all expectations and they are set to make a huge leap on the next launch. They know what needs to be done and the only road block is a possible knee-jerk over reaction by the FAA. I think people will be shocked at how fast SpaceX can rebuild the pad seeing as it is a focused single goal. I do think they should re-prioritize using the offshore platform for a launch system. It solves a bunch of problems including having one standardized system usable around the planet.
(Score: 2) by JoeMerchant on Wednesday May 10 2023, @03:03PM
>appeared to barely be moving and I thought it was barely climbing.
My big disappointment with my first model rocket launch was how fast it left the pad. The year was about 1975 and I had been watch Saturn V launches - expected something similar from the model. Not.
It's a combination of factors, perspective is a big one, the same way a 747 appears to be near stationary in the sky when it's coming at you at 170 knots.
🌻🌻🌻 []
(Score: 2) by JoeMerchant on Wednesday May 10 2023, @03:07PM
>I do think they should re-prioritize using the offshore platform for a launch system. It solves a bunch of problems including having one standardized system usable around the planet.
How does the scale of the (proposed) offshore launch platform compare with, say, the Deepwater Horizon? Or even a large cargo ship?
The reason the BFR obliterated the launch pad is its massive scale. Yes, they launch ICBMs from submarines, but those are itty bitty compared to the super heavy.
🌻🌻🌻 []
(Score: 0) by Anonymous Coward on Sunday April 30 2023, @06:07AM
(Score: -1, Spam) by Anonymous Coward on Monday May 01 2023, @08:18PM (2 children)
I am schlocked, I mean, shocked
that there is gamblingThat janrinok is unaware of labor history in the United States, of Haymarket, of Sacco and Vanzetti, and the fact that May Day was moved to August, under the name "Labor Day" in order to keep it as far as possible from International (Commie) Working Person's Day. In Arkansas, it is now Officially State Groomer and Child Labor Day.(Score: -1, Spam) by Anonymous Coward on Tuesday May 02 2023, @12:08AM (1 child)
Spam mod? To be expected from Running Dog Capitalists, who want to extend the French retirement age to 64, in order to squeeze more surplus value out of them! Vive la révolution!
(Score: -1, Spam) by Anonymous Coward on Tuesday May 02 2023, @10:32AM
The only other nation to suffer such repression of labor movements, besides the fucking Brits, is Australia. So it is not surprising that not only is the American shameful heritage ignored, or suppressed, but the Australian one as well. What is in common? Well, Murdock, and the mod-banning of c0lo. Coincidence? I think not!
(Score: -1, Spam) by Anonymous Coward on Monday May 01 2023, @08:34PM (4 children)
Fliptop has pointed out the real test for AI: can it tell the difference between "begs the question" (tautology), and "raises the question" (causes further questions to be asked.). Of course, if this is the test, many non-artificial intelligences fail as well.
[And isn't this guy some kind of Catholic religious nut? A LLM with an eternal soul? Where was it, before the machine booted up? Where does it go when we hit "suspend"? And does it dream of electronic sheep? ]
(Score: -1, Spam) by Anonymous Coward on Tuesday May 02 2023, @10:56AM (3 children)
I double dog dare you to spam mod me on the front page, boy! You think you have to balls to spam mod an AC? Come at me, bro!
(Score: 2) by janrinok on Tuesday May 02 2023, @01:51PM (2 children)
I was too late, somebody beat me to it.
And I am prepared to be that I am older than you are - boy! Now get off my lawn.
I am not interested in knowing who people are or where they live. My interest starts and stops at our servers.
(Score: 2) by janrinok on Tuesday May 02 2023, @01:51PM
I am not interested in knowing who people are or where they live. My interest starts and stops at our servers.
(Score: -1, Spam) by Anonymous Coward on Thursday May 04 2023, @07:24AM
You may be prepared to be older than I am, but I am aristarchus, so good luck with that. Oh, and just being older does not entail that you will be any good at it.
(Score: -1, Spam) by Anonymous Coward on Thursday May 04 2023, @07:28AM (2 children)
Into, into embarassment that such schlock is on the front page! Do you even understand what the claims being made are? This is more embarrassing than the AI hype. Right now, I am having an increased blood flow to the "fuck you" section of my cerebral cortex. Read it appropriately.
Better articles, eds, of this site will continue to decline.
(Score: 2) by janrinok on Thursday May 04 2023, @11:14AM (1 child)
Better submissions, AC, that is what is needed.
I am not interested in knowing who people are or where they live. My interest starts and stops at our servers.
(Score: 0) by Anonymous Coward on Thursday May 04 2023, @05:01PM
I stopped submitting articles when very STEM topics were rejected yet stupid gun nut propaganda made it through. Keep hiding behind your platitudes and whining about the community not doing enough, your actions say everything else.
(Score: -1, Spam) by Anonymous Coward on Tuesday May 09 2023, @05:31PM
Found the latest one []
Love me some irony!