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How many brower tabs do you have open right now?

Displaying poll results.
One window to rule them all
  9% 19 votes
Two: one for work and one for play
  3% 7 votes
Between two and ten: only the info I need when I need it
  29% 61 votes
Between ten and twenty: I'm not so diligent closing them
  12% 26 votes
More than twenty: I'll close them eventually
  10% 22 votes
Too many to waste time counting
  24% 51 votes
None: I use Lynx you insensitive clod!
  11% 23 votes
209 total votes.
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  • Don't complain about lack of options. You've got to pick a few when you do multiple choice. Those are the breaks.
  • Feel free to suggest poll ideas if you're feeling creative. I'd strongly suggest reading the past polls first.
  • This whole thing is wildly inaccurate. Rounding errors, ballot stuffers, dynamic IPs, firewalls. If you're using these numbers to do anything important, you're insane.
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The Fine Print: The following comments are owned by whoever posted them. We are not responsible for them in any way.
  • (Score: -1, Flamebait) by Anonymous Coward on Monday May 15 2023, @11:54PM (7 children)

    by Anonymous Coward on Monday May 15 2023, @11:54PM (#1306475)

    Reminder that Soylent News keeps your IP, the hash is trivially unmasked, and logged in user's AC comments are forever tied to the username, in no way anonymous to anyone with database access. Admins selectively apply rules, but lately we're seeing a push against white supremacy. Admins can remove content but say they can not, but here is to hoping the slightly better quality of discourse remains.

    • (Score: -1, Offtopic) by Anonymous Coward on Tuesday May 16 2023, @04:31AM (6 children)

      by Anonymous Coward on Tuesday May 16 2023, @04:31AM (#1306511)

      That is what I always thought. Expect Spam Mods shortly.

      • (Score: -1, Spam) by Anonymous Coward on Wednesday May 17 2023, @04:25AM (5 children)

        by Anonymous Coward on Wednesday May 17 2023, @04:25AM (#1306666)

        More Spam Mods ought to fix this. Or, it should. Not sure why, only that some people hate people who disagree with them, especially when they prove clearly that their conservative beliefs are wrong and stupid. Oh, the pain and embarrassment!

        • (Score: -1, Spam) by Anonymous Coward on Wednesday May 17 2023, @04:32AM (4 children)

          by Anonymous Coward on Wednesday May 17 2023, @04:32AM (#1306667)

          Or, at the end, aristarchus has won, by making you ban him, and damage the very premiss upon which SoylentNews was founded. Ncommander is never getting his money back.

          • (Score: 3, Informative) by janrinok on Thursday May 18 2023, @01:57PM (3 children)

            by janrinok (52) Subscriber Badge on Thursday May 18 2023, @01:57PM (#1306841) Journal

            On the contrary - the front page is exactly as it should be. The journals are being used to discuss any topic that the community wish that isn't suitable or selected for the front page - exactly as they should be. aristarchus cannot create usable sock puppets - which is also exactly as it should be.

            But if that is what he wanted to achieve then I suppose he has won. He just wasted a lot of his time going about it in a childish way.

            I am not interested in knowing who people are or where they live. My interest starts and stops at our servers.
            • (Score: -1, Spam) by Anonymous Coward on Monday May 22 2023, @04:34AM

              by Anonymous Coward on Monday May 22 2023, @04:34AM (#1307285)

              I notice a sub by Ncommander in the queue, on SoylentNews shutdown. Like the guy in the rowboat in the hold of the Exxon Valdez in the movie "Waterworld", when Kevin Costner dropped the light flare, I just want to say, "Thank God."

            • (Score: -1, Spam) by Anonymous Coward on Wednesday May 24 2023, @12:34AM (1 child)

              by Anonymous Coward on Wednesday May 24 2023, @12:34AM (#1307791)

              "Only now, at the end, do you understand." But janrinok still does not understand. Will he by June 30?

              • (Score: -1, Troll) by Anonymous Coward on Wednesday May 24 2023, @05:25AM

                by Anonymous Coward on Wednesday May 24 2023, @05:25AM (#1307830)

                Janrinok banned aristarchus to protect Runaway. Soylent News is dying because it couldn't recover from a rogue admin censoring a poor inncoent Soylentil. Soylent News is sinking like Atlantis, soon to be lost forever to protect a treasonous racist transphobe. A new site will be the same, Runaway posting violent threats and Janrinok protecting him. The stoopid Dalek will be at the new site to suck Janrinok off because his wife is dead, LOL! Janrinok supported Runaway at first because he agreed with him. Now he's too senile to know the difference and he just gets sucked off by Dalek nonstop. After his pals Dalek and Runaway get to the new site, Janrinok will ban all new users just like here. He's banned over 30 new users in the last six hours even. Oh, the huge manatees!

  • (Score: 0) by Anonymous Coward on Wednesday May 17 2023, @11:48AM

    by Anonymous Coward on Wednesday May 17 2023, @11:48AM (#1306684)

    Way too many. More than 20 on my primary work PC, then there's the main work VM, servers and other boxes I log on to. At home I've got my main PC, and several VMs..

  • (Score: 3, Touché) by DannyB on Wednesday May 17 2023, @02:39PM (2 children)

    by DannyB (5839) Subscriber Badge on Wednesday May 17 2023, @02:39PM (#1306705) Journal

    The only problem I have with browser tabs is everything that appears between the navigation bar and the bottom of the browser window.

    Motorcycle helmets should be required by law to have airbags inside to protect the rider. What about seatbelts?
    • (Score: 0) by Anonymous Coward on Wednesday May 24 2023, @07:16AM (1 child)

      by Anonymous Coward on Wednesday May 24 2023, @07:16AM (#1307849)
      If that's the case it sounds more like a PEBKAC problem.
      • (Score: 2) by hendrikboom on Sunday May 28 2023, @01:32PM

        by hendrikboom (1125) Subscriber Badge on Sunday May 28 2023, @01:32PM (#1308649) Homepage Journal

        Or a problem with what websites like to present that's different from that the user wants. There's a lot of that on many, many sites. Not to mention pages that crash the browser.

  • (Score: 2) by Freeman on Wednesday May 17 2023, @02:48PM (2 children)

    by Freeman (732) on Wednesday May 17 2023, @02:48PM (#1306707) Journal

    I voted to many to waste time counting, mainly because that's what I'm generally at. I recently switched work computers, so I've not built-up to that point, though. Still, it's not that difficult to count the tabs. Just bookmark them all and then it's easy enough to find how many you have in the bookmark manager or favorites manager in Firefox/Chrome/Edge.

    Joshua 1:9 "Be strong and of a good courage; be not afraid, neither be thou dismayed: for the Lord thy God is with thee"
    • (Score: 2) by hendrikboom on Sunday May 28 2023, @01:35PM (1 child)

      by hendrikboom (1125) Subscriber Badge on Sunday May 28 2023, @01:35PM (#1308650) Homepage Journal

      I tried to bookmark all my tabs yesterday in Firefox and discovered that that option seemed to have vanished from the menus.

      • (Score: 2) by Freeman on Thursday June 08 2023, @08:30PM

        by Freeman (732) on Thursday June 08 2023, @08:30PM (#1310581) Journal

        You have to "select all tabs" then you can bookmark the tabs. Or you can select only the ones you want and then bookmark them.

        Joshua 1:9 "Be strong and of a good courage; be not afraid, neither be thou dismayed: for the Lord thy God is with thee"
  • (Score: 3, Interesting) by Runaway1956 on Thursday May 18 2023, @11:11PM (7 children)

    by Runaway1956 (2926) Subscriber Badge on Thursday May 18 2023, @11:11PM (#1306926) Journal

    If I started counting, I'd need to count all of the tabs, in all of the browsers, right? I have six browsers open, and I ain't bothering. And, I probably wouldn't be honest if I did bother to count.

    A MAN Just Won a Gold Medal for Punching a Woman in the Face
    • (Score: 2) by Reziac on Tuesday May 23 2023, @03:30AM

      by Reziac (2489) on Tuesday May 23 2023, @03:30AM (#1307560) Homepage

      Only three browsers, but two different PCs... what, maybe 20 tabs? I got bored and stopped counting. Plus a very large chunk of bookmarks that are tab groups saved because it was getting out of hand and I needed to shut down or something.

      Actually there might be one running on another PC that nowadays mostly controls the printer. I'd have to check.

      And there is no Alkibiades to come back and save us from ourselves.
    • (Score: -1, Troll) by Anonymous Coward on Wednesday May 24 2023, @12:37AM (3 children)

      by Anonymous Coward on Wednesday May 24 2023, @12:37AM (#1307794)

      Runaway: half a dozen ammosexual websites, the rest Drag Queen "Fans Only". That is why SoylentNews is dead.

      • (Score: -1, Troll) by Anonymous Coward on Wednesday May 24 2023, @05:34AM

        by Anonymous Coward on Wednesday May 24 2023, @05:34AM (#1307831)

        Also dead because senile Janrinok got tricked by the ammosexual traitor and banned a poor innocent Soylentil instead of the looser Runaway who wants to kill all progressives. Then he just banned all new users and ACs so nobody could out Runsaway.

      • (Score: -1, Troll) by Anonymous Coward on Wednesday May 24 2023, @05:42AM (1 child)

        by Anonymous Coward on Wednesday May 24 2023, @05:42AM (#1307833)

        Are there any CP tabs that he wants to post on the front page of Soylent News?

        • (Score: -1, Troll) by Anonymous Coward on Friday May 26 2023, @05:56PM

          by Anonymous Coward on Friday May 26 2023, @05:56PM (#1308342)

          Well he is a Republican that toally didn't vote for Trump 2x so you do the math

    • (Score: -1, Troll) by Anonymous Coward on Wednesday May 24 2023, @05:39AM (1 child)

      by Anonymous Coward on Wednesday May 24 2023, @05:39AM (#1307832)

      Abortion is the number one killed of children in the United States.

      Runsaway is jealous! He wants to kill 50 million progressives so he can take the lead. What a creepy ammosexual who doxxed himself to frame aristarchus.

      • (Score: -1, Troll) by Anonymous Coward on Saturday May 27 2023, @03:08AM

        by Anonymous Coward on Saturday May 27 2023, @03:08AM (#1308419)

        Now that is funny. As far as I've seen I'm the only one to call them runsaway. That means you are apk, the biggest loser here. Framing aristarchus then claiming the opposite? Classic Republican projection to get away with bad things. Sadly I am the only one that gets to actually know this, but this site has developed such a poor reputation that I won't lose any sleep worrying about what nonsense they think is true or not. Long live spam mod abuse!

  • (Score: 2, Funny) by driverless on Tuesday May 23 2023, @08:53AM

    by driverless (4770) on Tuesday May 23 2023, @08:53AM (#1307621)

    Let me reopen a few...

  • (Score: 2) by isostatic on Tuesday May 23 2023, @12:57PM

    by isostatic (365) on Tuesday May 23 2023, @12:57PM (#1307639) Journal

    I've only got 6 windows open, and of one of the windows I have so few tabs that the tab scroller isn't shown!

  • (Score: -1, Troll) by Anonymous Coward on Wednesday May 24 2023, @11:50AM (3 children)

    by Anonymous Coward on Wednesday May 24 2023, @11:50AM (#1307879)

    I am a new user. This site would grow if you stop blocking all new accounts from being created. I want to join but cannot.

    Somebody using the email address '' has attempted to create an account with the username 'New Soylentil'.
    Unfortunately it has triggered our security software and the account has been temporarily disabled. (Reference: 51339B/34792)

    If you were NOT trying to create an account then please accept my apologies and you can ignore this email.

    If you ARE trying to create an account then please contact me at and I will try to assist you. Please quote 51339B/34792 in the title/subject of your email.

    jan rinok

    It looks like Janrinok is even banning all gmail addresses from creating accounts. His paranoia is pathetic.

    • (Score: -1, Spam) by Anonymous Coward on Thursday May 25 2023, @06:35PM (2 children)

      by Anonymous Coward on Thursday May 25 2023, @06:35PM (#1308172)

      Doesn't just "look" that way. SN delenda est.

      • (Score: 2) by Mykl on Friday May 26 2023, @04:45AM (1 child)

        by Mykl (1112) on Friday May 26 2023, @04:45AM (#1308256)

        Oh geez, it's been a while since I dived into Journals, so I haven't seen this verbal diarrhea for ages.

        Can't believe that he's still going. This is way past lulz - it's an all-consuming obsession.

        Ari - this is not a troll or some snarky comment. What you are doing is not normal - please seek mental help.

        • (Score: -1, Spam) by Anonymous Coward on Friday May 26 2023, @06:40AM

          by Anonymous Coward on Friday May 26 2023, @06:40AM (#1308264)

          If you still think this is aristarchus, you are the one in need of mental health treatment. Just saying, as a piece of friendly advice. See a professional.

  • (Score: -1, Spam) by Anonymous Coward on Friday May 26 2023, @07:29PM (19 children)

    by Anonymous Coward on Friday May 26 2023, @07:29PM (#1308361)

    Ncommander's latest journal entry, where he takes it all back, is closed to ACs. Evidently he has gone to the jani-dark side. Well, I won't be commenting there. It's like millions of ACs cried out in terror, and then silence.

    • (Score: 0) by Anonymous Coward on Friday May 26 2023, @09:03PM (18 children)

      by Anonymous Coward on Friday May 26 2023, @09:03PM (#1308376)

      NCommander expressed a desire to eliminate AC comments throughout the entire site a few months ago but backtracked due to pushback from the community. However, I suspect he blocked AC comments in his latest journal because you and Azuma Hazuki 2.0 filled the previous one with shitposts. If you don't like the consequences of your actions, you should have behaved differently to begin with.

      • (Score: -1, Spam) by Anonymous Coward on Friday May 26 2023, @11:19PM (3 children)

        by Anonymous Coward on Friday May 26 2023, @11:19PM (#1308395)

        Please! Just let SoylentNews die with some dignity! Your repeated attempts to blame ACs is unseemly, and crass. Please stop.

        • (Score: 2) by nostyle on Saturday May 27 2023, @01:53AM

          by nostyle (11497) on Saturday May 27 2023, @01:53AM (#1308411) Journal

          let SoylentNews die with some dignity!


          Dude! Your reverse psychology [] strategy seems to be working. Maybe I can help.

          Whatever you guys decide to do, don't throw SN in the pipedot patch! It just ain't dignified.


          Do, please, forgive my irreverence.

          My winter's almost over, the summer, she's comin' on strong
          I can love you, love you, love you, love you all year long

          -Spirit, I Got a Line on You

        • (Score: 2) by janrinok on Saturday May 27 2023, @11:05AM (1 child)

          by janrinok (52) Subscriber Badge on Saturday May 27 2023, @11:05AM (#1308466) Journal

          No one has blamed ACs - have you read NCommander's journal entry?

          I am not interested in knowing who people are or where they live. My interest starts and stops at our servers.
          • (Score: 0) by Anonymous Coward on Monday May 29 2023, @09:06AM

            by Anonymous Coward on Monday May 29 2023, @09:06AM (#1308735)

            Read it. Can't post there. Seems not many are!

      • (Score: 0) by Anonymous Coward on Saturday May 27 2023, @02:41AM (13 children)

        by Anonymous Coward on Saturday May 27 2023, @02:41AM (#1308417)

        Staff you'll want to closely examine whoever is posting this stuff about AH2.0. They are likely the creator of the AH 2.0 account, since I am the one that took over the account when they made the password public. Weeks after that comment I decided to test out if they were lying, but they were not. So I used the account to make AC comments, but sometimes forgot to click the checkbox sorry AH. The original owner or staff reset the password and claimed it in some comment, the email domain having mcc sharktesting. They are now claiming I made the account, either targeting my speech patterns or having privileged access to the database. If you actually don't care then that says everything, and I'll be happy to see the site shut down since bad actors can cause such chaos amidst lazy community moderators that prefer truthiness to truth.

        To be clear on the choice SN staff have made, terrorist content is allowed while site criticism is not. Anyone that brings up the doxxing by aristarchus can piss off since that was not me. If someone has a problem with me it is because they a) dislike conflict or b) are rightwing circle jerking fascists.

        Enough of my AC comments have been upmodded to know the entire community is not alt-right turds, but some assholes that run sock puppets and spam AC have managed to create total antagonism. Is it aristarchus being shitty and duplicitous? I don't think so. I think apk is playing most of the AC spam games and account creation because it fits their pattern. Maybe aristarchus/apk is a very unhealthy individual that is leftwing except for account creation spam where he becomes a rightwing shithead. I think it more likely apk is throwing a tantrum impersonating leftwing people because apk is a rightwing douche with zero ethics.

        Regardless, he'll follow you around and never stop. I'm just the occasional voice of reason trying to alert people to information I know to be true, such as the false accusations from janrinok that I am aristarchus; or the accusation from apk or whatever that I created the AH 2.0 account. I took it over to push back against their shitheaded behavior and have an account to moderate with. That is why the jerkoff asked if I had a previous account suspecting I was the one that took it over so they could lay blame for creating the troll account on me.

        Until SN can address these problems with the community in a mature of professional fashion you are doomed to suffer the attacks from the likes of apk/aristarchus/runaway1956, including all the suspects since I have no database access so even lefty aristarchus might be so unhinged to spam racist usernames. Most likely apk, but they have always been AC, who can say?

        Democracy, the worst political system except for all the rest. Maybe I'll stay maybe I'll go, I get some catharsis pointing out the truth of these rightwing shit heads and owning my own actions, my conscience is clear as the worst I've done is tell the truth and call people some mean names like Nazi or dumb fuck. Always amused me to get downmodded by the people that use snowflake as an insult.

        • (Score: 0) by Anonymous Coward on Saturday May 27 2023, @02:57AM (8 children)

          by Anonymous Coward on Saturday May 27 2023, @02:57AM (#1308418)

          Haha, wow, same AC this is replying to, saw the AH2.0 accusation and wasn't paying enough attention to the thread I was in. The direct parent comment was the first time I entered the thread, but it still stands that the accuser for AH 2.0 may have privileged site access, or they are just an idiot wildly guessing to try and push their agenda of blaming their bad actions on to others.

          Do you think aristarchus really cares about AC posting? They used their account, even for the alleged doxxing according to janrinok, so why would aristarchus care about AC posts? Wouldn't the AC spammer apk care more?

          Anyway, good luck whoever tries to keep this beast alive. Janrinok seems to at least be sincere in trying to run the site well, even if he thinks terrorist content is within the community's free speech purview. Woops, I mean generalized terrorist content. If it targets anyone specific, like a community member, then that is too much! Lol, still janrinok seems sincere and tries hard to address complaints. I will criticize him for not updating the site's about page blaming non-perl skills, puhleeze just tell people how they are tracked and don't be misleading. Saw pipedot recently, at least there they say IPs are recorded and not sold. Since another comment was modded troll or spam, a reminder that logged in user's AC comments were revealed by staff to always be tied to the UUID, so staff can always find out a ligged in user's AC comments. Misleading eh?

          • (Score: 1) by dalek on Saturday May 27 2023, @04:00AM

            by dalek (15489) on Saturday May 27 2023, @04:00AM (#1308423)

            I have no privileged access at all. I volunteered today to help the site, but I've never been a member of the staff. I simply remembered Azuma Hazuki 2.0 rage quitting the site, recognized the behavior, and was able to infer that the same person was responsible for the AC comments. When you repeatedly disrupt the site with spam comments, both from an account and as an AC, it's easy to recognize patterns and link the AC comments to the account. I don't need privileged access to see what the AC has admitted: they were, indeed, behind the Azuma Hazuki 2.0 account.

            Incidentally, the doxxing is very real. Runaway1956 posted that he lives in Little River County, Arkansas. Because he has directly said as much, I am not revealing any secrets. I have seen a comment where aristarchus replied to Runaway1956, not as an AC but from the aristarchus account, and posted what he believes is Runaway1956's real name. It turns out that this name and Runaway1956's county of residence uniquely identifies a single individual. I don't know if this individual is Runaway1956 or not. However, if this is not Runaway1956, then aristarchus has targeted an innocent person for harassment, and that is horrible. If the individual is Runaway1956, then the comment effectively doxxed Runaway1956. There is no ambiguity, since this comment was posted by the aristarchus account. I despise Runaway's comments, and I've repeatedly condemned many things he said. I emailed the admins to complain when he posted a journal that used an ethnic slur for Native Americans in its title. But doxxing is wrong.

            By the way, I also emailed the admins at one point to express my concerns about how IPID hashes are retained. In fact, I had a conversation with one site admin about this particular issue because of privacy concerns.

            But if I am going to be intellectually honest, I can't give you a free pass just because I actually agree with quite a bit of what you say. If you're going to break the law, or if you try to disrupt this site, I'm going to be honest enough to criticize you as well. I email the admins when I have concerns because my goal is to get real action taken instead of just disrupting the site with AC spam. In effect, my issue with you is the same reason Azuma Hazuki has criticized aristarchus' methods. It's not about your political views. It's about your methods.

          • (Score: 2) by janrinok on Saturday May 27 2023, @11:08AM (6 children)

            by janrinok (52) Subscriber Badge on Saturday May 27 2023, @11:08AM (#1308467) Journal

            You forgot to change your IP address - your comment and the parent comment you are talking about are from the same person.

            I am not interested in knowing who people are or where they live. My interest starts and stops at our servers.
            • (Score: 0) by Anonymous Coward on Saturday May 27 2023, @11:50AM (5 children)

              by Anonymous Coward on Saturday May 27 2023, @11:50AM (#1308471)

              And janrinok is again abusing admin powers to dox ACs. Pathetic. Time to let SN die a noble death, falling on its own sword, or hoist by its own petard.

              • (Score: 0) by Anonymous Coward on Saturday May 27 2023, @12:49PM (4 children)

                by Anonymous Coward on Saturday May 27 2023, @12:49PM (#1308479)

                Funny how they abuse their power all the time then ask for proof. If I cared I would keep a log of comment links, but that is investing too much effort for their antics.

                The best part?

                "same AC this is replying to"

                Literally said I was the same AC, though I can see the wording isn't very clear. Dalek is busy becoming what they hate, and the irony of them all mocking "aristarchus version of free speech" while trying to block speech they don't like, why that irony is nutritiously delicious! Make Soylent News Science and Tech Again! Maybe their heart is in the right place.

                • (Score: 2) by janrinok on Saturday May 27 2023, @01:25PM (3 children)

                  by janrinok (52) Subscriber Badge on Saturday May 27 2023, @01:25PM (#1308484) Journal

         AND [] are from the same source.

                  I am not interested in knowing who people are or where they live. My interest starts and stops at our servers.
                  • (Score: 0) by Anonymous Coward on Saturday May 27 2023, @01:34PM (2 children)

                    by Anonymous Coward on Saturday May 27 2023, @01:34PM (#1308488)

                    Sorry but I have to call you stupid again. Basic reading comprehension is all you need.

                    • (Score: 2) by janrinok on Saturday May 27 2023, @01:58PM (1 child)

                      by janrinok (52) Subscriber Badge on Saturday May 27 2023, @01:58PM (#1308490) Journal
                      Probably - I am tired, been up since very early.
                      I am not interested in knowing who people are or where they live. My interest starts and stops at our servers.
                      • (Score: -1, Offtopic) by Anonymous Coward on Tuesday May 30 2023, @12:08AM

                        by Anonymous Coward on Tuesday May 30 2023, @12:08AM (#1308813)

                        Maybe stop abusing your privileged access then? Then it wouldn't matter how tired you are, just say no! Uh oh, I mentioned your abuse, guess this comment will be moderated spam, troll, or flamebait. Sad days when staff allow this rampant abuse then lie about it, while obsessing about AC identities. You are one weird frood, and noy the good way.

        • (Score: 1) by dalek on Saturday May 27 2023, @03:41AM (3 children)

          by dalek (15489) on Saturday May 27 2023, @03:41AM (#1308422)

          I'm the person who posted the comment at [] that you're now whinging about. I'll put my user name on this comment so you who I am. I knew who you were all along, but I wanted to see if you were honest enough to say so. The fact that you posted [] but couldn't give me a straight answer tells me you're not here to have a serious discussion. If you had been forthcoming about your past actions, I would have respected the honesty.

          I've also spam modded a lot of AC comments from aristarchus, though it's very possible I've misidentified a few of your comments as being from aristarchus. That's what happens when you repeatedly post the same drivel to disrupt the site. Even if you're not aristarchus, I maintain the spam mods are justified. You post the same garbage over and over where it's off-topic, repeatedly disrupting the discussion. When I have an objection to something on the site, I email the admins or janrinok, put my real name on the email, and tell them what I think. If you don't like me spam modding you, grow some stones, email the admins, and request that the spam mods be overturned. Instead of actually emailing the people who can actually overturn the spam mods, you just whinge about it with off-topic comments. Why is that?

          If you look at my posting history, you'll see that I've repeatedly complained about things Runaway1956 and khallow post. In fact, I wrote a journal condemning people who want to start a second civil war. I also repeatedly criticized APK for his disinformation about COVID-19 vaccines, which is the primary reason for him posting spam about me. I'm hardly the alt-right commenter you've claimed I am.

          I don't always agree with the staff. I've had many discussions with janrinok, and I know for sure that I pissed him off at least one time. Before I created this account, I had arguments with TMB. But I also know that staff like janrinok, TMB, mechanicjay, hubie, Fnord666, and many others work hard as volunteers to keep this site running. While I don't always agree with them, I damn well appreciate their hard work. And you bet I have a problem with it when someone decides to shit all over their hard work, spam this site, and try to tear down what they've invested a lot of time and effort in trying to build.

          I sent an email to janrinok today with my real name on it volunteering to help this site should it continue in something resembling its current form. They work their asses off, and I'd like to help them by editing a few stories and helping to keep this place running. Have you done anything to help this site? Or are you only here to cower behind a troll account and AC comments while you trash other people's hard work?

          I don't like bullies. I'd posted as an AC for a couple of years, but I created this account to call out APK because I saw him directing violent threats toward DeathMonkey and wanted to stand up against APK. I have friends and family members who chose not to get vaccinated for COVID-19 because of disinformation like what APK posted, so I stood up to him and called out his nonsense. He didn't like that very much, as you're well aware. I call out Runaway1956 when he posts reprehensible comments wishing for the death of 50 million progressives. And I have a problem when you and aristarchus post AC comments to satisfy personal grudges, disrupt this site, and tear down other people's hard work. You're a bully, and I'm standing up to you. If you don't like it, feel free to email [mailto], tell them that you don't like standing up to your bullying, and request that I be investigated.

          We're done here. Either email the admins to complain about me, or move on.

          • (Score: 0) by Anonymous Coward on Saturday May 27 2023, @01:12PM (2 children)

            by Anonymous Coward on Saturday May 27 2023, @01:12PM (#1308481)

            So you want criticism silenced? You want bad behavior by admins covered up with lies, and you are trying to use the civility defense with a "think of the volunteers" line of reasoning? I think you are emotionally mixing up at least three separate people and making judgments against them all. I also think you are a liar based on how you accuse me of creating a harrassing troll account when I was very clear about not being the creator, but you insist that I am and somehow not giving you straight answers.

            To me this just shows you are a stodgy jerk, or actually one of the trolls playing more sock puppet games. Most of my complaints would stop if the site updated the privacy information and explained clearly what staff are able to access. Do you think every user is aware that using the checkbox for "post as AC" still ties their comment to their username in perpetuity? And other misleading bits. Why do they refuse?

            Heh, just realized as a lowly AC I am just posting words but you are the one taking all the bullying actions because you don't like my content. The correct moderations are offtopic or troll, that is what staff always said about other offtopic repetitive garbage.

            I hope you are just a jerk and not apk using another sock puppet to push a narrative game. With a username like dalek chances of you being evil seem high!

            PS: you should stop whinging about SN, makes your brain shrink. Me? Just giving constructive feedback and responding to whingey questions.

            • (Score: 1) by dalek on Sunday May 28 2023, @05:16AM (1 child)

              by dalek (15489) on Sunday May 28 2023, @05:16AM (#1308608)

              I have no sock puppets. I acknowledged creating an account prior to the dalek account, using the sarcastic name realDonaldTroll. I haven't logged into it since months before I created this account, though I don't remember how long it's been. I don't remember the password, nor do I even remember what email address I used to sign up. I will not use that account in the future.

              You've probably seen my comment about helping to edit stories. This evening, I unchecked the "willing to moderate" box, because if I'm going to be a staff member, it avoids the appearance that I have any moderator power to misuse. When I unchecked that box this evening, my 10 mod points disappeared.

              Of course, I have no way to prove any of this to you other than giving you my word.

              As I said, my issue is not with the content of your messages but with your methods. I disagree with posting off-topic comments repeatedly, which interferes with attempts to have on-topic discussion. That's what happens in polls and quite a few journals.

              A lot of the privacy decisions are influenced by the design of Rehash. The IP hashes were a design decision made ~20 years ago by Rob Malda. A lot of the things you disagree with actually predate Rehash by over a decade. When there were Perl programmers on the staff, there were many other priorities that had to be addressed just to keep Rehash running. From reading over the comments, it looks like Rehash is going to be replaced. If you don't like the privacy decisions in Rehash, join in the discussions about the future of the site and encourage different privacy practices in the future. You might need to create an account, but your thoughts would be on-topic instead of disrupting other discussions. That would be a positive action that could affect real change.

              Why not join in the discussions where this would be on-topic and express your views on improving privacy?

              • (Score: 0) by Anonymous Coward on Monday May 29 2023, @09:08AM

                by Anonymous Coward on Monday May 29 2023, @09:08AM (#1308736)

                Dalek is starting to be really annoying. Is there some way, I dunno, we could, exterminate?

  • (Score: 0) by Anonymous Coward on Saturday May 27 2023, @11:56AM (19 children)

    by Anonymous Coward on Saturday May 27 2023, @11:56AM (#1308472)

    Oh, dear! Fliptop has submitted some more right-wing talking points, and they have been accepted, and endorsed, on the front page. Is there no quality control on these stories? Is no one in charge? Has janrinok joined the neo-nazi forces of Brittanny?

    • (Score: 0) by Anonymous Coward on Saturday May 27 2023, @01:30PM

      by Anonymous Coward on Saturday May 27 2023, @01:30PM (#1308486)

      It is just nice to have confirmation of the alt-right bias. The debate article about some topics being automatically losses isn't the worst, but given the standards of rejection usually used for subs it is clear that alt-right agendas are published more frequently.

      What us more important, some highschool debate council being dumb, or the rise of fascism radicalizing our children online? Oh, how about a general interest pro-gun politics article! Totally suitable "news for nerds" sarcasm.

      Put that politics shit in journals, as they say.

    • (Score: 2) by janrinok on Saturday May 27 2023, @02:11PM (17 children)

      by janrinok (52) Subscriber Badge on Saturday May 27 2023, @02:11PM (#1308494) Journal

      It is a discussion about children's education. It doesn't matter from which side it is coming - it affects all children. And the article is clearly not condoning it, but bringing it to everybody's attention. But you have your own biases to maintain. There will be another one tomorrow from Australia - so you will be complaining that we are ignoring Americans again. If you read it ALL you will see that the alternative viewpoint is introduced and if you click on the link you can see the whole article. But you do you....

      I am not interested in knowing who people are or where they live. My interest starts and stops at our servers.
      • (Score: 0) by Anonymous Coward on Saturday May 27 2023, @08:50PM (16 children)

        by Anonymous Coward on Saturday May 27 2023, @08:50PM (#1308555)

        It is a right-wing talking point, janrinok! Once again, your ignorance of American fascist politics fails you. Dogwhistles, janrinok, it is all about the dogwhistles, the cancel culture, the grooming, and CRT. Get a clue, and do the right thing and just let SN fade away.

        • (Score: 2) by janrinok on Sunday May 28 2023, @06:00AM (15 children)

          by janrinok (52) Subscriber Badge on Sunday May 28 2023, @06:00AM (#1308612) Journal

          Just as you complain that the story you are referring to - which is critical of the actions of those judges, it is not supporting them - is a 'right wing talking point, you are doing exactly the same thing as those judges.

          You want to discount and ban discussion of anything with which you disagree. Just like those children are not being permitted to debate topics because of the judge's poliitic views, you yourself are doing EXACTLY the same thing with this community. You are acting in EXACTLY the same way as those judges. It must really hurt you to look be looking in the mirror.

          Grow up. People have different opinions. Learn to live with others and stop trying to impose your own vision of a perfect world which is also our vision of a distopia on this community. I am to the left of both US parties. I have just been called a libertarian in another thread as though that term should offend me.

          Now go and blow your own dogwhistle elsewhere.

          I am not interested in knowing who people are or where they live. My interest starts and stops at our servers.
          • (Score: 0) by Anonymous Coward on Sunday May 28 2023, @04:58PM (14 children)

            by Anonymous Coward on Sunday May 28 2023, @04:58PM (#1308681)

            It would be easier to let these things slide if you ever ran leftwung talking point articles. That does not happen, and I've seen so many better articles never even get published. You've run 100% political gun related articles, and your excuse is always that some people like it and it is a valid topic.

            Fine, but then why are any topics adjacent to leftwing politics never allowed? Seems like the spread of fascism through the internet would be topics a brit living in France would be keen to discuss. Any time these problems are brought up you yell THAT IS WHAT JOURNALS ARE FOR! So why not let the submitter use their journal for some whinging about high school debate judges? Seriously, that is just a really low bar article equivalent with an article about banning CRT in classrooms. Why aren't we seeing multiple articles on Republican censorship banning certain parts of history in schools? Why not some articles on rightwing cancel culture harming the economy and hurting veterans? Definitely more important than someone's edgy teen debate topic being denied by a school debate judge.

            Pure hypocrisy and it is getting very difficult to entertain that you don't know any better.

            • (Score: 2) by janrinok on Sunday May 28 2023, @07:51PM (13 children)

              by janrinok (52) Subscriber Badge on Sunday May 28 2023, @07:51PM (#1308691) Journal

              if you ever ran leftwung [sic] talking point articles

              We don't run "leftwing talking point articles" because there are none being submitted that are relevant to our interests.

              We don't run "right-wing" articles either unless they are relevant to our interests. "Careers and Education" is one of our topic headings. This fits very nicely into that topic. As does the discussion today about sex education. Neither of which do I, or most of the comments, think has a political bias. Read the whole story.

              Anyone, even ACs, can post submissions. Just make it relevant to the front page topics. We post 'left wing' stories of Biden's government - because the politics of the US has links into numerous topics that are relevant. But you have conveniently skipped over them.

              but then why are any topics adjacent to leftwing politics never allowed

              They are only acceptable on the front page when they meet the requirements of ANY story for the front page. It must be relevant to our interests, it must not be a propaganda piece i.e. it must contain a valid point for discussion that fits into one of our Topics, and it has to stand out from the all the other stories that are currently in the queue. Honestly, we actually stress to editors from day one of their training that the political aspect is irrelevant - it is the discussion that must be relevant to our community. Neither I nor Hubie select stories based on their politics. We are not in the game of saying 'Oh we have had a right wing story now we MUST post a left wing story', or vice versa. Start submitting them and the chances of one being picked increase significantly. Just make sure they meet the all of the requirements.

              It is not sufficient for it just to be a political story if it does not also meet another topic heading, particularly if the political bias is significant. It must be Politics/Business, Politics/Careers and Education, and so on. But if there is no political aspect then just Business or Science or whatever is all that is required.

              We are NOT responsible for the content of journals. It says that in several places. AzumaHazuki has a journal - she could post whatever she wishes to post.

              But for journals - almost anything that is legal goes - because WE ARE NOT RESPONSIBLE for the content of journals. Stop trying to conflate the two by comparing what you read in two entirely different fora.

              When stories are rejected they are usually accompanied by an Admin-to-User message which explains why they have been rejected. If you are AC we cannot do that - you are anonymous.

              I am not interested in knowing who people are or where they live. My interest starts and stops at our servers.
              • (Score: 0) by Anonymous Coward on Sunday May 28 2023, @09:04PM (12 children)

                by Anonymous Coward on Sunday May 28 2023, @09:04PM (#1308698)

                The more you try to explain, the more complicit you sound, janrinok. Are you really this dense? Do you not see how the alt-right is using you? It is not the same thing at all. Fliptop is an operative, he is spreading disinformation, and you are helping him do so.

                • (Score: 2) by janrinok on Monday May 29 2023, @04:44AM (11 children)

                  by janrinok (52) Subscriber Badge on Monday May 29 2023, @04:44AM (#1308724) Journal

                  Fliptop is an operative, he is spreading disinformation

                  Shhh - he is meant to be under cover, don't compromise him.

                  Er, hang on, which bit of disinformation is he spreading? Did the events that are in article you are concerned about not happen. Well, we checked, and it appears that they did. Is the system that is being described fair and honest in how the judges adjudicate what most people believe is the whole point of debating and debating competitions. No, it appears not to be. It is saying that no matter how good your arguments, some judges will simply decide that you lose because of their personally held beliefs. It isn't, in my opinion, significant what those personally held beliefs actually are. They should not be influencing a judges decision regarding how well somebody actually debated and argued their case. Indeed an alternative debating system was created years ago and that is introduced at the end of the summary. But you will have to read the entire linked article to get the full story.

                  In terms of education, many believe that it is teaching the wrong thing. Rather than preparing students for later life it is stressing that you must always bow down to those who imagine that they are superior to you because what they believe trumps what you might believe. And that is what the discussion for the most part has been about in the comments. Of course there are different views, but that is the nature of discussions. If you want to express your own views then create your own username and join in the discussion, rather than posting unsubstantiated and off topic complaints in a Poll about browser usage.

                  If however you wish to discuss the politics behind events around you rather than the event itself, while remaining secret and anonymously under cover, then that is probably more appropriately done in (somebody else's) journal.

                  Now I have to dash - I must send my own secret report to the head of the Soylent News Intelligence and Deception Executive (SNIDE), which of course is the senior directorate of the Soylent Headquarters (Information and Technology) - I'll let you work that one out for yourself.

                  I am not interested in knowing who people are or where they live. My interest starts and stops at our servers.
                  • (Score: -1, Troll) by Anonymous Coward on Monday May 29 2023, @05:54AM (10 children)

                    by Anonymous Coward on Monday May 29 2023, @05:54AM (#1308726)

                    You are truely and idiot, janrinok. Can I interest you in some horse de-wormer, or a laptop previously owned by someone named "Hunter"? Are you seriously suggesting that Marxist-Lennonists are to be censored, just because of your cold-war cretin training? Did you know it was just Henry Kissinger's 100th birthday?

                    • (Score: 2) by janrinok on Monday May 29 2023, @07:10AM (9 children)

                      by janrinok (52) Subscriber Badge on Monday May 29 2023, @07:10AM (#1308729) Journal

                      Who said they should be censored? Nobody!

                      They shouldn't allow their private beliefs to interfere with their professional judgement. Let students debate in a fair and honest way, with a level playing field regardless of the ideology of the judge.

                      I am NOT a conservative. I have recently voted for local party that is significantly left of either of the US main parties. But I don't let that cloud my judgement when choosing stories to publish.

                      I am not interested in knowing who people are or where they live. My interest starts and stops at our servers.
                      • (Score: -1, Troll) by Anonymous Coward on Monday May 29 2023, @05:25PM (8 children)

                        by Anonymous Coward on Monday May 29 2023, @05:25PM (#1308775)

                        Should debates entertain flat earth theory? How about the merits of eugenics? There are worse topics we could bring up, or you could admit some topics should not be given a platform. Maybe their rules are too stringent, maybe they are rational for younger minds. The artucle is very clearly conservative biased playing right into the persecution fetish they have. It reeks even further since conservative politicians are the ones currently taking away freedoms and trying to create a fascist dictatorship.

                        Every time you throw up your hands and say both sides need attention, or claim some rightwing propaganda is just legitimate discourse we somehow should discuss on a tech science forum, you destroy your credibility a little further. It is only visible to those of us paying attention to rejected subs, the reasons given (too political usually) and then seeing totally political rightwing propaganda published to the front page why do you only cater to Republican interests when allowing political content? Rhetorical question.

                        Deny all you want, even the most stubborn eventually notice the double standard pattern.

                        • (Score: 2) by janrinok on Monday May 29 2023, @06:28PM (7 children)

                          by janrinok (52) Subscriber Badge on Monday May 29 2023, @06:28PM (#1308787) Journal

                          too political usually

                          So that suggests that you have made submissions in the past, and it cannot have been as an AC because you would not have received the rejection admin-to-user message. The 'usually' means that there was more than one rejection, and probably quite a few.

                          I have stated quite clearly that a political submission on its own without being related to a topic of interest is NOT acceptable. Clearly, your submissions were not complying with the requirements. They were probably not all rejected by me either.

                          why do you only cater to Republican interests when allowing political content?

                          We don't, but for quite some time now the only regular source we ever had of left wing political submissions has been very quiet. There haven't been any left-wing, on topic, submissions that comply with the stated requirements for a long, long time.

                          I guess that your identity security isn't your strong point is it?

                          I am not interested in knowing who people are or where they live. My interest starts and stops at our servers.
                          • (Score: 0) by Anonymous Coward on Monday May 29 2023, @10:34PM (3 children)

                            by Anonymous Coward on Monday May 29 2023, @10:34PM (#1308807)

                            So that suggests that you have made submissions in the past, and it cannot have been as an AC because you would not have received the rejection admin-to-user message. The 'usually' means that there was more than one rejection, and probably quite a few.

                            Well, there's the problem! After enough rejections, a soylentil may get the idea that their contributions are not welcome here, and that only right-wing dogwhistles, or Anglo-centric, stories are wanted. You deflection is as valid as ever, janrinok, which is to say not at all.

                            We don't, but for quite some time now the only regular source we ever had of left wing political submissions has been very quiet. There haven't been any left-wing, on topic, submissions that comply with the stated requirements for a long, long time.

                            I guess that your identity security isn't your strong point, is it?

                            Are you intentionally lying, or is it just that you no longer can remember? We had a soylentil who would contribute submissions from the WSWS [], which were regularly rejected just because of the title of the source. And it is well known that for quite some time the vast majority of submissions are made by one person, and reflect this one person's political biases.

                            As for identity, who do you refer to, janrinok? Afraid to mention his name? Aristarchus was famous for having many thousands of submissions, and a rejection rate of close to 90%, not because of the quality of the submissions, but because they were made by him. (We know this, since several of his submissions were rejected, and then submitted by staff under a different user name. Aristarchus mentioned this several times.)

                            So once again, why all the froth-inducing right-wing talking points? Fusty bothsides-ism? Or the entrenched class interest of the bourgeouise to divide the working class with misinformation and reality TV stars? Shame on you, janrinok.

                            • (Score: 2) by janrinok on Tuesday May 30 2023, @04:57AM (2 children)

                              by janrinok (52) Subscriber Badge on Tuesday May 30 2023, @04:57AM (#1308838) Journal

                              After enough rejections, a soylentil may get the idea that their contributions are not welcome here

                              You would also think that after so many rejections a soylentil might realise that stories that do not comply with the submission guidelines will not be accepted.

                              We had a soylentil who would contribute submissions from the WSWS [], which were regularly rejected just because of the title of the source.

                              It wasn't the source - it was because they did not discuss any of the topics that we are interested in. I repeat for the third time, political submissions that do not discuss one of our topics of interest belong in the journals.

                              And it is well known that for quite some time the vast majority of submissions are made by one person, and reflect this one person's political biases.

                              Everybody has a political bias whether they recognise it or not. But that doesn't mean that their submissions are automatically accepted or rejected. You know what is required of a submission. I have repeated the requirements several times in this thread alone. If they do not meet the requirements they will be rejected.

                              Afraid to mention his name? Aristarchus was famous for having many thousands of submissions, and a rejection rate of close to 90%, not because of the quality of the submissions

                              Ah, now we are talking about a specific person - he was not the only person who has failed to comply with the requirements. You are correct that he had many stories rejected - they are all still there in the database. He did not report the factual part of a news item alone, he also included a lot of his own political opinions. That is information that should be in the comments, not in the submission. Normally we can accept a small amount of additional opinion if we feed it is justified. In his case it wasn't - it was simply to get his own views on the front page under the guise of being genuine submission content. One of the requirements of a submission is that it should be factual, not his personal opinon. He was advised many times not to continue to do this, and to put the rejected submission in his journal. He continued, so we read every one of them and, if he had again ignored the submission requirements and advice, they would be rejected for precisely the same reason.

                              Lets take one example: []

                              In the submission, aristarchus writes, amongst other things:

                              If you have been wondering where all the darn aristarchus submissions about the "Alt-right" have gone, this is why. From the mainstream Republican Never-Trumpers at The Bulwark [], "The Alt-right Is Now the Entire Right."

                              Seems like the alt-right has gone beyond the lulz and into treason and buggery.

                              Now look at the the title he gave to the material he was trying to discuss - which Topic would you suggest it meets? "The Alt-Right Is Now the Entire Right (Moar Revised, even more fixed! Hope this meets with your t" . That is exactly as we received it. It is not an error. Those 2 comments were not in the original linked material, but were aristarchus' own insertions. Completely unnecessary.

                              In another: [] - entitled "DC Police Said Proud Boys Were Stabbed on Election Night. Then They Changed Their Story.". Again which of our front page Topics was he aiming to be in? Nevertheless, he writes:

                              At least it was not Runaway testifying that it was antifa, in the 'hood, with the sharp pointy bits.

                              This is not material that belongs in a submission. An editor might simply delete it a few times, but as you say he made 1787 submissions. We are not here to have our time wasted by an idiot who cannot comply with the submission requirements.

                              There is a saying about 'Repeatedly doing exactly the same thing yet expecting different results'.

                              I am not interested in knowing who people are or where they live. My interest starts and stops at our servers.
                              • (Score: -1, Troll) by Anonymous Coward on Tuesday May 30 2023, @08:06PM (1 child)

                                by Anonymous Coward on Tuesday May 30 2023, @08:06PM (#1308936)

                                Just a little push-back on the revisionist history of SN: aristarchus made over 7,000 submissions. TMB used to object to them, on political grounds

                                • (Score: 2) by janrinok on Wednesday May 31 2023, @05:42AM

                                  by janrinok (52) Subscriber Badge on Wednesday May 31 2023, @05:42AM (#1308997) Journal

                                  Rubbish - you are lying again.

                                  aristarchus made over 7,000 submissions

                                  They are still in the database - there are 1787 of them. The database actually displays the count on ari's submission page. Would you care to provide something to support your claim?

                                  TMB used to object to them, on political grounds

                                  TMB was never an editor ( []), and took no part in preparing stories for the front page unless 1. it was a story he was writing, 2. it was an emergency and the queue was empty. That will account for no more that 10 stories over a 7 year period.

                                  Lots of people used to object to them, community members and staff alike. Mainly because they did not comply with the submission requirements, and they were full of personal opinion and attacks against people completely unconnected with the 'news' item he was purporting to be writing about.

                                  I am not interested in knowing who people are or where they live. My interest starts and stops at our servers.
                          • (Score: 0) by Anonymous Coward on Monday May 29 2023, @11:21PM (2 children)

                            by Anonymous Coward on Monday May 29 2023, @11:21PM (#1308811)

                            I submitted as AC, if that is your barrier then get double fucked, and I stopped a few years back when the trump nonsense was being spewed yet that type of spam was deemed legitimate discourse. Argue if you like, but the trend is clearly visible and Soylent News publicly lost quite a few members.

                            "I guess that your identity security isn't your strong point is it?"

                            For a site that likes to pretend it cares about privacy you sure seem intent on removing it from people you dislike. Sorry, still not aristarchus, hopefully other users see through your issues. Maybe you'll have another database *failure* before the 30th that will accidentally scrub this drama. If you don't like criticism for things other editors might have done then stop being the public user.

                            • (Score: -1, Troll) by Anonymous Coward on Tuesday May 30 2023, @02:38AM

                              by Anonymous Coward on Tuesday May 30 2023, @02:38AM (#1308822)

                              Or, alternatively, we could have a new poll, well before schedule, to get this discussion off the front page. Oh, it is done!

                            • (Score: 2) by janrinok on Tuesday May 30 2023, @05:07AM

                              by janrinok (52) Subscriber Badge on Tuesday May 30 2023, @05:07AM (#1308839) Journal

                              You misread what I wrote. Submissions from ACs are welcome. We have lots of them - usually they appear as 'upstart writes' because that is the bot that they use to submit them. They are perfectly acceptable and constitute the majority of our stories.

                              The bots are also used by logged in users, and the editors themselves. I recommend that those who wish to make submissions try them - they make it all much easier.

                              I am not interested in knowing who people are or where they live. My interest starts and stops at our servers.