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Walmart Targets Cloud Lock-In

Accepted submission by gewg_ at 2015-10-19 09:55:25

from the hold-my-beer-and-watch-this dept.

There were several good headlines on this.

Channelnomics entitled their coverage Walmart disrupts "Hotel California effect" in cloud []

The Eagles' classic Hotel California concludes with the line: "You can check out any time you like, but you can never leave".

That's how some users of cloud services feel about their providers. Cloud computing allows businesses to offload data, applications, and workloads into hosted environments, decreasing their capital costs and providing management flexibility. But moving assets between clouds is extremely challenging, especially when it could disrupt mission-critical workloads.

SiliconANGLE lead with Walmart open-sources its internal PaaS to stick it to Amazon []

The competition between the world's two largest retailers leaked into the public cloud this week after the announcement that Wal-Mart Stores Inc. is releasing the source code for the proprietary platform-as-a-service stack powering its e-commerce operations under a free license. The move should make quite a few providers stir in their seats, but it's only targeting one in particular.

Now we have to wait to see how open "open" is.

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