Right, so we're pondering on adding new nexuses to the site for the next upgrade (planned for December but could end up being later depending on circumstances). Why bother adding new nexuses? Primarily so you can easily filter them out from your settings page. Not interested in gaming? Preferences->Homepage and put a dot in the far left (X) radio button next to Games and you will not see anything from the Games nexus on the main page. Mind you, we don't have nexus functionality built into the rss/atom feeds, yet, so they'll still show up there.
Keep in mind you can also browse nexuses independently, so you catch stories only from that nexus. Independent rss/atom feeds are coming sooner or later as well. Nexuses aren't entirely about what you don't want to see.
As of now we've got Games and Liberty on the table as new nexuses to go with Breaking News and Meta. Including more or less duplicating some Topics, what nexuses would you lot like to see go live? Last note here, any nexus we create will be fair game to sub stories in that category for. Don't suggest sports unless you want to give the green flag to subs on NASCAR.