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Halloween Fun: Creating a BB-8 Star Wars Robot with Pumpkins and Arduino

Accepted submission by Phoenix666 at 2015-10-29 19:57:53

The guidelines of the competition are simple []: use an arduino or Raspberry Pi and make something cool. After seeing the new Star Wars trailer my team decide the new robot, BB-8 (shown below), was the perfect fit. What could be cooler than pumpkin carving, Star Wars, and robots all combined?

The idea was simple. A stepper motor with a belt would connect to the central shaft and rotate it. This way we could have a large enough dowel to support a pumpkin, and we could still use a normal motor.

From there, the motor would connect to a h-bridge that was driven by a Raspberry Pi. Instead of the Pi controlling the robot completely, we set up a simple Apache webserver to call specific scripts when URLs were hit. We didn’t want to just stop there! Arnaud kept going with that idea, and set up an app that would call the endpoints! Long story short, this means that we had a native iOS app that allowed anyone to control the robot pumpkin!*

Any Soylentils doing fun Halloween projects with Arduinos or RPi's?

Original Submission