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More young adults are failing to launch or 'boomerang' home

Accepted submission by AnonTechie at 2015-11-12 08:32:19

The study, conducted by researchers at the University of Melbourne [], concluded that the changing nature of family living situations often led to avoidable conflict. Associate Professor Cassandra Szoeke and Katherine Burn, from the University's Faculty of Medicine, Health and Dentistry Sciences, examined both 'boomerang kids' (those who return home) and 'failure to launch' kids (those who never left).

The project reviewed 20 studies involving 20 million people worldwide was published in Maturitas []. The research shows:

The shifting economic climate and changes in social norms were driving the phenomenon of kids staying at home for longer.

The main reasons for young adults choosing to remain at home were for stability and additional support while they transition to university or employment.

Divorce, unemployment and health problems often led to children returning. This return under negative circumstances can heavily impact on the wellbeing of everyone in the household.

Parents who are well-educated, married and well-off tend to have children who stay home longer, whereas children who grow up in households with a single parent, or step-parent, or didn't finish high school, tend to leave early. []

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