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Big Bang left us with a perfect random number generator

Accepted submission by AnonTechie at 2015-11-12 09:34:09

Want a FIPS 140-2 RNG [] ? Look at the universe. The cosmic background radiation bathes Earth in enough random numbers to encrypt everything forever. Using the cosmic background radiation – the “echo of the Big Bang” – as a random number generation isn't a new idea, but a couple of scientists have run the slide-rule over measurements of the CMB power spectrum and reckon it offers a random number space big enough to beat any current computer.

Not in terms of protecting messages against any current decryption possibility: the CMB's power spectrum offers a key space “too large for the encryption/decryption capacities of present computer systems”. A straightforward terrestrial radio telescope, this Arxiv paper states [], should be good enough to make “astrophysical entropy sources accessible on comparatively modest budgets”. []

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