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Technique for Mobile Image Processing in the Cloud Cuts Bandwidth Use by More Than 98 Percent

Accepted submission by Phoenix666 at 2015-11-14 15:18:52

As smartphones become people's primary computers and their primary cameras, there is growing demand for mobile versions of image-processing applications.

Image processing, however, can be computationally intensive and could quickly drain a cellphone's battery. Some mobile applications try to solve this problem by sending image files to a central server, which processes the images and sends them back. But with large images, this introduces significant delays and could incur costs for increased data usage.

At the Siggraph Asia conference last week, researchers from MIT, Stanford University, and Adobe Systems presented a system that, in experiments, reduced the bandwidth consumed by server-based image processing [] by as much as 98.5 percent, and the power consumption by as much as 85 percent.

The system sends the server a highly compressed version of an image, and the server sends back an even smaller file, which contains simple instructions for modifying the original image.

Original Submission