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FCC clarifies position on WiFi routers: ok to modify OS but not radio firmware

Accepted submission by Knowledge Troll at 2015-11-15 19:16:55
Digital Liberty

The United States Federal Communications Commission (FCC) has published on their blog a clarification on their previous request for comments [] regarding modifications by end users of the firmware inside WiFi routers. In short: the FCC does not intend to force device manufacturers to intentionally disable updates or modifications to the operating system. They do maintain that changes to the radio device firmware must be controlled to enforce spectrum requirements. The exact details have also been made available as a PDF []. As a seasoned IT professional, open source community member, and amateur radio operator I'm glad to see the FCC issue this clarification and I personally think the compromise is sound and reasonable. The FCC publications can tell you why this is important so here is some info on what is likely to happen.

Heads up: the majority of manufacturers will probably lock the entire router down including the operating system because this will be the least cost mechanism available. It is quite likely that the average consumer WiFi routers will not meet the needs of high technology individuals but it also does not mean that these needs can not be met at all. Some manufacturers will create routers with out arbitrary restrictions on the operating system and it is still possible to construct a modular WiFi solution using distinct components such as dedicated access points. This will certainly cost more but it is the reality of being an outlier in consumer markets.

In the interest of full disclosure: I am impacted because the proposed regulations don't protect ham radio operators in the 2.4GHz part of the spectrum where there is overlap in usage with consumer (part 15) WiFi gear. I'm also impacted because I enjoy cheap hardware as much as the next person.

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