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Samples of Police Body Camera Contain 2009-Era Conficker Virus

Accepted submission by Anonymous Coward at 2015-11-16 02:47:19
The Register reported [] on a disclosure by Florida-based systems integrator iPower Technologies [] that some samples of the Martel Frontline Camera with GPS were found to have transferred the Win32/Conficker.B worm [] to the host system when the camera is plugged into the host's USB port. iPower posted a YouTube video demonstrating the infection [], noting that the successful attack vector was the autorun.inf file on the USB storage device recognized by Windows when connected to the host. The Register's Shaun Nichols says in his report, "iPower says it tried to contact the California-based electronics supplier with its findings but have yet to receive any response. El Reg similarly tried to contact Martel, and though we were unable to get comment we can confirm the company's on-hold music to be relatively pleasant and inoffensive."

Note that the computer being used is Windows XP, which is the operating system still being used by most police forces across the world, including the London Metropolitan Police's 35,000+ computers [], and the Oakland Police Department is using a Windows XP computer to store license plates, until the 80 GB hard disk ran out of space [].

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