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New Zeolite Can Store More Heat

Accepted submission by Phoenix666 at 2015-11-16 13:26:50

Hydrophilic zeolites have almost ideal properties for use in thermal storage systems []. They store the heat with hardly any losses, are environmentally friendly and cost-effective. The BINE-Projektinfo brochure “Thermal storage systems brought into shape” (07/2015) presents an optimised manufacturing process for a zeolite thermal storage system. It impresses with its greater energy density, power density and cycle resistance.

Material is manufactured without binders and can be formed into any shape

Like a sponge, microporous zeolites store water vapour within their large internal surface areas. This releases heat. Conversely, water is released again when heat is added. Energy losses only ever occur during charging and discharging, but in between, this thermochemical storage system manages to operate without any losses.
In addition, the new type of zeolite can now be formed into all kinds of complex geometric structures. In future this will make it easier to manufacture thermal storage systems precisely tailored to different application areas.

HVAC (Heating, Ventilating, Air Conditioning) is the biggest energy cost in a home. This material might lead to forms of heat pumps for homes that can't use traditional Ground-Source Heat Pumps.

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