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French President Proposes Constitutional Amendment to Withdraw Citizenship from Dual Nationals

Accepted submission by MichaelDavidCrawford at 2015-11-17 09:11:28
Digital Liberty
The Washington Post reports []:

Hollande is expected to put forward a bill this week to extend a state of emergency for three months, enhancing police power to restrict freedom of movement and gatherings at public places.

At Versailles, he also proposed constitutional changes that would allow authorities to withdraw French citizenship from people with dual nationality, even if they were born in France, and to prevent French terrorism suspects from returning to France.

(Emphasis added.)

I feel this would be unproductive; among the problems Europe has long faced is that the children and even grandchildren of immigrants feel unwelcome in the nations of their birth: I understand there are some European countries in with birth does not convey citizenship. President Hollande's proposal would dramatically exacerbate the problem and so give rise to further terrorism.

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