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USA Presidential Election 2016 Could Be Won By a Hair

Accepted submission by richtopia at 2015-11-20 17:05:28

One of the potential final pairings in the coming US Presidential is Bernie Sanders vs Donald Trump. Even from an outward appearance there is a stark contrast between the two, with Bernie's unkept white locks on one side and Donald's Full Head of Hair (TM) on the other.

Bernie's campaign is asked about his appearance on a regular basis, and their response has moved to "enough about the hair already" []. His appearance is less of the traditional politician, and one of Bernie Sanders, the leftist politician.

While hair may seem a minor detail for the leader of the United States compared to qualifications like experience or political position, but this Princeton study [] states that a quick appraisal of a picture of the candidates appearance is in line with 70 percent of U.S. senate and state governor elections in 2006.

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