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Space Mission to test Modified Gravity Model

Accepted submission by PiMuNu at 2015-11-30 20:56:06

FTFA (published in Phys. Rev D) []:

There are very few direct experimental tests of the inverse square law of gravity at distances comparable to the scale of the Solar System and beyond. Here we describe a possible space mission optimized to test the inverse square law at a scale of up to 100 AU. This experiment would extend our understanding of gravity to the largest scale that can be reached with a direct probe using known technology. This would provide a powerful test of long-distance modifications of gravity including many theories motivated by dark matter or dark energy.

(Nb: the paper is published in Phys. Rev D, I link to the arxiv article. The form of publication is common where one publishes in arxiv before sending to a journal in order to provide open access to an article published in a subscriber only journal.)

Original Submission